Small Christmas Miracles.
You Can Find Them Daily
Just one more way to celebrate Christmas! (Or whatever sacred-to-you holiday that you’re choosing to honor today.)
First of All, How Will You Define “Miracles”?
Up to You, Isn’t It!
Here’s my definition:
A miracle stops me in my tracks. Inwardly. Suddenly I remember — light up remembering — “God is here with me. Right now.”
What’s your definition? Whatever yours is….
Small Christmas Miracles Are up to You
Because there’s no such thing as too small a miracle.
When is a miracle not a miracle?
When you don’t stop to notice it.
For example, concerning the photo at the top of this post. Here’s how it came to be. Casually looking out the window, seeing my everyday back yard, I saw an unexpected heart.
(You did pick out that heart in the photograph, right? Okay, maybe you saw only a leaf. In that case, take another look.)
At the time, I was in a rush. Bizzzy breakfast! Couldn’t wait to get to work.
Only this small miracle waited for me. A bit later I checked out the window again. It was still there.
And this time I didn’t just see it, I registered it. My inner words went like this: A symbol of God’s love… Where I never even thought to look for it.
Then I took this photo, waiting to blog about it when the time felt right. Definitely today!
Small Christmas Miracles. WHY?
Because miracles are definitely in the eye of the beholder.
Though I wouldn’t seriously presume to imagine what’s in the eye of God… Playfully, I imagine miracles and wonders nonstop. After all, God lives at the Divine Vibrational Frequency, aka “Perfection Everywhere Now.”
Although I can’t write about what or how or why God finds miracles, hello! I’d like to sound a clarion call for us humans. We are responsible for finding most miracles.
Specifically, we alone are responsible for acknowledging them. By which I sure don’t mean looking at a clock and seeing 11:11. Personally, I think that’s somebody else’s clickbait of a miracle. Maybe taking advantage of other people’s desire to connect with God. Also, perhaps, displaying a common confusion that (supposedly) astral experiences are the same as the Divine. (They’re not. Which is one reason why potheads aren’t really the wisest people on earth.)
Consider yourself authorized: Find your own beauties and wonders. Name them yourself. For yourself. And maybe as a way to acknowledge God.
Reminds me of this quote from St. Teresa of Kolkata:
Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within the reach of every hand.
Small Christmas Miracles. WHERE and WHEN
Let the treasure hunt occur during everyday life. That’s the trick.
In case you’ve been looking for a movie-style, fancy-big miracle? Cut that out. You and I don’t rate the parting of the Red Sea. Besides, it’s been done.
Choose instead: Sweet moments that open your heart to love. Or to wonder. Or to feeling (more directly than usual) the sacredness of your life.
Small Christmas Miracles. How NOT
For heaven’s sake, don’t constantly search for miracles. As for positive thinking? That’s a way to mess up your aura. Or let Trump “inspire you” to avoid this mood-making malarkey. Please, spare yourself the “fake it ‘till you make it” school of personal growth.
Granted, certain religious clichés from the Age of Faith continue to be popular:
- Like “trying to be spiritual”
- Or “see The Christ in everyone”
- Ugh, you know the kind of thing I mean. Make your own list. Just don’t do these well-meaning ways to stop the process of spiritual awakening. Instead, more likely bringing on spiritual addiction.
Simply put, lying to yourself won’t bring real miracles. Why would it?
Small Christmas Miracles. HOW
Suppose that you’d like to authentically find the occasional miracle. Or allow it to find you. How can you have more miracles in your life? Innocence helps. You’ll know a miracle when you find one.
Most important, be willing. Also, it won’t hurt to develop good spiritual self-authority. Giving yourself the right to authorize your own personal everyday miracles.
From my perspective, as the founder of Energy Spirituality, guess what? I’ve found several of our skill sets help to open up deeper perception. Any of the following can help you for the purpose intended. In addition, they just might open up your recognition of the miraculous:
- Discovering Creativity Secrets with Soul.
- If you’re an empath, letting Empath Empowerment® wake up a strong sense of self. (Unskilled empaths miss out on that, more than they realize.)
- Even better, as a Skilled Empath, learn how to safely do Skilled Empath Merge. AKA, “The biggest fun you can have with your clothes on.”
- Gain Stage 3 Energetic Literacy. Talk about gifts that keep on giving!
- Every single chakra databank you research doesn’t just provide fascinating insights. You’re opening up a kind of wonder. (At least, that’s how it is for me.)
- If you’re learning the system of Aura Reading through All Your Senses, guess what else? When you learn about your personal, lifelong Gift Set for reading auras? That’s like receiving an email straight from God, with the subject line:
Through all of these aura reading gifts, you’re especially likely to recognize miracles in everyday life.
In Conclusion
Be open to the possibility of miracles in your life. It’s enough to see a faded leaf that unexpectedly shows you a heart.
Don’t set your heart on sights on finding the Shroud of Turin, okay?