Validating Enlightenment for LOGAN GONZALES
His Interview with Enlightenment Teacher Rose Rosetree
Together let’s honor the latest Energy Spirituality™ student who’s moved into Spiritual Enlightenment.
Enlightenment Validation for LOGAN: Inspiration for all who are “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.” Also, this is a great article to read if you’re curious about any of the following:
- Using your full potential in life
- Learning to read chakra databanks (today’s Energetic Literacy)
- Empath Empowerment®
- Name Alignment®
- Growth, whether emotional growth or personal development, etc.
- Spiritual Awakening
- Age of Awakening Enlightenment
Today’s Blogpost Follows up on LOGAN’s Recent Enlightenment Validation
Probably no kind of personal session that I facilitate is more personal. After facilitating his Enlightenment Validation, I asked LOGAN GOZALES if he’d be willing to let me interview him. Happily, he said yes. So that’s what follows in today’s article.
Let’s get to it.
Introducing this Enlightenment Validation Interview for LOGAN GOZALES
By now, LOGAN has been my client for nine years. During that time he learned Empath Empowerment®. Also he learned aura reading from the Energy Spirituality Online Workshops. He did Name Alignment®, too.
Needless to say (almost), LOGAN has requested some personal sessions too. Helping him to get unstuck at various times.
None of these just happened. Like God loved him so that one day this lovely person woke up as a Skilled Empath. From now on, whenever desired, he had good quality energetic literacy. So he could read chakra databanks in detail.
Oh yeah, suddenly LOGAN had a name that uplifted him. Rather than spending the rest of his life with a name that fit him like shoes five sizes too small.
Only now, let’s get real. All these accelerations to his personal development were choices that LOGAN made.
By contrast, moving into Spiritual Enlightenment was not a choice.
God decides, not us humans. When I facilitated a Skilled Empath Merge with LOGAN during our last session. Ta da! That’s when I found out. Automatically I pivoted. Turning our session turned into the sacred ceremony I call “Enlightenment Validation.” Hooray!
Now Let Our Official Enlightenment Validation INTERVIEW Begin
ROSE: Over the years you’ve had quite a few personal sessions with me. Any idea why?
LOGAN: These sessions helped me to get over a very difficult childhood. And overcome some relationship problems! And also get past some problems from when I worked as a property manager.
ROSE: You didn’t stay a property manager, did you?
LOGAN: True. After doing sessions with you for several years, I decided to go back to college and get my degree. In the spring of last year, I graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science and Computer Science. Now I have my first professional job.
Another really helpful thing for me from Energy Spirituality was when we did Soul Thrill aura reading. In a couple of sessions, we researched different kinds of food and ways of eating that could help me do better. When I followed up I felt better, and I lost 25 lbs.
ROSE: That’s right. You had Soul Thrill Aura Research®. Although we didn’t make a demo video of your research, this next link provides a sample: Here is a YouTube video with this uniquely practical kind of aura reading, thanks to my volunteer JULIA.
Enlightenment Validation for LOGAN GONZALES #2. Re Health
ROSE: Now, speaking of losing weight, you used to worry a lot about your health, didn’t you?
LOGAN: Oh yes. Hey, this is something that happened shortly after I moved into Age of Awakening Enlightenment. One day I was cleaning out my room. When I came across a box of some old things I used to use:
- My EMF necklace, to protect me from electric frequencies.
- Morganite for EMF protection.
- A Tibetan bell I used to use for cleansing.
- Some sandalwood incense, also meant to cleanse my aura.
To my surprise, I reacted with… “What is this doing here? Why do I even have this?”
Quickly I decided, this needs to go out of here, this needs to go today.” Right away I took that box outside and shoved it into the family’s trashcan.
Following That, Talk about Surprising!
LOGAN: After I threw the box away, wow! It felt great to have done that, to throw all of that away. Emotionally it felt like I got rid of something old and heavy.
You know, this was a new experience for me. Like I found a new kind of clarity within myself.
ROSE: Clarity like that is a hallmark of Age of Awakening. Do any other stories come to mind, LOGAN?
LOGAN: Here’s one. Come to think of it, hmmm. Another surprise….
Lately I recover from problems faster. If I’m stuck, I get unstuck faster.
ROSE: Example, please?
Better Problem Solving
LOGAN: My supervisor told me to take apart a computer and return the motherboard to the company where we ordered it online. Since it wasn’t working properly. That’s what he thought the problem was.
As I was following up, I had a quiet little thought. Like I decided to do a little more troubleshooting. Soon after, I wound up finding the problem and fixing it. All along the motherboard had been fine.
ROSE: What a wonderful story!
LOGAN: Now another story is occurring to me. Back in the day I used to spend a ton of time on computer games. Like “Starcraft 2” and “Counter-Strike: Source.”
Well, one day in Jan. of this year, I deleted all of them. Altogether, that was hundreds of games.
ROSE: Any idea what got you started doing that, LOGAN?
LOGAN: Originally I decided to stop playing those games because I was looking for a job. Like this was a change I planned to make temporarily. It never occurred to me then to get rid of my huge collection of games.
But over time I realized something. Not having those games in my life was an improvement. For that reason, it occurred to me to just get rid of them all.
Living without computer games, I’ve been much happier. Of course, I’ve been getting a lot more done, too.
ROSE: That does sounds like an improvement.
LOGAN: Definitely! You know, I was a gamer for 20 years!
More Stories, Please
LOGAN: Okay, here’s another story about problem solving. This time I’m thinking of happened at work. I spoke up to a coworker. Why? Because I didn’t like what he was doing with one of our projects. After I spoke up we wound up solving the problem together. In fact, he wound up agreeing with me.
