Your Door of Perception for Reading Auras
From the author of an international bestseller on aura reading
You CAN Read Chakra Databanks.
Do you know these 5 reasons why? They hinge on your Door of Perception.
Pun intended. (Results for you intended… even more strongly.)
But What ARE Chakra Databanks, Anyway?
Why All the Fuss?
Learning to read chakra databanks is a form of literacy, energetic literacy.
We could make an analogy to mathematics. As you know, math is the language of science. Every form of science requires equations and such.
Like that, aura reading is the language of consciousness. Essential for discernment!
For example, essential for gaining discernment about:
- Authentic spiritual growth, including popular confusions about spiritual awakening.
- Seeking Spiritual Enlightenment. If you really want that, rather than some cheap imitation.
- Evaluating every kind of technique for personal growth, including the presumed effectiveness of psychological work.
- Empath coaching worth the name requires this kind of discernment. Otherwise it should ring hollow when folks claim to teach “Empath Empowerment.” (By contrast, I don’t have to “claim” to teach this. Since I’m the only one with a trademark for Empath Empowerment®.)
- And equally important, energy healing requires this kind of literacy. Researching chakra databank is how we measure what really works vs. what doesn’t.
Quality aura reading, including the skill for reading chakra databanks from regular photos, is new. Although folks have done limited versions of aura reading for thousands of years, hello! Reading chakra databanks is new. Only in the Age of Awakening has this become possible.
You CAN Read Chakra Databanks #1.
You’re Already Reading… Words
You’re Reading This Now, Aren’t You?
Lucky you, having learned how to read. Word literacy is a privilege.
How many Americans at the time of Dolley Madison could read and write? Throughout the world, millions of people are illiterate — 781 million, as of 2020. That’s 12 percent of the world’s population.
Can you imagine what a difference word literacy has made for the life of your mind? Not to mention all the practical uses, like reading street signs. Or playing on Twitter or Facebook!
Of course, learning word literacy wasn’t optional for you. Of course, you learned it in school.
How long will it be before children learn energetic literacy in school? Only I don’t recommend teaching it before the age 10.
Certainly, it’s optional now, learning how to read chakra databanks. Yet it’s so helpful for giving you an advantage in life, and not only for the five reasons listed above. Why not be a thought leader and learn to read auras in depth and detail?
Here's the practical point:
If you succeeded at learning word literacy, there’s proof positive. You can learn literacy skills about energy, too.
You CAN Read Chakra Databanks #2.
Your Door of Perception
One of my teenage heroes was Aldous Huxley. He rocked my world by publishing “The Doors of Perception.” Describing his psychedelic experience under the influence of mescaline. Calling it “sacramental.”
During my college admissions interview, I came to life when talking about my passion for deeper perception. Note the name of this blog, not to mention the inspiration for my life work. Now.
For that reason, when I give thanks for getting into Brandeis (perfect for me), of course! I thank my Uncle Murray; in certain circles, famous as a writer and sociologist. He helped get me in. But mostly I thank Aldous Huxley.
You Have a Lifelong Door of Perception
What’s there? Different gifts for reading auras.
Very personal, these gifts: More of some, less of others, and none of different ones. One way or another, your personal gift set fills up YOUR Door of Perception.
If you study the system of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses®, halleluiah! You’ll discover which gifts you’ve got. Equally important, you’ll learn how to use them. Thanks to trademarked skills for reading auras, suitable for your personal gift set, what’s in your personal Door of Perception.
In order to read auras, who needs clairvoyance? You sure don’t.
Again, COMMENT below to share your reaction to the ideas here. So leading edge still, compared to the Age of Faith relics in Collective Consciousness!
You CAN Read Chakra Databanks #3.
This Teacher Doesn’t Need Peyote
And Neither Will You.
What do these seekers of spiritual truth have in common?
- Public intellectuals, brilliant ones, like Aldous Huxley. Later the Harvard spreaders of the gospel of LSD, like Timothy Leary and Ram Dass. (Both of whom I met, with those encounters described in my memoir of spiritual awakening: “Bigger than All the Night Sky.”)
- Shamanic healers and New Age healers
- Superb medical mediums, like Edgar Cayce
- Beautiful psychics, like Sylvia Browne
- Honorable mediums, like James Van Praagh
During the Age of Faith how could any of them find experience beyond Human Vibrational Frequencies?
- Either they took drugs. (Such as the folks in 1 and 2, above.) Then mistaking their astral trips for reaching The Divine Vibrational Frequency.
- Or else they worked with spirits — discarnate entities — who would tell them about life at Astral Vibrational Frequencies. ((Such as the folks in 2–5, above.)
Unfortunately, neither approach is safe to do. Not after the veil (aka, the Psychic Barrier) left for good on Dec. 21, 2012. In that regard, Edgar Cayce and Sylvia Browne got off easy. Cayce made his transition in 1945. While Browne lived less than a year into the Age of Awakening.
James Van Praagh is still among us. Unfortunately that talented man is now living in Extreme Spiritual Addiction.
Here’s the Irony, Though.
Despite all the astral-type help these folks received for learning about auras, guess what?
