On SUICIDE. Hope for Survivors
Including a Powerful Spiritual Way to Say Goodbye
In the face of tragedy and mystery, gain clarity to supplement what you already believe about suicide.
Important disclaimer: This article offers you recommendations to bring you comfort after another person’s suicide. As the founder of Energy Spirituality™, I have no credentials for suicide prevention. Please, look elsewhere!
However, I do have some current knowledge to share, knowledge to help you survive another person’s suicide: Current knowledge in the sense of knowledge from the era in which we’re all living, the Age of Awakening. Before this era began, on December 21, 2012, all of were living in a different era, the Age of Faith.
Much of that old-time knowledge is now obsolete. For instance:
- Karma means something quite different now. Check out our lively Comment Conversations about that, at the link just provided.
- Enlightenment Teaching works differently, too. The link just provided can introduce you to some powerful upgrades, definite improvements to ideas and practices that limit most of today’s spiritual seekers.
Seems to me, there’s no time like the present for help to update your understanding of suicide. That way you’ll have a useful kind of knowledge, in case you ever need it.
But Why Read this Article Now? Why Not Put Off Gaining this Knowledge?
Hopefully, Suicide Doesn’t Seem Relevant to Your Life NOW
But guess what? If you live long enough, over time, you will encounter it. Very likely you’ll learn about folks you know. Although most of them will die of natural causes, some will commit suicide. In addition to your own family and friends, suicide can happen to some public figures you follow.
In short, suicide happens. Almost always, it’s sudden; a terrible shock.
For that reason, might I suggest? Preparing yourself, just a bit, is wise.
- Unless you update your understanding and beliefs about all that, you’ll likely be wholly unprepared.
- Or are you going to wait until a perfect movie comes out. As if Hollywood is responsible for teaching you values in life!
Surely you can do better than that. This blogpost, supplemented by our November 22 newsletter, could be all the preparation you need.
Energy Spirituality on SUICIDE 1.
Some Insurance against Grief and Guilt
Consider how common these reactions are:
Feeling Grief after Someone Commits Suicide
How many hits did Google find on that reaction? Just now, drafting this blogpost: 11,700,000 hits.
Feeling Guilty after Someone Commits Suicide
Just now, Google found how many hits on that reaction? 20,900,000
Since grief and guilt, both, are such common reactions after learning about anybody’s suicide.
Are Your Only Choices Psychology Talk, Energy Talk, or Religion Talk?
Probably, if you click on the Google links just provided, that’s all you’ll find.
But not here, at this Energy Spirituality™ Blog.
- With Energy Spirituality, we speak Human Talk.
- In general, Energy Spirituality helps people like you with growth and spiritual awakening, cocreating with God.
Using dedicated skills you won’t find elsewhere. Neither psychology nor mainstream energy healing, nor religion.
To see what I mean, just keep reading.
Receive 3 Extra Kinds of Suicide Insurance
First of all, read this article now. Pay attention, please. (Rather than giving this article a quick skim-read.)
A simple first read can lay a foundation of counter-culture knowledge. Knowledge that may serve you well.
Automatically, you’ll store knowledge in the back of your mind. So that, if someone you do know commits suicide, you don’t have to turn to some pretty dreadful mainstream ideas. Outdated ideas or ideas that have never been true. Yet they’re still popular in Collective Consciousness.
Incidentally, you can find examples at a Google search on this: “After suicide what happens to that soul?”
Besides that first casual reading of this blogpost, what did I mean by “suicide insurance”?
How to Supplement these 3 Extra Kinds of Suicide Insurance
Here’s exactly what I recommend. Because forewarned is forearmed:
- After today’s first read, you might choose to forward this blog’s url to everybody you know who might benefit.
- Regarding yourself long term, might I suggest? Bookmark this url. Or otherwise keep today’s url where you can find it. Just in case you do learn about the suicide of someone dear to you.
- Also, be sure to read our supplementary newsletter. (More details about that free newsletter will follow toward the end of today’s post.)
