Shocking Details of Clarence Thomas’ Aura

What Do You Expect to Find Regarding INTEGRITY in this Supreme Court Justice?

Rose Rosetree
16 min readJul 15, 2024
Aura Reading Clarence Thomas. Mostly I publish inspiring aura readings, but today’s will be just the opposite. Will it read to you like a real-life dystopia, where America is ruled by a dictator king for life?

Aura Reading Political Activist Clarence Thomas? About time!

Early on, Readers, please know that this article is designed to be interactive. If you have questions about anything here, COMMENT at the version of this article at my personal blog. Ask there and I’ll respond.

If you follow the news, you’ll know that Thomas, and others in the conservative majority on the Supreme Court, have just handed what to their hero? Legally they’ve given Trump the equivalent of a king’s crown.

Which brings me to two — count ’em TWO — big reasons for reading this powerful man’s aura now.

Aura Reading Clarence Thomas. Reason 1.

The Court’s Immunity Decision. A New Low for Democracy

America is reeling — and I mean reeling — from the stunning deicision laid down by Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and other known Heritage Foundation political activists on our Supreme Court. Whereby, to all intents and purposes, American presidents (including the criminal lawsuits pending against Trump) have total immunity when doing what they define as their “official work.”

By that standard, Richard Nixon would not have had to resign his presidency.

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent to that Immunity decision tells it like it is. Arguing that it “reshapes the institution of the presidency” and “makes a mockery” of the constitutional principle that no man is above the law. Meanwhile…

Aura Reading Political Activist Clarence Thomas. Reason 2.

Thomas Has Refused to Report Questionable Income

Al Capone was brought down over tax evasion. Could financial lawbreaking end the lifetime appointment of Justice Thomas?

Last week, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., filed articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, over alleged ethics violations and political bias.

Bribed or Not, Thomas Should Have Paid Taxes on All This Moolah

Exactly how much undeclared moolah? Click on the link just provided to see the figures in chart form. Perhaps some of you readers at Medium already know about this long-simmering scandal.

A pair of Senate Democrats have asked the Justice Department to criminally investigate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas over travel given as gifts, and a loan for a luxury car from wealthy donor friends. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I. chairs the Judiciary subcommittee on federal courts. Joining him last week was Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden of Oregon. He sent a letter asking Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel.

Meanwhile, at this blog, I can dedicate a post to the topic of Clarence Thomas’ integrity. Today. No delay.

We’ll Use the Integrity Array of Chakra Databanks

Maybe you know, I love using good skills of energetic literacy. (Teaching them, too.) Unfortunately, to many people, aura reading means a cartoonishly simplistic version of “Seeing the colours.” Such as:

By Contrast, Today’s Aura Reading Can Be Far More Informative

Why can energetic literacy deliver far more useful knowledge than the old-fashioned psychic generalizations? Your short answer is this. Not until the Shift into the Age of Awakening did it become possible for most people to read chakra databanks.

Beginning in 2017 — just five years after the Shift — I published my first “array of chakra databanks.” By now, cocreating with the Divine, I’ve been able to develop many other specialized protocols for detailed research. You might be surprised to learn more about these Chakra Databank Arrays for Precision Aura Reading. Altogether there are 25, and we’re just getting started.

Thanks to this Integrity Array of Chakra Databanks, Yes!

Today’s aura readers with good skills can learn so much more about different types of integrity. Available to each of us! Including that interesting man of demonstrable avarice, Clarence Thomas.

Might I recommend? What if you’re not familiar with this set of Integrity Chakra Databanks? Do yourself a favor — not just for clarity for reading what follows… But for your own moral and ethical clarity as a human being. Use the link in our last paragraph to learn more.

What Will I Find, Doing this Aura Reading?

My hunch is, this won’t be good. I’d hate your first exposure to this specialized kind of aura research to be this ethically bankrupt human specimen. So maybe you’d like to start by reading this kind of research on Christine Blasey Ford, Ph.D.

To be clear: I agree with House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi. In my opinion, Thomas never should have been appointed to the Supreme Court in the first place. But I’ll put that aside when I research his chakra databanks. May I find something lovely… lovely!

