Mindless Work Is Just the Opposite of “Mindless” — Rose Rosetree

Rose Rosetree
8 min readAug 10, 2020

Mindless Work is the most common reason why folks unintentionally hypnotize themselves… Simply by using background distractions.

Energy Spirituality brings you fresh perspective. Helping you, as always, with emotional growth and spiritual awakening. All for the purpose of improving your life, a.k.a self-improvement.

Absolutely, I’m offering you practical help. Only there’s no away around it, far as I can see. If you’d like to get this free help, blog style, guess what? It’s going to take reading this series of three blog posts:

  1. Unintentionally Hypnotizing Yourself
  2. Today’s Blog Post, which can change forever your view of “mindless work.”
  3. And the payoff post, with practical what-to-do’s. Coming soon.

Fair Warning, First

In this middle post of the series, I’m going to have to get a bit technical with you. In order to give you just enough solid info about research I’ve been doing for years. Research on thousands of clients as an Energy Spirituality Practitioner. Plus, bringing along the perspective of a consciousness engineer.

  1. Granted, many of you are practically salivating at the prospect. Maybe, for instance, you’re already an avid reader of my Discernment Jamboree for Empaths.
  2. By contrast, some of you might be quite new to anything Energy Spirituality. (In which case, I’d recommend you check out these resources. Especially designed for newbies, all of them.)
  3. Whereas others of you may doubt that you can understand leading-edge discoveries about how your consciousness works. Even for the purpose of understanding yourself better emotionally and spiritually. Hello, I think you can understand. Since I’ll soon be going step by step.

Everyone, you’re cordially invited to join me for this wild ride. Of course, you can understand these essentials about how your consciousness works. And then you’ll see me apply it to “Mindless” Work. Which is the practical point. Which can benefit YOU.

Let’s get started. Because you CAN understand this. Also, this is knowledge you’re unlikely to find outside of Energy Spirituality. For reasons you’ll soon appreciate.

“Mindless Work” Is What?

Chores. Dishes. Balancing your checkbook.

Doing those physical therapy exercises that keep you from getting knee surgery. Only they’re sooooooo boooooooooooring.

And sometimes, on the job, you must do certain things that are so un-challenging. No matter how much you love to “Work Smart,” you can’t avoid it sometimes. Ergggg, Mindless Work.

Heck, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about here. If not, read that prevously-mentioned article on “Unintentionally Hypnotizing Yourself.”

Simply put, a practical definition of “Mindless Work” is this: It’s like getting an itch in you mind that you’ve just got to scratch.

Scratch how? By listening to music. Or playing a podcast. Putting on TV “to give yourself company.”

If you don’t know what I mean here, you must employ a whole lot of servants!

Chakra Databanks Help Us to Better Understand “Mindless Work”

Just as mathematics is the language of science, guess what? Aura reading is the language for understanding what happens to your consciousness.

  1. Here’s your intro to sophisticated skills of Energetic Literacy. Wholly unlike what psychics do, for instance.
  2. Next, this article introduces you to chakra databanks. Please, read this article now. Unless you’re already familiar with this Energy Spirituality discovery.
  3. One more bit of essential background is for you to appreciate how you’re living when? Living in the Age of Awakening. What if you don’t know much about this yet? Fix that by clicking that link just supplied. Since what you go to is a short read. Also highly relevant to your quality of life.
  4. Hey, just in case you’re a seeker of self-realization: this article can help you too. Although totally optional for understanding what follows. Merely helpful!

Beyond your immediate goal of handling Mindless Work better… Expect all these articles to pay off for you big-time.

For example, helping you to get the most from the amazing free resource: Thousands of articles at “Deeper Perception Made Practical.” Even better, our shared “Discovery Moments” at the blog. To date, that’s 67,000+ comments!

2 Ways of Reading Chakra Databanks. NEW INFO COMING UP.

Even you experienced Blog-Buddies can appreciate, ta da! Now for some leading-edge knowledge of Life Lessons and Self-Improvement? It starts.

Reading chakra databanks has something in common with what physicians do. Maybe you know, they can view anybody’s body… Like YOUR body… In one of two ways:

Similarly, with Stage 3 Energetic Literacy, how do you read aura anatomy?

Through chakra databanks, of course.

Yes, chakra databanks are key. In order to learn about your emotional growth and spiritual awakening.

Granted, chakra databanks are not important in energy medicine, like Reiki or Barbara Brennan’s system. Energy medicine is entirely different from Energy Spirituality.

One advantage we bring is this: Energy Spirituality can help to become an experienced aura reader who can read any chakra databank at will. For instance, this set of Integrity Chakra Databanks. Or this set of Leadership Chakra Databanks. Pretty darned useful!

More important, though, for your learning why “Mindless” Work isn’t mindless at all…

There’s Also a Way to Read Aura Physiology

Turns out, I discovered this by accident. While co-creating the Energy Spirituality specialty of Vibrational Re-Positioning®. TIP: For juicy details at that link, scroll down to the colorful box.

