New Strong Online Workshops. THRILL!
New Strong Online Workshops. Today’s our launch date: Announcing the complete collection of online workshops on The New Strong.
Why can this matter to you? How can it even be life-changing? Far more than if your first thought is simply:
“Hey, a couple of new workshops for living in the Age of Awakening. Available for me to take, starting right now!”
Usually it’s a joy for me to announce any new workshop. But today’s a unique joy, Blog-Buddies. Like, nothing short of a thrill. Let me explain why this little sent of on-demand, online workshops… May also become a thrill for YOU.
First of All
Improbably, you may know that we’re living in the Age of Awakening.
This began on 12/21/12. Affecting life for every human being on earth. Although most people don’t know that yet.
Or else, what they “understand” doesn’t come from people with energetic literacy. But, rather, it comes from psychics with limited energetic literacy. As a result, the best they can offer are warmed-over New Age teachings. Even worse, seductive free YouTube videos making wild promises about living in the 5th Dimension.
Yet, improbably or not, somehow, all you readers have found this blog post. Consequently, you may know about my how-to book, “The New Strong.” Quite possibly, you’ve read it. Thereby, understanding a very different perspective than most people have today.
Overall, this Energy Spirituality website offers you a good, quick education on living in the Age of Awakening. Such as what you’ll find in articles and videos like these:
- The Age of Awakening’s First Decade
- How Life Purpose Changed in the Age of Awakening
- Ex-Evangelicals in the Age of Awakening
- Energy Reading in the Age of Awakening. (VIDEO)
- Intro to “The New Strong” and the Age of Awakening (VIDEO)
Definitely up to a good start. However, starting today… :-) Something far better has just become available to you.
Specifically, What Are the New-New Strong Online Workshops?
Really, the best way to find out is to read this summary. OMG, I’ve been waiting so long to give you Blog-Buddies this resource!
Maybe take a look at the workshop descriptions beyond that Free Intro:
- Meet 101: Living The New Strong
- 102: Live Even Stronger
- 103: Greater Human Clarity & Creativity
WHY Launch these Particular Online Workshops?
This full set of online workshops coaches you to take a giant step forward.
In the light of knowledge that builds all the way to The New Strong 103…
- Expressly designed for you to experience an immersion style of interactive learning
- Immersing you into what? Increasingly vivid knowledge and life experience about life in the Age of Awakening.
- Probably you’ll graduate with a sophistication beyond what most people have now. And more like how smart people in the year 2120 will live. Regarding how to live productively in the Age of Awakening.
Most Significantly about this Collection of New Strong Online Workshops
Some of you may know that I’ve spent my whole adult life as a teacher of personal development. Basically, from 1969 until now. And continuing!
Beginning in 1986, I’ve founded the field of “Energy Spirituality.” It’s been a joy. For instance:
- Getting the 10 Trademarks of Energy Spirituality
- Publishing lotsa books. Exact count not available right now. I do know that I’ve sold 44 sets of authorized rights. Like the edition of “Aura Reading Through All Your Senses” for Random House Germany. Amazingly, a national bestseller!
- Internationally giving loads of in-person workshops.
- Also a joy? Developing and launching many online workshops. Of course, you’ll find them all by click-click-clicking here.
Nonetheless, to be precise: In my line of work I’ve had only two experience of THRILL.
My THRILL #1. Arrived in the Summer of 1997
Because that’s when I first-drafted my first book for empaths.
Maybe that won’t seem like much of a big deal… Until you know it was also ANYONE’S first book for empaths in English. Judging from my foreign rights sales of that book! Also, judging from the surge of interest in the field of Empath Coaching…
Essentially, I had the honor of launching the entire field of Empath Coaching. And pioneering the system of Empath Empowerment®.
What was that launching experience like for me?
- First-drafting the book was sheer bliss. As always, I was co-creating with a Divine Being. (Quite standard for Energy Spirituality: Spiritual but not necessarily religious — unless you want it to be.)
- Then followed 3 1/2 years of editing that first book for empaths. Which was so strange. Because I’d work for a couple of hours each day, then fall into a deep, deep sleep.
