What Would Wikipedia Write about You?

What Wikipedia Could Write about Me, Rose Rosetree

Rose Rosetree
11 min readDec 27, 2021
What I’ve done professionally (over the past 50 years)

Just for fun — and communication — I’ve decided to write my own Wikipedia page. Maybe it will inspire you to list the biggest achievements of your career so far.

Why Wait for Wikipedia to Come Knocking at YOUR Door?

Wikipedia Rose Rosetree Article

What follows is formatted like a page that you might find at Wikipedia.com — except that it’s not. Instead you can read it here.

Like a page that you might find at Wikipedia.com — except that what follows is adapted from my Monday blogpost at the Energy Spirituality blog.

Wikipedia-Style Rose Rosetree Article

Let’s start it here, and then follow the typical Wikipedia format.

Rose Rosetree is an American-born innovator and system builder, teacher and writer, who founded the field of Energy Spirituality.

Energy Spirituality helps people with personal growth and spiritual awakening, with five interlocking areas of innovation:

Face Reading,

Aura Reading,

Energy Healing,

Empath Empowerment® Coaching,

And Spiritual Enlightenment Coaching.

In concept, integration, and execution this field was completely different from either psychological work or psychic work. It gained widespread counter-culture influence through Rosetree’s trademarks, books, media interviews, and a popular blog.

Born New York, New York, United States

Education United Nations International School
Brandeis University Teacher Training Courses with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Seven Advanced Courses for teachers of Transcendental Meditation.


  • Founder of Energy Spirituality, Practitioner
  • Writer
  • Teacher of online workshops and in-person workshops
  • Presenting workshops in the U.S., England, Ireland, and Japan

Title Founder of Energy Spirituality


  • Early life and education
  • First Career
  • Central Career
  • Five Interlocking Innovation Areas
  • Ideas, Theories, and Trademarks #1: Face Reading
  • Ideas, Theories, and Trademarks #2: Aura Reading
  • Ideas, Theories, and Trademarks #3: Energy Healing
  • Ideas, Theories, and Trademarks #4: Empath Empowerment
  • Ideas, Theories, and Trademarks #5: Spiritual Enlightenment Teaching
  • Bibliography
  • Media Interviews
  • Trademarks
  • References
  • External links
Rose Rosetree in 2020

Early Life and Education

Born Laura Sue Rosenbaum (March 20, 1948), in New York City 1, daughter of Ernest “Ernie” and Sue Rosenbaum, a family with teachers, writers, and innovators, such as:

  • Professor Emeritus Herb Rosenbaum 2, instrumental in establishing the Presidential Debates at Hofstra University 3;
  • Murray Hausknecht 4, an influential writer at Dissent Magazine 5;
  • composer Aaron Copeland 6,
  • steel executive Julius Sussman 7.
  • Also, in 1954 Rosetree’s father invented composites for fashion models, providing that service through his company Zenith Press; this form of advertising remains a requirement for models today.8 (More about innovators in Rosetree’s family can be found in her memoir.9)

She graduated from the United Nations International School10 in 1965 and then Brandeis University11 in 1969. Influential professors teaching at Brandeis (Abraham Maslow 12 and Morrie Schwartz 13, 14) were actively disseminating ideas about Self-actualization 15, which helped shape her future work.

Early Career

While an undergraduate, Laura Rosenbaum learned Transcendental Meditation 16. As Laura Davis (married to her first husband, Donald Davis), she undertook professional training with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to become a TM teacher 17. 18.

Rosetree taught the Transcendental Meditation Program until resigning in 1986. As an “initiator,” she set three national precedents for teaching TM:

  • First, as Laura Davis, she co-founded the first TM-based classes for credit in an American high school, in Dade County Florida.19, 20
  • Second, Laura Davis became the first (and perhaps still only) TM teacher to have syndicated a weekly newspaper column on TM in America. “Meditation Information” appeared in seven Massachusetts newspapers from 1974–1975. 21.
  • Third, as Laura Ramsay (while married to her second husband, David Ramsay), she co-founded the first federally-funded program for teaching TM to government employees. 22

Note: After this second marriage ended, Laura Ramsay changed her name to Laura Rosetree. She kept this name until her third marriage, in 1990, to Mitchell Weber. Following that, she legally changed her name to Rose Rosetree, which is what she’ll be called for the rest of this article.

