Stewart Rhodes, Integrity Chakra Databanks

Aura Reading the Notorious Oath Keeper

Rose Rosetree
6 min readDec 5, 2022
Heart as cold as ice. Does that describe the aura of Stewart Rhodes? Nah, the truth is far more complex, and awfuller.

Seditious Conspiracy Aura. Hey, do you know the latest reason why Stewart Rhodes is famous?

For the first time in American history since 1995, terrorists have been convicted of seditious conspiracy.

Only this time? They’re American terrorists. And their leader is a Yale Law School grad, a self-styled “patriot.” Namely, the founder-and-leader of the Oath Keepers: Stewart is proudly, totally, unapologetic.

Today You Can Meet Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes. Really Meet Him, Integrity-Wise

As you may know, last Tuesday a jury convicted him of seditious conspiracy.

Truly remarkable, how he and another high-level leader of the Oath Keepers have become famous in a way! Although this was hardly the kind of fame they expected. You see, they’re the first to be convicted of this super-serious criminal charge since 1995.

Back then, an Egyptian cleric and nine followers were convicted of plotting to bomb New York City landmarks. Unlike Oath Keepers, who qualify as American Domestic Terrorists.

Stewart Rhodes’ Aura Doesn’t Lie. Even If His Mouth Does

Knowing the wealth of info that can be revealed by a quality aura reading, where to start?

On reflection, my priority is to research Stewart’s integrity. Like all of his “Oath Keepers,” he considers himself a “patriot.” We’ll see about that.

Of course, this Head of the Oath Keepers also on record… Making a crude threat to murder Nancy Pelosi. Not only is Pelosi Speaker of the House, and the most accomplished vote counter in generations. She happens to be one of my top-ranked political heroes:

  1. Pelosi lives in Spiritual Enlightenment
  2. Demonstrating magnificent integrity and leadership.
  3. Moreover, as a politician Pelosi upholds America’s consitutional separation of church and state.

Although that third point isn’t a big deal? Seems to me it’s well worth mentioning.

Given all of today’s Supreme Court Justices, and Republican members of Congress, who try so mightily to turn their religious extremism… What’s more, aiming to turn it into the law of the land.

Never yet have I heard a single statement from a single one of them that impresses me like, “Senator Ted Cruz sure is walking his talk. Yet I’ve seen Pelosi do that again and again. In fact, I’ve even heard a rare disclosure of House Speaker Pelosi’s personal values. To this day, and it inspires me.

Enter Research… Using the Integrity Array of Chakra Databanks

Although some of you are familiar with this term of art, many of you are not. And I want to bring you up to speed quickly. So here’s your shortcut to learn some really useful things.

Have you’ve ever wondered, how can I tell who’s a liar?

To clarify further, this aura reading post is your ticket to quite a show. Simply click on the following trio of links for background.

  1. What are chakra databanks?
  2. How about understanding the concept of arrays of chakra databanks?
  3. Specifically, how will I go about researching Stewart’s Array of INTEGRITY Chakra Databanks?

Oh yes, here’s your link to the photo that I’ll be using for this energetic literacy research on Stewart Rhodes.

Meaning: Findings will apply to Rhodes at the time of the photo. Because, as you may know, most of the info in chakra databanks does change over time.

Anybody who sneeringly refers to a Black Aura or generalizes about somebody’s “unevolved” Red Aura? That’s somebody who’s currently stuck at doing kindergarten-level aura reading.

And a Bonus for You Readers… :)

Please know, if you continue reading, you can look forward to this practical benefit. Since Energy Spirituality™ is nothing if not practical.- you’re not just going to learn about one particular criminal’s integrity. Quite possibly, you’ll discover nuance and detail about integrity. Could be mind-boggling!

1. Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality

Symbolic Size

2 inches (Practically shut down, at the time of this photograph.)


A deeply and proudly stubborn man, Stewart believes in his own version of reality.

By the time of this photo, this decision is thoroughly entrenched. That is, caring about “ordinary” reality hasn’t interested him for a very long while.

I’m right. They’re wrong.

They don’t know what they’re talking about. I do, though.

I know what I’m talking about. And I’m always right.

2. Root Chakra Databank for Financial Integrity

Funny thing about America’s most famous rebels. These days, their believers may believe in the integrity of their fearless leader.

Yet conspiracy theorists and insurrectionists don’t necessarily speak the truth! Moreover, their financial integrity may be even worse than their verbal integrity. A certain Mr. Jones, for instance, made a fortune out of trolling Sandy Hook parents. After his recent guilty verdict, Alex Jones must pay $965 million. Interesting?

Now back to Stewart. Specifically, what will this chakra databank reveal about his financial integrity?

Symbolic Size

2 inches. (Almost completely shut down, at the time of this photo.)


Partly, Stewart has a sense that people owe him.

Partly, winning at money is one way he aims to “get even.”

In general, his chakra databank financial fairness is quite undeveloped.

#3. Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Power Integrity

Integrity of action? Does that even matter for a guy who went from Yale (law school) to jail?

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. (Totally shut down, flatlining, at the time of this photo.)


Evidently, all that matters to Stewart is that he wins.

Given what I’ve found in this chakra databank, oboy! “The end justifies the means” would be far too lofty a moral principle for this guy.

#4. Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Self-Honesty

Please note, like all chakra databanks, doing energetic literacy research here reveals what’s going on subconsciously and energetically. Not consciously.

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. (Completely shut down at the time of this photo.)


Stranger than a heart as cold as ice. Rhodes has a Chakra Databank Exchange! What does that mean?

Evidently, to Stewart, “Emotions” are all about power. Such as:

For example, happy means, “I’ve got power.”

For another example, sad means, “Bossing these people around isn’t working for me right now.”

To learn more about this kind of habitual swap-eroo, see Discovery #52 at our article on “Leading-Edge Discoveries for Your Personal Growth and Spiritual Awakening.”

#5. Throat Chakra Databank for Verbal Integrity When Speaking as an Oath Keeper

Unlike the 95% of a person’s 1,000+ chakra databanks that are standard issue….This is an optional chakra databank belonging to Mr. Oath Keeper at the time of this photograph.

Symbolic Size

95,000 feet. (Definitely over-functioning. Considerably!)


Basically, sewage is flowing forth from Stewart’s speech. Corrupting those who believe him? Quite some game, for Stewart!

Seeing the effect he has on others, progressively corrupting his followers? In this situation you or I would feel revolted. Or worry. Or even feel guilty.

However, this chakra databank (like others I’ve researched today) is scruple-free.

Instead of disgusted, Rhodes feels excited, powerful. Like, “The uglier the better.”

6. Right Elbow Chakra Databank for Handling Criticism at Work

Honestly, who LOVES to receive criticism? But when you invent the Oath Keepers, maybe this chakra databank works in an unusual way. Let’s explore.

Symbolic Size



Stewart “loves a good fight.” Seems like, to him, that’s all criticism represents: Simply a chance to vigorously do battle.

#7. Third Eye Chakra Databank for Spiritual Integrity

Honoring God. Loving God. Doing what is right… just for the sake of it. As if goodness is its own reward. Hmmm, I’m curious about what we’ll find at this chakra databank. Are you?

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. (Totally flatlining at the time of this photo.)


Maybe the following will seem a touch arrogant to you, Blog-Buddies. Yet, for Stewart, this feels just about right:

“I’m more important than God. Besides, I can get away with anything.”

Evidently, Stewart the “Oath Keeper” is unfamiliar with the concept of karma….

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Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.