You Could Be Cocreating with God
Don’t Settle for Channeling. From the Founder of Energy Spirituality™
Definitely different, Cocreating with God Versus Channeling Spirits, so… Prepare to read some shockers.
Meaning, here you’ll read shockers from my latest findings, now that we’re all 10 years into the Age of Awakening. Current research into auras of channelers is far different from what I learned through quality energetic literacy… back in the day. And why?
Because today, so many energy healers and meditation teachers, and other members of today’s “Enlightenment Establishment” have become channelers. Even if not on purpose. (Keep reading to see what I mean.)
First, to Benefit Most, Get up to Speed on Two Essentials
Not everybody in all the world reads every blogpost. Nor every single comment. So here’s what will really help you to get the most from this particular article. (Shockers included.)
This is Part 2 of a pair of articles. Regarding channeling versus improving your life when you cocreate with God.
- Part 1 was our article on: Drawbacks of CHANNELING. Choose Growthful COCREATING with God. Strongly recommended, Blog-Buddies: Please read that link just provided. It can get you up to speed.
- Also, do you know much yet about the Age of Awakening? What is it really? I recommend this simple article to help you separate myths from fact. Since cocreating with God has become a distinct possibility for all of us living now, in this Age of Awakening.
Now let’s move forward with this Part 2 article, Cocreating with God Versus Channeling Spirits.
Enter a New Alternative in the Age of Awakening: You Can Cocreate with God
In the first place…
What IS Cocreating with God?
You, as yourself, connect to the love, light, and power of a Divine Being. Whether the impersonal aspect of God (like the Holy Spirit). Or an Ascended Master (like Jesus). Or an Archangel (like Archangel Michael.)
Nothing casual or chancy about doing that, btw. Study with a teacher who can show you how to do this properly. Once you have tained good skills, cocreating with the Divine is easy and effortless. Not only will you improve the quality of what you’re doing. In addition, you’ll glow up a whole lot more.
Important to know: When it comes to cocreating with the Divine, there are varying degrees of truth value. (Later in this article I’ll list for you… some quality ways to learn how to cocreate with God.)
How about Consequences?
When we cocreate with God, we learn valuable information. In addition, our personal development continues, better than ever.
By Contrast, What IS Channeling?
The channeler enters into a trance state and allows one or more discarnate spirits to do an override. Supplying thoughts and speech.
Only astral beings encourage humans to channel them. Contrary to traditional ideas, Divine Beings NEVER do this.
How about Consequences?
When folks channel astral beings, there are some not-great consequences. Keep reading to learn about some of them.
In Short, Cocreating with God Is Very Different from Channeling
Loving God isn’t how you learn. Faith isn’t how. Going to church regularly isn’t how. Incidentally this is also true: Loving God, having faith, and going to church… also won’t teach you how to ride a bicycle.
Quite separate is learning how to cocreate with God. It’s a different skill. To be clear, this separate kind of learning will be altogether different from channeling.
- Channeling is Age of Faith.
- That Age of Faith ended with the Shift into the Age of Awakening. December 21, 2012 — over a decade ago!
- Cocreating with God is for now, this new era on Earth, the Age of Awakening.
All This Understood, Now Come the Shockers
Cocreating with God Versus Channeling Spirits 1.
How Easy It Is Now, Learning Divine Cocreation
Shocking in a good way: If you wish to learn how to do this, you can. (Assuming you have normal mental functioning, that is.)
Why can you learn now, when you couldn’t before? Simply because you’re living now, in the Age of Awakening.
Living now, it becomes possible for normal-type people, not psychics, to cocreate with God.
We give ourselves short periods of time each day to do this. It’s not an all-the-time way to live. Since we’re human. Evolving humanly.
- Learning skills to cocreate with God is essential. Learn from a source of effective skills. Then use them as taught, no improvising.
- Cocreating with God isn’t mood-making. This involves specific skills, skills that work now, in the Age of Awakening.
- Nor is cocreating a thought, a wish, a whim. Like “declassifying top secret documents in your head.” (More on that distinction to come in this article.)
Cocreating with God Versus Channeling Spirits #2.
How Has Channeling Changed Since the Shift?
Sadly, since the Shift, many people have thought they were naturally graced. Able to receive brilliant messages straight from God. In reality, these well-meaning people were actually channeling opportunistic astral entities.