What’s Vibrational Re-Positioning? Simply put, it’s a set of several different techniques. At their most refined, one researches aura physiology. Namely, reading chakra databanks in action. As a result of which…

Here follows a Big Statement. (At least, in my little world. As the founder of Energy Spirituality.)

How does your consciousness operate, every split second, while you’re awake?

One chakra databanks lights up. Just one.

Following that, another chakra databank lights up. Just one.

Getting the picture?

Actually, a chakra databank could stay lit up for several seconds or even minutes in a row.

And now we’re getting somewhere. You see, Blog-Buddies….

“Mindless Work” Is Really Mind-Emphasizing Work

Because, when you’re doing Mindless Work, which chakra databank lights up most often?

Your Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Living in the Present

In other words, doing Mindless Work = Using Your Mind.

Technically speaking, hello!

  • Ideally, you’re mostly positioning your consciousness so that you can inwardly use your mind.
  • Although that ain’t necessarily so.
  • Because, while outwardly doing Mindless Work… you could still mechanically go through the motions, even if inwardly you’re positioning your consciousness elsewhere. (To see more of what I mean, just keep reading.)

Equally Important, Your Mind and Intellect Are Different

Since your MIND is about using concepts and names you’ve already learned.

While your INTELLECT is about learning new information.

Practically put, when you’re using your intellect, what lights up?

A different one of your 50 chakra databanks at the Solar Plexus Chakra: Analyzing My Life

Really we’re exploring something that shapes your life. And is essential for Self Improvement: Your awareness.

What follows is very practical: how you position your consciousness while doing Mindless Work.

And guess what?

Depending on How You Entertain Yourself, Different Chakra Databanks Light Up

Just to give you a couple of examples. Depending on what you listen to or watch in the background while doing mindless chores:

Suppose that you’re listening to Hip-Hop.

Probably what lights up is your:

Belly Chakra Databank for Flow of Sexual Energy

By contrast, what probably lights up while your background entertainment moves your emotions? Your:

Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Growth

And what if choose background entertainment because you’re super-thirsty for drinking in knowledge? What lights up? Your:

Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Intellectual Growth

Who would have thunk? Well, evidently the master-designer of all us humans here: God. (Since God created adult humans living today with 1,000+ chakra databanks. And they light up, one at a time, depending on how we position our consciousness.)

Already You’ve Learned So Much. Excellent.

How about just a little more learning, since you’re about to read THE CLINCHER.

See, We Have So Many Ways to Entertain Ourselves

Depending upon our choice, we’ll position consciousness accordingly. And then the related chakra databank will light up.

Which brings us to something worth pondering: Blog-Buddies, many of us have imbalances in how our chakra databanks function. Like clothes in your wardrobe, you’ve got your faves.

Consider for a moment, if you would, what’s your favorite kind of distraction? That could reveal quite a lot about over-emphasizing one or more aspects of life. (With corresponding aura imbalance.)

Just for fun, COMMENT below and tell us. Just to start things off, I’ll give you a couple of examples.

Of course, I hope you’ll COMMENT as well with your reactions. Your questions. Your stories.

Fact is, a lot of us find it really, really annoying to use our minds. When that Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Living in the Present lights up, what do we do?

We crave distraction. Even if we don’t know why, we just can’t stand doing that “Mindless Work.” And so we entertain ourselves in a favorite way. Which may not be all that great for us.

  • In the last blog post, you learned one reason why “not all that great for us.”
  • In our next post, the last of this series, you’ll learn even more. Including how to make your own mind more bearable to you.
  • Which happens to be one of the biggest favors you could do yourself. Only probably nothing you have ever-ever been taught about before.

Beginning to Form a Conclusion

Research with advanced energetic literacy documents this simple fact:

So-called “Mindless” Work is boring to most of us

Not because it is really MIND-LESS

Quite the opposite. Since, in consciousness, we are really USING OUR MINDS. Rather than lighting up our sexuality, our emotions, our intellects, etc.

As you’ll see in our next article of this series… Well, when you get there, you’ll learn plenty more.

BTW, Did You First Read this Article on Medium?

Besides writing at my blog, recently I’ve started writing on Medium. Eventually some other websites might follow.

Wherever you’re reading this article? Thanks for reading all the way to the end. Here!! Wow!!!

I’d love to engage with you personally through comments at my personal blog. Yes, for time management, I only respond to comments at the original article. You’ll always find that same article, under the same title, at “Deeper Perception Made Practical.

Here, at my personal website: rose@rose-rosetree.com, yes! Yes indeed, if you COMMENT here, I’ll gladly respond. Let’s get to meet each other in this place… dedicated to truth and mutual respect.

And meanwhile, long-term Blog-Buddies: Rest assured. This blog remains my main blogging space. Part of a fairly extensive website. Definitely the place to go if you’re curious about any specialty of Energy Spirituality.

Originally published at https://www.rose-rosetree.com on August 10, 2020.



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at rose-rosetree.com. She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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