Meet Effortlessness, Your New Best Friend
5 Tips to Boost Your Success
Likewise, effortlessness can help you succeed at personal growth. In order to help you use Effortlessness WISELY, yes, two choices are essential:
- Choose your direction wisely.
- Then harness the power of effortlessness, built right into your consciousness. Harness it, don’t fight it.
Today’s 5 Practical Tips Aren’t So Well Known…
Yet they’re very worth knowing, if you aim for more than bragging to people:
I’m doing the [trendy thing} because I’m soooo cool.
The purpose of this article is to help you to gain results. Using effortlessness WISELY can help you to gain real-life results in your personal growth and spiritual awakening.
Before Reading Further, Ask Yourself This
These days, are you doing anything that purposely involves consciousness?
A wise direction, pursued with effortlessness: this combo can make such a difference.
In this article you’ll learn five counter-culture tips, all related to consciousness and personal development. Each tip can help you to Use Effortlessness WISELY. Best of all, each of today’s tips will include a Teaching Tale.
You may be surprised what a difference they can make.
Get ready to declutter effort from practices you may have been using for growth and spiritual awakening.
First of All, Let’s Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
Namely, credit to KATHLEEN KEENE, who inspired this article. At our recent Comment Conversation celebrating Enlighenment Validation for LOGAN GONAZLES…. At Comment # 117, she wrote:
Congratulations Logan!!! I loved reading your stories about what has changed for you — they were wonderful. And your comment about the importance of effortlessness for doing anything that involves using your consciousness was a big Aha! for me. Thank you!
- Thus, Blog-Buddy KATHLEEN KEENE inspired a three-part series of articles. (Today you’ll receive Part 1 of 3.)
- Plus, KATHLEEN inspired our May 2023 newsletter. (Expect to see a Newsletter Announcement toward the end of this blogpost.)
Next, Why Use Effortlessness Wisely?
Straining to Use Your Mind Is Foolish
Seems to me, before we get to our practical tips, hello! It would be smart to get certain kinds of foolishness out of the way. Our first Teaching Tale will illustrate.
Incidentally, what do I mean by a “Teaching Tale”? Click on that link just provided and find out for sure.
A Lazy, Passive Form of Effortlessness
This Teaching Tale occurred when I taught Energy Spirituality™ skills in public schools in Northern Virginia. This was from 1990–2010, approximately. That is, during the New Age Years.
Fairfax County Adult Education may have been the largest adult ed system in America. Amazingly, I had the chance to teach Aura Reading Through All Your Senses®, explore Empath Empowerment®, and communicate better by using Face Reading Secrets®.
Usually my students learned beautifully. In fact, without trying, three names come to mind: To this day, they’re my students still. And all three are living in Age of Awakening Enlightement.
However, I did have one class that stood out. And not in a good way.
For reasons that will soon be obvious.
For this particular workshop, I designed it to fill a Saturday: Six hours of workshop, plus a lunch hour halfway in between.
As always, I taught systematically. Students were given one understanding after another, one technique after another. Strangely, though, nobody seemed to be responding normally. Among the 15 students, not a single one seemed to be having fun. No faces were lighting up.
Such a puzzlement! During the lunch hour I had an idea. Soon as we came back into the classroom, I shared a weird-and-new thought that had occurred to me. I said something like this:
This may seem a little strange to you, but I’m wondering something. When you came here today for this workshop, did you have an idea of what was going to happen? This wouldn’t be anything that was published in the adult education catalog.
But did you somehow have the idea that this would happen: I would switch something on for you. After I gave you that switch-on, you’d start seeing the colours. After that switch on, you would be able to see those colours everywhere you went… for the rest of your life.
Honest to Goodness, for the first time since that workshop began, the students perked up. They actually seemed interested.
How many of you have been sitting here, expecting that?
I asked for a show of hands. Every hand went up. Big smiles.
No Wonder These Students Had Seemed So Dull All Day
Believing in a lie. basically. “Switching on” skills for aura reading, skills involving your consciousness? Your personal brain? That’s trying to head athe wrong direction.
