Scar Tissue in Auras — Rose Rosetree
Learn about one of the loveliest things you can find in a person, when reading auras.
Also included here in today’s blog post? You’ll find a Newsletter Announcement. Announcing the August 2020 issue of “Reading Life Deeper.”
Because you really are allowed, you know:
- Stop thinking that auras are just like bodies, only finer.
- Stop thinking that aura reading is only about physical bodies, only subtler. Such as mostly being useful for Reiki or other New Age Energy Healing. (Great, when that kind of mind-BODY-spirit works well! Only that’s just one very specific application of reading auras.)
- If you would, also stop thinking that Stage 1 Energetic Literacy counts for much. Or, for that matter, being wowed by Stage 2 Level of Aura Reading Skills.
- And for heaven’s sake, stop thinking that aura reading means “see the colours.” Such as “clairvoyance required.” Which it isn’t.
- Maybe you know, life has changed since the Shift into the Maybe you know, that happened on 12/21/12. Afterward many things changed. And the human capacity for aura reading was among them.
Instead, START Doing This
So that You Can Even FIND Scar Tissue in Auras,
Let Alone Understand What It Means
Start thinking that aura reading is about emotional growth and spiritual awakening.
Yes, funny thing about that. Since the field of Energy Spirituality does what? It helps people like you with emotional growth and spiritual awakening. No wonder this founder of Energy Spirituality has the skills to write this first article on the net about “Scar Tissue in Auras.”
Start thinking that the most important info in auras shows up in . (Again, for the purpose of understanding emotional growth and spiritual awakening.)
Of course, to find and interpret Scar Tissue in Auras, guess what? You’ll need Stage 3 Energetic Literacy.
- Like I’ve got.
- And have used for thousands of aura readings. Including these hundreds of aura readings published at my blog.
- Most important, like I can teach YOU. Such as through the pictured at the top of this post. Even better, through the Aura Reading Collection of Online Workshops, with this
- Okay, what’s maybe even more important? Know that you can learn this. Since you’re able to read these words, you’ve got word literacy. And since you’re living now in the Age of Awakening, you can learn energetic literacy.
- Zero clairvoyance needed, the way it used to be, back in the . Hooray, one of the big advantages of living now, in the Age of Awakening!
Meanwhile, Let Me Tell You
Some of I’ve learned about Scar Tissue in Auras:
First of All, How to Find this Kind of Scar Tissue
Use the method of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses. It’s the only method I know of so far that brings accurate knowledge at the level of chakra databanks.
No kidding. For proof, google on “Chakra Databanks”. Then see who else is publishing research online when reading chakra databanks. (Yes, aura-reading chakra databanks. Not merely theorizing about Rose Rosetree’s work.)
Maybe some day, your chakra databank findings will appear on the internet. When using this Age of Awakening method, rest assured… You won’t duplicate your teacher’s perception. Rather, you’ll find your own. And then interpret it.
How about those of you Blog-Buddies who have learned that skill by now? I’ve got an easy, free way to learn how to identify and explore Scar Tissue in Auras:
Look in the COMMENTS below for links to relevant articles at this blog. Namely, articles where I reported on finding scar tissue. Hey, click on those links. Open up those photos. You know how to read those same chakra databanks, too, right?
Second, What Does Scar Tissue Mean?
It’s the aura-level, spiritual equivalent of a military medal.
Conveying how this incarnated soul, this human being, has excelled.
Specifically, this person has gone through a terrible challenge. Yet somehow overcome it.
As a result, Scar Tissue shows beautifully in one or more chakra databanks.
That simple! That sacred!
And BTW, yet one more reason to learn to read auras with Stage 3 Energetic Literacy!
Third, and Exciting-Est, You’ll Learn More at This Newsletter
And I mean information that this founder of Energy Spirituality considers really inspiring. Plus, info that I’ve never published before.
Hint: It concerns what about us shows in our Life Reviews. And why.
Now over to our Standard Newsletter Announcement
Yes, it’s monthly. And it’s free. Available through signup only. (Easy-peasy. We’ll get to that.)
Here I’d like to tell you what’s in this August 2020 issue of “Reading Life Deeper.” You can look forward to articles on:
- Extreme Courage will be our first article. Oh my, you might want to bring hankies.
- Following that we’ll explore Scar Tissue. (With leading-edge info that builds on this blog post.)
- Then 3 Models for Huge Healing.
- Recommending Self-Healing to Make You Spiritually Sparkling.
- Again, I’ll make the usual Covid-19 Free Session Offer.
- Finally, we’ll complete this issue with The Best of the Blog.
Of Course, You Must Subscribe in Advance of Publication Day
Otherwise you won’t find it in your email inbox. Wouldn’t that be a shame.
Did you know, “Reading Life Deeper” contains articles at the leading edge of Energy Spirituality.
And that’s saying something. Since this field is already at the leading edge today. Both for personal growth and spiritual awakening.
Example? Once this Newsletter Announcement article goes live, guess what? It will be the first article yet on the internet concerning Scar Tissue in Auras.
Publication Day, for this particular newsletter issue, will be August 12, 2020. So might I recommend? Subscribe right now, if you haven’t done so already.
How to Subscribe to “Reading Life Deeper”
- Simply go to my website’s Home Page. (For a shortcut, just scroll up to the Energy Spirituality logo at the top of this page. Click on it.)
- Scroll all the way down. And there you’ll find the signup box. Awaiting you, and fresh as your chakra databanks.
- If you ever wish to unsubscribe, that would be easy too. So fear not!
- Also worth knowing: If you should you change your email address, it would be great if you’d unsubscribe out the old. Then subscribe in the new.
- Of course, your confidential email address will be handled honorably. No renting. No selling. I take your privacy very seriously.
- Did you know that “Reading Life Deeper” has an unusually high “click-through rate”? I think it’s because this newsletter gives you original articles at the leading edge of the .
- By subscribing, once or twice per month, you’ll hear from me. At this blog, other Blog-Buddies and I can hear back from you too. Sounds good!
Personally, I think this particular newsletter is a real standout. I wonder what your reaction will be.
And [please don’t feel like you need to wait until you’ve received this newsletter.
- Any current questions about Scar Tissue in Auras?
- Have you ever found it yourself, as an aura reader with Stage 3 Energetic Literacy?
- What’s your personal definition of extreme courage???
Today my personal blog reached (and passed) 67,000 Discovery Moments. All because of comments from people like you.
Never hesitate to comment here, Blog-Buddies.
P.S. Did You Read this Article on Medium?
Besides writing at my blog, recently I’ve started writing on Medium. Eventually some other websites might follow.
Wherever you’re reading this article? Thanks for reading all the way to the end. Here! Wow!
I’d love to engage with you personally through comments at my personal blog. Yes, for time management, I only respond to comments at the original article. You’ll always find that same article, under the same title, at “Deeper Perception Made Practical. “
Here, at my personal website:, yes! Yes indeed, if you COMMENT here, I’ll gladly respond. Let’s get to meet each other in this place… dedicated to truth and mutual respect.
And meanwhile, long-term Blog-Buddies: Rest assured. This blog remains my main blogging space. Part of a fairly extensive website. Definitely the place to go if you’re curious about any specialty of Energy Spirituality.
Originally published at on August 7, 2020.