Your Name of Power with Name Alignment®
Discover Yours. Surprises Await!
RALPH shares five of his discoveries, using his Name of Power.
Also, his thought-provoking blog post gives you the chance to ask certain questions.
Because… Hey, You!
A person appears to be talking to you. Only…
It’s Not You. Because that Name Must Belong to Somebody Else.
It’s the Wrong Name For You!
Can you imagine how weird that would feel?
As if people keep calling you by the wrong name. And they won’t give up until you answer.
- Like people like work. (And shouldn’t they know better?)
- Like old friends. Even new friends.
- Worst of all, your parents. Plus, all the rest of your relatives.
Imagine if each and every one of the people in your life… What if they have been calling you by a name that doesn’t really suit you at all?
Neither science fiction. Nor a bad drug trip. Welcome to how life is for nearly everybody. Probably for you.
You know what? Most likely, your soul is really hungry for this simple thing:
Simply having other people call you by a name that fits you.
How Can You Tell?
How Can You Tell If You’ve Got a Really-Truly, Horribly Unhelpful Name?
Simply start the process of Name Alignment®. In that first session, you’ll learn specifics. Such as:
- Whether your name has helped or hindered your emotional stability.
- Could it be good or bad for your health?
- How about messing with your spiritual growth?
Thus far, I don’t think a single one of my clients got good news about any of that. Which is why it’s such relief to go through the fascinating, self-affirming process, of Name Alignment. Because you leave with a name that helps you to blossom.
What Is Energy Spirituality Name Alignment?
Look, answer would be good to know. How about this? We’ve got some great posting to get to.
Meanwhile, to get this important question out of the way, guess if the following answers are TRUE or FALSE. And click on any links you like:
- Name Alignment is a unique specialty. Unlike any other name upgrade method you’ve ever heard of.
- Helping people like you to find your own personal name of power: One that will serve you well for the rest of your life. Yeah, that’s the point of this Energy Spirituality specialty.
- You can learn WHYs and WHAT’s about Name Alignment from this article.
- Or sit back and watch this YouTube video for a detailed introduction.
- If you have any questions about Name Alignment, ask here. Simply COMMENT below. (Regarding that option, near the end of this post, I’ll supply some ideas to get you started.
Now, Let Ralph’s Guest Post Begin. (Thank You, Ralph.)
When Rose mentioned that I might someday consider doing Name Alignment, I had a strong reaction alright.
Inwardly my first response was, “No way, Jose.”
But then I learned more about it. For instance, I met people who had done it. And I was moved by their stories about how their lives improved. Little did I think I would ever write a guest post like this one.
All that happened was, gradually, I started considering it.
Usually the whole job is done in just two sessions. That’s how it happened for me.
In our first Name Alignment session I learned about the impact of my birth name.
Although it sounded normal enough, trust me. The impact of that name was just awful.
Rose went through details of that impact on me. Altogether she researched my old name in terms of 10 super-important chakra databanks.
I didn’t know whether to laugh. Or cry. Or scream. Because it was as though she was describing something with uncanny accuracy.
In her usual way for sessions, with quite a bit of joy in her voice, Rose Rosetree hit the nail on the head. Matter-of-factly describing my pain. And I mean really old kinds of pain that had been with me like forever.
Worst thing about all these kinds of pain? Somehow I thought were just about being me. Like there was nothing I could do about it.
Only it turned out, names have consequences.
Lately politicians have been saying, voting has consequences.
Who knew that our everyday names could also have consequences?
But that’s what I found out.
In our second session of Name Alignment Aura Research, I found my Name of Power.
By now, it’s my legal name. Back then, during the session, I found the process was unexpectedly fascinating. Rose had us start by finding a first name.
Some of my choices didn’t pan out. But soon we found one, a great one.
Following that, we researched a last name to go with the first one.
Again, there was trial and error. What a relief, though, when we found a last name that fit me like a glove.
Summing up this whole process, Rose did a special kind of aura reading. When she told me about the “Vibrational Signature” of my new name, it was even more amazing than all the rest.
By this point for me, it felt like the saying, “When push comes to shove.”
I began to realize that in many ways I could only grow to a certain point with the name I had at the time.
Not only that, either. Because I began to see that if I wanted to accomplish certain things in my life, yowza! This was going to require me to use an immense amount of strength and bravery.
According to Rose, these were qualities that I already had in abundance. But from my perspective, I wasn’t feeling it. Neither the bravery nor the strength.
Could Name Alignment help me to live with more of my full potential? I decided to give the new name a chance. Turned out, I was also going to give my life a new chance.