- Learning any skills of Energy Spirituality…
- Skills that I’ve cocreated with Divine help…
- Nothing of the sort happens. Never.
I Wish I Could Tell You that My Students that Day Became More Teachable
But noooooooo.
Mainly they just looked disgusted. Since my workshop wasn’t going to deliver the effortless, flashy magic that they were expecting. Apparently they blamed me for not being a good enough teacher.
Just Because Something Is Popular on Google, etc. Does That Make It True?
Here’s our first Google Research for this blogpost.
“Switch on Seeing Aura Colors”
22,200,000 results.
Such nonsense! Blog-Buddies, when you learned word literacy — such as you’re using right now. To read this article!
How did you learn that kind of reading?
Did somebody just push a button on your head? And then, in just one day, you could read words fluently?
In reality, word literacy is a skill that requires learning. Literacy develops. Likewise the stages of development for energetic literacy. For instance:
- Most common today is this inaccurate, low-standard version: Stage 1 Energetic Literacy.
- While some psychics and New Age energy healers consider it really the ultimate, doing chakra readings: Stage 2 Energetic Literacy.
- However, I can teach you how to read chakra databanks. And read them from regular photos; Stage 3 Energetic Literacy.
- Although I can teach you more, too. By the time you’ve developed that degree of energetic literacy, it’s good enough unless you aim to become an Energy Spirituality Practitioner, etc.
In short, I can teach you aura reading, until you gain superb skills that you can use on demand. None of those skills requires effort. But they do demand a bit of learning. Actually, this brings us to our Tip #1.
Energy Spirituality Tips to Use Effortlessness Wisely #1.
Learning How to Read Auras, Use a System that Honors the Gifts that Gave You
Of course you have gifts for aura reading. Your personal, unique gift set, actually! (Learn more from the link just provided.)
Yet many people who wish to read auras still believe they must “See the Colours.”
As if that’s the only valid gift. Or it’s worthwhile to generalize about those who supposedly have Red Auras. Or sneer about those who supposedly have Black Auras.
Starting off with that limited-limiting premise, no wonder so many people are pushing themselves hard. Yet receiving precious little by way of real-life results.
Just Because Something Is Popular on Google, etc. Does That Make It True?
Ready for more violet links, Blog-Buddies?
Remember, you can COMMENT below with your reaction to any of these popularity contests on Google.
57,100,000 results
387,000,000 results
474,000,000 results
Plenty of results on Google for these unhelpful ideas about reading auras. But how about search terms that can lead to valid-and-helpful research? Like if folks were learning a system for effortlessly reading “chakra databanks”?
So far, just 6,800 results for real-life chakra databanks within auras.
Teaching Tale about Effortful Straining to Read Auras
Once upon a time, when I taught a ton of in-person workshops, oh yes! I was booked to teach a Saturday workshop at the yoga studio. This was to be a Saturday introduction to Aura Reading Through All Your Senses®.
Gladys was my liason with that yoga studio. She called to confirm the workshop that coming Saturday. How long do you think that conversation took?
Five minutes? That would have been a good answer.
Funnily enough, Gladys was interested in impressing me. She kept me on the call for half an hour as she told me the “important” story of her aura reading efforts. Blog-Buddies, I’ll give you the short version.
For over a year, every single day, Gladys practiced squinting at auras. Finally, after a year, she began to see some colours.
And wasn’t she important! Gladys described at length how she had done something so very significant.
I didn’t pause to ask her what she thought was so super-special about her achievement. Nor did Gladys ask me a thing, since she evidently was so very satisfied with her progress.
Listening politely, I thought — not for the first time — that clairvoyance is NOT the only gift for reading auras. How each of us does have a full set of gifts for reading auras. Yet not an identical set as everybody else.
- Seemed to me, Gladys combined a faulty premise for her aura studies
- With the idea that if only she strained and squinted hard enough, her efforts would be rewarded.
