What Do You REALLY Want?
Your Soul-Based Desires Are So Much More… than Your Story
Your Soul-Based Desires Are So Much More than Your Story? Huh??? Really?
Yes, really. What you learn in this article can help you to gain results from a session of Soul Thrill® Aura Research.
- When it comes to your story, what’s that? Subconsciously, and sometimes consciously, we humans are storytellers. We make up a plot line. Choose heroes and villains. More about story will come later in this article.
- In addition, the Q&A aspect of our blogpost can open up new understandings for you. Because Energy Spirituality is NOT psychotherapy or pop psych or today’s life coaching.
- Why would it be wise to avoid equating significant help with learning a story? Then you’ll stop expecting your growth to involve learning new stories about yourself. Consequently you’ll grow faster.
Surprising Or Not…
Energy Spirituality Is NOT Psychotherapy Or Pop Psychology Or Life Coaching
Yet psychology is what most people expect today. Particularly educated people. Including self-actualizing people.
Even if you’ve never had a session with a mental health professional, hello! Very likely you’ve given yourself a ton of “be your own therapist.” Pop psychology is today’s universal religion for personal development. For instance, following the media or just hearing folks having everyday conversations, folks will freely use words that are really mental health diagnoses, such as:
- Trauma. Guess how many hits on Google for that one? (See COMMENTS below.)
- Depressed. Guess how many hits on Google for that one?
- Anxious. Guess how many hits on Google for that one?
- Obsessed. Guess how many hits on Google for that one?
All Psychology Talk! We cause problems for ourselves when we label ourselves with words like these. While more appropriate words might be easy to use, if we only are willing to speak Human Talk. For example:
- Something upsetting happened to me.
- I’m feeling a little sad about that friendship.
- Since you asked, I’m feeling somewhat worried about a problem at work.
- Lucky me! I have a new hobby. I’m interested in studying the speeches of Winston Churchill.
Readers, have you noticed how much everyday talk is verging on psychiatric diagnosis?
But moving toward our main topic for this article…
Just One Problem with Turning Everyday Talk into Pop Psychology
You and I are not really on the “Oprah Winfrey Show.” ;-)
Okay, there are actually many problems with turning ordinary conversations into pop psych.
In this main article, I’ll only note one such prob. It’s relevant to learning about which choices in life thrill your soul.
What Happens If You’re at a Crossroads? Trying to Find Your Way
Often, that’s why Energy Spirituality clients book a session of Soul Thrill Aura Research®. That’s a simple 55-minute session. Usually it can bring a great deal of clarity. UNLESS you’re expecting it to include pop psych.
Simply put, Soul Thrill Aura Research is a session where you bring ideas to research. Given your choices, what does your own soul have to say?
Learn about that. In words, clear-and-human words. What are Your Soul-Based Desires?
Why Else Might You Book Some Soul Thrill® Aura Research?
Here are some examples:
- I’m looking for a new job.
- When will I figure out what I’m going to do when I grow up?
- Moving into retirement, what now?
- I need to find my purpose.
- Something in my life is missing. Here are my ideas about what will complete me.
Sure, you could go to a therapist. Or get a psychic reading.
But if you’d like input from Your Soul-Based Desires, yes! Many a client has told me, there’s nothing as insightful as Soul Thrill Aura Research. Since you learn about the subconscious-and-energetic reaction of your own chakra databanks to anything you think you might do.
What’s Unique about this Help for Making Good Choices?
As an Energy Spirituality Energy Reading Centerpiece, it’s based on good skills of energetic literacy.
In Practical Terms, What Happens?
During your session, I’ll cocreate an array of chakra databanks just for you. That improvised set of chakra databanks will be suited to the overall topic for your research.
Next you’ll bring up one “Research Item” at a time.
Then using skills for this trademarked system, I’ll give you feedback directly from your own chakra databanks.
- Not your conscious opinion.
- Not the story you’ve been telling yourself.
- Nor will be an approximation, figuring out what your soul would like.
- Rather, your soul’s desires express clearly, specifically and accurately… through the response of each chakra databank we research.
For example, this YouTube video shows me doing this kind of research about my client’s food choices.
Basically, Soul Thrill Aura Research gives you specific guidance from your soul. Guidance related to your own subconscious-and-energetic reactions.
You can receive that present-time info… related to any research items that you ask about during your session.
Now Let’s Do Some Problem Solving, Folks
Because, over the years, I’ve encountered a frustrating problem with facilitating this research. Maybe you can guess this problem from the official title of this article: Your Soul’s Desires Are NOT Your Story.
In a way, I’m fighting the tide with this simple sentence. So I’m going to spell out reasons to not expect this kind of aura-level research to be like therapy.
Your Soul-Based Desires Are NOT Your Story. Therefore…
Telling Me Your Story Is Not Helpful
In order to help you, really help you, guess what? My role is not to validate your story.
Delving into your story — or history — may be common with some forms of therapy. But that’s not true of Energy Spirituality.
For one thing, all your chakra databanks… your entire aura… already know the full story. They’ve stored everything that has happened to you… ever since the day you were born. More important, your chakra databanks contain authentic responses to research items:
- What’s true for you, really.