As You May Recall

Although Thomas won confirmation to the Court, back in the day, what happened later?

Public support for Hill has flipped. Public support for Hill progressed — even within a year. A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll from October 1992, a year after Hill’s testimony… reported that 43 percent of Americans believed Hill versus the 39 percent of respondents who believed Thomas.

Well, let’s find out how Clarence’s integrity is doing more recently, shall we?

Which Will Photo I Use for to Research Multiple Integrities of this Man?

Here’s the image of Clarence Thomas, from 2024, which I’ll use for today’s aura research.

What, read auras from a regular photograph or screenshot? No prob.

Readers, if you have developed Stage 3 Energetic Literacylike me and many of my students…. Then you can read chakra databanks. And read them from regular photographs and screenshots.

Here we go. I have no idea what I’ll find, since I haven’t checked out Thomas’ aura since his Confirmation Hearings.

Aura Reading Clarence Thomas #1. Root Chakra Databank for…

Connection to Objective Reality

Symbolic Size

50,000 Miles. (Extremely over-functioning)


Okay, regarding a problem like the one I’ve just found… When this shows up in a person’s aura, it has an impact on every single chakra databank. Clearly, that will include the 10 chakra databanks I’ll be researching for your here.

Look, that problem is Extreme Spiritual Addiction. In the question ideas listed at the very end of this article, I’ll include a question related to this kind of problem. Sigh! A fact of life, for those with good skills of energetic literacy who have also learned how to discern “consciousness lifestyles.”

Fact is, many Supreme Court justices, federally serving senators and representatives, and other important influencers… are especially likely to wind up with this consciousness lifestyle.

In our main article, I won’t elaborate. But for any newbies reading all this, to get a quick-and-practical orientation, read this trio of research publications about Extreme Spiritual Addiction:

  1. What is Extreme Spiritual Addiction?
  2. Presidential Candidate Trump — in this YouTube video from 2016, see me read his aura.
  3. Extreme Spiritual Addiction in Trump, another YouTube video. This time I researched many of his chakra databanks from the mug shot he has used for merchandizing purposes.

Now, I’ll continue researching one chakra databank at a time. We’re at #1 in our array.

How Do Clarence and His Group of Entities… Connect to Objective Reality?

Clarence himself amounts to a pretty small presence within this chakra databank. Like others with this consciousness lifestyle, for practical purposes he is a puppet, run by a group of discarnate entities. Whatever agreement they made before his takeover became official, the reality may be quite different from what Clarence expected.

However, far as I know from experience at researching auras of folks with this problem… That kind of done deal will last for the rest of the human’s incarnation.

For sure, today’s aura reading reveals what’s happening within Clarence by the time of this recent picture. As an individual, Clarence doesn’t feel very alive or lively. More as if he’s energetically sedated. He likes that he can use his voice and make facial expressions.


Further, I suspect that Clarence most enjoys having all the material possessions and luxury travel that he has received. Much of which he has not reported. Yet I can’t delve into that kind of enjoyment. That would only be possible if I were, for instance, researching a photo of him, such as during one of his many annual luxury trips, received from a Heritage Foundation-friendly Dallas businessman. Financially unreported luxury!

A relevant photo for aura research about enjoying his ill-gotten gains — what does that mean? I don’t mean a posed group photograph from such a trip. To show his degree of personal enjoyment, and chakra databanks, while on such a trip, I would need a candid, unposed picture. Showing him alone, while sitting in the lap of luxury.

What Can I Learn from THIS Chakra Databank, this Photograph?

Researching the photo used for this article, what I find is quite typical of others with this consciousness lifestyle, other people I’ve researched.

He’s a bit withdrawn in life.


What else, Readers? Being personally withdrawn from everyday life means that the following likely happens also:

Paying scant attention to whichever words that he says or writes in his Supreme Court opinions.

No longer does he chose those words. When I called him a “puppet,” I meant it.

Ready to Learn More Specifics about Thomas’ Quality of Life?

Look, I don’t generally make it my business to research auras of people in Extreme Spiritual Addiction. I have to have good reason.

