Sexual INFIDELITY in Prince Charles
Will Today’s Chakra Databank Reading Surprise You?
Today’s aura reading will highlight energetic literacy research. Dating from when Camilla was Charles’ secret in public.
After Prince Charles divorced Princess Diana? Of course, the truth was made known.
Sexually, there were three in the marriage. Right from the start.
But wouldn’t aura reading for fidelity have revealed the problem right away?
Liar, Liar. Pants on Fire
If only duplicity were that simple. Soon as Joe or Gladys tells a fib, it’s like God brings down a Bic lighter and torches their jeans.
But nooooooooooo. This is the Learning Planet. Although a great deal of info shows in our auras, guess what? Quite opposite to obvious, that info. Truth doesn’t show with Stage 1 Energetic Literacy, Pinocchio-obvious.
As a matter of fact, using good skills of energetic literacy… which is how I read auras… Energetic literacy has the same limitations as word literacy. Unless you pick up a particular book, you can’t read it.
Likewise, unless you research chakra databanks specifically related to fidelity. No, you won’t learn what’s in them.
Personally, I Never Guessed the Ugly Truth about Charles’s Infidelity.
Did you? Despite not being a Royalist. Or even British! I watched TV coverage of their fairy tale wedding.
Diana was 19 when she marred Charles, then 32, in an elaborate ceremony.
Like millions of other viewers, I watched their wedding in 1981 at St. Paul’s Cathedral. A highlight was Kiri Te Kanawa singing this Handel aria.
(Definitely worth watching, the YouTube video in the last link. For no other reason, how often do you hear a song about seraphs? They’re Divine Beings!)
Early in the marriage, there were rumors of troubles. Vividly I remember seeing a Barbara Walters interview with the “happy couple.” As I recall:
- Barbara asked Diana about rumors of an eating disorder. Of course, Barbara asked this question with excessive delicacy.
- Diana said she just liked to swim.
- Admittedly, I’m just sharing what I recall. Anybody else remember this interview?
- Barbara asked Charles why it was so important to him to marry a virgin.
- Even then, I found this question… what? Almost unbelievably offensive.
- Moreover, former playboy Charles, responded with a completely straight face. Of course, he required a virgin to become his princess.
- Meanwhile, as it turned out, he continued his long-time affair with Camilla. (And she was married to somebody else.)
If you followed the sordid marital tale, you know the details. Or if you watched Season 4 of “The Crown,” you saw quite a vivid reenactment. Vivid, if fictionalized. Extremely vivid, including Golden Globe awards for the actors who played Charles and Diana.
Unfortunately I couldn’t find that video.
Never Before Have I Spent So Much Time Seeking a Suitable Visual
Ridiculously long amounts of time were equaled only by my frustration: To clarify, with Stage 3 Energetic Literacy you can read any chakra databanks you like. And you can do this research from any photo or video that shows the person clearly.
But first? One requirement is that your “Discovery Person” can’t be touching anyone else. Turns out, in most videos and photographs, the “happy couple” were often joined at the shoulder or arm. (If not, sadly, joined at the hip. As it were.)
Eventually I selected this photo to use for today’s blog post. In case you’re wondering…
November 1992 is the date of this photo. Specifically, this photo is some weeks before the Palace announced the couple’s legal separation.
Of course, I’ll be researching with the chakra databank array developed for researching sexual fidelity. Or, in this case, infidelity.
Strong recommendation: If you’re not yet familiar with the Energy Spirituality specialty of reading chakra databanks, etc.? Please click on that Array link and get a bit of background. Useful in itself, I think you’ll find. Plus, you’ll understand what follows much more clearly.
Sexual INFIDELITY in Prince Charles. Aura Reading Sexual Fidelity #1.
Belly Chakra Databank for Sexual Integrity
Symbolic Size
2 inches. Extremely close to shut down.
It’s not fair. I didn’t choose to be a prince. I have no freedom.
To do what I want with my own love life, I have to sneak around. At first, doing this felt terrible. By now, I’m proud of myself for doing it.
Sexual INFIDELITY in Prince Charles. Aura Reading Sexual Fidelity #2.
Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Ethical Integrity
Symbolic Size
1/8 inch. Totally flatlines. At least, at the time of this photo.
Evidently, deep down, Prince Charles does believe that he has royal blood. Although he doesn’t quite believe in the “Divine Right of Kings,” he’s got something special.
As result, he has the right to do as he likes.
If anything, he feels sad that people today are so ignorant that they don’t get this.
Note: I found something very much like this when researching Charles’s mother, Queen Elizabeth.
If you ever take the online workshop for Aura Reading 101, yum! You’ll find quite a treat.
Aura research on Queen Elizabeth: Two readings. Same chakra databanks. How she changed, over a 50-year span. (Basic aura reading, not hard to do; thanks to photographs. And energetic literacy skills.)
Aura Reading Sexual Fidelity #3.
Throat Chakra Databank for Verbal Integrity
Symbolic Size
1/2 inch. Quite close to completely shut down.
Evidently Prince Charles hates-hates-hates having to be so [insert swear word] polite to everyone.
What a great big lie! Why can’t he talk like a normal person, and not have all that unfair pressure?
Sexual INFIDELITY in Prince Charles. Aura Reading Sexual Fidelity #4.
Third Eye Chakra Databank for Spiritual Growth through Sexual Connection
Symbolic Size
80 feet. Somewhat over-functioning.
Sexual connection to Camilla is the one consistent highlight of life for Prince Charles.
With her he can be completely honest, not have to pretend.
If only he could live that way always!
Sexual INFIDELITY in Prince Charles. Aura Reading Sexual Fidelity #5.
High Heart Chakra Databank for Trusting Sexual Relationships
Symbolic Size
5 inches. Quite under-functioning
Prince Charles has never been able to trust sexual relationships. So many women! Always women who want him for his money. Or his fame. Or just the chance to touch his royalness.
Nothing is ever private or pure. Every lover could totally be a liar.
Incidentally, Blog-Buddies, I’d like to add an observation to this bit of aura reading. To some extent I noticed a quality of not even being able to trust Camilla Parker Bowles. She, of course, carried out their affair for years. And that’s for years… by the time of this photograph. Our research photo dates from 1992, whereas Charles and Camilla began their affair in 1986.
In Conclusion. A Conclusion Related to Enlightenment. Not Charles.
Probably you know this about me, Blog-Buddies. I’m an Enlightenment Coach.
Sure, today’s article has involved using skills for researching auras. Hardly like the comments I find on Twitter under #Spiritual or #Spirituality or even #enlightenment. Instead, mainstream teachings about Spiritual Enlightenment keep drudging up Age of Faith relics. (IMO)
I look forward to the day when all professionals at Enlightenment teaching:
- Stop proclaiming those unhelpful clichés.
- Quit promoting outdated, renunciate-centered propaganda about spirituality.
- Avoid teaching meditation, when the practices and gurus are often corrupted. Sad but true!
- Start teaching what really works, now that we’re all living in the Age of Awakening.
Wouldn’t it be better if we Enlightenment experts weren’t energetically illiterate.
If we could use aura reading to help us to validate Enlightenment.
And if we could write articles like this one to help folks better understand karma.
Also if, rather than teaching values and fear of Hell (or reincarnation), imagine! What if we could bring clarity to this simple fact:
Where’s the first place that consequences come back to us? Consequences for everything that we say and do.
First of all, first anywhere, those consequences show right in our chakra databanks.onnection between karma and chakra databanks? Your thoughts now???