Mask Wearing. Add The New Strong. Stir

Rose Rosetree
5 min readAug 24, 2020
Could living “The New Strong” become non-negotiable for you?

You know how vital it is to #WearAMask during the Covid-19 pandemic. Now discover how much it can help you to add a New Strong “consciousness lifestyle” change… Since the need for that is going to last a lot longer than this pandemic.

Let’s Begin with TWO Big Non-Negotiables

Like it or not, you’re living during the coronavirus pandemic. Consider that Non-Negotiable #1.

As for Non-Negotiable #2? You’re living during the early years of the Age of Awakening.

Neither one of these is optional, right? And the second one is actually a good thing.

Yet, here’s what’s the same with both Non-Negotiables:

What you do regarding each one… That’s where your free will comes into play. And where your choice can make a world of difference.

Hold on. What “Age of Awakening”?

Understandably, that second Non-Negotiable may be a bit fuzzy for you. To be clear, living in the Age of Awakening is NOT a disease. However, it’s just as important for you to know about.

  1. Throughout history, people lived in the Age of Faith. Automatically, folks followed the Old Rules for Living. Influenced, whether they knew it or not, by a psychic barrier.
  2. However, that psychic barrier has ceased to exist. As part of the Shift on December 21, 2012.
  3. Then the Age of Awakening began. Although widely misunderstood, the dawn of this new era began to impact every person alive. Impact our consciousness in subtle ways.
  4. What, New Rules for Living successfully? Yes, certain very human new rules became active. Consequently, all of us suffered if we broke them. Suffered in terms of brain fog, problems with our consciousness lifestyles, etc. (As police officers say, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.”)
  5. One clear option for a better life became available, living the #NewStrong. For sure, that’s what I’ve begun teaching. And what you’ll learn about from this article.

To sum up, living during the Age of Awakening is non-negotiable. No human living on earth has any choice about whether or not we’re in the mood for this.

But we sure have a ton of choice about whether we’re living as if that’s true. And whether we’re doing well by Age of Awakening standards.

Did You Think Mask Wearing Was the Greater Cultural Gap?

Above all, that’s a pretty conspicuous difference between two groups of Americans, isn’t it?

  • Seems to me, MASK WEARERS have accepted the truth. We do live at the time of the coronavirus. It’s way catchy. (And not like some fun earworm available through Pandora.) Those of us who wear masks are protecting others. As well as ourselves!
  • By contrast, surely you’ve noticed the MASK REFUSERS. Whatever their reasons, or even lofty ideals, one thing’s for sure. They’re not accepting the reality of a highly contagious illness.

Clearly, Mask Wearing Shows in Public

Quite obvious, isn’t it, whether or not you mask up in public? Hello, the choice shows visually. (As well as the consequences of attending super-spreader events. Showing to professionals who track Covid-19, like Dr. Fauci.)

Likewise, whether or not we live The New Strong shows too. It shows in our auras.

And living this way is quite easy, actually.

In fact, what happens with living The New Strong? Folks report they stop working so hard on themselves. Yet they feel better.

And they accomplish more in career. While having better relationships.

So how, exactly can we live “The New Strong”?

Summarizing the differences, it’s this easy:

  1. Making the better choice shows in our auras. One chakra databank after another!
  2. All that’s required is to stop living as if we’re still in the Age of Faith. Instead we can live in a way that takes advantage of living now.
  3. At its most practical, our choice involves 20 Daily Minutes of Technique Time, Tops. Understanding that well, not vaguely or like “Who cares?”
  4. The rest of your waking hours, do your reasonable best to live like a good person.
  5. Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs.

That easy! What makes all this so important that I’d compare it to wearing masks during a pandemic?

Because this is our global opportunity.

Even more simply put: Mask Wearing makes us look good to socially responsible people. Living The New Strong makes our auras look good, really good.

Good News and Bad News

What’s the good news about the Age of Awakening? No missionaries.

But what’s the bad news about the Age of Awakening? No missionaries.

Hey, here’s what I mean. This so-subtle shift into a new era on earth doesn’t bring obvious drama. Nor is it the start of some new religion. Consequently, I don’t think any of us are going to be accosted by missionaries. Unlike, for example, volunteers who might come to your home and ask:

  • “Have you heard The Good News?”
  • Or “Have you ever heard about Jesus Christ?”
  • Granted, you readers outside the U.S. may not know what I’m talking about. But maybe some people in your country attempt something similar. Such as approaching a Canadian and proclaiming: “Have you ever heard of using the word ‘Eh?’” ;-)

No group, far as I know, “owns” The New Strong. Nor the Age of Awakening. How could anyone? Yet, in a way, that’s a disadvantage. Nobody is going to knock on your door. Nor demand that everyone in your house… knuckle under to the Spanish Inquisition.

For sure, when I teach you about The New Strong, this isn’t going to lead to a more complicated way of life. Never as obvious as mask wearing.

More that I’m encouraging you to gain a realistic recognition. Live on the right side of history, since this change is non-negotiable. If you seek personal growth or spiritual awakening, consider learning how to live The New Strong.

Best of All, Consider Taking the New-New Strong Workshops

Simply put, you can save yourself years… Maybe decades… Of tricky adjustment.

Sure, you can just read THE book: Namely, the slim-but-power-packed paperback called “The New Strong.”

Even better, though? Take The New Strong Collection of Online Workshops. (See details at my website, starting with the Free Intro.)

In my opinion, once you’ve sampled the “lived experience” available only through The New Strong 103… You’ll become one of the world’s experts. Far ahead of the pack at fully-and-comfortably living The New Strong.

In Conclusion

COMMENT away at my blog to join a spirited conversation.

Have you learned to live The New Strong? What has your experience been so far? Any questions about what is — or isn’t different — for you now?



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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