That said, here we go. Feeling intrepid, Readers? Plenty of details are a-coming.

Incidentally, for a much briefer look at folks in politics who also function as this kind of puppet, hello! Some of you might be interested in a little research project I did years ago. Remember when the House of Representatives took a vote about whether or not to censure Marjorie Taylor Greene?

So horrified was I at their refusal to even censure her — when Marjorie was just getting started — I spent a ridiculously large amount of time researching consciousness lifestyles of the notorious 199 Republican Reps.

Of Related Interest, Regarding Life in Extreme Spiritual Addiction

Come to think of it, I’ve published (with consent) another relevant blogpost. At this next link I reported on a consciousness conversation with a friend who lived for many years in Extreme Spiritual Addiction.

After my friend’s death, I used a spiritual technique for saying goodbye to a deceased loved one.

As a public service, at this blog I have published the steps for doing this technique, easy to find at the link just provided. Important to note: This does not involve psychic work, nor is this any kind of mediumship.

Instead, using this skill, I cocreated this article with Divine support. My friend described how he, personally, endured living in Extreme Spiritual Addiction. As he put it to me:

My story is that I spent my adult life on the spiritual path that I believed to be highest and best. Over time my experiences grew more intense, and I loved that. But then I couldn’t get out.

I realized, I had become trapped… without knowing it.

Deep inside, I stayed quiet. I just waited until it was over. After death set me free, I woke up by degrees and soon I felt normal again. Easy to remember how to do that, you know! Normal is the easiest thing ever.

Financially Compromised Clarence Thomas #2.

Root Chakra Databank for Financial Integrity

Financial integrity for a government official requires disclosing gifts and paying taxes on them. Sure, doing this is a legal responsibility. Besides that, it’s an ethical responsibility, required for living with integrity. Well, let’s see what shows in this part of Supreme Court Justice Thomas’ aura.

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. (C0mpletely shut down.)


Evidently, these entities don’t care much about financial integrity. That is, the specific group of entities who run this particular version, Clarence’s Extreme Spiritual Addiction. Nor does their human, Mr. Thomas.

Technical Note: Why can chakra databank sizes vary so widely for somebody with this consciousness lifestyle? I’m still learning about what happens with this. As usual, I don’t know everything, just some things. Here I share what I have learned from doing enough research on individual people to be confident that what I’m writing is true. Next up, then, here’s something I’ve been encountering since about 2017.

Warning: You might find what follows a bit extra shocking, readers at Medium. Only continue reading if you’re curious.

Discarnate Beings can literally inhabit one or another particular chakra databank. Kind of like buying a house on one lot, rather than taking up residence on a less exciting piece of real estate.

In that context, let’s revisit the two examples we’ve explored so far in today’s aura reading:

  1. When it comes to taking up residence at Connection to Objective Reality, evidently this counts as valuable real estate to the opportunistic discarnates who run this takeover team. In a sense, many astrals who indulge in this kind of sport… act a lot like human religious missionaries: Ever striving to expand their reach to new people. Inhabiting the Connection to Objective Reality for any Supreme Court Justice? That’s like playing Monopoly and buying Boardwalk.
  2. When it comes to Clarence’s chakra databank for Financial Integrity, how many discarnates would want to live there? It’s more like a vacant lot. Hardly valuable real estate, not to opportunistic astral lowlifes.

Of course, if you have questions about any of this, COMMENT at the version of this article at my personal blog. Ask there and I’ll respond.

Now, moving right along.

About the Man Who Sexually Harrassed Anita Hill, Remember Him? #3.

Belly Chakra Databank for Sexual Integrity

Symbolic Size

4,000 feet. (Definitely over-functioning.)


The astral and ET entitities who have taken up residence at this particular chakra databank, sigh! They have a pornography-like quality.

Here’s some extra info for you, if care to learn leading-edge knowledge about consciousness (or entities) at different types of Astral Vibrational Frequencies…

Regarding the entities who have settled into “real estate” at this particular chakra databank, maybe no surprise! They live at a VERY LOW Astral Vibrational Frequency. In keeping with what’s typical of truly gross porn.

Aura Reading Clarence Thomas #4.

Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Power Integrity

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. (Notice? For the second time in today’s research, we’re encountering a chakra databank in total shutdown.)


Sleepy and dull. Apparently, for Clarence, taking action due to integrity amounts to a Who cares? kind of topic.


Given the size of this chakra databank, it clearly does not count as popular real estate in Clarence Thomas Aura Land. Not for entities who can take up residence, by agreement, at any of their human’s chakra databanks.

COMMENT away, using this link to the version of this article at my personal blog. Do you have a strong reaction to this kind of void? Not just in a man on the street but in a long-serving justice on America’s highest court. Clearly, the word “amoral” would seem to apply. Does that sit well with you?

Aura Reading Clarence Thomas #5.

Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sharing Power

Symbolic Size

80,000 feet. (Clearly over-functioning.)


Usually, the Supreme Court has a collegial culture. (I’ve learned a lot about that from reading “Dinners with Ruth” by legal reporter Nina Totenberg. See my rave review on Goodreads at that link.)

However, “Sharing Power” holds a specialized significance when it comes to this chakra databank belonging to a Supreme Court justice. A more sinister significance: When somebody lives in the consciousness lifestyle of Extreme Spiritual Addiction, discarnate entities wield a direct influence over the lives of human citizens.

Indeed, you’ve already read that this entity-dominated chakra databank has a missionary-like zeal. Remember what I mentioned when researching Clarence’s Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality?

In this chakra databank I notice an especially aggressive engagement of the entities who reside here.


What would be the intent of these entities, while their human — Thomas — serves as their mouthpiece?

Presumably, this human puppet can, “Increase the influence of the superior beings, the astrals.” Sharing power on the Supreme Court is an opportunity for the discarnates to corrupt other justices. Also to influence other humans who might become fans of the politically active majority on the Supreme Court.

Seems to me, their goal could be this: Interesting folks, like dark money donors, to develop their own versions of Extreme Spiritual Addiction. Run by entities compatible with those on Thomas’ Team.

Ick, right? Hey, what I’ve reported is simply how I do my best to make sense of the intense quality at this chakra databank. That aggressive, astral quality strongly influences Clarence Thomas’ Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sharing Power.

Meanwhile, thank goodness, most of the people whose auras I read are definitely NOT living in Extreme Spiritual Addiction.

Aura Reading Clarence Thomas #6.

Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Self-Honesty

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. (Totally shut down.)


What emotional honesty? What’s that?

Aura Reading Clarence Thomas #7.

Throat Chakra Databank for Verbal Integrity

Symbolic Size

15 feet. (Basically, within normal range.)


Quite a smallish group of entities runs this chakra databank for their human, Clarence Thomas. Prevarication and dissembling, both, flavor his communication.

Aura Reading Clarence Thomas #8. Right Elbow

Chakra Databank for Handling Criticism at Work

Symbolic Size

15 feet. (Basically, within normal range.)


This chakra databank is unusually personal in the context of Justice Thomas’ aura. There isn’t a significant presence of discarnates here — perhaps they don’t care much about human feelings in general, and hurt feelings in particular.

For sure, what I do notice here carries a strong flavor of the man himself: Clarence Thomas has developed a specialty at this chakra databank, holding grudges.

Hello, here comes a technical interlude. Consciousness nerds like me, you may love this. Other folks? Just skip over to Chakra Databank #9 in today’s research.

Here’s a Clear Example of a “Chakra Databank Exchange”

Learn more about this term of art within Energy Spirituality at the link just provided. Since Chakra Databank Exchanges count as one of many “Leading-Edge Discoveries for Your Personal Growth and Spiritual Awakening.”

Chakra Databank Exchanges are the exception, not the rule. When found, they count as a major kind of STUFF (astral garbage) within a particular chakra databank. According to examples I’ve encountered over the years, doing research for clients, what happens with this kind of STUFF?

Subconsciously and energetically, within that particular chakra databank — like this one — a person substitutes a process that lies outside the purpose of that chakra databank. What happens reflexively when Clarence Thomas feels that somebody is criticizing him at work? It’s not just that he feels that criticism keenly.

For details about this particular version, keep reading.

