What’s New & Important to Know about Your Aura?
Secrets of Your Chakra Databanks, That’s What.
To help us get to that New & Important info right away, here’s what I’ve decided to do. Since many of you readers are blog regulars, I’m going to honor you by not weighing down this article with background.
But what if you do need that background? For instance, you might be a newbie to this field, Energy Spirituality®.
No worries. Background galore is available in comments at this article. Meaning, comments placed at a version of this article over at my personal blog. Please go there right away and check them out.
Meanwhile, here on Medium, let’s get started with the 10 most important things to know about your aura.
Important to Know #1.
Are You Scared of Learning Something Bad about Your Aura?
Look, there’s always some good news about your aura. So don’t be scared of a quality aura reading.
But have you ever had an insulting aura reading from somebody who was supposed to be good at this? I have. In particular, I remember one psychic who told me my aura was…
“Nothing special.”
Has anybody ever been told you nonsense like this? For shame! Here’s the truth.
Your aura is magnificent, and full of inspiring info about you. Therefore, what does it mean when somebody uses an aura reading as an excuse to sneer at you?
That inaccurate kind of “aura reading” is a waste of your time. Since the words have low truth value. Exposing the psychic’s terrible lack of skill — or maybe an icky personal agenda — belonging not to you… But to the person who has just sneered at you.
Important to Know #2
Are You Scared of What Your Aura Could Show about Your Future?
For instance, are you going to die soon?
Sadly, people can say all sorts of nonsense about you. And even call that nonsense “aura reading.” Except guess what?
The Purpose of Reading Your Aura Is Not to Predict the Future
Granted, I can see why this particular confusion arises. Psychics often do both things:
- Often, psychics claim to read auras.
- And also, psychics often make predictions.
However, these are two different activities. Besides, how can I put this politely? Today’s psychics don’t have good skills of aura reading. Mainly, psychics have one skill only, a third skill.
What I’m about to add is, to my knowledge, true of every professional psychic? And it’s also true of the equally lovely people who are pursuing psychic development.
The one skill they learn for sure is how to make contact with astral spirits.
Whether these helpers are called angels or spirit guides, etc., hello. All of these are discarnate beings. That is, they’re entities. Meaning, they lack human-type physical bodies. Considering that, why would you trust any discarnate spirit to tell you something valuable? Think about it.
You’re a human being. While no astral being, no matter how fancy he claims to be… Is even capable of doing basic nose management. By which I mean… How can I put this delicately? A discarnate doesn’t even know how to blow his nose. Yet you’re going to nod and smile while Nearly Headless Nick (or whoever) proceeds to tell you the purpose of your life?
BTW How Come Psychics Seldom Say Where their Info Comes From?
Because spirits tell them what to say. Beings who aren’t even human just loooooove to give their brilliant advice to willing humans like you.
But is a psychic likely to tell you this directly? How they’re the messengers, and you’re really hiring one or more spirits to give you advice. Probably you’re not given straight talk about this unless you’re training to also become a psychic.
Yet here’s the bottom line: Psychics work like actors. They do their aura readings when the lines are supplied by discarnates. Granted, before the Shift into the Age of Awakening — which happened in 2012 — psychic readings were the best a human could do.
For the record, I have known many beautiful psychics. Brave and talented. Many used to be friends of mine. The problem is, since the Shift into the Age of Awakening, doing that kind of work is not good for them any longer. Nor is it good for their clients.
Also btw, in COMMENTS below, I’ll supply some relevant background about the Age of Awakening. Did you know, for instance, that only two stages of aura reading were available until that Shift? While now, you can learn Stage 3 Energetic Literacy, or even more advanced skill than that. You can learn, and I can teach you.
In which case, all that you learn about auras will be cocreated with God. Not some discarnate spirit who might have a pretty icky agenda.
Important to Know #3
What If You Don’t Know What to Expect from an Aura Reading?
