Today’s INVISIBLE Astral Travel

Aiming to Use Your Full Potential?

Rose Rosetree
5 min readNov 21, 2022
Some of the sweetest-seeming options may not really be all that good for you. What CAN help you grow?

Stay up to date about Invisible Astral Travel, and other Innovations for Growth. Since you’re into accelerating your personal growth.

Sure, I get that. Otherwise you wouldn’t have clicked on this article. Today’s growth knowledge — whether about personal growth, personal development, spiritual awakening and more… All of this self-help knowledge is multiplying exponentially.

But have you noticed? All too often, lot of what passes for a big discovery is more like recycled whatevers.

By contrast, every current discovery with a High Truth Value… can move you further along your path. Especially important if your goal is to use your full potential in life!

What IS High Truth Value?

Basically, this means knowledge that seems both true and IMPORTANT. To you! You being the one with spiritual self-authority, the ability to discern for yourself which knowledge is relatively valuable.

By contrast, what would be an example of Low Truth Value? Fake news!

Another example: What would be an example of Trivial Truth Value? Playing Trivial Pursuit. As in, “Sure that’s the correct answer to the question. But how big a deal was the question in the first place?”

Incidentally, that link reveals what I found by doing a Google search: Today, 27,200,000 hits on Google, when first-drafting this blogpost.

Clearly, popularity — aka current impact on Collective Consciousness — has absolutely nothing to do with truth value.

Yet for this founder of Energy Spirituality™, truth matters. Enormously! Innovations are valuable not just because they’re new. Rather, around here, innovations matter because they’re not merely new. Our goal here is to advance High Truth Value, especially about growth and spiritual awakening.

As for you, Blog-Buddies, if you aim to be a Thought Leader, you’ll need standards. High Truth Value standards!

For Innovations with High Truth Value…

One Advantage That Isn’t Obvious

Where do all my latest discoveries, like Invisible Astral Travel, come from?

During the New Age Years, in 1995 to be precise, I learned some skills for how to cocreate with the Divine.

To be clear, this is altogether different from psychic development, working with spirits, or calling on God as “Spirit.”

Following that discovery, I cocreated the first two sets of skills in Energy Spirituality. These have protected me, my students and clients:

To learn more about all this, our next link can provide many details about how my work developed. Now let’s move on to what’s new, thanks to the recent publication of Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.

Innovations for Growth #1. Mind Boggling!

Invisible Astral Travel

Know it or not…

Know that you’re doing it or not, hello!

Most likely, YOU have been doing this kind of consciousness travel. How often? Many, many times each day.

What is INVISIBLE Astral Travel?

Today: 0 direct hits on Google this morning, when first-drafting this blogpost.

According to Google: “It looks like there aren’t many great matches for your search.” Haha, I’m used to finding that when googling innovations. This is really quite typical of the early years of an innovation.

(Seriously, typical. At the link just given, you can find a ton of examples. Below you’ll find more links to Google searches supporting innovations from this writer.)

Before the Age of Awakening, This Invisible Travel Didn’t Happen

Ooh, we just can’t avoid mentioning the Age of Awakening. Meaning, that Shift which happened nearly a decade ago.

Rather than elaborately introduce you to this new era on earth, for now I’ll leave you with one link: This blogpost introduces you in a way that is simple, yet not simplistic.

COMMENT below if you have further questions, like “What IS the Age of Awakening?”

Regular readers of this blog already know quite a lot on this topic. But if you’re new to the Shift, etc., don’t be shy. Please read the link just provided. Then ask away.

Astral Travel in the Age of Faith Was Altogether Different

Yesterday’s astral travel, from time before the Shift, involved jaunting around in an energy body.

Flashy! Impressive!

Incidentally, even during the Age of Faith, responsible teachers knew this? Astral travel had nothing to do with Enlightenment.

Although, this morning, when googling “Astral Travel” — how many hits? 1,660,000

By Contrast, Today’s Invisible Astral Travel…

Not astral flashy at all. And it’s done by positioning our consciousness at an Astral Vibrational Frequency.

Usually, doing this for just a second or so. Namely, a person has a little hiccup in awareness. Moving away from positioning consciousness at a Human Vibrational Frequency, over to an Astral Vibrational Frequency.

  • Incidentally, what if you have questions about Human Vibrational Frequencies,
  • Or Astral Vibrational Frequencies,
  • Or the Divine Vibrational Frequency?

Simply COMMENT below and ask.

Why It Matters for Using Your Full Potential

Invisible Astral Travel isn’t particularly good for us. Especially if we’re seeking to use our full potential in life.

Too much Invisible Astral Travel can cause a person like Sam or Gladys to detach from reality. Losing their taste for “ordinary” human life, then doing a ton of Energy Talk. As though that makes a person “spiritual” or “wise.”

Hardly! What if you recognize yourself here? A few of my books can help. Even better, if you can swing it, would be to book a personal session with me of Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING.

Innovations for Growth #2. Making Deep Spiritual Truths More Human, More Real

Snapshots of Consciousness

Today: Plenty of direct hits on Google. Only they’re nothing like what I mean here.

What Is a Snapshot of Consciousness?

Nothing to do with photography! Rather, these snapshots involve benefitting from a specialized research skill. This one was developed especially for Enlightenment teaching.

In my latest book, these “snapshots” help to bring home the truth about consciousness. What really helps folks with authentic growing? Versus taking spiritual side trips.

Why It Matters for Using Your Full Potential

Indispensible for assessing how a person is progressing in life: Good skills of energetic literacy.

Long before I became qualified to serve as an Enlightenment Teacher, I was developing-and-teaching trademarked systems for this kind of literacy. Exploring Energy Spirituality ENERGY READING skills.

Just as math is the language for science…

Chakra databanks are the language for exploring consciousness.

Pausing for Today…

  • What do you think about today’s Invisible Astral Travel?
  • Might you know lovely seekers of personal growth who are on a “spiritual side trip”?
  • Any questions about this type of research for seeking Enlightenment, Snapshots of Consciousness?

Comment away at the version of this article at my personal blog. I love to answer questions from my fellow Thought Leaders.

Rose Rosetree says, “Thanks for reading.”



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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