Rose helped me to do the legal name change and all the rest of it.
No biggie, it turned out, but surprisingly simple!
In a way, the real discoveries began after that. I wrote this blog post to share the five biggest things I discovered, thanks to this amazing specialty of Energy Spirituality.
Name Alignment Discoveries #1. False Friends
After I legally changed my name and announced it to people, as expected there was a period of adjustment.
One of the most interesting things I noticed was this. Which people in my life had the most difficulty accepting the change?
Exactly the same friends I expected to be my cheerleaders. After all, weren’t they the people who most wanted me to have a great life?
It took me time to realize this hard truth:
Regarding the people who were closest to me at the time? They were also the people who respected me the least.
Previously my standards for friendship were really low. I thought these friends loved me and cared about me. Except, it was a case of “Love is Blind.” Or maybe having much lower standards than I realized.
Reactions from these false friends really opened my eyes. In retrospect, for years I hadn’t been able to see how they treated me. Trusting them, I assumed that they cared about me as a person. Only that wasn’t true. It became obvious.
Eventually the relationships I had with those false friends fell. Although that hurt for a while, what else happened?
I began to recognize my own value, strength, and power. By now the quality of my friends is far better than before.
Name Alignment Discoveries #2. Valuing the Truth
I stopped being ok with being treated however people wanted to treat me.
It has always been very important to me to see the truth in things. Yet somehow I was used to a gap, when it came to telling other people what I thought.
I’d feel the urge to say something. But then I couldn’t find the words. Time would pass. Sadly, I’d hardly notice how I hadn’t said or done anything at all. That sure has changed.
Now I don’t simply value the truth. I express it.
Rose told me that Name Alignment helps people grow faster.
And since this is Energy Spirituality, I knew she meant emotional growth and also spiritual awakening.
You know what? All that has been happening.
For example, after I changed my name to that new name of power:
- Truth became clearer to me.
- My commitment to act on that truth became stronger than ever.
- And I did just that.
Another way to put the change is this. I had access to more of my own strength, inwardly and through speech and action. Finally I began supporting my lifelong desire to have authentic relationships. Not have them some day. Like, when I met the right person. Instead, I have authentic relationships NOW.
Everyday authenticity feels great, like wearing clothes that fit.
Differently put, authenticity feels great… like having a name for myself that fits.
Name Alignment Discoveries #3. Putting Myself First
It has now been almost 10 years since I changed my name and one of the biggest gifts with this change has been a sense of unlimited potential for growth. By valuing myself, I’ve gained the respect of others. I have the strength to not only face my fears but also to discern how to produce the most effective changes in my life. I no longer place the importance of others above myself. It was an important shift for me to experience moving from feeling powerless to learning to use my power in the world (also with continuing sessions of RES).
Name Alignment Discoveries #4. Muscle
There are so many different ways in this world where a person can be challenged. And on a daily basis.
So the question becomes, will I use my power? Or will I go back to hiding, just to get along?
Power — muscle — somehow I just started using it.
I like to think of this as a muscle I continue to build. Including making ongoing discoveries about Muscle Discernment.
- I mean, discovering when and how to use this muscle.
- When to use it with love.
- And when to use it with anger.
Incidentally, I’m not afraid of anger anymore. And I know this represents a breakthrough about learning to use my power.
Actually, my relationship with anger has become extremely valuable to me, even sacred.
Name Alignment Discoveries #5. A Far Stronger Sense of Self
Changing my name to be in alignment with my soul — that’s what I’ve done.
This has activated my everyday sense of self, empowering me in so many ways.
What has changed exactly? Now I’m actively using muscle.
As a person, I’m continuing to discover so many other characteristics within myself, as well.
- I mean personal talents that have helped my career enormously.
- Also, I mean my own kinds of creativity.
Before, I knew I had more to me than other people could tell. But I didn’t know how to bring my passions into the world.
In closing, if you’re someone with an unquenchable desire to grow and learn and evolve? Consider a first session of Name Alignment. As Rose put it in a blog post, this could help you to heal your life.
Thanks, RALPH. Now Some Questions for You, Blog-Buddies
COMMENT please, at my main blog for Energy Spirituality, asking your questions about naming. Including the following:
- Do you believe that adults have the right to change their names?
- Is there something sacred and spiritual about NOT changing your name?
- What if I’m not sure what name would be better? What if I flunk the test of choosing a better name than the one I have now.
- I’m not sure that my name needs improvement. How could you help me about that, or do you insist that all names need alignment?
- How can I possibly justify changing my name to my parents? A change would hurt them deeply.