Sensitivity Victim?

11 Unforgettable Things HSPs Absolutely Need to Feel at Peace

Rose Rosetree
7 min readMay 28, 2021
11 Things HSPs Absolutely Need? Or maybe, just maybe, trumpeting the OPPOSITE of what we HSPs need.

11 Things HSPs Absolutely Need? “Absolutely Need?”

By all means, let’s debunk some feelgood misinformation from a foolish clickbait article. Especially because so much of this hooey is way too popular today. How can it HURT you? Instead of helping you, hurt you.

Seriously! Keep reading and you’ll see what I mean. Because I’ll bring my perspective as an Empath Coach to the “Absolutely Need” notions in this article.

Attention Writers, Entrepreneurs, and everyone else who’s both sensitive and talented, trying to make your way in this world. Because any of this “Absolutely Need” pampering can really mess with your success in life.

First of All, What IS a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

HSPs are simply people with the lifelong gift of more sensitivity in life than others. This enriches our lives.

Let’s supplement the basics with more perspective from Energy Spirituality. Quite a contrast with ideas that have gone mainstream. Including the truly-terrible 11 Things under discussion in this article.

Each of the following links can start you thinking in a direction that can really improve your life.

  1. An HSP is 1 out of every 5 people. Also, all empaths are HSPs, but only most HSPs are NOT empaths. Only 1 in 4 HSPs is an empath.
  2. Sure it’s lovely, being Highly Sensitive. Although, according to my research with the Energy Spirituality Sensitivity Scale, hello! Every person has a valuable gift for this lifetime, a sensitivity gift.
  3. Most mainstream ideas that supposedly help HSPs are distinctly unhelpful. Find out why.
  4. Upside-down thinking about HSPs makes for great clickbait. But not great lives. Learn how to avoid the victim-talk.
  5. One contribution from Energy Spirituality is teaching Social Sensitivity Skills for HSPs and Empaths. Totally opposite to the the truly-terrible 11 Things that I’ll be debunking here.

Second, Expect the Unexpected

Now. Hear. This.

In today’s HSP marketplace, most of the advice you’ll encounter isn’t just unhelpful.

It propels HSPs into developing Spiritual Addiction.

Spiritual Addiction is a dead-end consciousness lifestyle. Where people keep busy, alright.

Yet they’re not going to develop either emotional growth or spiritual awakening. At least, not until they stop doing the things that lead to Spiritual Addiction.

Because living in Spiritual Addiction has a lot in common with living as an alcoholic or a pothead.

Keep reading and you’ll see what I mean.

11 Things HSPs Absolutely Need, Or SUPPOSEDLY Need. #1.

A Special Sanctuary

Supposedly, “Create an ‘HSP sanctuary,’ a quiet space to relax in.”

Heck, you already have one. Ever hear of a bed?

During your waking hours, HSPs have no need to treat themselves like invalids.

When we do, we mess up our auras. Definitely not improving them!

11 Things HSPs Absolutely Need, Or SUPPOSEDLY Need. #2.

Leave the Office at Lunchtime

Can you guess that this article was written pre-pandemic? “Leave the office at lunchtime every day, no excuses.”

That’s fine advice for everyone. However, this kind of advice has nothing at all to do with being an HSPs.

Unless, that is, you’re an HSP in Spiritual Addiction. In which case doing any kind of work in objective reality seems like an intolerable burden.

Indeed, one way you can tell if you’re in Spiritual Addiction is if you long to spend time chilling. Because normal human life is just tooooo stressful. (Supposedly.) Puhleeze!

11 Things HSPs Absolutely Need, Or SUPPOSEDLY Need. #3.

Isolate Yourself

Like seriously? Cutting yourself off from relationships with other people is really supposed to help HSPs? As in the article that made me so furious, it inspired this article. Where folks recommend that HSPs should:

“Reduce social commitments (even online ones)”

Sure, if you wish to work hard on your Psychological Overwork.

Otherwise, know this, Blog-Buddies. All that floating around in one’s inner space doesn’t bring wisdom.

Quite the opposite. Both Psychological Overwork and Spiritual Addiction are progressive addictions.

Akin to smoking crack, the addict needs more and more to get that familiar high.

11 Things HSPs Absolutely Need, Or SUPPOSEDLY Need. #4.

Do a Ton of Self-Healing

Naturally the author of this article is a fan of doing loads of self-healing. Probably any kind will do, preferably a mishmash. As in:

“Create a library of self-healing, inspirational books”

  • I wonder if these fans of coddling (supposedly) poor-vulnerable-damaged-&-overwhelmed HSPs…
  • I wonder if they ever recommend that Highly Sensitive Persons do human-type activities.
  • Or is it considered essential to withdraw from life as much as possible? Pick up any inspirational book?

In general, folks in Spiritual Addiction have extremely low standards about “anything inspiring.” So long as it’s all Energy Talk.

Even “better,” preferably if the entire library is authored by others in Spiritual Addiction. (Or else Extreme Spiritual Addiction.)