How much skill did they develop. Usually they achieved only Stage 1 Energetic Literacy. At best, they managed to deliver a bit of Stage 2 Energetic Literacy.
Whereas you? If you have normal mental functioning and your aura is in reasonably good shape, ta da! You can learn Stage 3 Energetic Literacy. Thanks to living in the Age of Awakening and having good instruction available for teaching you the easy skills involved.
In short, none of us will probably acquire the fame (or wealth) of a James Van Praagh. But we can do a better job of reading chakra databanks. Of course, you can learn these skills!
You CAN Read Chakra Databanks #4.
New Smarts in the Age of Awakening
First of all, know it or not… Believe it or not… You are living in the Age of Awakening.
Changes that happened to every human being on the planet didn’t skip over you, due to whatever skepticism you might have.
Your entire sense of purpose can come clearer, living now. Unless you ignore that you ARE living in this new Age of Awakening.
Look, I know there aren’t a whole lot of reliable sources on this topic.
Might I suggest? “Experts” disqualify themselves if they use names for this new era like:
- The Age of Aquarius
- The Aquarian New Age
- The Shift Age
Do you know what is wrong with these names? COMMENT below and ask. I’ll gladly give you a new point of view to consider.
Meanwhile, here’s the practical part. Nobody started reading chakra databanks until the Age of Awakening.
Living now, we can read auras in new ways… unforeseen and unforeseeable so long as the Psychic Barrier was still here. Very exciting potentials are yours!
You CAN Read Chakra Databanks #5.
Help Humans Win
Blog-Buddies, let me tell you why I decided to write my weekly blogpost about your ability to read auras.
Fact is, I’ve been passionate about teaching folks to read auras since 1986. That’s when I started to teach workshops on Aura Reading Through All Your Senses.
Every year of my life I taught that kind of workshop. Including in New York, Los Angeles, Cincinnati, London, Tokyo… so many groups of students. And students did well. (Especially after the Shift. When I began to incorporate knowledge about how to research chakra databanks.)
Finally online workshops became available. No question what the first one would be: The Online Collection of Aura Reading Workshops.
Designing it was a labor of love, one that took over a year. Finally the Free Intro, and the full 101-Level Workshop, were ready to launch in 2017.
Fast Forward to a Week Ago
I was reading the current issue of AARP The Magazine. Prominently featured on the cover was Jamie Lee Curtis, a celebrity whose work I’ve long enjoyed and admired.
She looked great-ish. Although something seemed a bit off.
Then I got to the article about her. So full of happy talk, with her newfound energy and enthusiasm and so many projects she was doing. A photo showed her sitting on a couch, laughing blissfully.
Erggg. Reminded me of pix with my ex-guru Maharishi, back in the day. Only he was in Traditional Enlightenment.
Finally I used some Technique Time to research Jamie’s consciousness lifestyle. Which turned out to be Extreme Spiritual Addiction.
If you know much about this consciousness lifestyle, you know it means. Basically, people become like puppets. Who runs them? Whichever group of astral entities happens to get involved with that human. It’s a dead-end consciousness lifestyle. Folks don’t come back from that… at least, until the lifetime is over.
How Can You Tell That’s Happening to Jamie Lee, Or Others?
Mostly you need good skills for energetic literacy. Secondarily, researching consciousness lifestyles takes some practice. Then you’re set.
Many of you regular readers of this blog have learned to discern consciousness lifestyles.
Extreme Spiritual Addiction is, from my perspective, a widespread problem. So many influencers have this consciousness lifestyle, for instance.
Not for the first time, on seeing the latest about Ms. Curtis, I asked:
God, how can you allow this kind of thing to happen?
Why don’t you prevent it? Why don’t you stop it?
Look, I don’t have a fancy pipeline to God that brings me answers to questions like these. All I do is cocreate with God to help my clients (and myself) with skills of Energy Spirituality. In short, I’m not an oracle or seer or psychic.
When it comes to questions like these — even ones that come from agony — I’m as human as other honest people.
That is, I don’t really presume to demand that God explain himself/herself to me. My questions were more like statements of frustration and incredulity.
Days Later, I Had a New Thought
Quietly an idea occurred to me that was genuinely new. I won’t claim it’s The Answer to what I asked. However, to me, it had the ring of truth. So here it is.
Opportunistic entities have been causing problems since the Shift. Messing with humans in ways that these discarnates have no right to do.
What is it going to take to stop this? Why isn’t God going to give us an easy solution, a miracle?
Because there’s really only one way for us humans to solve this problem. And to make sure that we humans run our lives and our world, not ETs or astral entities, etc.
What is that way? For people to learn good skills of energetic literacy.
Even 1% of humans learning these skills might be enough. Speaking out, we could effectively spread the word about this opportunistic entity nonsense. Millions of perfectly sane people, self-actualizing people could call out the people with ugly consciousness lifestyles.
Granted, there are so many beautiful reasons for learning to read chakra databanks.
But maybe this is the reason that can finally get people to stop putting it off. Ultimately this reason could be linked to humanity’s very survival as the rulers of this world.
Folks, stop putting it off. Stop putting off gaining energetic literacy. Learn those skills, already.