Central Career: Founding Energy Spirituality

Energy Spirituality 23, aims to help people with emotional growth and spiritual awakening, using skills that work now, in the “Age of Awakening.” In 1986, Rosetree joined the ranks of other ex-TM teachers who took on leadership roles. 25, 26, 27.

Later 10 trademarks followed, 28, along with indie published books 29 that generated 41 foreign rights sales 30, including a national bestseller for Random House Germany31, 32;

As well as 1,000 media interviews (rare in an indie author who has never hired a press agent). Rosetree’s blog “Deeper Perception Made Practical” was listed consistently at “Top 100 Spiritual Blogs, Websites & Influencers.”33

Next follow summaries of the five areas that shaped the emerging field of Rose Rosetree’s Energy Spirituality, bringing significant innovation to each of these areas.

Innovations, Trademarks, Books, Media Interviews: #1. FACE READING

Developing a Modern American Face Reading for Personal Growth

Physiognomy, or reading faces for character, has a long-standing lineage, notably the Chinese system of Siang Mien.

Traditional systems provided fortunetelling,34 aiming to reveal who had superior facial characteristics.35

Rosetree developed a more contemporary system, Face Reading Secrets®, a system that aimed for improved communication and personal growth, 36 striving to open the reader’s “heart of compassion.”37

Developing this system over decades, Rosetree’s “The Power of Face Reading” became a selection of One Spirit Book Club, a division of the Book-of-the-Month Club. 38

Authorized editions were published in China, India, Iraq, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia (Arabic Rights Worldwide), Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, and The Czech Republic.

More About Face Reading Secrets®

In contrast to the dubious reputation of traditional face reading as a kind of fortunetelling or pseudoscience 39, Rosetree won international acclaim for this first personal growth trademark in Energy Spirituality, Face Reading Secrets. Subsequent physiognomy books deepened her emphasis on using face reading to improve relationships.

“Read People Deeper” explored 50 practical categories for problem solving, combining Body Language + Face Reading + Auras. Authorized editions were sold by major publishers in Germany, India, Lebanon, Russia, and the Slovak Republic.

Another breakthrough was “Wrinkles Are God’s Makeup,” exploring meaningful ways that facial characteristics change over time.40, 41. An authorized edition was sold by a major Russian publisher.

Regarding media, Rosetree’s facial analyses appeared on the opinion pages of The San Francisco Chronicle 42, 43, as well as articles in USA Today 44, the Washington Post 45, BBC Mundo Magazine 46., ABC’s “The View” 47; Rosetree also did an interview on National Public Radio for “The Diane Rehm Show, 48. (For more of Rosetree’s media interviews on face reading, see “Media Interviews.”)

Innovations, Trademarks, Books, Media Interviews: #2. AURA READING

Aura Reading as a Form of Literacy, Energetic Literacy

Historically, “aura reading” has meant doing psychic readings49, with an emphasis on clairvoyance.

Notably, some expert practitioners of traditional aura reading have avoided that stigma by branding themselves as medical intuitives, such as Caroline Myss 50, or energy healers, such as Barbara Brennan, 51, author of “Hands of Light.” (Her book is illustrated with color renditions to show how Brennan has seen auras. 52)

These occupations generally involve working with spirit guides and seeing auras.53 For example, in “Hands of Light,” Brennan offered instruction in how to channel one’s spirit guides. 54

By contrast, Rose Rosetree has never recommended working with discarnate spirits. Another significant difference between her work and that of psychics was how she used the term “aura reading” to mean developing degrees of skill (“energetic literacy”) for perceiving and interpreting personal energy fields. 55, 56, 57,

To that end, Rosetree developed and trademarked a distinctive method for developing energetic literacy. Aura Reading Through All Your Senses® 58.