That’s a really good question. What kind of info IS available? That depends on the skills the person has in the first place.
With Stage 3 Energetic Literacy, you can read chakra databanks.
Unless you’re already familiar with that really practical aspect of auras, please do yourself a favor. Click on the link just provided. (And maybe also check out the aforementioned comments at the version of this article at my personal blog.)
Would You Like to See Some Examples of Aura Readings?
Sure. This next link will take you to hundreds of them, all published at the Energy Spirituality® Blog. Researching public figures, of course.
Definitely, though, keep this next point in mind. I don’t expect those public figures to read my articles here. Not when they have a zillion other places where folks write about them. So those aura readings are more blunt than what I would tell a client in person.
You, for instance. If I were to research YOUR aura, I would treat you with the kindness and respect you deserve. In keeping with my personal code of ethics.
Important to Know #4
How Can You Find an Aura Reader You Trust?
If you base your choices in life on high SEO articles on Google, the answer is simple. Just search on “Find an aura reader in my neighborhood.” Bam! 91 MILLION hits. Or whatever comes up on your Google.
Only how foolish that would be! Only how foolish that would be. In my sessions, I read auras of clients over the phone, or with Skype. Why limit yourself to somebody in your neighborhood?
The day when I drafted this blogpost, I did Energy Spirituality sessions (including some aura reading) in England, Austria, San Francisco, and Texas. Meanwhile, here and now, how about two smart consumer questions that you can ask before making your first appointment.
One Easy Way to Find out Who’s Good at Reading Auras
These two questions should do it.
- Can you read chakra databanks?
- Who or what helps you, spiritually, to read auras?
Then use your good consumer smarts… about what you’re told. Why will these answers be important? Which answers would you be wise to prefer?
Important to Know about Your Aura #5
Could You Be a Gifted Aura Reader… and Not Know It?
Let’s start with some good news. Actually you are gifted as an aura reader.
You have a personal Gift Set for reading auras.
Guess what? Clairvoyance is definitely not required, either. Only use that if it’s a big part of your gift set. Granted, many old-fashioned aura reading teaching demands clairvoyance. However, these are systems that originated in the Age of Faith. And you won’t learn any of today’s skills for good energetic literacy.
Whereas Energy Spirituality aura reading is a much more interesting story. Did you know this? By now I’ve cocreated 44 Stages of Energetic Literacy. Not just 1 or 2 Stages, as in the olden days… before the Shift into the Age of Awakening.
Pretty encouraging! So don’t be shy about learning good skills for yourself.
Important to Know about Your Aura #6.
Suppose that You’ve Heard of Consciousness Lifestyles. What If You DON’T Want to Know Yours?
Could you still receive an aura reading anyway? Sure.
Yours could include info about your current consciousness lifestyle. But that’s optional. If you feel strongly about this, early in your session, sure. Go ahead and tell me that you do NOT wish to learn about this topic. In which case, I’ll honor your choice.
Hey, what if you want to know more, not less, about consciousness lifestyles? The link just provided will take you to my most recent article with an annual survey. While links within that article can help you to learn still more.
Important to Know about Your Aura #7.
Is It Super-Easy to Tell Who’s in Spiritual Enlightenment?
Because I prefer to think that I am. Otherwise? I don’t want to know.
Note: Many of the questions people have about auras are more like worries. Unspoken!
Maybe I can help you get past such worries. Simply COMMENT below and ask your questions. Even typing in a question in one of our comment boxes, you may be surprised at the relief you feel. Like hearing a worry out loud, it no longer sounds so bad.
Besides, you can comment anonymously here. It’s easy. Here’s how. In the first line of your comment, write “Call me Frodo.” Or whatever name you seriously would like me to call you. Then I’ll do the rest.
Important to Know about Your Aura #8.
Which Chakra Databank Proves Enlightenment? Or Not?
There is no make-or-break chakra databank that proves Spiritual Enlightenment. (Or not.)
