Your Ethics Matter

Find out WHY

Rose Rosetree
6 min readMay 29, 2023
Not to put too fine a point on them, but let’s consider ethical standards. Starting with mine. That’s only fair.

Energy Spirituality Ethics. What connection have they with you? Also, what are Energy Spirituality™ Ethics for me, Rose Rosetree, the founder of this field? Of course I’ll share that here as well.

Together let’s explore state-of-the-art ethics for all the specialties in this field.

Finally, don’t miss the last section of this article. It could matter considerably for your success, your personal growth, your karma.

First of All, VICTORIA Set this Conversation in Motion

Today Energy Spirituality Ethics came up in a brilliant series of blog comments. VICTORIA contributed some important words of wisdom. Here, at “FAME KARMA Aura Readings to Celebrate 118,000 Comments”! (Especially see her Comments #46–48.)

Recently we’ve had some well-meaning comments from curious readers. Only it turned out to be speculation about WHY. And the generalizations requested were none of our business. Altogether, an educational sequence of ideas for us here. For example:


For those actors with acting skills and talents, I wonder what kind of impact the constant change all the way through to the level of one’s chakra databanks, would have on the actors over time?

I imagine the characters’ and actors’ sense of self is drastically different from one another.

My Response

It’s so evident from your comments here, VICTORIA, that you’re looking at actors with more discernment now. Wonderful shares from you!

Regarding with your Comment #23, “I wonder what kind of impact etc.”

Don’t wonder, please. Don’t conjecture. Each person’s story is individual.


Your observation that people with Fame Karma tend to marry people with a similar degree of fame is interesting.

My thought is that that would be related to finding Fame so very important, a be-all end-all… so if someone isn’t famous, they’re sort of a nobody and not worth marrying.

Do you think that’s right, Rose?

My Response

Please don’t conjecture about WHY what is… is. Let’s leave that to the pop psychologists and the philosophers.

Enlivened by this discussion, I got to thinking…

What Are My Current Ideas about Energy Spirituality Ethics?

Exactly that, no more and no less, will follow in this article. Together we can consider one context for ethics at a time.

For sure, feel free to COMMENT below with any questions. Or but-but-buts.

What Is Energy Spirituality?

Specifically, Energy Spirituality™ helps people like you with emotional growth and spiritual awakening.

Using skills that are effective NOW, in the Age of Awakening.

For more details, click on that link just provided. Or simply keep reading, until you put together your own working definition.

In general, there’s a lot to this fast-growing field. Ethics help us to maintain a High Truth Value. Given that I aim to bring more truth into my life and the lives of all who are interested, hello! Both ethics and truth matter enormously.

Easy and Simple — Ethical Use of What You Learn from Chakra Databanks

When you read quality aura readings, like those at the Energy Spiritual Blog, you can learn a ton of info about a public figure’s chakra databanks.

  1. An ethically FAIR takeaway is to comment on the info at that chakra databank.
  2. You might also place that info into the context of what that chakra databank’s about: Easy to find, since every chakra databank has a name about something related to human life.
  3. An ethically UNFAIR takeaway is to conjecture WHY Shia had what he had.
  4. Or what it means for other people, WHAT was found in that chakra databank.
  5. Or how Shia “needs to improve himself.”

For example, suppose you were browsing here, at “Fame Karma of Claire Danes.” At Comment #1467, researching actor Shia LaBoeuf’s Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Self-Awareness. Using a screenshot taken while he is acting, playing a movie role as Padre Pio, hello! The quality of this chakra databank, for him, goes like this:

Shia instructing himself: His feelings as Padre Pio are raw and passionate. Great faith! Great tenderness!

Ethically Speaking, Our First Pair of Possible Takeaways


In this chakra databank, Shia is instructing himself how to act. This is different from what skilled actors do, which is to act.


Shia is a fraud as an actor and he should apologize to the public.

  • Telling people what they “should” do because of their auras? Wrong!
  • Let’s remember that the info in anybody’s chakra databanks is not conscious. Rather, it’s energetic info, subconsciously stored within that person’s aura.
  • Learning about somebody’s subconscious info does not give you the right to tell that person what to do.

