What Is Your Consciousness Positioning Superpower?
Essential for Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Enlightenment
This Consciousness Positioning Superpower matters more than you probably know. At least, this new capacity of yours matters enormously… if you’re interested in using your full potential in life. (“Spiritual Enlightenment” is just an old-fashioned term for that.)
Ooh, breaking news from this Energy Spirituality™ blog. We just reached a new milestone: 116,000 comments.
Thanks to all who helped.
Back to that Consciousness Positioning Superpower…
What’s It Supposed to Be Good for?
Use it well and you’ll evolve spiritually. Plus you’ll enhance:
- Personal Growth
- Emotional Growth
- Close Relationships… and more
Misusing that Consciousness Positioning Superpower can get a person well-and-truly stuck in life. Not using your full potential. Nowhere close. Maybe even slippery-sloping toward mediocrity in life.
High Risk But Also High Reward,
That’s the Story of Your Superpower
Why write about it today? Only recently did I first wrote about this new ability of yours and mine… (Yes, I introduced “Consciousness Positioning Superpower” in Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.)
Until today, I haven’t communicated the most practical aspects at a dedicated blogpost. Today, let’s fix that.
Hey, You Have Your Job. Just as I Have Mine
As the founder of Energy Spirituality™, what IS my job? I help people with emotional growth and spiritual awakening. Using skills that work now, in the Age of Awakening. Including today, when I cocreate article like this one, cocreating with the Divine.
How about you? If you’d like to benefit from this very practical knowledge, what is your job? Simply read what follows. And not skim-reading but thoughtful reading, which I know you’re still good at doing.
Maybe you’ll also share this article with the people you care about.
Unfortunately, most folks who don’t know about their new Consciousness Positioning Superpower are misusing it like crazy.
First of All
Why Blog on This Topic?
Your Consciousness Positioning Superpower is just one of soooooooo many leading-edge topics we can discuss. Each and every one potentially bringing you more clarity.
Well, today’s article was inspired by a wonderful saying from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. (My former, late, beloved, ex-guru.)
See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
In other words, as you evolve spiritually… You’ll easily discern what needs to be done. Following that, you can do it. (Notably, without agonizing over this.) Consquently, you can avoid all kinds of trouble.
What follows here is a quick course in that new superpower of yours:
- What IS Your Consciousness Positioning Superpower?
- Why love it?
- How to use it.
- How to avoid the misery.
Okay, Blog-Buddies, Here we go.
Practically Speaking, What IS Your New Consciousness Positioning Superpower?
Aiming to define something very abstract and way spiritual in a simple way? Here’s an analogy, just for you.
Remember When, as a Kid, You Began Pushing Buttons on Elevators?
There you are, knee high to your parents. Yet you’re big enough to start pushing buttons.
On today’s amazing elevators, you will become positioned at the 3rd Floor, the 4th Floor, the 20th Floor.
Kids can go wild, pushing buttons like crazy. Then your car will physically travel. A totally instant kind of travel, and quite effortless!
That’s like our new superpower for positioning consciousness. Only we don’t have shiny buttons.
For that reason, I’d strongly recommend that you learn more about this subtle ability. More than can fit into a blogpost. Yet you’ll receive a very practical education in that one new book: Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.
Of Course, Consciousness Positioning Isn’t Physical, Like What an Elevator Does
“Consciousness” refers to being awake. Naturally awake. (And nothing to do with today’s silly attempts at “mindfulness.”)
Where, then, are folks positioning their consciousness? Away from human objective reality. Often detaching from life.
To be a bit technical, most people today are wrecking their consciousness lifestyles. Due to far too much positioning of consciousness at Astral Vibrational Frequencies, rather than Human Vibrational Frequencies.
Why LOVE your Consciousness Positioning Superpower?
Suppose that you care about using your full potential in life….
Whether you call that Spiritual Enlightenment or personal self-actualization. (Such was described by humanistic psychologist and thought leader, Abraham Maslow. According to my consciousness lifestyle research, Maslow did move into Enlightenment.)
Living now, making constructive use of your Consciousness Positioning Superpower, you can evolve far faster now. Way faster than was possible before the Shift into the Age of Awakening. And have I seen that in some of my clients? Definitely.
How to USE your Consciousness Positioning Superpower? Wisely!
This simple formula can help. (Although there’s benefit to you from learning more than this.)
Do 20 Daily Minutes of Technique Time.
