What Does a Spiritual Poem Sound Like?
Inspiration from Rose Rosetree, Founder of Empath Empowerment ®
Just published today is a YouTube video offering Inspiration for Empaths. If you click on that link, you can hear-and-see me read an unabashedly spiritual poem. (Spiritual but not religious.)
In case you’d like to read the words, they’re below. Because writing poetry is one thing but reading a poem in public…
- When I’m not a professional actor, usually more of a mumbler.
- Also, being 75 years old, I’m not going to impress you with my youthful good looks.
- I figure the least I can do is to make available the words of my first poem for empaths.
Of course, you can help to spread the word about this poem — and learning good skills as an empath — if you do that one-click good deed called LIKE it. (Did you know? On YouTube.com, liking is anonymous. You could also multiply your good deed if you like… or share… or comment at that YouTube link.)
Published Originally in “Empowered by Empathy” in 2001.
This is really the Dedication© to ALL my books for empaths.
Poets, singers, artists:
you who yearn to express the truth
and yet more truth, open now
to the ways you already create and create without ceasing
through your spirit’s gifts.
Dancers, actors, musicians, photographers,
creators of all kinds and intensities:
you who fervently wish that someone, that enough someones,
might give you the chance to show your talent,
open now and be refreshed.
Once upon this time, right here, in this room,
know that wherever you are, you send out your gifts
and applause for them shakes in the air
like the sound right before thunder.
Because you move as an empath,
you are an awakener,
not only through the skills that you cherish
but in all the ways that you serve, bringing light to this world
on a silver(though invisible) platter.
Even you, the hidden ones,
you who keep your gifts secret,
even you whose gifts are kept so far secret
that you do not know them yet,
stop holding back your tears.
Hear the call.
Awaken to the mystery of all you can know
and all that you share,
for our world, like you, is ready to break wide open
and show forth the full joy of God.
— Rose Rosetree, 2001
Copyright© 2001 by Rose Rosetree. All rights reserved.