Ethically Speaking, Our Second Pair of Possible Takeaways


Wait a minute, this chakra databank is his Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Self-Awareness. Usually the info there would involve guess what? What’s going on emotionally, in this moment. Namely, how does that person spontaneously feel?

Yet, according to this aura reading, he doesn’t spontaneously feel anything.


Shia should work on himself and do mindfulness, so that he can feel emotions at this chakra databank. He’s got to do something. Because his Emotional Self-Awareness is obviously broken.

  • Chakra databanks give us information about a particular person. Info at a particular time.
  • Altogether different from deciding that we have the right to play God with that person.
  • We can consider that info any way we like. But please, let’s stop short at trying to analyze why the person has that inner pattern. Also, please. Avoid giving advice to people, based on reading their auras.
  • In my experience, expert energy healing can help people to do better. Both in their chakra databanks and in life. However, energy healing is appropriate only when? After a client has officially agreed to a personal session for Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING, or the equivalent.

Making sense? Then let’s keep going.

And if you do have questions, COMMENT below. Yay, learning!

Regarding Energy Spirituality™ Ethics for Rose Rosetree

You Know, Ethics for the Founder of this Field

Definitely, I have ethical responsibilities when bringing forth this body of knowledge. Plus, hey! During sessions, I’ve got ethical requirements too. Exactly like every Energy Spirituality Practitioner.

In order to learn about that part? Don’t consult your Magic 8 Ball. Simply check out the Code of Ethics here at this blog.

Short and sweet. However…

Due to being a website page, rather than a blogpost, you won’t find any place there to COMMENT.

However, you can definitely COMMENT below.

Only, for the Ethically Scrupulous, There’s More. Much More

Energy Spirituality ethics shape all our trademarked systems. Indeed, ethical standards apply to every single one of the major ways that I serve you. Not to put too fine a point on each of these responsibilities… At least I can take out my ethical pencil sharpener and make some colorful points. ;)

  1. Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING Requires Ethical Standards
  2. Energy Spirituality ENERGY READING Requires Ethical Standards
  3. Ethics that underlie the system of Face Reading Secrets®
  4. Empath Empowerment® and Empath Coaching — Ethics, Ethics, Ethics
  5. Coaching Highly Sensitive Persons. (And Using the Energy Spirituality Sensitivity Scale)
  6. Enlightenment Teaching Demands a High Truth Value… and More
  7. Writing and Publishing Energy Spirituality Books. Any Ethics There?
  8. Offering Online Workshops, What Ethics There?
  9. Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING Requires Ethical Standards
  10. Energy Spirituality ENERGY READING Requires Ethical Standards
  11. Ethics that Underlie Face Reading Secrets
  12. Empath Empowerment and Empath Coaching — Ethics, Ethics, Ethics
  13. Coaching Highly Sensitive Persons. (And Using the Energy Spirituality Sensitivity Scale)
  14. Enlightenment Teaching Demands a High Truth Value… and More
  15. Writing and Publishing Energy Spirituality Books. Any Ethics There?
  16. Offering Online Workshops, What Ethics There?

Expect to read about all of these topics in COMMENTS at the version of this article at my blog.

Finally, How about You and Your Ethics?

Maybe you don’t think about them much. Perhaps you figure: “I’m a good person, so my ethics have to be fine.”

Quite the opposite. Might I suggest?

  • Unless you purposely develop some ethical standards
  • and live by them
  • then, with all due respect,
  • you might not be such a “good person” as you assume that you are.
  • Yet there’s always hope. Each day every one of us can make a new start.

Let this Interactive Blog Help You Explore What Matters to You, What Matters Ethically

The more you Blog-Buddies share, the greater clarity can develop for each of us.

Besides, ethical questions are fascinating.

  1. For instance, do you tell the truth to others? How about to yourself?
  2. Once you commit to truthfulness as an easy way of life, this need not be complicated.
  3. Besides, how can you claim to be an ethical person without telling the truth?

Your thoughts?

Rose Rosetree says, “Thanks for reading. Come join our Comment Conversations about ethics over at the version of this article at my personal blog. Definitely, consider yourself invited.



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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