Spiritually Awakened OR Merely Gullible?
Lose 4 Flattering Falsehoods and Free Yourself up
Here and now, learn the truth about what it means to be “Spiritually Awakened.” Learn from an Enlightenment Teacher with the standing to blog on this topic.
All of us must start somewhere on our spiritual journey. My goal here is to strip away illusions and help you to attain your heart’s desire, spiritually. Please keep reading, keep thinking, and decide for yourself about the ideas that follow.
Maybe You’re Homesick for Heaven
Sweet! I understand that pull, that longing. But sometimes the intensity of your desire to gain spiritual connection with God… can overwhelm common sense. If you’re “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening,” let’s bring some clarity to your quest. I’ve helped many seekers like you to succeed. And how? By teaching understandings and skills that work.
Because it’s not enough that God loves you. It’s not sufficient that somebody promises you “spiritual awakening” or some other shiny prize: Yet that “teacher” has no standing to guide you.
Witness this article. “21 Signs You’re Going Through A Spiritual Awakening + How To Embrace It.” By Sarah Regan.
Sometimes articles like this one are internet paradoxes: Huge clout and fabulous SEO, combined with dismally low truth value.
Actually, many articles at mindbodygreen.com are exactly like that. So thank you, Sarah Regan. Thanks for the latest article of yours I’ve had a chance to read. Not coincidentally, an article that inspired this blogpost. Being such a… well… Blog-Buddies, keep reading and decide for yourself how to rate this article.
Later, sure, in COMMENTS below, I can research what Sarah’s chakra databanks reveal about her standing as an influencer. Specifically, her standing as an influencer about spiritual anything, let alone spiritual awakening.
Spiritual Seekers and Finders, sure. If you’d like to learn more about the highly influential Ms. Regan, COMMENT below and ask.
Next point worth making…
Where I’m Coming from as a Spiritual Teacher
For 50 years I’ve devoted my life to this form of service. And I’m not done yet, not by a mile.
As the founder of Energy Spirituality, I’m so enthusiastic about the community we have together at this blog. Among our distinctive specialties here, all cocreated with the Divine, is Enlightenment Teaching.
In that capacity, I’m devoting this blogpost to debunking false ideas about spiritual awakening.
What Is Spiritual Awakening, Anyway?
Let’s quote from “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening”, Page 63:
Thanks to the internet, idealized content about Spiritual Awakening has become today’s most popular clickbait concerning religion and spirituality. For instance, Google just gave me 9 million hits on “Spiritual Awakening,” versus 3 million for “Spiritual Enlightenment.”
Ever since the New Age years, one crazy-popular trend has emerged, where “experts” will refer to Spiritual Awakening (or simply Awakening, for short) as though it’s today’s cooler way of talking about Spiritual Enlightenment.
In truth, what is spiritual awakening? It’s an experience with more energetic intensity than whatever you’re used to.
Vague and confusing as the term “Spiritual Awakening” is… it gets worse. As you’ll learn from this article, Blog-Buddies, pop Enlightenment culture doesn’t even describe that. Instead…
The Article We’re Critiquing Is NOT Really about Spiritual Awakening
Instead, misleading ideas are labeled as “signs of Spiritual Awakening.” Count this easy encouragement as spiritual garbage. These easy catchphrases don’t even meet the low standard of what counts as Spiritual Awakening.
Sometimes the word NOT comes in handy. After all, by age two you learned how to say “No.” For adults such words can very useful. Use them to liberate yourself from teachings with a terribly low truth value.
Instead, you can sweeten your spiritual life with ideas that have High Truth Value. Up to you! Keep reading in order to expose certain spiritual illusions as… illusions. You know:
Sometimes the best way to teach what can help you… Is to distinguish it from super-popular ideas that won’t help you one bit.
Go for the Real Deal. It’s called “Enlightenment” not “Awakening”
Every once in a while I’ll encounter an article of outrageous ignorance, seasoned liberally with pandering. And that’s what I found when I came across the article that sparked today’s blogpost: 21 Signs You’re Going Through A Spiritual Awakening??? Hardly!
Pack up your common sense. Join me. Now let’s explore.
NOT Spiritually Awakened. Pop Spirituality Sign #1. Supposedly…
You Feel Disconnected or Detached?
Sarah writes, “It can feel like everything you thought to be true about your life was a lie.”
No sense of irony from her, apparently, about what she is telling readers: Concerning how to make spiritual progress.
Truth is, for countless reasons, a person can feel disconnected from life. Or detached. How about these, for instance? Sam might feel like this because he:
- Broke up with his latest one night stand.
- Has been smoking weed.
- Has been mellowing himself with large doses of ketcheup. (Joke. I meant gobbling CBD gummies.)
- Sam has decided he’s “not a reader.” So he’s hasn’t opened a single book in more than a year.
- Unwittingly, Sam has moved himself into the consciousness lifestyle of spiritual addiction.
More Likely True about Authentic Spiritual Evolution
Among the thousands of people I’ve helped with personal development… Since 1969!
A sign of emotional and spiritual growth is enjoying life MORE. Not less.
NOT Spiritually Awakened. Pop Spirituality Sign #2. Supposedly…
You’ve Reevaluated Your Beliefs?