Quite opposite to our Energy Spirituality approach, where you succeed by wisely using effortlessness.
Energy Spirituality Tips to Use Effortlessness Wisely #2.
Cocreate with God When You Aim Read Auras
Really, if you aim to use your consciousness to read people’s chakra databanks, hello! You can’t do better than God.
To be clear, God and other Divine Beings are not the same thing as saints. For instance, check out this big surprise I had about attempting to cocreate healing with St. Brigid. For sure, she’s wonderful. And she’s willing to help you. However, this lovely Catholic saint exists at Astral Vibrational Frequencies. (As you can learn from the story at the link just provided.)
One effective system for Energy Healing, where you do cocreate with your choice of Divine Being, is… The Spiritually Sparkling® system, from Energy Spirituality.
It gets better: Once you learn these effective skills for energy healing:
- Between the systematic teaching you receive
- And the power of cocreating energy healing with a Divine Being
- Automatically, the process is totally effortless.
Yet, many energy healers, and religiously minded healers, believe that their healing comes automatically… Because they called on “spirit” and that’s all they need do.
Just Because Something Is Popular on Google, etc. Does That Make It True?
It’s so sweet when healers have faith in “Spirit” or God. But does that mean they need learn next to nothing, as if God is a kind of magic word?
And healing with minimal skills can be effortless, which seems important. Except there’s a catch.
Now for some Google Research for this blogpost. Note the violet link.
557,000,000 results.
So, What’s the Catch?
Now that we’re living since the Shift into the Age of Awakening, guess what?
It’s easy for opportunistic astral entities to answer a healer’s call for help from “Spirit.”
Regarding teachers of energy healing, including clergy who teach healing, and other members of the “Enlightenment Establishment”…
Uh-oh! It’s time for them to update their teachings a bit. Including developing good skills of energetic literacy. Otherwise, neither teachers nor students have no warning when somebody’s taking a spiritual side trip.
Teaching Tales Galore, Cautionary Tales
Much of today’s energy healing is now corrupted.
See for yourself by reading this blogpost about “New Age Energy Healing Corrupted in the Age of Awakening.”
Further, might I suggest? Before you study with any teacher of Reiki, Eden Energy Medicine, etc.: Book a session for aura research. On the day of your appointment, email me a front-facing photo. Together, let’s find out what is going on with that energy healer’s consciousness lifestyle.
Energy Spirituality Tips to Use Effortlessness Wisely #3.
Working So Hard on Their Energy Healing
Maybe you’ve heard this saying, Blog-Buddies:
Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.
For so many reasons I strongly disagree with that sentimental-and-vague saying. Most important, the following is true about any technique that involves consciousness:
Effortlessness is God’s way of remaining anonymous.
Definitely true, in my experience. When you’re using a well-designed technique for spiritual growth, emotional growth, or any effective system of energy healing? “Effortlessness Can Help You.”
You bet, that’s a powerful spiritual principle.
Even though the googling I just did on “Effortlessness Helps You…. How many hits? 5.
Just Because Something Is Popular on Google, etc. Does That Make It True?
If that true spiritual principle isn’t wildly popular, maybe Google rewards related ideas that have even more wisdom.
Okay, next I’ll research this popular meme:
And now many results for that one? 1,100,000,000. Yep, 1 billion and 1 million.
Yet the fact remains that you can choose to learn good quality skills of energy healing, such as the Spiritually Sparkling Collection of Online Workshops: Totally effortless, truly effective. And always cocreated with the Divine.
By contrast, you may well know somebody like Chuck. He prefers to sweat his way through working through his “issues.”
Teaching Tale about Chuck’s Weekly Cord-Cutting Sessions
Cutting cords of attachment is one of the best-known skills of energy healing today. However, I can’t vouch for the effectiveness — nor the effortlessness — when folks go about this sacred art.
Unless you or your practitioner are using 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment®, who knows what you’ll get? Decades ago, Gladys used to sponsor me to give Energy Spirituality Workshops for aura reading and Empath Empowerment. At one point, we got to talking.