I wish that all you Enlightenment seekers would learn from our Discernment Jamboree on that very topic. Not hard to find, either. Simply click on our link just provided. :)
Important to Know about Your Aura #9.
Whatever You See in My Aura Could Be Something Bad. And Then You’d Have to Tell Me, Right?
Here we see one of the clear differences between old-fashioned types of aura reading and good skills for reading auras in the Age of Awakening.
Yes, people who “See the Colours” or “Do Chakra Readings” may be quite literal about what they see. But that is a very limited way to read auras. Stage 1 Energetic Literacy and Stage 2 Energetic Literacy, respectively.
That “See it” approach fits perfectly with Age of Faith surrender. Like “This is the important thing. It is obvious. This is what you are supposed to learn.”
Now that we’re living in the Age of Awakening, we can read chakra databanks. Not just see some big message. Besides that, get this, Readers: You can read whichever chakra databanks you wish.
That’s right. You decide which info to investigate.
Nothing like the fatalistic Age of Faith way to read the Bible.
Which Fatalistic Way???
Did You Ever Try this Age of Faith Way to Get a Message from God?
The following method is so common. Maybe you’ve tried it. Goes like this:
- Close your eyes.
- Open up the Bible to any random page.
- Point somewhere on the page.
- Open your eyes.
- Then read whatever you find, because that is what you are meant to read.
Alternatively, How about Taking a Free Will Approach to Spiritual Learning?
That culd be an Age of Awakening approach! Each of us has so many chakra databanks — over, 1,000. With such a wealth of insight available, isn’t it great that you can research whatever ones interest you most?
No supposed to, either. Set your minds at rest about that idea, Readers.
Important to Know about Your Aura #10.
How Come More People Aren’t Reading these “Chakra Databanks”?
I can’t offer up any good answer to this question. But here’s something worth thinking about.
Among those students of mine who’ve learned Stage 3 Energetic Literacy, they’re doing great. Good quality skills for reading auras have, for example:
- Helped my students to move faster toward Spiritual Enlightenment.
- Or even cross the threshold into Enlightenment.
- Helped some of my clients to get promoted at work. And more than once, some of them, over the past five years.
- And last but not least, these aura readers have found more joy in their personal relationships.
If you’re a thought leader, you’re going to love reading auras.
If you prefer to live as a follower? Come back in another human lifetime, maybe 200 years from now, in 2212. Maybe then you’ll dare to learn skills that became possible that thought leaders have done for centuries!
In Conclusion
Asking questions at the original version of this blogpost is FREE. Active participation can pay off for you, too, helping you to integrate all the knowledge from today’s Q&A. By all means, COMMENT and ask whatever you wish.
Meanwhile, I have some questions for you, Readers. What are your current thoughts on these topics:
- Is it harder for empaths to read auras than for other people to do it?
- What if I’m not perfect in every way? Can somebody like me still learn how to read chakra databanks?
- I think I have marijuana cooties. (Like in that article at the link just provided.) Could these side effects of having smoked pot limit me now, as an aura reader?)
- If I can read my own aura, could that help me to lose weight? Seems like I’ve tried everything else!
- What if I read the aura of somebody who’s seriously messed up? Could that mess me up?
Of course, you can learn good skills for aura reading. Then you can open up a whole new world of insight and meaning.
Readers, thank you for reading. May what you’ve learned help you to adapt well to the world of promise that’s yours, now that all of us are living in the Age of Awakening. Now, finally….
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- Shredded Consciousness
- How to Avoid Multitasking in Consciousness
- Analyzing Dreams — Quiz Yourself
- Face Reading Violin Virtuoso Hilary Hahn
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Thanks for reading, everyone. One way or another, may quality aura reading add to your happiness.
And feel free to hop over to my personal blog where an article similar to this one… includes the interactive fun of Comment Conversations. Recently, at the Energy Spirituality® Blog, we passed 136,000 comments. Come join us!