Important Disclaimer: Understanding God’s relationship with you — or anyone — is outside my scope of work. However, I do use effective skills for energetic literacy. Skills that tend to be accurate. This knowledge gained over 39,000 Energy Spirituality sessions, so far: That’s the basis for what I write here at this blog.
Quality energetic literacy means that I can research what is happening in the chakra databanks of folks who come to me as clients. Likewise, I can read auras of public figures who include their photo as part of self-promotion on the internet.
I’ve had new clients who did that. Not declassifying top secret documents in their heads, just improvising ways to help people through teachings that came “from a Divine source.” For instance, at their first Energy Spirituality session, some trusting souls said they’d “received from God” a way to heal people. Or give counsel. (No training, just inspiration.)
Sadly their auras showed that they had opened up to one or more astral beings. In short, what these wannabe sages received was astral, not Divine.
- Skilled Empath Merge during our session showed mess. And mess is not the signature of Divine inspiration.
- Clearly, the astrally-channeled process was messing up that “healer’s” aura.
- Very likely, those astrally-inspired sessions were messing up auras of the “healer’s” clients, too.
Important Disclaimer
Understanding God’s relationship with you — or anyone — is far above my pay grade. I don’t know everything. I don’t read people’s minds. (Yeccch.) However, I do use effective skills for energetic literacy. Skills that tend to be accurate.
That means that I can research what is happening in the chakra databanks of folks who come to me as clients. Likewise, I can read auras of public figures who include their photos in self-promotion on the internet.
Whatever beautiful insights and healings they receive directly from God? Congratulations.
Miracles do happen every day. However, in this article I’m addressing what happens when people go from their lovely, personal spiritual insights… Calling what they offer “spiritual” when it came through the astral process of channeling.
Cocreating with God Versus Channeling Spirits #3.
Channeling Is Incredibly Effortless Now, in the Age of Awakening?
You see, channeling has become easier to do than ever before. Due to humanity’s new Consciousness Positioning Superpower. Remember that?
If you’re not up to speed with that essential term, again, please click on the previous link. Must-read education if you are aiming to use your full potential in life. Also, must-readey in order for you to make smart choices as a consumer.
- Unintended channeling does happen now, in different ways. Due to this Consciousness Positioning Superpower, switched on for all people with normal mental health. Switched on starting on the date of the Shift into the Age of Awakening. Thus, every human who has been alive since Dec. 21, 2012… has that new Consciousness Positioning Superpower.
- Unintended channeling does happen now, in different ways. Because of the current human capacity to effortlessly position consciousness at vibrational frequencies that are astral, etc.
But how does that happen?
Unintended Channeling — Caused by Misusing One’s Consciousness Positioning Superpower
For example, let’s consider Sam. Suppose he happens to develop the habit of often positioning his consciousness at a MEDIUM Astral Vibrational Frequency.
As it happens, worldwide, there’s now an ongoing problem with opportunistic astal entities. ( See the previous article of our two-part series.)
Suppose that it’s a Saturday afternoon. Sam is hanging out at home, standing in front of his open refrigerator. A little spaced out, Sam is trying to choose a snack. Unbeknownst to Sam’s conscious mind…
Opportunistic entity, Rambo, is there in the kitchen with him. Along with plenty of other astral entities whose bodies, consciousness, etc., exist at a Medium Astral Vibrational Frequency.
Altogether, Sam has a ton of entities like this in his home, his car, his workplace. Maybe they just like observing a HUMAN being who spends so much time with consciousness positioned at that MEDIUM Astral Vibrational Frequency.
How can they tell? Discarnate entities are excellent aura readers. (Although they’re blind and deaf to what happens at Human Vibrational Frequencies. Including Sam’s conscious thinking.)
Now that I’ve Set the Stage, Picture This
Along with Sam, Rambo is now in the kitchen. Just for fun, Rambo starts talking to Sam telepathically. Talking to Sam’s subconscious mind, and maybe also his conscious mind. This is totally easy to do, when somebody like Sam habitually positions his consciousness at the same Astral Vibrational Frequency as an entity seeking to influence him.
RAMBO TELLS SAM: “You are special. God has chosen you to become a great healer. Did you know? Once you put your hands on a client, God will show you what to do.”
SAM: He hears that. He believes that.
Later that day, Sam goes on to experiment with his “Healing from God.” Soon he starts charging money for his services.
Was Sam channeling Rambo? For all practical purposes, yes.