She told me about her standing appointment to “cut her cord of attachment to her father.” Like clockwork, once a week, she’d have a very special session with a shamanic healer. Week after week, he would cut her cord of attachment to her father. Supposedly.
Presumably, Gladys liked the hard work every week. Maybe, to her, this was like psychotherapy, only New Age: using crystals and all of the other tools at the shaman’s disposal.
Incidentally, as many of you may know: Cutting any cord of attachment, using 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment® That is one session. Exactly one session. And done. For instance, regarding Sam’s cord of attachment to his father? Sam would receives helpful insights, and leaves with a list of “Logical Consequences.” (Namely, likely results from that healing session.) For sure, the client will never again, for the rest of this lifetime, have a cord of attachment.
Now that’s effortlessness for the client. Productive effortlessnes.
Energy Spirituality Tips to Use Effortlessness Wisely #4.
Seeking Enlightenment, Question Today’s Enlightenment Establishment
Teachings from today’s big authorities on Spiritual Enlightenment, Religion, Meditation, Yoga, etc. Oh dear, what a mess.
Altogether, I do count all such authorities as members of the Enlightenment Establishment. Enlightenment experts without the standing to teach about Spiritual Enlightenment, belong in that group. Along with authorities on psychology and even the preposterous power grab (imo) when the likes Dr. Herbert Benson authorize themselves as part of that Enlightenment Establishment.
Just in case any of you are curious about my standing to have a valid opinion on this, read these articles:
1. Regarding my qualifications to provide Spiritual Enlightenment Teaching now, in the Age of Awakening Enlightenment.
2. Also, if you like, you can take a broader look at my background. What else has prepared me for leadership in today’s Enlightenment Establishment.
Today’s Spiritual Growth and Personal Development Can Be Effortless
All we need do is make GOOD use of our new Consciousness Positioning Superpower. Spiritually, this puts the wind beneath our wings, as it were.
By contrast, today’s Enlightenment Establishment encourages Spiritual Seekers to take counter-productive side trips.
Just Because Something Is Popular on Google, etc. Does That Make It True?
Each of the following trendy tropes… introduces effort and artificiality. In my professional opinion, these trend topics all count as misuses of our effortless Consciousness Positioning Superpower:
49,700,000 results
How to Relax My Mind from Overthinking
1,190,000 results
64,500,000 results
Detachment Is a Sign of Enlightenment
1,830,000 results
Note: Every one of these practices is a really-really bad idea.
What if you don’t know why? Please COMMENT below.
Teaching Tale about Famed Enlightenment Influencer Eckhart Tolle
Ordinarily I don’t comment in blogposts about members of the Enlightenment Establishment and their teachings. But Robert opened the door to what follows by writing the following at our article on “SLOW DOWN Propaganda.”
Quoting from Robert’s contribution, starting with Comment #202.
[Rose], you have in fact impressed me more than someone like Tolle or Deepak Chopra, another writer I was intrigued by, sometime before the Shift. Frankly, neither Tolle nor Chopra put forth any systemized way of teaching….
I remember enjoying Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now, some number of years before The Shift.
What I remember most, years later, was Tolle talking about how after he achieved Enlightenment, he just hung out on a park bench, either napping or lying down for hours or days (I don’t remember which), just like there, completely uninterested in anything actually happening in reality.
About Tolle’s Consciousness Lifestyle, Is He Still in Spiritual Enlightenment?
At this popular blogpost, you can sample my consciousness lifestyle research on many a public figure. Including Eckhart Tolle.
- For a couple of years after publishing his bestselling book? Yes, he was living in Traditional Enlightenment.
- After that, like soooooo many members of the Enlightenment Establishment? He moved into Extreme Spiritual Addiction.
- Oops!
Consumer tip: Seeking an Enlightenment Teacher, don’t look for fame. Research his or her consciousness lifestyle.
