Level up Your Understanding of Dreams
4 Important Ideas that Can Help You Grow Faster
For Smarter Dreaming, let’s continue with our multi-part series. Today’s contribution to our series was inspired by HELENE D., a reader who responded to the survey given in Part 1 of our monthly series. Today’s article being Part 3.
Discussing her responses in depth can help you to gain more clarity about your dream life. Easy-peasy to find links to Parts 1 & 2. Just scroll all the way down to the bottom of this article. Ta da!
So Much Practical Info Is Packed into Today’s Conversation
Including exact quotes from HELENE D., one of my fast-growing Energy Spirituality clients. Quoted with her permission. Find out exactly what she had to say to our survey. Plus, you can try on for size… my perspective as an Enlightenment Coach for the Age of Awakening.
All this appears in COMMENTS at the main version of this article, which is at my personal blog — at the link just provided. As for our main article today…
You’ll find four practical ideas that can help you to bring your dream life into balance with the rest of your life. Ideas that are highly relevant now… with a view to better understanding what to do with your dreams.
Most of today’s dreamers are struggling for reasons that are not your fault.
You see, all of us are learning the best way for each of us to balance our dreams. New skills can do the trick. They’re needed for one simple reason, a reason that isn’t the least bit obvious. Readers, we happen to be living in the second consciousness era on Earth.
Did You Know?
Thus far, we’re just one decade into life in this new Age of Awakening.
- Where no physical drama has marked the beginning of this second era in human history.
- Inwardly, though, there are significant differences.
- Making it easier for people to evolve rapidly, and even to move into Spiritual Enlightenment.
- What’s most challenging for today’s spiritual seekers? Thinking outside the box of outdated beliefs and assumptions…
Yes, outdated. Due to ideas from the bygone Age of Faith.
Here’s your chance to declutter ideas about dreams that are now obsolete. Unexpectedly throwing people off balance, in subtle ways… Causing problems that we can totally avoid, by learning new understandings about your dreams. Understandings that can help your life work better now. Now that all of us are living in the Age of Awakening.
Now, Let’s Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
That credit goes to you readers. Because of how honestly you have responded to Part 2 article on Dreams in the Age of Awakening: What Can You Do with Your Dreams?
- As always, you inspire me as a teacher.
- As always, there is nothing the least bit predictible about how you inspire me.
Except to say that teaching on demand is how I roll. Therefore, unexpected answers from you draw knowledge out of this Enlightenment Teacher, this Enlightenment Coach.
Definitely give yourself credit. Especially if you have been actively commenting at my blog.
Regarding the Process that Brings You My Blogposts
Your interactive comments matter so much. While I’m here in my little pink office, cocreating with the Divine. Aiming always for this:
May I bring more truth into Earth.
May I bring more Age of Awakening truth into Earth.
And may I bring more Energy Spirituality truth into Earth.
Whenever I begin to cocreate a knowledge project in this fast-growing field of Energy Spirituality®, you can help. Your comments help immeasurably. For sure this applies to our current exploration of Energy Spirituality on Dreams in the Age of Awakening.
Consequently, I’m sitting at my desk in a state of nothing less than THRILL. Keep reading and you’ll see what’s so exciting. At least, I’m pretty sure that you fast-growing people will see.
Off to a GREAT Start
In responding to last month’s survey, HELENE D., was the only one who referred to the name officially given to that survey:
Yes, This Was a Spiritual Energy Survey
Five questions given. And five questions answered by many of you, with your comments published at that Part 2 blogpost. Noteworthy, so I’ll repeat: HELENE D. was the only one who repeated that name, SPIRITUAL Energy Survey. Right away, she gets points for being what humorist Dave Barry used to call an Alert Reader.
In our COMMENTS beneath today’s main post, we’ll get into all of her answers. In order for these comment conversations to resonate for you readers, though? Some useful context must come first, seems to me. So here goes.
For Smarter Dreaming #1.
Noticing Energy — Is that Really Spiritual?
Usually? No.
To clarify: Whenever you notice energy, like somebody’s vibe, etc. What happens to YOU, the knower, the noticer?
In that moment you are positioning your consciousness at one of these three following vibrational frequencies. But which one?
- HUMAN Vibrational Frequencies
- ASTRAL Vibrational Frequencies
- THE DIVINE Vibrational Frequency
Two out of these three frequencies are likely answers to that question. But which two? And which one is almost for sure the one that you’re noticing?
For Smarter Dreaming #2.
Dreams Are an Astral Kind of Experience
During sleep and dreams, your physical body rests. What happens to your consciousness?
- While sleeping, your consciousness rests.
- But while dreaming, your consciousness identifies with one or more of your astral bodies. Not your physical body.
- All those adventures you have? They are happening to you at Astral Vibrational Frequencies.
As you may know, astral is NOT spiritual. Although, in the Age of Faith, most folks weren’t capable of understanding this. While those of us living now? We are definitely capable of understanding that human is human, astral is astral, and Divine is Divine.
Why do you think that is? Why is it relatively easy for those of us living in the Age of Awakening to understand this fact of spiritual life? Astral is not Divine.