And technically put, whenever Sam does his exciting new hobby, “Healing from God”? Really, that’s “Healing from Rambo, an opportunistic astral entity.” Oops!
Yes, These Days, Folks Who Don’t Plan to Be Channelers… Often Channel Astral Entities Anyway
On the bright side, Blog-Buddies, living today, all of us can learn simple ways to stay in touch with human reality. That is, we learn to develop this habit: Let our default positioning of consciousness be at Human Vibrational Frequencies. You can learn all about how to do that in “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.”
How likely are you to “figure this knowledge out on your own”? Not too likely. Unless you’re an Enlightenment Teacher and a consciousness engineer, like the author of that particular book… And, actually, I didn’t figure it out on my own but cocreated it with Divine help, over a period of years.
Bottom line: Many folks today don’t consciously choose to channel. But, in effect, they do.
This example of Sam was hypthetical, helping you to understand the mechanics of today’s unintentional channeling. Now let me give you a couple of real-life examples.
Cocreating with God Versus Channeling Spirits #4.
New Age Energy Healers
How lovely it was, during the New Age Years! How easy it was to fall in love with energy healing.
Witness the glorious leadership of Janet Mentgen, as reported in the interview at the link just supplied!
Maybe you Blog-Buddies studied some of these forms of energy healing, especially popular during the New Age Years. (From 1980 until the Shift on 12–21–12.) For instance:
- Reiki
- Pranic Healing
- Eden Energy Medicine
- Janet Mentgen’s Healing Touch
- Quantum Healing
- Crystal Healing
- Evangelical Laying on of Hands
- Evangelical Being Slain in the Spirit
Before the Shift, it was simpler. Studying any one of these, you would ask for help from “Spirit.” Or with options 7 and 8, you would assume that you had to be receiving help from God.
Either way, the source of the healing was pretty chancy. In most cases, that source probably was astral. Only opportunistic astral beings were rare before the Shift.
Emphasis was on doing the technique you’d been taught. And that technique was designed while the Psychic Barrier was still in place, providing a certain kind of protection.
However, that Changed After the Shift into the Age of Awakening
Facilitating Energy Spirituality sessions for clients, I’d often be asked to research the chakra databanks of Practitioner A, then Practitioner B. Simple aura reading research from photos emailed from clients.
Only what I began finding was a shock. Increasingly, I found that most practitioners of New Age Energy Healing now had very messed-up auras. In fact, most of the teachers and professionals at forms of New Age Energy Healing were living with the consciousness lifestyle of… Sigh! Extreme Spiritual Addiction.
Cocreating with God Versus Channeling Spirits #5.
Instant Novelists
Here’s a fun assignment for those of you who can guess exactly what I mean by “Instant Novelists.” Writers whose work is powered by unintended channeling.
To enrich our Comment Conversations at this Post, please do this:
Go onto Twitter, searching on hashtags like #writer.
- Look for tweets about people who find the writing just flows out of them.
- Or it’s as if characters in the novel are talking right to these new authors. Like inside their heads.
- Or writing has become more real to these authors than… reality.
COMMENT below. Share one quote per comment. Maybe also supply the url, if you have those tech skills.
Many of Today’s “Authors” Who Never Wrote Before? They’re Like This Guy
Just take a look at my aura reading of Alexander McCall Smith . This prolific novelist got started before the Age of Awakening. And by now his aura shows the consequence of his particular source of inspiration, an astral source.
Now that we’re in the Age of Awakening, very likely, countless new authors are doing unintentional channeling of astral beings. Only these writers take personal credit.
Cocreating with God Versus Channeling Spirits #6.
Missionaries for Spiritual Awakening and Ascension
Channeling hides in plain sight on the internet… wherever “experts” offer to teach you about ascension. Also, much of today’s talk about spiritual awakening comes from people who are channeling.
Usually, I suspect, which kind of entities provide that channeled teaching?
CORRUPTED Entities Enjoy Becoming Influencers Through Channeling
Why corrupted? Since humans have sovereignty over all other life forms on earth. Earth School is set up this way.
A human life is a precious opportunity to evolve spiritually. Don’t squander that on taking orders from entities.
Discarnates of any kind who are supposedly telling humans how to live better? They have no standing to do that, regardless of what they claim. Discarnates don’t even have human bodies that belong to them, like we have. Geesh!