What happens reflexively when Clarence Thomas feels that somebody is criticizing him at work? It’s not just that he feels that criticism keenly. He has fallen into a kind of habit known as a Chakra Databank Exchange.

Within the Chakra Databank Exchange at this Particular Chakra Databank

After researching the fine fabrics within this chakra databank, here’s what I gather goes on with him:

  • Automatically Justice Thomas stores the sense of injustice, adding to his ongoing backlog.
  • Maybe some of you readers at Medium are familiar with the expression pet peeve. Like that, at this chakra databank, Clarence holds tightly to his long history of resentments.
  • Getting even becomes more important than ever. Every time Thomas feels criticized, this whets his appetite for more money, more deluxe possessions. As if these are things that no criticizing bigot or busybody can take away from him.

Important to note: All these reactions happen energetically and subconsciously. As with every bit of information in chakra databanks, Clarence’s resentment is encoded in that way. Neither mentally nor consciously.

Aura Reading Clarence Thomas #9.

Third Eye Chakra Databank for Spiritual Integrity

Symbolic Size

2 inches. (Almost completely shut down.)


In a world of wickedness, Clarence Thomas is pure and good. This belief of his is consoling, especially when he feels misunderstood.

Again, at this chakra databank, entities are taking scant interest. Anything connected to God is opposite to a valuable kind of real estate — to them, anyway. Maybe akin to the cheapest property on the Monopoly board, Baltic Avenue.

Aura Reading Clarence Thomas #10

High Heart Chakra Databank for Soul Thrill

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. (Chronically in shutdown.)


Quite typically for somebody who has entered into the deal called “Extreme Spiritual Addiction,” inwardly Justice Thomas feels numb.

  • As if he’s half asleep.
  • As if he doesn’t exactly remember what it would be like to express his soul in day-to-day life.

Regarding discarnates, they don’t settle in this chakra databank. A human being’s soul expression holds their interest… not at all.

In Conclusion

Man oh man, today’s aura reading turned out to be more icky than I expected. It’s also an atypical article from me because the topic of Extreme Spiritual Addiction is so extremely… unpleasant. This article is hardly representative of my work, more like 2% of it. As you can see at the link just provided. Yet, as you’ve seen, I do not flinch from doing my job. In his case, isn’t it important to know more about what makes this powerful man tick?

Wotta guy, that Clarence! And wouldn’t you expect that any Supreme Court Justice would have more integrity than Thomas? Or his gleefully insurrectionist wife Ginni! Her greatest claim to fame so far involves texting Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to “Release the Kraken” and more.

At this point, Readers, I hope you will share your thoughts and questions in COMMENTS at the version of this article on my blog.

As Conversation Starters, These Next Questions Are More Normal

More Normal Than Today’s Aura Reading Turned out to Be….

In order to get our conversation rolling, here are some questions you might wish to answer. Or, alternatively, you might ask them to me.

  1. Could Clarence Thomas be an empath? What is his score on the Energy Spirituality SENSITIVITY SCALE.
  2. What can NPR reporter Nina Totenberg tell us about the integrity of members of the Supreme Court… Back when Justices with different beliefs acted in a collegial manner? Although they often disagreed on opinions, hello! has there been this strong a stench of ethical scandal.
  3. During the Clarence Thomas Confirmation Hearings in 1991 — that’s when I first read this man’s aura. What I found was the single most shocking thing I’ve ever encountered in anybody’s aura. Would you like to hear the Teaching Tale?
  4. Today the topic of Extreme Spiritual Addiction came up, for sure. Regarding Supreme Court justices, federally serving senators and reps, and other important influencers, why do you think these people are especially likely to wind up with this consciousness lifestyle?
  5. Currently, how do you feel about Clarence Thomas as a Supreme Court Justice?
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And feel free to hop over to my personal blog where an article similar to this one… includes the interactive fun of Comment Conversations. Recently, at the Energy Spirituality® Blog, we passed 138,000 comments. Come join us!

Definitely, do your commenting at the version of this article at my personal blog. Here on Medium, I don’t take questions. But at my free blog I sure do, and I’d relish exploring the interactive aspect of today’s article.



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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