New Anger Solutions

Rose Rosetree
7 min readMar 21, 2022

Use the Gifts of Your Soul + Other Energy Spirituality Solutions

Anger management can take you only so far. This article can help you go farther.

Today I’ll help you learn how to utilize the power and potential of a powerful resource within you.

Knowledge in this blogpost can start you moving in a productive direction. Away from fearing anger. Toward using more of your power.

What’s Scarier than Feeling Angry?

Not knowing what to do with it. Know what I mean?

In addition, anger can raise a host of discomforts, uncertainties, long-term problems.

Admittedly, one short blogpost can’t offer complete solutions for all the anger-related problems in your life. At least together we can make a start on finding more effective anger solutions.

First Though, I’ve Got a Question for You

So Far, What Have You Been Doing to Solve Anger Problems?

It only fair to admit. Anger solutions from Energy Spirituality are hardly mainstream.

Have you tried any of the better known strategies for “anger management,” etc? For instance:

  1. Hold your temper. (In what, in a box? On a leash?)
  2. Manage your thoughts. (If this approach reminds you of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, you might wish to read the link just provided.)
  3. Step away. (Sometimes one might need to do a whole lot of stepping…)

And now for personal growth-type solutions from Energy Spirituality.

Before Energetic Spirituality, Anger Can Seem Scary

Have you ever felt baffled by another person’s anger? Or your own!!!

What a shock it can be when another person, like your best friend Pat, starts yelling at you without warning.

Often we’ll grasp at ideas from pop culture to explain away the outburst. For instance:

Once we choose “explanations” like these, what happens next? All too often, folks proceed to develop entire stories where Pat’s anger is bad, while we are good

Following that, we’re off and running. Making up stories as though life were a movie, and our best solution would be a good story.

If you like doing this, and like the results, fine. However, I find this kind of anger-storytelling to be about as “effective” as driving round-and-round in a cul-de-sac.

Not Really an Anger Solution At All!

Comparable to this, incidentally, is how some folks decide that Pat’s aura is red. Which “explains everything” about the anger.

Generalizations like this flow straight from Stage 1 Energetic Literacy. Literacy. To me, that sort of explanation is as productive… as driving around and around in circles.

Might I suggest? If you’ve been telling yourself stories like this, the truth value is low. Therefore, not so useful as an anger solution!

One takeaway from this article is to stop — simply stop — dealing with anger by telling yourself these stories.

Why not turn onto Main Street — objective reality? Then you can go somewhere new? Anger solutions can be found when you learn what energetic literacy reveals about your very personal, built-in, talents for handling anger.

Besides, Why Tell Yourself Stories? Instead…

You Can Embrace Solutions with a Higher Truth Value

Of course, by that I mean the truth in your aura. Especially you can gain powerful help from the detailed truth in your what? Info with a high truth value shines out from your chakra databanks, deep within within your aura. That info is yours once you gain good skills of energetic literacy. Which you can. Also, booking a session with any Energy Spirituality Expert, you can sit back and learn what’s going on now with your chakra databanks.

Just as mathematics is the language of science…

Energetic literacy is the language of emotional growth, personal growth, and spiritual awakening.

Truth! And for that reason, when you’re in a sticky situation, getting riled up? Phew! Knowledge drawn from energetic literacy can help you become more savvy-and-resourceful than ever.

Why learn about the hidden language of your own chakra databanks?

Because You’ve Got Talent… for Handling Anger

Granted your talent of this kind exists within you at the Higher Self level; it’s not something your conscious mind would usually identify; nonetheless, that talent exists.

What makes me so sure this is true? Thank the profession I’ve founded, Energy Spirituality. You see, Blog-Buddies, this is how I’ve been using my time for the past 50 years: Exploring consciousness in general and energetic literacy in particular.

Did You Know? You Already Have TALENT for Anger Solutions

That’s because talent is built into every single one of your chakra databanks. I like to call this a Gift of Your Soul, because it exists at the Divine (or Higher Self) level.

Each one of your Gifts of Your Soul is highly individual for you for this lifetime; expressing your potential for success… at however that chakra databank is designed to help you. Soon you’ll see what I mean about this part.

Meanwhile, let’s linger on the idea of having talent for anger solutions, because you weren’t raised to think that way, were you?

Honestly, when it comes to your relationship with anger, which have you heard more often, ever since childhood?

  1. You’ve got to do something about your bad temper.
  2. Or, you have a magnificent, deeply personal, sacred gift for handling anger.

Can This Blogpost List YOUR Personal Gift for Handling Anger?

Sadly, that wouldn’t be feasible, but here’s the thing.

It’s a start, once you learn that you have many different Gifts of the Soul, each one providing you with a different kind of anger solution.

Once you make it your business to find out what these gifts are, you’ll find it far easier to use them. Also you can make use of Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING to permanently clean up your aura. Making it far easier for you to use your Gifts of the Soul.

So much more useful than simply repeating today’s common stories about rageaholics and narcissists!

Bring on Encouragement… With a High Truth Value

From a spiritual perspective, it makes you pretty resourceful, having so many chakra databanks to help empower you.

Here come names of five chakra databanks you’re sure to have, and each one equips you to find anger solutions in everyday life. Including with folks you love (mostly love) like Pat.

1. Your Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality

In any situation where anger is flowing, you have a Gift of the Soul for being perceptive about real-life objective reality. That can help you calm down. Smell the roses. Or else smell the skunks.

And then calmly, humanly, find anger solutions.

2. Your Belly Chakra Databank for Flow of Energy During Conflict

Your Gift of the Soul at this chakra databank helps you persist in finding solutions, rather than giving up.

Think of it, if you like, as a battery that can recharge itself. Particularly encouraging if aura-level STUFF that was blocking this chakra databank… could be permanently removed. (Which it can.)

3. Your Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for USING Power

Whether you’re the angry one in the situation, or somebody like Pat is scolding you, how to find a solution? In order to move toward what you would like as an outcome, it’s essential to use your power.

Fortunately, there’s something better than “an app for that.” You’ve got a Gift of Your Soul.

4. Your Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for SHARING Power

Often anger arises because, savvy though you are, sometimes you might not be the only person around. Instead, another person — like Pat — has different ideas about what to say or do or achieve.

Finding common ground, in each particular situation? Here your Gift of the Soul for sharing power… can help you find anger solutions.

5. Your Throat Chakra Databank for Communication During Conflict

Quite a few thousand years ago… The very the best anger solution around:

  • Was either to grunt
  • Or else to club your fellow cavemen to death.

By now? “Use your words” is one of the first things that today’s parents teach their children.

But think about it. Learning how to use your words when angry?

This is more than simply talking. And, you guessed it. You’ve got a fabulous Gift of the Soul for communication during conflict.

Thus, You Might Be

Way More Resourceful than You Knew

For finding anger solutions, you can make good use of all the lifelong gifts in these chakra databanks.

If you’re stuck, don’t give up. Find somebody with skills who can help you to use more of your potential in life… including your personal gifts for anger solutions.

Life Will Always Include Anger

On the bright side, life on earth includes amazing beauties. So many sweet mini-miracles that each of us can achieve every single day.

  • Both spiritual achievements for our own evolution.
  • Generous ways of helping others.
  • Chances for more personal growth.

To be clear, you were endowed by your Creator with awesome gifts to help you do all this and more.

But whether or not you use these soul-level gifts in the complicated place I call “Earth School”? That’s up to you. Go for it!

Rose Rosetree says, “Thanks for reading. You’re invited to join the comment conversation on Anger Solutions… starting today. It’s here, over at the Energy Spirituality Blog. Come check it out!”



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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