Question Ascension Teachings and Much of Today’s So-Called “Spiritual Awakening”
Most commonly this comes from Extra-Terrestrial Entities (ETs). Many of today’s opportunistic entities are ETs; the rest are astral entities.
Forget the notion that ETs live at “a higher vibration.” Human Vibrational Frequencies are, by design, low and slow. Perfect for evolving here at Earth School, actually. Learn plenty of useful insight into this at the link just provided.
Whereas any ET entity has signed a Life Contract for an incarnation at an astral world. That is, a world where things are made of the Astral Vibrational Frequencies that are the design for that incarnational world.
So too, the evolving souls who have incarnated at any of the innumerable astral worlds… Of course, their bodies are astral.
Whereas, you and I have had the privilege of signing a Life Contract to incarnate at this unique opportunity: Earth School. It’s a magnificent world for super-rapid evolution. (Provided that we use our free will wisely.)
By definition, when you agreed to incarnate as a human being, hello! ou agreed to incarnate at a Human Vibrational Frequency. Living and evolving spiritually in a world where every physical object is made of Human Vibrational Frequencies.
To assume that ETs are more evolved or wiser, or expert at how humans should live? Assume that because ETs live at Astral Vibrational Frequencies? That is, vibrationally higher than human.
How foolish to imagine that discarnates are wiser than you or me!
Considering that Channeled ETs Are Usually the Source of Teachings on Ascension…
You might wish to take a look — or another look — at our blogpost on Fifth Dimensional Nonsense.
Besides the aura readings you’ll find there, please. Look at the comments from people whose lives have been warped by these corrupt, channeled teachings.
Cocreating with God Versus Channeling Spirits #7.
Could Certain Consciousness Lifestyles Involve Channeling?
One does. Just one: Extreme Spiritual Addiction.
By definition, any person who has moved into this consciousness lifestyle is being run by discarnate beings. Now a human puppet, saying and doing whatever that personal team of entities likes? That sure counts as channeling to me. How about you?
I’d call it the ultimate in channeling, actually.
In General, What’s the Appeal of Channeling?
Clearly, many spiritual seekers are interested. Also people who want to understand more about life, whether they’re spiritual or not. The woo-woo appeal is considerable, despite the Drawbacks of Channeling NOW:
Either doing it personally or becoming a consumer of services from channelers. Or hanging out one’s shingle, as a side hustle.
Googling “Famous Channeler”
1,790,000,000 results
However, I’ve just scratched the surface here. Please COMMENT below with your ideas about why channeling has become so common now.
Personally, Blog-Buddies, you can take a stand for personal accountability. Don’t follow influencers — including many in today’s Enlightenment Establishment — who are living in Extreme Spiritual Addiction.
Instead, choose your teachers wisely.
No need to live in fear, Blog-Buddies. Just don’t live in gullibility.
Reliable Resources for Learning How to Cocreate with God
- “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening” Improve your cocreation by progressing with this how-to book’s Program for Spiritual Enlightenment.
- Let Today Be a Holiday: 365 Ways to Cocreate with God. Explore a treasury of Technique Time resources, one for every day of the year.
- Creativity Secrets with Soul Learn how to free up your creativity — and multiply it — through effortless ways to cocreate with God.
- Spiritually Sparkling® Online Workshops for Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING
- Aura Reading Through ALL Your Senses®. In my view, good skills for today’s energetic literacy require learning ways to cocreate with God.
- Empath Empowerment® Often imitated but not equalled, true Empath Empowerment is a system that derives its power from cocreating with God. As you can expect, those who infringe upon the trademark from America’s most experienced empath teacher… Most likely those who brand themselves as offering “Empath Empowerment” are not exactly cocreating with God. Judith Orloff, for instance (find her prominently at the link just provided) has been living for years in Extreme Spiritual Addiction.
- Facilitating Skilled Empath Merges. For empaths who wish to gain wisdom, one of the loveliest ways to cocreate with God is to use quality techniques for Skilled Empath Merge.
In Conclusion
Energy Spirituality™ wisdom in this article can empower you. Maybe even change your life for the better.
By now, channeling has become easier to do than ever before. Due to humanity’s new Consciousness Positioning Superpower. Remember that you can do better than teaming up with discarnate entities.
And feel free to hop over to my personal blog where an article similar to this one… includes the interactive fun of Comment Conversations. Currently, at “Deeper Perception Made Practical,” we have more than 121,000. Come join us!