Solving 10 Common Problems

From the Founder of Energy Spirituality

Rose Rosetree
6 min readNov 26, 2021
Don’t just swim along with the crowd. Be YOU! (Link to a YouTube Video)

Have you been struggling with any of these common problems. Sessions of Energy Spirituality just might help. But how?

First of All

Did you know that Energy Spirituality is very different from other forms of energy healing?

Quite often I’ll ask a new client: Have you ever had session of Energy Spirituality before?

After a pause, I’ll hear a yes. Then the client will mumble the name of what the session was. Supposedly “Energy Spirituality.”

But really not. It turns out.

In other words, when healers claim to offer you Energy Spirituality anything? Perhaps you’d like to see if they’re on this list of Energy Spirituality Experts. Otherwise?

Politely put, they’re misrepresenting what they do. For example, what if they claim to offer one of the 10 trademarked systems that I’ve developed over the decades. Again, unless they’re qualified in this field? Sigh! Maybe the most generous way to put it is this old saying: “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” By contrast, describing ethical work

To clarify, here are 10 ways that I’ve helped clients with Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING Sessions. Maybe I can help you too.

Problem #1. Current Love Troubles

In case you’re wondering, no, I don’t do voodoo. Therefore, I won’t “fix” the aura of your lover or partner or spouse.

Yet there are many Energy Spirituality skills for bringing clarity about a relationship. Including helping my client “Gladys” to discover a limitation she’s had. For instance, a tendency toward jealousy.

Key to understanding the unique approach of Energy Spirituality toward energy healing?

Developing this field over the decades, I’ve identified dozens of kinds of STUFF stuck in auras.

Each one has its own name. Further, Energy Spirituality provides at least one effective skill for permanent removal of that STUFF. Following that, I facilitate PUT IN. (And that’s far more specific to my client than just some “good energy.)

Couldn’t be further from New Age energy healing methods. Like Reiki or Crystal Healing, where “bad energy” is removed.

Problem #2. Moving on from an Ex

Sometimes folks think that cutting a cord of attachment is the only way to help. They’d be wrong.

Fortunately, an Energy Spirituality session is a cocreation with God or Jesus. (Or another Divine Being, selected by the client.)

For this reason, among others, Energy Spirituality Experts are way resourceful. Helping one particular client, one custom-fit way.

Problem #3. Removing Abortion Guilt

How I wish that every woman who’s had an abortion could have a session with me. Here’s an example of so many sessions where I have helped my client to put the past abortion where it belongs. In the past.

Problem #4. Moving on from a Miscarriage

So many ways to help women move on from miscarriages! Basically, this:

Whatever kind of STUFF has been holding the woman back? Very likely an Energy Spirituality Session can help. Let’s remember what Energy Spirituality IS:

Energy Spirituality helps people like you with emotional growth and spiritual awakening.

Using energy skills that work NOW, in the Age of Awakening.

If you haven’t felt the same since your miscarriage, why not give Energy Spirituality a chance?

Problem #5. Overthinking

“I’m an overthinker,” some folks will tell you.

To me, that’s like somebody saying, “I always have crumbs of food between my teeth.” Hello, how about consulting a dentist? Or, at least, you could learn to use dental floss!

Having a problem doesn’t make you a particular kind of person. It’s good reason to get yourself some effective help.

When it comes to the common problem of overthinking, what do people commonly do? (Other than label themselves for life…)

Psychotherapy. Or else “being my own therapist.”

And how often does either one of these approaches solve the problem of overthinking? Very likely, those well meant solutions only make the overthinking worse.

Consider the possibility that “overthinking” is caused by STUFF in a person’s subconscious mind and aura.

No amount of psychotherapy will remove STUFF from your aura. But Energy Spirituality sure can.

Problem #6. Struggling to Build Self-Esteem

Good luck with working on your self-esteem.

Indirectly, personal sessions of Energy Spirituality can help a lot.

Why indirectly? Because self-esteem improves every time you have a session to remove hidden STUFF from your aura.

All the folks on this list, for instance, are self-actualized people. Therefore, their self-esteem is doing just fine.

Problem #7. Stick up for Myself

Definitely a specialty of Energy Spirituality: One session at a time, I can help you to:

  1. Discover your power.
  2. Use your power.
  3. Remove energetic blockages to using your power.
  4. And learn effective, simple social skills. Ones you couldn’t have been taught…
  5. While growing up in that family. Or that cult.

But no repining. I’ve helped others to stick up for themselves. Why not you?

Problem #8. Improve My “Grounding”

In many ways New Age Energy Healing methods fall short of what we need now. At least, that’s true from my perspective as somebody who uses good skills of energetic literacy that work now, in the Age of Awakening.

Whereas even the most prestigious practitioners of Quantum Touch, EFT, Healing Touch, etc. are lacking what?

They don’t even know how to read chakra databanks. Although this skill is essential for checking the value of any emotional healing or spiritual awakening.

Think I’m kidding about “They don’t even know how to read chakra databanks”? (Hey, that link just supplied will take you to a Google search. See for yourself. Who today is publishing articles about reading chakra databanks?)

All that said, attempts to improve grounding are sadly counterproductive. At least that’s true according to my research on grounding.

Energy Spirituality helps people achieve what they mean by “grounding.” But it’s sure not by encouraging folks to ground-and-shield their auras all day long!

#9. Protect Me as an Empath

So many empath teachers! So much fear and so much misinformation.

Have you been seeking energy healing to protect yourself from terrible problems as an empath?

Simply click on this one resource, my new Empath Empowerment® website. It just might bring you all you need.

10 Common Energy HEALING Problems #10. Move on from Unhelpful Healers

Quite recently Gladys emailed me:

“Rose, do you perform Soul Retrieval for clients ? The last time I went to a professional about this , I was attacked throughout the session , while in sacred space !!!! Therefore I did not get the full benefit of the spirit worker’s endeavor…. Somehow , someone was alerted to my presence in sacred space , and was able to throw shadow energies at my solar plexus that nothing could shield .”

Personally, I do not call myself a spirit worker. Nor a healer. Instead, like all Energy Spirituality Experts, I cocreate with the Divine. Also I use skills that work now, in the Age of Awakening. Rather than shamanic work, etc., from the Age of Faith, where the previous email is just one example of how complicated things become.

Many of us have ties of gratitude, habit, and sentimental connection… to people who do call themselves healers. You might want to check out their websites these days. And then decide for yourself if they have the standing to help you — really help you — now.

Rose Rosetree says, “Thanks for reading. Wishing you success at vanquishing problems! Let me know if I can help you.”



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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