11 Things HSPs Absolutely Don’t Need. #5.

Do All You Can… to Feel Relaxed

For example, “To lessen nervous energy, reduce caffeine consumption.”

And that’s supposedly so important. Why, exactly?

  • Surely you’ve known potheads who strive to chill.
  • And you’ve known alcoholics who love to laze away the hours. So proud of their mellowness!

Of course, “Feeling no pain” sure comes easy if your consciousness is positioned, via substances, in an astral body. Rather than your normal physical body.

With the progression of Spiritual Addiction and/or Psychological Overwork, a similar “relaxation” occurs.

Golly, when you stand before God at your Life Review, what’s your goal?

To learn you accomplished significant things? Maybe you helped others?

Alternatively, could the signal triumph of your lifetime be a humblebrag? Maybe like: “I was sooooooo relaxed.”

11 Things HSPs Absolutely Don’t Need. #6.

Do Less

And this is advice to us HSPs because lifting our fingers is such a strain to our delicate systems???

Advice delivered with a straight face? “Shrink that to-do list — many things can wait!”

HSPs, you’re not ill. At least, if you are, that illness isn’t caused by being a Highly Sensitive Person.

Nonetheless, this advice could seem absolutely wonderful… for anybody with a serious habit of Spiritual Addiction.

11 Things HSPs Absolutely Don’t Need. #7.

Monitor Your “Triggers” and Actively Avoid Them

Regular readers of this blog will appreciate that worrying about your “triggers” is what? Exactly as foolish as monitoring the extent to which you are feeling “drained.”

How weakened by Spiritual Addiction must be people be… That they nod their heads sagely — though also very slowly and gently — due to reading advice like this:

“Start saying no to overstimulating triggers, like TV commercials.”

Oooh, so scary!

11 Things HSPs Absolutely Don’t Need. #8.

Erase Yourself from Social Media

As if the alleged weakling, this version of being an HSP, hasn’t already withdrawn enough from life? Hoo-boy, here’s yet one more way to live bland and beige-ish:

“Become anonymous on social media and delete personal profiles.”

If you read the article that I gave you a link to in the first line of this article…

See if you can get through this part without LOLs:

After deleting her online presence to the point of becoming an “internet nobody,” the author declared:

“It was the most peaceful and reassuring feeling going back to a simpler time, free of overthinking and overanalysis [sic] of every post I made.”

And why all that overthinking, etc.? Is that really due to being a Highly Sensitive Person?

I don’t think so. In fact, many of us HSPs have a good consciousness lifestyle. Also decent social skills. So that we can go through weeks at a time without any overthinking. (Or other indications of living in Psychological Overwork or Spiritual Addiction.)

11 Things HSPs Absolutely Need in Order to Live in Spiritual Addiction. #9.

Take More Naps Every Day

Yes, serious recommendation here, from the author of this article. Like “Take little naps here and there (to help the overstimulated HSP brain).”

“The overstimulated HSP brain????”

And I haven’t even told you the good part yet. In order to encourage us HSPs, here’s the author’s sweet encouragement:

  • “Just like the toddlers we once were…” Note, we adult HSPs won’t necessarily improve our lives by revisiting toddlerhood.
  • “There are simple pleasures found in reverting back to the quiet and peace…” Where in this article are we HSPs encouraged to find any active, accomplishing pleasures in life. Like anything vigorous whatsoever?
  • “[Seeking the wonderful pleasures] of a restful afternoon snooze.” Heck, even if I live to be a hundred, I hope that I’ll find something better to do with my days. How about you?

11 Things HSPs Absolutely Need in Order to Live in Spiritual Addiction. #10.

Beware Music. Potentially (Supposedly) So Dangerous!

Again, this advice is supposed to be taken seriously.

“Become more cognizant of music and the feelings it triggers.” As if the wrong kind of music could mess with your mind, like, forever?

Analyze, analyze, analyze. Of course, that’s not what smart HSPs do. That’s the habitual occupation of folks with messed-up consciousness lifestyles.

11 Things HSPs Absolutely Need in Order to Live in Spiritual Addiction. #11.

Analyze Extra How You’re Withdrawing from Life

It’s put a bit more compassionately of course. Small confession: Whenever “experts” write articles in this so-sensitive, compassionate style?

I start to roar with rage. Really, this is supposed to be good for me? Or for anybody who isn’t totally far gone into self-pity?

Predictably, really, advice in this part of the article uses highfalutin language. And from where? Pop psych, natch.

  • “Stop ruminating on past hurts”
  • Sounds encouraging. And then do what, pray tell?
  • “Start writing about thoughts and emotions that come up.”

Deeper-and-deeper those HSPs go. Moving further into their own heads. May these folks have a merry journey.

The good news is, who doesn’t have to go along with them? Somebody you know quite personally.

Rose Rosetree says, “Thank you for reading. If you know anyone who’s an empath, please direct them here. Much better help. Help that could make a POSITIVE difference.”



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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