More about Aura Reading Through All Your Senses®

Unlike any form of psychic work, Rosetree’s methodology was closer to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences59 and William Empson’s “Seven Types of Ambiguity” 60, 61.

In addition, Rosetree developed the groundbreaking concept of chakra databanks within auras, 62, 63, 64.

Her how-to, “Aura Reading Through All Your Senses,” became another book club selection for One Spirit 65. Authorized editions were sold in Bulgaria, China, Germany, Spain, India, Russia, Slovenia, and The Slovak Republic, among other acknowledgments 66, 67.

Besides obtaining a trademark for Aura Reading Through All Your Senses, more advanced applications followed: Soul Thrill® Aura Research and Name Alignment®. 68

Many of the media interviews below involved aura readings of public figures. The Chicago Sun-Times alone published 37 such articles. 69

Summing up, Rosetree demonstrated leadership at aura reading by creating a distinctive methodology which served as a basis for future breakthroughs in this research specialty.

Neither reading auras to predict the future, in the manner of psychics; nor reading auras as a means to diagnose illnesses, in the manner of medical intuitives: Rosetree established the start of a new kind of literacy to help improve quality of life emotionally and spiritually: energetic literacy.

Innovations, Trademarks, Books, Media Interviews: #3. ENERGY HEALING

Energy Healing in the Service of Emotional Growth and Spiritual Awakening

[caption id=”attachment_91848" align=”aligncenter” width=”300"]

Rose Rosetree teaching in Tokyo, Japan in 2008[/caption]

Aura READING paved the way for Rose Rosetree’s innovations in energy HEALING, always with the goal of helping clients with emotional growth and spiritual awakening. This sharply contrasted with work by psychics and New Age energy healers. 72, 73

When sponsored by Japan’s leading seminar company VOICE, she twice set a record as the most popular energy healer in their history. 74

According to Rosetree:

“Just as mathematics is the basis for scientific research, energetic literacy is the basis for discoveries about energy healing.”

Regarding the latter, she has registered three energy healing service marks with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, most notably the two summarized below.

Cutting Cords of Attachment

12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment®75 was a method for removing astral-level structures in auras called “cords of attachment.” Done effectively, this skill of energy healing provided many benefits 76, 77

Rosetree’s trademark was registered in 2008. By 2021 hers remained the only American trademark for removing cords of attachment.

In 2007 Rosetree published the first book in the U.S. for facilitating this kind of “major surgery to auras.” Later she also published a follow-up. Authorized editions were sold in the Slovak Republic and Japan.

In America, Rosetree discussed cutting cords of attachment in media interviews. 78, 79, 80. Besides offering in-person workshops on this skill in the U.S. and Japan, Rosetree developed online training as well.81 Technical developments within Rosetree’s system included the discovery of Sympathetic Neutralization. 82

The Spiritually Sparkling® Method for Self-Healing

Most Energy Spirituality skills required professional-level training,83 but the Spiritually Sparkling® method was offered as an option for hobbyists’ self-healing for emotional growth and spiritual awakening.

Rosetree’s book on this topic was “Use Your Power of Command for Spiritual Cleansing and Protection.”

An authorized edition was sold by a major publisher in Russia. Besides offering in-person workshops on these skills in the U.S., England, Ireland, and Japan, Rosetree developed online training as well, through a series of Spiritually Sparkling Online Workshops.

Media interviews include applications of these skills for personal empowerment 84; removal of psychic coercion 85; removing energetic problems from smoking marijuana 86, 87; developing a stronger personal presence 88, and self-protection energetically 89.

To sum up, what was distinctive about the Energy Spirituality approach to Energy Healing?

Unlike mind-body-spirit techniques of energy medicine like Brennan’s work, there was no claim to help with physical healing, nor to appear scientific90.

