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Prince Harry, Aura Reading Surprises
If You Think His No-Spin Aura Seems Like the Guy in “Spare”? Think Again.
After you learn about his aura, will you like him more?
Today let’s use the Friendship Array of Chakra Databanks to open up our hearts of compassion about Prince Harry. Maybe also about yourself. This set of chakra databanks can guide you toward better friendships in 2024.
By all means, newbies, use the link above to learn more about today’s aura reading. Definitely not yesterday’s “seeing the colours”! Also, reading that previous link may upgrade your knowledge about chakra databanks. Plus, you’ll learn about that powerful resource for personal development, the Friendship Array of Chakra Databanks from Energy Spirituality®.
Why Research Friendship, of All Things?
Here’s what happened. Recently, at my personal blog, we were discussing the topic of friendship. (See “11th Anniversary of the Age of Awakening,” Comments #114–121.) Inspiration itched, and today’s blogpost is the result.
Incidentally, several practical articles on friendship were published at my personal blog in 2023. For this new one, today, from 2024? Thanks to all who inspired this particular blogpost.