- This joyful-but-exhausting process continued until publication of “Empowered by Empathy” in 2001.
- Since then, I’ve replaced that first book with more current books. Currently you can buy a series of four books for empaths. Always I recommend that you start with “Empath Empowerment in 30 Days.”
- In retrospect, writing that first book for empaths was a unique thrill. It felt as though I was opening up something very new in Collective Consciousness.
By now, as you may know, it’s not unusual to find an empath teacher. Currently Amazon sells 4,000 books for empaths.
As for me, a teacher with a pretty high tolerance for innovation…
These New Strong Online Workshops Have Brought Me THRILL #2.
Back in 2014, I began work on The New Strong Online Free Intro and Level 101 Course. Finally I launched them… in March 2019.
Granted, creating them was a joy. Comparable to all my work in Energy Spirituality.
However, over the last couple of years I was finally ready. Ready to rock-and-roll. Rock-and-roll with Divine Beings, as it were. In order to bring in a new wake-up opportunity for humanity. Once again, as it seemed to me, helping humanity to experience a breakthrough.
Funny thing about The New Strong 102. It builds upon all that came before. (And if you click on this link you’ll see how much I packed into that 10-lesson workshop. Given the 44 hours of media lectures, 31 worksheets, etc., it’s more like two workshops. Akin to an immense-and-yummy hero sandwich.
Everything Builds to the Soul Thrill-Awakening Workshop #103
By the time I co-created The New Strong 103? That’s when the real breakthroughs become possible. And that’s when the big thrill started for me.
You see, along the way I discovered a new application of aura reading. Supplemented by a different kind of teaching. None of which I’d ever done before. All of which aim to help each student gain a kind of new LIVED Experience. A LIVED Experience related to consciousness!
My hope is that each graduate of that workshop will receive enormous clarity. Perhaps even be as transformed as I was, while co-creating these lessons. Due to feeling the difference in mind-body-soul-spirit. A LIVED Experience. Illuminating the difference between:
- What was it like, even 100 years before the Shift, living a human lifetime. Consciousness being so very restricted in the Age of Faith.
- Versus our own experience, even in the first years of the Age of Awakening.
Also, I’d have to say this. For years I’ve served as an Enlightenment Coach. This workshop series promises to help in that way, as well.
In Conclusion
During my 50+ years of teaching so far, nothing has thrilled me more than this: Developing the New Strong Collection of Online Workshops.
And I can’t wait to find out what the experience is like for you.
Meanwhile, in a more everyday way, you’ve just read a blog post. The. Big. Announcement.
COMMENT away, please. Share your questions and reactions.
Maybe I’ll even hear from some of you who’ve read “The New Strong.” And/or those of you who took one of the two pioneering in-person workshops.
Always, this blog makes a historical record of sorts. Together we document the rise of Energy Spirituality. (Maybe it’s not over-reaching to say, “The rise of any teaching on earth that is LIKE Energy Spirituality.)
Well, today, those of you who COMMENT here will make history in miniature. Like, microcosm compared to macrocosm.
Step up and let your voices be heard!
Meanwhile, thanks to all of you who comment here. And all of you who’ve been buying my books. And/or taking any of my workshops. Your questions and enthusiasm help to ready me for breakthroughs in knowledge. You know, ready for thrill.
P.S. Where Did You First Read this Article?
Besides writing at my personal blog, recently I’ve started writing on Medium. Eventually some other websites might follow.
Wherever you’re reading this article? Thanks for reading all the way to the end. Here! Wow!
I’d love to engage with you personally through comments at my personal blog. Yes, for time management, I only respond to comments at the original article. You’ll always find that same article, under the same title, at “Deeper Perception Made Practical.”
Here, at my personal website:, yes! Yes indeed, if you COMMENT here, I’ll gladly respond. Let’s get to meet each other in this place… dedicated to truth and mutual respect.
And meanwhile, long-term Blog-Buddies: Rest assured. This blog remains my main blogging space. Part of a fairly extensive website. Definitely the place to go if you’re curious about any specialty of Energy Spirituality.