Quite typical of Sarah’s writing, her main loyalty might be to presenting clickbait. More than telling readers the truth about anything. And if you’re shocked that I’m writing this about the Spirituality & Relationships Editor of one of America’s biggest websites?
Under these circumstances, a little shock can be a good thing. Fascinatingly, in this aforementioned article, Sarah gives two examples of reevaluating your beliefs. Presumably due to “spiritual awakening”:
- Example 1: Connecting deeply with a new religion or belief
- Example 2: Quitting your job to pursue your real passion
That Example 1 sure is a great example of something. No example of spiritual evolution but a fab example of circular reasoning! Suppose you have this dialog with your neighbor Gladys.
GLADYS: “I have reevaluated my beliefs. This is a very big deal.”
YOU: Sounds like. Can you give me one example of a belief that you have been questioning?
GLADYS: Not really. Giggle.
YOU: Huh?
GLADYS: Look, I just threw all my old beliefs away. I have connected oh-so-deeply with a complete set of new beliefs. That’s all.
Think about this, Blog-Buddies…
Who INSTANTLY Connects “Deeply” with a New Set of Beliefs?
Shallow people. Or folks who just joined a cult.
By contrast do thoughtful people, spiritual people, change our beliefs instantly? Or must we keep one complete set of beliefs for life? As if constantly lugging around the original tablet with the 10 Commandments.
Beliefs worth having are worth questioning. We’re allowed to read articles like this one, to think for ourselves. Hey, sometimes we’ll modify our former beliefs. Or perhaps we’ll start to explore something new.Shallow people. Or folks who just joined a new cult.
Because thoughtful people, spiritual people, don’t keep one complete set of beliefs for life. As if constantly lugging around the original tablet with the 10 Commandments. We’re allowed to question beliefs, to read blogs like this one, to think for ourselves.
Hey, sometimes we’ll modify our former beliefs. Or perhaps we’ll begin to explore something new.
- But what kind of person goes all in with one set of beliefs… Then turns around and does the same thing with a completely different set of beliefs? And this supposedly constitutes “spiritual awakening.”
- Nope. This is Not Spiritual Awakening.
More Likely True about Authentic Spiritual Evolution
Spiritual Experience Doesn’t Necessarily Translate into Human Drama
C.S. Lewis understood that. As an eloquent-and-influential Christian apologist, Lewis wrote a ton of books. Maybe you’ve read some of them. Blog-Buddies. I have read many, and reviewed them on Goodreads.
If I had to pick one favorite from all of his books, that would be “Surprised by Joy.” In this memoir Lewis describes how his life in the world had its own progression. While his spiritual and religions life had its own, very different progression. Out of respect, he describes them separately, masterfully interweaving these two different themes.
In that context, please remember this when you’re talking to people at work. And assuming that you have any job except clergy member, etc.:
Your spiritual life is nobody else’s business. Save those conversations for when you’re not at work.
NOT Spiritually Awakened. Pop Spirituality Sign #3. Supposedly…
Your Dreams Are More Vivid
Hello, don’t turn to dreams for proof of spiritual awakening. If you can’t notice any improvement during your waking hours, geesh! It ain’t spiritual awakening.
Often in this article, Sarah seems to be reaching for clickbait that will engage readers. When allegedly advising readers about how to grow spiritually, she actually offers this advice:
“The meanings of your dreams and how they connect to your journey may become more apparent as well.”
So much busywork for the restless, confused (and perhaps even gullible) spiritual seeker!
More Likely True about Authentic Spiritual Evolution
Thousands of years ago, during the times of the Old Testament, Joseph helped the pharaoh to interpret dreams.
Surely today’s spiritual seekers can pursue a path that works now. Since we’re no longer living in the Age of Faith.
Welcome to the Age of Awakening, folks! Now it’s far easier to develop the use of your full potential in life. (Witness the examples at the previous link.)
NOT Spiritually Awakened. Pop Spirituality Sign #4. Supposedly…
You Experience More Synchronicities and Déjà Vu
Interesting hobby, sniffing out Déjà Vu. Helpful, if your aspiration in life is to become a soothsayer.
Seriously, synchronicity became all the rage during the New Age Years. Understandable as such, this hobby trended from 1980 until the Shift on Dec. 21, 2012.
Today? Synchronicity has about as much relatiuonship to spiritual experience or wisdom as…
- Playing Candy Crush.
- Watching unboxing videos.
- Or any other hobby, at amateur level.
More Likely True about Authentic Spiritual Evolution
Being more evolved means living more in the present. Imagine: As we evolve spiritually and grow emotionally, we accomplish more in life. We engage in reality, rather than escaping from reality into a favorite fantasy meant-to-be.
In Conclusion
Today you learned about four things that do not count as valid spiritual progress. In COMMENTS at my website for this blogpost — here — I’ll continue to bring up more of the 17 remaining “Signs You’re Going Through A Spiritual Awakening.” Let’s see if any of them have much truth value for you, shall we?
Of course, you’re also cordially invited to share your thoughts, reactions, questions, and stories. Already you may have plenty to add to our Comment Conversation here. Go for it.
Contribute to our unfolding education over at the Energy Spirituality blog and a version of this same article where COMMENTS are enabled. I’m interested in publishing what you have to say.