Energy Spirituality on SUICIDE 2. Helping You to Keep on Living
Despite Appearances, You Still Can Say Goodbye
Blog-Buddies, I’d like to share with you a specific technique for doing just that. Even if the departed one… has definitely departed this world.
Energy Spirituality includes many effective ways to help you move out lingering sorrow and pain. Regarding just about anything! By contrast, here we have one simple technique for personal growth. For saying goodbye after a death.
It’s an easy, consoling gift to give yourself.
Also noteworthy: You can use this same technique to spiritually say goodbye after anyone you know has died.
Any kind of death. Not only suicide.
Here’s your link: To spiritually say goodbye after a death.
Might I suggest? Open this up and read it only when needed. Follow through that very day.
In case you’re wondering…
Where Exactly Did that Technique Come from?
Behind every innovation in Energy Spirituality™, there’s a story. Most aren’t nearly as memorable as cocreating a useful new technique with the Divine.
However, I remember this particular story vividly. So here goes.
On a long flight from Europe, back to America, I sat next to Sam. We got to talking. Early on, it became clear to me that Sam had told this particular story many times before:
- How he had fallen in love with Gladys.
- How wonderful their relationship was.
- And ever since her death, he had been inconsolable.
The worst part, Sam said, was how he never had the chance to say goodbye.
I offered to give him the gift of a session of Energy Spirituality. When he agreed, we began a typical session of Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING. As I recall:
Sam wanted to cocreate with God. So that’s how we set up Sam’s session that way.
- I wound up cocreating a specific technique for “Spiritually Saying Goodbye after a Death.”
- Right there, as Sam sat in his window seat on the plane, I coached him through it.
- Afterward, I saw the light come back into his eyes. (Before then, that light had been dull and dim.)
- Sam felt relief. He thanked me. One day’s work done!
Later, I had occasion to personally use that technique. Afterward I realized that I could teach it. So I published the aforementioned blogpost.
Energy Spirituality on SUICIDE 3. Practical Precautions
Pay Attention to Obvious Cries for Help
What if somebody you know keeps threatening, “I’m going to kill myself”?
Although I’m not an expert about what to do, suicide prevention experts are available. Such as the experts at the link just provided.
Hotlines also can help. In America, for instance, one resource is to call 1–800–273-TALK (1–800–273–8255).
Energy Spirituality on SUICIDE 4.
Otherwise, Don’t Worry about Other People’s Business
Don’t make other people’s deaths or possible suicides into YOUR job. Could be crazy-making. At least, unless you’re a health professional or mental health professional. So then you’ve got SKILLS, not just worries.
For everyday worries, what can help?
- Let’s keep in mind, every person has access to God.
- And God is not you. Even though God is within you.
Further information in our upcoming newsletter is directly relevant, so here it comes.
Subscribe to the Energy Spirituality Newsletter in Order to Receive these Articles
- After Someone You Know Commits Suicide, Hope
- What REALLY Happens After a Suicide?
- How to Avoid the Continuing Pattern of Suicide
- The Best of the Blog
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Unless you sign up, you won’t find it in your inbox a week from this Wednesday.
So you just might wish to sign up. Here’s how.
- Simply go to my website’s Home Page. For a shortcut, just scroll up to the Energy Spirituality logo at the top of this page. Click on it.
- Scroll all the way down. And there you’ll find the signup box. Awaiting you, no special fancy-dancying needed. ;-)
- Incidentally, what if you ever wish to unsubscribe? Hey, that’s easy too.
- Also worth knowing: If you should you change your email address, it would be great if you’d unsubscribe out the old. Then subscribe in the new.
- Of course, your confidential email address will be handled honorably. No renting. No selling. You kidding?
- Did you know that “Reading Life Deeper” has an unusually high “click-through rate”? I think it’s because this newsletter gives you original articles at the leading edge of the Age of Awakening.
- With the November 2022 issue of the Energy Spirituality newsletter, the goal is to send it to your inbox by this Wednesday, March 17. Sign up right away — that’s my advice.