Why Do Some of Your Friendships End?
5 Helpful Truths for a Better Life
What can bring you peace of mind… and a better social life?
That’s what you stand to gain from the 5 Helpful Truths here. (It’s Part 2 of our Friendship series of articles. Click on the link just provided to find Part 1 of that article.)
Background that May Seem Radical. But Isn’t.
A hidden earthquake has taken place in your lifetime. Hidden, not obvious.
Consciousness was involved, not anything as physical as the causes of real-live earthquakes, such as problems with tectonic plates. Like the recent one in Morroco.
Although most people don’t know it yet, in our lifetimes some important shifts to human consciousness have occurred. Occurring just a bit over a decade ago, these changes began to subtly alter consciousness lifestyles, and more: changes dating from the Shift on 12/21/12.
In your lifetime, will most people come to understand what has shifted? Regardless, you can upgrade your life — including your social life — by learning about the changes that have happened since the Shift into the Age of Awakening.
Adding some practical do’s and don’ts? Sure I can help you do that. Including an understanding of the WHYs behind the WHATs. All that is yours from the how-to called, “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening” . With this knowledge, you can learn how to adapt in some relatively easy ways. As a result, you’ll evolve far more rapidly. Imagine, evolving so much that you start using your full potential in life!
Incidentally, that’s all “Enlightenment” has to mean: using your full potential in life. For instance, no guru needed. Nor is any religious affiliation needed.
Full means full. Similarly, using your full potential is about using your own personal potential in life… fully. Using that for achieving what matters to you, not to win the approval of some religious gatekeeper.
Regardless of whether you’ve found the time, yet, to get yourself this useful education, hello! Today’s article will give you an update on some practical changes since the Shift. Explore with me 5 Helpful Truths for your social life.
And definitely feel free to COMMENT at the version of this article at my personal blog. Add your questions and reactions and friendship tales. Actively interacting through commenting will help you gain more. Compared to simply reading what follows.
Why Do Some of Your Friendships End? Helpful Truth 1.
Don’t Flatter Yourself that You’ve “Outgrown” the Other Person
Maybe yes, maybe no.
Quite likely the other person thinks the very same thing about you.
Unless you’ve developed good skills of energetic literacy, you’re just guessing. (Technically speaking, good quality aura reading begins with Stage 3 Energetic Literacy.)
- To be clear, any “vibing out” that you do is NOT reliable aura reading. This amounts to poor quality energetic literacy. (Technically speaking, that’s Stage 1 Energetic Literacy.)
- Nor will it be particularly helpful for you to get — or give a chakra reading. (Technically speaking, that’s Stage 2 Energetic Literacy.)
- To see what I mean, click on those last three links. And then watch each of these three short videos.
Seems to me, folks do much better socially — and otherwise — if we stop wasting time vibing out others. Either spend some of your daily Technique Time by doing good quality aura reading… Or else don’t.
In general, make sense of your friendships by asking yourself questions like:
- What happened during that visit that I liked? How can we have more of that when the two of us are together?
- What happened during that visit that I disliked? Was there anything I could do, under those circumstances?
Actually, the rest of this article can help you to think about friendship satisfaction in practical ways. Human ways. Skill-related ways.
Why Do Some of Your Friendships End? Helpful Truth 2.
Inventory Your CURRENT Friendship Skills
Because that inventory may not be as great as you assume. You see, decade by decade, most folks need to keep on growing their friendship skills.
Friendship skills? What does that even mean?
And why can’t social life be as easy for us, living now? (Not as easy as social life was for our grandparents and those who lived even farther into the past.)
For specifics, see COMMENTS at the version of this article on my personal blog. And, maybe, add your wisdom to our Comment Conversation.
Why Do Some of Your Friendships End? Helpful Truth 3.
Were You and that Friend Keeping Each Other Around for Popularity Points?
And you do know what I mean by that, right?
For instance, take a look at this article about “5 Habits of Popular People.”
Seems to me, certain additional habits also help a lot. Not that I’m recommending them. However, who talks about them?
Hey, I will. Right now.
Icky Popularity Requirements that Nobody Mentions in Public
Alongside the cliches that people do recommend, as in the article at our last link, hello! You’d better prepared to do all of the following:
- Have low expectations or no expectations about the quality of your conversations. Hanging out is its own reward.
- Don’t “judge” or use discernment about each friend’s values. Living in a warm body is sufficient.
- If any of those friends drink to excess or do drugs, look the other way. Since your personal standards might be compatible with being part of the crowd, whatever the crowd.
- Enjoy killing time. Just so long as you’re together with others. Because togetherness can be an ultimate value, of course.
- Be prepared to lie. Who cares about little social lies? No biggie! Pleasant people tell pleasant little untruths, so let that be part of your charm.
Your thoughts, Readers? For instance, please COMMENT at the version of this article on my personal blog. Share about times that you blamed yourself… Criticized or blamed yourself because you didn’t do some of the Icky Popularity Requirements that Nobody Mentions in Public. As in, “I wasn’t good enough at acting pleasant.”
Why Do Some of Your Friendships End? Helpful Truth 4.
Few Interests that You and Former Friend Still Have in Common
Given that you’re living in the Age of Awakening, you can grow faster than during the Age of Faith. Consequently, over time, what can happen. You and your pal may cycle through many interests that eventually stop being that thrilling.
Therefore, do this: Proactively cultivate new interests. Over the years, add one new interest at a time. Actively supplement what you’ve had in common thus far. That way, you’ll still have topics to talk about when the older interests fall away.
Lifelong friends are a blessing from God.
Humanly, what can we do to round out our social lives? Develop good friendship skills, and they will serve us in good stead. Making the most of every friendship we forge, however long it may last.
Why Do Some of Your Friendships End? Helpful Truth 5.
Gain Clarity about the Meaning of BEST FRIEND
Fact is, every friend need not be your BEST FRIEND.
Did you know that? Because many folks today don’t. Instead they equate “friend” with “best friend.”
In fact, on the Goodreads platform, I review a lot of picture books. Best friends come up frequently: On the first day of school, many storybook characters find a “best friend.” Supposedly one can make a best friend instantly.
In other picture books for today’s children, the happy hero of the book ends up with FIVE BEST FRIENDS by the end of the story.
Such nonsense!
Most Friendships Are Situational. Not Best Friendy.
Hey, that’s life.
- Friendships related to your favorite sport. Let’s say you’re a runner. Then you can have good friendships where mainly you talk about running.
- Friendships related to your life cycle. Let’s say you’ve become a mother or father. Those friendships with other parents can be so intense. You might expect them to last your whole life. Good luck with that.
- Other friendships are with neighbors. When one of those friends moves away? Don’t be shocked if that friendship dies pretty fast.
Better to enjoy those friendships while they last.
All the while, keep building your social skills. Since that kind of life skill can be cumulative: and thus, independent of one particular friendship versus another.
Thanks for Reading, Everyone
Summing up this article:
- Develop excellent social skills. Since you sure can.
- And don’t depend upon vibes. To paraphrase an old saying: A friend in reality is a friend indeed.
And feel free to hop over to my personal blog where an article similar to this one… includes the interactive fun of Comment Conversations. Currently, at “Deeper Perception Made Practical,” we have more than 123,000 comments. Come join us!