Seeking Personal Growth & Spiritual Awakening?
Practical Advice from an Enlightenment Teacher
First of All. You’ve Been Accepted
Granted no owl has flown in. Nothing as outwardly attention-getting as what happened in the soul-stirring Harry Potter books.
Somehow you’re in, fully enrolled, with tuition paid up for life.
Although no giant, like kindly Hagrid, is here to explain the basics to you… Hello, you’ve got Rose Rosetree, a real-live Enlightenment teacher.
- Only five feet tall (and change).
- And very human.
- Fortunately, I do have the standing to serve you as a spiritual teacher. As you can read at the link just provided.
HOW Were You Accepted at Earth’s Best Spiritual Academy?
Simply by virtue of living now, in the Age of Awakening.
Like you, any human being alive since the Shift on 12/21/12 — you’re enrolled. For life.
But What’s the Purpose of Earth’s Best Spiritual Academy?
Rather than earning an academic degree, your program here can take you all the way to Spiritual Enlightenment. And beyond.
Basically, what is Spiritual Enlightenment?
Summarizing the essentials for you in a handful of ideas:
- Enlightenment means that you’re using your full potential in life.
- Beyond being “satisfied with yourself.” The spiritual version of using your full potential shows all the way through to your aura.
- And in the background, you’re much more connected to God. Compared with pre-Enlightenment.
- Traditional Enlightenment is the more famous version of Spiritual Enlightenment.
- However, Age of Awakening Enlightenment is also available now. More popular. Plus, you keep growing within this second version of Spiritual Enlightenment.
Speaking of “keep growing,” here come five Q&As about our amazing spiritual academy.
Earth’s Best Spiritual Academy Question 1.
Will You Have to Devote Your Whole Life to Seeking Enlightenment?
Before I give you the short answer. (Which will be NO!) Let’s lead off with a Teaching Tale.
Currently I live in the suburbs of the Washington D.C. area. When I first moved here, in 1982, meditation was my whole life. And gaining Spiritual Enlightenment was my sole purpose. All day long.
- Like so many of my fellow TM meditators, I moved here because Maharishi asked us to.
- Twice daily I went to a group location to do the TM Sidhi program. Besides this group flying regimen, there was travel to-and-from. Altogether this ate up 3 hours of my day. And not total but twice over.
- In addition, I had whatever job was needed to pay my bills.
- Of course, I’d volunteer at a TM Center. (In addition to meditation, this felt like my “real job.”)
- All of these responsibilities left little time after “Program.” Somehow I’d manage to cook a quick vegetarian dinner and get to bed on time. (Ideally by 10 p.m. at the latest. As prescribed by who else? My guru.)
Today we’re not living in the Age of Faith. Today, the answer is NO. Seeking to live a high spiritual ideal need NOT become your full-time job.
Since the Age of Awakening began, I’ve helped quite a lot of students to move into Enlightenment. And not one of them made that into a full-time job.
Actually, this Sort of Devotion Was Pretty Standard During the Age of Faith
Maharishi was one of the great world gurus who emerged in the last 100 years before the Age of Faith ended. Suffice it to say, evolving was a full-time job:
- For any seeker of Enlightenment, as this was known in the East.
- Similarly, for any seeker of a life devoted to God, with many variations of this in the West.
- Such as variations on seeking sainthood
You wouldn’t spend 20 minutes on it each day. Rather, this was a lifetime commitment, from the time you made it.
Even then, very few people fulfilled their spiritual ideals. Despite romanticizing and idealizing the standouts, like Saint Francis of Assisi or like Paramahansa Yogananda…. Relatively few people won at that game.
Now, in the Age of Awakening, Seeking Enlightenment Is Different.
What is the Age of Awakening?
It’s an era on earth when millions of people can move into Spiritual Enlightenment.
And all other smart spiritual seekers can make immense progress toward that goal. Assuming that we choose to learn what to do. Versus what NOT to do.
Surprisingly or not, every human alive with normal mental functioning… All of us have been accepted into Earth’s Best Spiritual Academy for Gaining Enlightenment. How well we do is up to each of us.