BTW what you haven’t yet seen our Discernment Jamboree about Enlightenment Validation? Check out that most recent link. Quite some education!
Energy Spirituality Tips to Use Effortlessness Wisely #5.
Empath Teachings from “Experts” Who Aren’t Empaths Themselves
Would you take jazz dance lessons from somebody who couldn’t dance?
How about learning how to play golf from somebody who — oops? Somebody who’d never got that funny little dimpled ball-thing down one of those holes on the golf course.
Sure, it’s tricky when most people have no standards for deciding how to even define empaths.
Make sure your empath teacher gives a good, clear definition about being an empath. Then ask yourself, “Does this pass the sniff test?”
This Idea of Non-Empaths Teaching Empaths… May Strain Credulity
It never occurred to me until….
Not until comments came in at this blog’s Discernment Jamboree for Helping Empaths. Click on that link. Then you’ll take a walk on the wild side — at least, a walk among the comments at that blogpost. You’ll discover how this Empath Coach discovered how this was possible.
Talk about shattering illusions!
Just Because Something Is Popular on Google, etc. Does That Make It True?
Between today’s psychological alarmism and the medicalization of being an empath, what do we have? Quite some mess. For instance:
1,490,000 results.
In my professional opinion, as America’s most experienced Empath Coach, what’s dominating this field currently? The blind are leading the blind, that’s what.
Teaching Tale about Sammy, Who Wasn’t an Empath
First time we were in session, Sammy told me the bad news: His doctor had “diagnosed” him as an empath.
Incidentally, Blog-Buddies, I invite you to COMMENT below on your reaction to that idea. In general, what do you think of “diagnosing” people as empaths?
When this Empath Coach researched what was going on with Sammy’s aura, hello! He wasn’t an empath at all. No amount of effort would have made him one.
Instead, Sammy was a Highly Sensitive Person, an HSP. More to the point, Sammy became an Energy Spirituality client who is doing very well. Thank you, sensible Sammy. Thanks for hearing what I had to tell you in that session. (Also, thanks for allowing me to help you in additional sessions as well.)
Finally, Speaking of Good News about Effortlessness
Come Learn about Effortless Creativity
Our upcoming Energy Spirituality Newsletter is all about that wonderful application of effortlessness. You’ll find these articles:
- Straining to Compete, to Excel as a Creative
- Desperately Seeking Inspiration as a Creator
- Effort Is No Worthy Substitute for Creativity Skills
- The Best of the Blog
Yes, here we go again. It’s our monthly Newsletter Announcement, for this free treat at the leading edge of Energy Spirituality™.
Of Course, You Won’t Receive this Newsletter Unless You Subscribe
So here’s how.
Even though the Energy Spirituality™ newsletter is free…
Unless you sign up in advance, you won’t receive a single issue.
In order to receive this practical, counter-culture issue of the newsletter, might I suggest? Sign up today.
Planned Publication Day for this issue is Wednesday, May 10, 2023.
How to Subscribe to Reading Life Deeper
It’s easy and free. Even effortless, how this newsletter will come to you.
- Simply go to my website’s Home Page. For a shortcut, just scroll up to the Energy Spirituality logo at the top of this page. Click on it.
- Scroll all the way down. And there you’ll find the signup box. Awaiting you, no special confidence needed to proclaim “I am worthy.”
- Incidentally, what if you ever wish to unsubscribe? Hey, that’s easy too.
- Also worth knowing: If you should you change your email address, it would be great if you’d unsubscribe out the old. Then subscribe in the new.
- Of course, your confidential email address will be handled honorably. No renting. No selling. You kidding?
- Did you know that Reading Life Deeper has an unusually high “click-through rate”? Yep, people actually read it. I think that’s because this newsletter gives you practical articles at the leading edge of the Age of Awakening.
- Regarding the May 2023 issue of the Energy Spirituality newsletter, again: The goal is to send it to your inbox by this Wednesday, May 10.
Consider yourself cordially invited to join our comment conversation at my blog, where you’ll effortlessly find a version of this article.