Not more, not less.
Along with all the new how-to’s full Program for Spiritual Enlightenment, yes! There’s a ton of help for you in Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening Incidentally, two chapters will be of special interest in this regard:
- 10 EXCELLENT Choices for Your Technique Time
- 10 TERRIBLE Choices for Technique Time
Avoid MISERY Caused by Misusing your Consciousness Positioning Superpower
What kind of misery? Here’s one example among many.
Don’t you know people who just can’t stop multi-tasking? Like it seems as though they’ve become incapable of talking to you without doing something else?
And how about the people you know who joke about how “I’m addicted to my phone.” As if that were really a joke.
On a social level, I call this “Collective Attention Deficit Disorder.” Mostly, imo, the cause is misuse of that Consciousness Positioning Superpower.
Know anybody like Sam? He’s waaaay into mindfulness. Very likely, Sam has a phone addiction. And constantly multi-tasks. Or he’s constantly analyzing himself psychologically. Or he’s doing Energy Talk. Unknowingly, he could be “shredding his consciousness,” his ability to simply pay attention normally.
Speaking of variations on this kind of misery, consider Gladys. She takes too many supplements & medications. The sheer amount of them can create problems.
As a result, Gladys has started adding even more supplements to counter those problems.
Next, Announcing Our April 2023 Energy Spirituality™ Newsletter
Go into even more depth about the topic of today’s blogpost. You’ll find these leading-edge articles:
- Consciousness Matters Enormously Now. Unlike Pre-Shift.
- Consciousness Lifestyle Update on Celeb 1: Claire Danes
- Plus, Consciousness Lifestyle Update on Celeb 2: Julia Roberts
- Consciousness Lifestyle Update on Celeb 3: Billy Crudup
- The Best of the Blog
All Free. All Energy Spirituality™. Just Sign up in Advance
In order to receive this practical, counter-culture issue of the newsletter, might I suggest? Sign up today.
Planned Publication Day for this issue is Wednesday, April 12, 2023.
How to Subscribe to Reading Life Deeper
It’s easy. Afterward, this newsletter will come to you no strings (or spam) attached.
- Simply go to my website’s Home Page. For a shortcut, just scroll up to the Energy Spirituality logo at the top of this page. Click on it.
- Scroll all the way down. And there you’ll find the signup box. Awaiting you, no special mindfulness will help you to gain the benefit from our five articles in this issue. Imo, the mindfulness craze is a (currently popular) misuse of our new Consciousness Positioning Superpower.
- Incidentally, what if you ever wish to unsubscribe? Hey, that’s easy too.
- Also worth knowing: If you should you change your email address, it would be great if you’d unsubscribe out the old. Then subscribe in the new.
- Of course, your confidential email address will be handled honorably. No renting. No selling. You kidding?
- Did you know that Reading Life Deeper has an unusually high “click-through rate”? Yep, people actually read it. I think that’s because this newsletter gives you practical articles at the leading edge of the Age of Awakening.
- Regarding the April 2023 issue of the Energy Spirituality newsletter, sure, benefit from it. Just you subscribe in advance, then read it.
Now It’s Your Turn. Ask Your Questions and Share Your Reactions.
Together we can bring more knowledge into this world about what it means to have it. IT being that new Consciousness Positioning Superpower. :)
Too late to decide if you want it. All humans, with normal mental functioning have this. Starting with the Shift into the Age of Awakening. No opting out is possible.
But don’t comment here. That function is turned of here on Medium. Instead, go to my personal blog — you know, the one that reached 116,000 comments today. Click on the link just given and you’ll be all set.
Might I suggest some topics for questions? Simply to get our Comment Conversation going….
- What is difficult-and-spiritually dangerous for empaths living today? Which mainstream advice for empaths can cause us to misuse our Consciousness Positioning Superpower? And can Empath Empowerment® help?
- Similarly, what is difficult-and-spiritually dangerous for Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) living today? Which currently popular advice can cause us to misuse our Consciousness Positioning Superpower?
- Could there be any connection between misusing that Consciousness Positioning Superpower and today’s mindfulness craze? How about a connection to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and similar forms of self-analysis?
- In this context, why might CBD and weed have become so popular?
- Why are so many New Age energy healers having significant problems now? Compared, that is, to doing Reiki or crystal healing, etc. Meaning during the New Age Years. Namely, between 1980 and Dec. 21, 2012, the start of the Age of Awakening.