Orgasm Shot Aura Research #2

Rose Rosetree
5 min readSep 27, 2020

O-Shots Can Cost You

Orgasm Shots Can Cost You: Aura Reading #2 in Our 3-Part Series on O-Shots

Before you treat yourself like a guinea pig in a lab experiment, please! Read today’s second orgasm shot aura reading. As with my last blogging here on Medium, once again I’m choosing to research a woman who has made a YouTube video with her O-Shot testimonial.

Orgasm Shots Can Cost You

And I don’t just mean paying the fee to get injected with the O-Shot. Upwards of $1,000.

Some O-Shot Questions Worth Considering

  1. Do you currently relate to life mostly as an animal?
  2. Or do you believe that you are more than your physical body?
  3. Might you care more about sex than, really, anything else?
  4. Or do you aspire to use this animal body of yours as a basis for personal growth?
  5. Maybe even spiritual awakening?
  6. What if you could enjoy sex more, but the process would also debase your consciousness: Would such a trade-off… matter to you?
  7. Just how much is an orgasm worth to you?

Social Pressure May Just Be Starting. So Please, Start Evaluating NOW.

Think about how much Orgasm Shots can cost you.

Just in case your doctor’s office, like mine, prominently displays an ad for O-Shots. Seems as though these marketing efforts are targeting older women. (Although if we think it’s going to help us compete with 20-year-olds, we might think again.)

Media coverage so far emphasizes, “Does it really improve your sex life?” Not, what’s the impact on the rest of your life?
To fill that consumer gap, Orgasm Shot Consumer Research #2. is the topic for today’s post.

Before you read further… “Why not go to the nearest doctor who’d like to shoot you up with this sexy new injection? Why not find out how you like it? Decide after you start getting the consequences!”

Joke, sorta. I’ll tell you why not. Just keep reading today’s article.

And Now, Meet Today’s O-Shot Fan

Quite different from Becca! Today you’ll meet the vlogger who brings the world From Jen with Hope. Definitely a sweet-faced young woman!

What will you notice, however, if you click onto today’s O-Shot Testimonial YouTube video? Which I’ll use for researching Jen. (I’ve paused it at 4:36 min.) And, as usual for my aura reading adventures, I haven’t listened to a word. Reading her aura from a video still is plenty!

Look, personally, I’m kind of stunned at Jen’s completely wrinkle-free face. Like, by age 15 my face had quite a few bags and wrinkles. Didn’t yours? Perhaps Jen’s enthusiasms also include a considerable liking for cosmetic surgery. Anyway, on to today’s aura reading.

Before starting the research, I have gone onto Jen’s blog. Here’s her branding statement:

“Every day is a miracle. Every life is a miracle. Looking at life with this perspective let’s us see tiny twinkly lights everywhere. It doesn’t require a lot. Just a sense of humor and a heavenly perspective. So snuggle up to something furry and check in with me every week and let’s share with each other where we chose to see Hope in Life.”

No doubt, that branding statement was put together before Jen discovered the Orgasm Shot. To see what I mean, keep reading

#1. O-Shot Fan Jen’s Root Chakra Databank for

Presence in the Room

Symbolic Size

59 feet. Somewhat over-functioning


Buffered from the harshness of life by living a glamorous fantasy.

#2. O-Shot Fan Jen’s Belly Chakra Databank for

Flow of Energy When with Other People

Symbolic Size

80 feet. Quite over-functioning


What happens energetically when she’s with other people? Flow of energy, for Jen, is about sex. Specifically, being sexually desirable.

At this chakra databank — and maybe more to come — sex is a way to gain social status.

Already, though, Orgasm Shots can cost you, Jen. Because we can learn so much from other people. Provided that we’re willing. You know how often folks say things like, “Travel will broaden your mind.” Simple human conversations can do the same thing. At least, if we’re willing.

#3. O-Shot Fan Jen’s Belly Chakra Databank for

Flow of Sexual Energy

Symbolic Size

89 feet. Also over-functioning


How does sexual energy flow for Jen at the time of this photo? Giggly. Like a teenager’s first hormonal rush, replete with overwhelming fascination about sexual excitement.

#4. O-Shot Fan Jen’s Belly Chakra Databank for

Sexual Self-Esteem

Symbolic Size

Approximately the length of 50 football fields. Definitely over-functioning


Jen has high hopes for her sexiness. Also, high expectations for how she can become a famous celebrity. Due to her sexiness.

#5. O-Shot Fan Jen’s Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for

Using Power

Symbolic Size

4 inches. Significantly under-functioning


Evidently Jen believes sexiness is her personal power. Like a secret weapon. (Although she’s sure not using her regular personal power much, in the way that empowerment works for my Energy Spirituality Clients.)

Within this chakra databank, here’s what’s lively:

Imagine, me being so sexually gorgeous that people will give me whatever I want!

To be clear, I’m not talking about some random sexual fantasy. Sadly, at the time of this photograph, believing that she can obtain whatever she wants through sheer sexiness? It seems to be pretty entrenched in this part of Jen’s aura.

#6. O-Shot Fan Jen’s Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for

Intellectual Growth

Symbolic Size

60 feet. Somewhat over-functioning.


Evidently, Jen is getting really excited about learning more in life. Specifically, learning more about sex!

To give you an idea of the previous direction of Jen’s quest for learning… Here’s how she introduces her YouTube Channel:

“My favorite hobby is collecting luxury designer handbags and talking about them!” Let’s face it. Eventually that specialty could become a bit limited, intellectually.

#7. O-Shot Fan Jen’s Heart Chakra Databank for

Emotional Giving

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. Currently flat-lining.


Seems like Jen’s usual way of giving to people emotionally is by showing them her excellent appearance. Which is now, of course, extra-sexy.

#8. O-Shot Fan Jen’s Heart Chakra Databank for

Emotional Receiving

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. Also currently flat-lining.


How does Jen want people to give to her, emotionally?

Simply this: Finding her appearance really special. And, most important for now: Appreciating her demure-but-oh-so-powerful sexiness!!!

#9. O-Shot Fan Jen’s Third Eye Chakra Databank for

Spiritual Growth

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. Long-term shut down.


Learning to love — and display — her body: To Jen, at the time of this photo, that’s akin to religion.

#10. O-Shot Fan Jen’s High Heart Chakra Databank for

Soul Thrill

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. Also long-term shut down. (Although chakra databanks can always improve. Depends on our use of free will, etc.)


Given up. For now, Jen has given up on pursuing what, personally, brings her happiness. Instead, she gets a sense of self from how others view her. Or, especially, praise her. Evidently, that’s her biggest thrill in life.

How about some context for understanding this last bit of research

Recommended reading on this topic for all you self-actualizing Blog-Buddies:

  • The Energy Spirituality Perspective on EXTERNAL Validation.
  • Contrasting with the Energy Spirituality Perspective on INTERNAL Validation.
  • Last but not least, a spiritual-but-not-religious article on Dharma. Because honoring dharma can really increase our soul thrill.



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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