Mary Trump Face Reading

Rose Rosetree
7 min readJul 24, 2020

Mary Trump Face Reading. Courageous Dr. Trump has shared her family secrets in a new book. Honoring her, I’m going to share some Face Reading Secrets® about HER.

Because this courageous psychotherapist has documented important secrets about Trump. At great personal risk. Basically, Mary Trump has insisted upon publishing this book.

Now I would like to respectfully share some secrets in turn: Face Reading Secrets®!

As always, this face reader always aims to open up your heart of compassion. (Plus, other numerous benefits of reading faces for character.) Whether or not you’ve seen any of my previous face reading articles here at this blog

Very likely, you’re going to remember this one for a long time. Might I ask?

  • If this physiognomy touches your heart….
  • Or if what you read further wakes up your political conscience to #resist Donald, McConnell, and their ilk…

Please share this article with others.

First Though, Have You Noticed This?

Finally, a Trump female who has her real face. Doesn’t she looks like a normal person? And as if she’s got a lively soul inhabiting her body! By comparison, maybe you’d like to take a quick look at the faces of other Trump females. Simply take a look as a human. Not “Deeper Perception” here. Simply “Everyday Shallow Perception.”

Quite simply, click on each of these links. Take an everyday look at these faces. Maybe you’ll agree with me that only one of these women looks like a real woman. Not just the absence of cosmetic surgery and professional work. She doesn’t read like a model. (Or a performer.) Rather, she looks like a real-live person.

Really, Just for Fun

Since YOU Blog-Buddies cares about personal growth and/or spiritual awakening. (Since these are what probably drew you to this Energy Spirituality website)

Please check out these female faces from Trump World. And then COMMENT below. Who looks like a genuine person, rather than a glamour product?

  1. Tiffany Trump (A Trump Daughter):
  2. Ivanka Trump (The More Famous Trump Daughter):
  3. Melania Trump (Trump Wife #3 ):
  4. Ivana Trump (Trump Wife #1):
  5. Marla Maples (Trump Wife #2):
  6. Lara Lea Trump (Daughter-in-Law, Married to Eric Trump):
  7. Mary Trump (Whose Face We’re Reading Today.:

Fascinating, right?

Next, Your Intro to THIS System of Face Reading

Because you probably think you know what it means to read a face. Most people do.

However, they’re wrong. As if settling for a cheap imitation from the dollar store. When they could benefit a world-class system that reveals how talents show in people’s faces.

Also, you can peek into challenges in progress. By all means, start by reading articles like this one. Later, if you like, you can learn how to read the secrets.

Face reading means discerning truth about people through thoughtful interpretation of facial characteristics. It’s a 5,000-year-old art. Personally, I specialize in using the system of Face Reading Secrets. Here’s an introductory face reading video I’ve made about it. (Consider that I made it just for you. :-) )

How can you learn this way to help you understand people better, communicate better?

Finally, this description of RES Face Reading Sessions can preview for you… Preview how many different ways a personal face reading session can bring a smile to your face. And help with self-esteem, career success, and more.

As a Matter of Fact, We Can Get Started Now

Which image will I use to celebrate Mary Trump? This video. Paused at 1:46.

And, of course, I recommend that you pull out a small hand mirror. In order to check out your own face. As I describe five important items of face data, see if you have any of them. If you do, the related talent is the same. Regarding the potential challenge, that’s your story. And you’re the expert at interpreting.

Mary Trump Face Reading #1. Down-Angled Eyebrows

How to See It

See the angle of each eyebrow separately. Imagine a dot at the end near the nose. Next, imagine a dot at the opposite end. With both of Mary Trump’s eyebrows, the dot-near-the-nose is higher.


Interest in understand the past. Long memory for things that have happened in the past. Able to bring the past to life, for instance in writing “Too Much and Never Enough.”

Evidently she’s brought Donald Trump’s past to light in an uncommonly lively way. Since the book sold a record-shattering 1.35 MILLION copies in the first week of sales.

Potential Challenge

Finding it hard to move on from the past?