Earth’s Best Spiritual Academy Question 2.
Must You Believe in a Religion?
Interestingly, now the answer is NO.
Assuming that You Study with Me, What Will this Enlightenment Teacher Ask of You?
By all means, keep following your religion.
However, you might also be in what I call “disorganized religion.”
And that’s fine too.
Energy Spirituality isn’t a path. Rather, I help you to live the truth value of your chosen path.
Also, yes, I offer some pretty simple skills that can greatly accelerate your spiritual evolution.
Earth’s Best Spiritual Academy Question 3.
Must You Become a Monk or Nun?
Sexual activity is your business. Assuming that if you “get busy” you’ll do it with a consenting adult, go for it!
Celibacy isn’t required for spiritual seekers in the Age of Awakening.
For that matter, you don’t have to be heterosexual either. Many of my Energy Spirituality clients aren’t. In fact, some of them have moved into Enlightenment, just like some of my hetero clients.
Earth’s Best Spiritual Academy Question 4.
Who Is Going to Advise You on Your Next Steps?
Amazing answer here! So different from what you find in mainstream culture.
Simply put, you’re in charge of your life. Including your spiritual life.
Just as you’re the most important person in charge of your health. Not your doctor. Certainly not letting randomly push you toward deworming medication (for horses) rather than the FDA-approved vaccine against Covid-19.
Maybe that’s not as simple as going to your Father Confessor each day. Or living in an ashram where your guru will tell you:
- What to eat. (Notably, too, what not to eat.)
- Which prayers to say. (And when to say them.)
- How often to go on dates. (Never.)
In the end, you will need their own spiritual maturity. Not surrender and obedience.
Of course, free will didn’t count for much during the Age of Faith, did it?
Quite the opposite. Spiritual seeking required making a lifelong commitment to obedience, surrender, and faith.
Earth’s Best Spiritual Academy Question 5.
If Surrender & Obedience Aren’t My Program, What Is?
Finally, the most fascinating aspect of attending this particular spiritual academy.
Who sets the curriculum? Is it:
- Fate
- Whichever marriage your parents choose for you.
- Alternatively, lifelong celibacy: so simple. (In theory.)
- What your guru or pastor tells you to do.
- Whatever’s trending on Twitter. Or elsewhere on the internet.
Not if you’re serious about taking advantage of your educational opportunity here at Earth School.
Like It Or Not, YOU Set the Curriculum
Self-actualizing people set goals.
What if you don’t know how to set goals? If you want Enlightenment, time to follow a good goal-setting program. (That link just supplied gives you one. Start on Page 283 and do the entire program. Altogether that will take you five minutes or less, daily.)
Worldly success is perfectly compatible with spiritual growth.
Mostly, those goals of yours will be your curriculum. No wonder you’ve been reading blogposts like this one on Spiritual Empowerment!
Next, the BEAUTY Part. Admittedly, It’s Also the TRICKY Part.
Although you’ll be responsible for setting most of your curriculum, sometimes there’s more. Almost as if you had a Mother Superior or sainted guru to give you extra projects.
Only life is going to give you those projects. Specifically, you’ll find some problems. Not because you’ve done anything wrong but because you’re attending Earth’s Best Spiritual Academy. And which kinds of problems?
- Going through a rough patch in your love relationship.
- Having to handle a financial emergency.
- Feeling inwardly stuck, even when nothing outwardly is wrong.
At such times, you can ignore the problem. Maybe work extra-hard on your positive attitude.
Back in the Age of Faith, you’d just meditate or pray extra. But now?
To progress here and now, do your practical best to solve those problems. And also seek help from experts who have reliable skills for helping you to grow emotionally and/or spiritually. Such as those experts named at the previous link.
In Conclusion
Never before in the history of this world…
Have there been adults like you…
Adults attending Earth’s Best Spiritual Academy, open as of 12/21/12.
What would you like to know? This spiritual teacher is here to be of service to you.
Don’t passively wait for answers, Age of Faith-style.
Step up. Feel free to ask your questions!