On the other hand, what if I hadn’t spoken up? (My old usual.)
For sure, the problem would have stayed there. Comparing this time to what I would have done in the past? Somehow there was no question in my mind about whether or not to speak up. And then it worked out great.
Since I moved into Enlightenment this next kind of thing has happened again and again.
Since Moving into Age of Awakening Enlightenment, Any Other Discoveries?
LOGAN: Okay. Well, this week at lunch break I noticed that I am really smart.
Does that sound funny? I don’t mean that I felt like I was better than anyone else. This was totally unlike comparing myself to other people.
When I say “smart,” I don’t mean like Ph.D. smart. It was more like, “I see people and objects more for what they are.” I see things with more clarity, with more truth value. Spontaneously, I had a brief moment like this during my lunch break
ROSE: Glad you shared that story, LOGAN. I love it. Exactly this kind of thing happens a lot in Age of Awakening Enlightenment. Somehow you’ll have little moments when you make very quiet discoveries.
- Maybe about yourself.
- Or what you’re doing in the moment.
- Or you’ll have some spontaneous insight into somebody you know.
In general, what’s becoming available to you? Quiet little flashes of inspiration. Perhaps we could call this “a higher truth value.”
The Process of Moving into Enlightenment
ROSE: At this point, let’s go into the process of moving into Age of Awakening Enlightenment. Did you notice when it happened? For example, when I facilitated Enlightenment Validation for you, were you surprised?
LOGAN : No, I was not. In a subtle way the previous week had been different. There were quiet discoveries about myself. Totally spontaneous little moments.
For example, like what happened a few days before the Enlightenment Validation. While driving home from work , I saw the most beautiful beam of light coming out of the clouds. This was one of the most beautiful beams of light I had ever seen.
What went through my head?
God, I see the beautiful beam of light, and I know you’re there. I know you’re within me.
You don’t need to prove it to me. I know you’re there already.
At the same time I’d always love to see a beautiful beam of light.
ROSE: Beautiful!
See, this is one reason why Enlightenment Validation matters. You had one lovely, quiet experience after another. But did you realize that you were in Spiritual Enlightenment? Apparenly not.
Since We’re on the Topic of Noticing Subtle Things…
How about Enlightenment Eye Flash?
ROSE: Enlightenment Eye Flash is something that folks in Spiritual Enlightenment can notice.
Sometimes people notice. While other times, people don’t. Let me tell you about it, LOGAN. Then you can tell us if you’ve noticed it happening to you or not. Specifically, here are the main points.
- You’ll be walking down the street when you see somebody walking toward you. Let’s call him Sam.
- As you’re noticing him, just casually, no big deal, hello! Super-fast you see some kind of subtle change in him. It’s like Sam’s eyes open up within his eyes.
- Maybe his eyes might seem shinier. Alternatively, there’s a quick flash of recognition when he sees you. Altogether, this lasts maybe two seconds. Not long.
- So you can appreciate why I call this quick thing an Enlightenment Eye Flash.
Have you noticed this kind of thing happening at all?
LOGAN: Yeah, now that you mention it. For example, I’ll pass some strangers on the street. This is a new thing, how some of them will be looking at me for a few seconds extra. Although I didn’t have a name for that before, like Enlightenment Eye Flash, yes. I noticed. What I thought was more like, “Why are they kind of like looking at me this way?”
Usually I’m not paying attention to whether people I pass on the street are looking at me or not. Unless something unusual is happening. But nothing unusual was going on while we were walking down the street.
Looking back on what happened, it was spiritual, a little bit of glowing up. Very brief. Not flashy, just real.
Fun, Right?
ROSE: Here’s how I understand what you’ve just described. Enlightenment Eye Flash occurs during the orientation phase of moving into Enlightenment. So enjoy it while it still happens. :)
ROSE: Exactly what’s going on with Enlightenment Eye Flash? According to my best understanding:
The stranger’s soul expression, deep down, recognizes your Auric Modeling. Normally, your soul is constantly recognizing — and storing — everybody’s Auric Modeling. Noticing that every time. The same thing with every single person you’re with.
Only now, LOGAN, your auric modeling is that of somebody in Spiritual Enlightenment. To be sure, at a soul level, that kind of thing is remarkable. And it’s crystal clear to your soul, like a big little hello. Then comes the eye flash.
Amazing But True
ROSE: You could think about Enlightenment Eye Flash in this way: LOGAN, you might be the first human being in Enlightenment that a stranger has ever seen. Important to realize, to that stranger’s soul, this could be a big deal.
In the light of that quiet spiritual discovery, what happens? As best I understand it, there’s that subtle wakeup call. A subconscious noticing that creates an involuntary change to eye gaze. All happening in a split second.
Soon afterward, that Higher Self moment fades away. The stranger looks normal again. No more Enlightenment Eye Flash! In fact, if you hadn’t seen it during that second or two? Like you’d never know it had happened!
Any Advice for Spiritual Seekers Reading this Article?
LOGAN: It’s very important to realize that everything Rose teaches is easy. The Empath Empowerment. The Aura Reading. All those skills.
Over the years I’ve learned how important effortlessness is if you’re doing something that involves using your consciousness.
ROSE: These days many people are very excited about mindfulness, meditation, and slowing down etc. What is your opinion of that?
LOGAN: Honestly I’ve never done any mindfulness, anything like that.
Never needed to. Never wanted to. And you know what? I’m just fine without it.
ROSE: LOGAN, I’d say you’re more than fine. You’re even in Spiritual Enlightement! And without trying to do any of today’s mindfulness practices.
Thank you so much for graciously doing this interview with me.
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Also, might I recommend another resource? If you aim to use your full potential in life, you’ll find a great deal of leading-edge, practical information in “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.”