Mary Trump Face Reading #2. Mark of Devotion Is Developing

How to See It

Above the start of each eyebrow, you can see a fleshy line. Vertical-ish. Actually both lines are slightly tilted. As if moving to converge at a point on Mary Trump’s forehead. Not quite there yet. Even so, to this experienced face reader, guess what? These lines are a Mark of Devotion in the process of developing.


Single most compelling item of face data regarding a spiritual vocation! Will make personal sacrifices in order to do what’s right.

Potential Challenge

To be sure, someone developing a Mark of Devotion makes sacrifices. Because the goal matters more than her personal comfort. And you’ll see plenty of evidence of that for Mary Trump… If only you watch this interview with broadcaster Rachel Maddow.

Mary Trump Face Reading #3. High-Set Cheeks

How to See It

First of all, does the face show Cheek Emphasis? That’s where the cheeks stick out noticeably. Whether high or low, close-set or far-set. Definitely High-Set Cheeks show on the face of Mary Trump.


Doing the right thing matters. Above all things, ethics and honesty count most. Accordingly, the owner of High-Set Cheeks will set the record straight. Even if, in this case, the person she’s profiling is the U.S. President. And a president who behaves like a mafia boss.

If you watch the interview, you’ll see a thoughtful person. Unwilling to rush to judgment. Yet even more unwilling to let the truth stay hidden.

Potential Challenge

Knowingly putting herself in harm’s way? Yet prepared to do it anyway. Simply because it’s the right thing to make this truth public.

Mary Trump Face Reading #4. VERY Definitely, Lowbrows

How to See It

Get a sense of the distance between eyebrows and eyes. Clearly Mary Trump has Lowbrows. If they fell any lower, they’d block her eyes. As a result, I’m calling this item of face data a VERY.


Preferred timing for writing, publishing, or even answering questions for Mary Trump? It’s super-fast.

Potential Challenge

Unable to make accommodations, depending on the situation? Many a person with Lowbrows will blurt things out, no matter what. However, Mary Trump has overcome this challenge.

Since she spent years putting this book together. Meticulously documenting the facts. And when interviewed, given the gravity of the situation, hello! She thinks before she speaks. Such as when asked if she’s heard Donald use the N-word or anti-Semitic slurs.

Mary Trump Face Reading #5. VERY Short Mouth

How to See It

To begin, look at only one mouth characteristic: Horizontal width. Quite easily, since this is a VERY, you’ll spot it. Mary Trump’s mouth couldn’t be much shorter.


Truthful speech, other things being equal. (Noted because other face data could suggest lying. Mouth width is just one of several important characteristics; each one has its own specialties.) Also, her style of speaking to people is to make it a one-on-one.

Perfect for a psychotherapist working with a patient! No crowd-pleaser her! Books sales are one thing. By contrast, talking to crowds and telling them what they want to hear? That’s a Long Mouth talent. Definitely opposite to Mary Trump’s personal style.

Potential Challenge

Speaking in a large, public venue? That could be hard for Mary Trump. Because her comfort zone is really one on one!

In Conclusion

Truth-telling Mary Trump couldn’t be more opposite to the notorious showman, her uncle. Share your COMMENTS now, Blog-Buddies. It’s your turn.

P.S. Did You First Read this Article Elsewhere?

Yes, recently I’ve started writing on Medium. Eventually some other websites might follow.

Wherever you’re reading this article? Thanks for reading all the way to the end. Here! Wow!

I’d love to engage with you personally through comments here.

Yes, for time management, I only respond to comments at the original article. Here, at my main blog. You’ll always find that same article, under the same title, at “Deeper Perception Made Practical.

Here, at my personal website:; that is where I respond to comments. Yes indeed, if you COMMENT here, I’ll gladly respond. Let’s get to meet each other in this place… dedicated to truth and mutual respect.

And meanwhile, long-term Blog-Buddies: Rest assured. This blog remains my main blogging space. Part of a fairly extensive website. Definitely the place to go if you’re curious about any specialty of Energy Spirituality.



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.