- And pristine.
- Basically, a no B.S. zone.
Instead, your research session can bring you information with High Truth Value. Providing insights you didn’t know already.
By contrast, you’re free to tell yourself your story. Ask friends to listen to your story. Or even validate that your story is wonderful.
Your Soul-Based Desires Are So Much More than Your Story, So…
Don’t Settle for Feel-Good Conversation about Your Unhappiness
Instead, discover the wisdom that comes from your own personal chakra databanks. As researched for you during the session.
From pop psych, we’ve been led to believe that it is therapeutic to “talk things through.” (Wanna guess how many hits Google finds for that pop psych cliche? See my related COMMENT below.)
That’s a very dubious claim. In particular…
Please Don’t Expect to Get Things Off Your Chest
Many of us have been trained by Oprah’s show, or by actual psychotherapists. We’ve been taught to bring up our feelings and all that matters to us about our story. Eventually, ideally, you’ll feel “validated.”
Although often, methods that are supposed to help you… do just the opposite. (Take a listen to the sound recording at the link just provided.)
Even if telling your story makes you feel good in the moment, uh-oh. The next day you might find plenty more “things” have accumulated on your chest. Energy Spirituality sessions offer a true alternative, an effective alternative.
Historically Speaking
Hard though it may be to believe this in 2023, today’s emphasis on feelings is just a fad. Variations on that fad have gone on since Freud’s work became popular 100 years before the Shift into the Age of Awakening.
By now, we’re just 10 years into that Age of Awakening. Very likely, 100 years from now, people won’t consider delving into feelings especially relevant to personal growth.
I write this as an Enlightenment Teacher who has helped many people to move into Spiritual Enlightenment. Helped many more people to move toward Enlightenment. That is, using their full potential in life. None of this help involved listening to clients’s stories. Or asking them, “How did that make you feel?”
Instead of Your Story, Bring This to Your Research Session with Me
Specific ideas that you would like to research: Yep, bringing a list of those ideas would be smart.
Which research ideas would be smart to put onto your list? List one specific, human-type idea at a time: neither a wish or a theory related to your story. For instance, what if you’re choosing a direction for your career?
- DON’T Bring: I want a job.
- DO Bring: Work as a Trainer
For another contrasting example:
- DON’T Bring: I want a job to make me happy. My problem is, I’ve never been really happy.
- DO Bring: Work as a Private Investigator
In short, bring your ideas for research items. They don’t have to be cosmic. Nor is the purpose of Soul Thrill Aura Research to give you one thing that you will do for the rest of your life. It’s enough to research your next step in life, don’t you think?
Also, let’s be clear. I’m not a psychic. I will not tell you about a Grand, Ultimate Purpose for Your Life. In fact, I won’t even tell you what Your Personal Research List should be.
Who’s the world’s expert on you? Surely you know the answer.
Your Soul-Based Desires Are So Much More than Your Story. Enough Already!
Today There’s Way Too Much Storytelling
It’s not nearly as therapeutic as most of us have been led to believe.
The sacred process of cocreating Soul Thrill Aura Research provides you with a true alternative.
Find out the response to each “research item” that you’ve been considering.
To follow up, use those insights, straight from your subconscious mind and aura. Those insights will help you to make more informed decisions. The proof of that pudding will be in the eating.
In Conclusion
Of course, Your Soul-Based Desires matter. Yet they’re present subconsciously, not consciously. No amount of storytelling or emotional validation will bring you this information. So make use of skills like Soul Thrill Aura Research to help get yourself unstuck, get you moving forward on your personal path.
Given the counter-culture info in this article, it can be especially helpful if you would COMMENT at the version of this article at the Energy Spirituality Blog. Bring your questions, your but-but-but’s. Even bring some of your stories that you used to tell yourself, but now you’ve moved past them.
For instance, if you ask in a COMMENT below, I’ll tell you a key story about my former life as a half reununciate, half householder. Offering perspective on a story that did me no good.
Right away, you might start commenting on your reaction to the idea that pop psychology is today’s universal religion for personal development.
Have you broken away from the herd yet?
- For instance, do you refuse to take the psychological bypass?
- Do you have any idea how different Energy Spirituality is from psychotherapy?
- And how this field is totally unlike life coaching?
- Are you now a Skilled Empath? Before you learned those skills, did you used to tell yourself stories? Such as, “I must use all my sensitivity all the time. Otherwise God will take all of my empath-ness away.”
- Have you ever been through a divorce or romantic breakup? During that relationship, were you telling yourself a story about why you had to stay together?
- Did that old story make it hard for you to move forward without your ex?
- What DID help you to move forward without your ex? Did the solution come from telling yourself another, better story?
In Short
Stories are fine but they’re not necessarily a path to personal growth. Nor to spiritual awakening. No more than today’s increasingly shrill calls to brand yourself are about anything more meaningful than performance, competition, and glorifying mere stories.
Be your own person and keep on growing. You can.
And feel free to hop over to my personal blog where an article similar to this one… includes the interactive fun of Comment Conversations. Currently, at “Deeper Perception Made Practical,” we have more than 122,000 comments. Come join us!