However, Rosetree did develop precise and systematic methods to permanently remove specific energetic problems in auras. For example, regarding cords of attachment, contrast Brennan’s work 91 with Rosetree’s findings. 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97.

Innovations, Trademarks, Books, Media Interviews: #4. EMPATH Empowerment

Launching Empath Services in America

In 2003, Rose Rosetree launched the field of empath coaching by publishing “Empowered by Empathy.” This was the first how-to book in English for empaths.

Rose Rosetree does Skilled Empath Merge in Japan 2005

What is an empath? According to Rosetree, every empath is born with at least one trainable gift for directly experiencing what it is like to be another person.

Later she trademarked her system of Empath Empowerment®, which uses consciousness to help empaths become “Skilled Empaths.”

Other approaches for helping empaths generally fall into three different categories: Consciousness Approaches; Psychic Development Approaches; Psychological/Medical Approaches. Rosetree’s system remains the only approach to helping empaths that involves consciousness. 98.

As a result, Rosetree became the first empath teacher to develop techniques for “Skilled Empath Merge.” By October 2020, Rosetree was the only empath teacher to have published instructions for this99; or to have published samples of Skilled Empath Merges 100, 101,102, 103.

All this despite the exponential growth of publications by other empath teachers. By December 2020, Amazon.com sold over 5,000 different books for empaths, and one year later they sold over 9,000 different titles for empaths. 104

In media interviews Rosetree aimed to bring discernment to empath teaching in popular culture. 105, 106, 107, 108.

Innovations, Trademarks, Books, Media Interviews: #5. SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT TEACHING

First Enlightenment Teaching to Include Age of Awakening Enlightenment

After working with Energy Spirituality clients for 24 years, in 2010, Rosetree stepped into the role of “enlightenment coach” 109 by starting a “Spiritual Enlightenment List,” an ongoing research project for assessing who was, or wasn’t, technically in Enlightenment. 110

Energy Spirituality Workshop, Sterling, Virginia. In this photo, 9 of Rose’s 13 students are (like Rose) in Age of Awakening Enlightenment.

By 2013 she supplemented that work by teaching about “The Age of Awakening,” which had begun on Dec. 21, 2012. 111,112

In addition, she became the first enlightenment teacher to validate, in certain students, a new kind of Enlightenment that became available starting in 2012. 113, 114,115, 116

In publications, Rosetree made a distinction between “Traditional Enlightenment” and what she came to call “Age of Awakening Enlightenment.” 117

Other Innovations as an Enlightenment Teacher

Her other innovations as a Spiritual Enlightenment Coach included the first publication on “Enlightenment Etiquette” 118; also, trademarked methods for Vibrational Re-Positioning® 119, and Consciousness Positioning Consults® 120.

Additional skills for guiding Enlightenment seekers included Causational BELIEF Transformation, Causational AGREEMENT Transformation, and Discernment of “Consciousness Lifestyles.”

  • Related books include “Let Today Be a Holiday: 365 Ways to Co-Create with God” with hundreds of easy techniques for spiritual development;
  • And “Magnetize Money with Energetic Literacy,” which helped readers to use spiritual discernment to make money and also evolve faster spiritually. (An authorized edition was sold through a major Chinese publisher.)
  • “The New Strong” was the first book in English about how to adjust to the Age of Awakening, with an authorized edition published by a prominent Indian publisher. 121

For articles about Rosetree’s work as an Enlightenment Teacher, see Media Interviews.

Now, In Case You’re Hankering to See Hundreds of those Numbered References

Often complete with links.

Including a sampling of my 1,000+ media interviews…

Just head on over to the Energy Spirituality Blog. You’ll find all those references to publications, interviews, trademarks, and the rest.

Plus, there you can comment. (Not also here at Medium. It’s a time thing! Hope you understand.)

Rose Rosetree says, “Isn’t it amazing how all the little things we do each day can add up? I hope this article has inspired you about YOU.”



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at rose-rosetree.com. She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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