Never was! Yet during the Age of Faith, few people could comprenehend this distinction. Why-why-why not? (In COMMENTS, we’ll surely discuss this. I look forward to reading your contributions.)
Personally, What Do I Wish?
As a teacher of personal development in the Age of Awakening, I wish every self-actualizing person in the world knew this fact. Definitely a fact. Astral is not spiritual.
- Differently put, psychic is not from God. Psychic info comes from discarnate astral spirits! Via a human psychic who generally takes credit for the info, being a “gifted psychic.”
- By contrast, how about authentic spiritual experiences and perception? They come from a Divine Being. Like that impersonal aspect commonly known in English as “God.”
- Not necessarily experiencing a big deal prophetic revelation. All of us can learn effective skills for cocreating with the Divine.
Approximately 99.9% of all the energy talk that humans do now??? It’s at one or another ASTRAL Vibrational Frequency.
Not the least bit spiritual. And does this idea shock you?
For Smarter Dreaming #3
If You Wish to Use Your Full Potential in Life
Stop pursuing any forms of Age of Faith foolishness.
For instance, please: Stop equating astral experiences with “spiritual” experiences.
To grow fast in this Age of Awakening, what’s the single most important thing you can do? In order to live with more and more of your intelligence and heart, the magnificent beauty of your unique soul:
Develop the default of taking an interest in life at HUMAN Vibrational Frequencies. Accept no substitute.
To learn a whole lot more about why this matters so much, you’re in luck! I spent years writing, then publishing a how-to book that breaks all this down for you.
- Please do yourself this favor. Slowly, thoughtfully, read — or reread — “The New Strong.”
- In addition to this how-to book, you can also take the most advanced online workshops in all of Energy Spirituality: The New Strong Collection of Workshops.
Meanwhile, I’ve got a serious question for all you readers here right now:
Do you think a blogger, any blogger, including yours truly…
Can boil down this essential knowledge to help you thrive in the Age of Awakening…
Boil it down so you do 5 quick minutes of reading and you’ve got all you need. Maybe like a fun movie that you can passively watch?
Not humanly possible. Well, why not?
Because So Many New Paradigms Are Available to Be…
- Discovered.
- Communicated.
- Then lived by the most aware people around. Today’s thought leaders. (Maybe YOU would like to be one of them.)
- Later, the new discoveries must become integrated into mainstream Collective Consciousness.
- And for you to have a chance at becoming one of today’s thought leaders, be willing to buy and read an Energy Spirituality book. And/or commit to taking an interactive, self-paced, leading-edge workshop.
When this life is over will you be proud of how much time you spent binge watching “Game of Thrones” or whatever? Yet somehow you never could find the time to read a how-to book that could bring you so much clarity???
Perhaps You Might Choose to Reconsider… Waiting for Others to Lead
Because if you really believe that? You’re a fool. Now is a make-or-break moment in the Big History of Earth. Stand up and make a difference!
Beyond that, waiting for everyone else to do the leadership…. you’ll cheat yourself. So, you really-really might wish to throw that old approach into the trash. There is not going to be spoon-feeding. Adjusting to this second era on Earth is too big a deal for that. And you happen to be too smart to need that.
When people disrespect big-deal understandings that can potentially help them? How sad!
Like all the people who have only one thing to say about Karma: While I was active on Twitter, before Elon Musk, I constantly found people who tweeted this sad, little, only, one thing: “Karma’s a bitch.”
How many hits for that just now on my Google? 41.6 MILLION hits.
All that for a joke that’s not really funny so much as disrespectful. You don’t have to become a Hindu or Buddhist before you can benefit from a healthy respect for understanding how Karma today.
For instance, you might educate yourself by reading this popular post about Karma here at my blog. Because Karma works a bit differently, now in the Age of Awakening. One of our many new paradigms!
Might I suggest? Read the comments at the Karma post, too. Then COMMENT away, adding any questions of yours.
Back to our main topic here:
Level up Your Understanding of Dreams
I can definitely teach you how to thrive in the Age of Awakening.
And I can offer you articles and comments like those being published at this blogpost.
But I can’t think for you. Only you can do that.
As for choosing priorities with how you spend your time? You and you alone can make that determination. Please, choose leadership over follower-ship.
With today’s blogpost for instance, don’t expect this to be content you gulp down easy. Like clickbait cliche articles, with low truth value, published at mind body green.
For Smarter Dreaming #4
To Understand What Dreams Mean NOW? Understand This
Dream experiences are astral in nature. They are not “spiritual.”
Absolutely, you’d be wise to integrate that fact into what? Into:
- Your understandings
- And expectations
- And habits related to your dreams…
Level up. You’ll progress far more in your personal development.
Sadly, it’s so common to confuse energy experiences with something of spiritual value. And then suffer from confusions in life that are optional.
In Conclusion, Your Invitation
For Smarter Dreaming, what can you change? Today you learned about four ideas that you can start using today. Gain a better understanding & also a better life.
To Get You Started, Thinking about Today’s Knowledge…
Here are some questions you might wish to ask? Or answer.
- If noticing astral energy isn’t, strictly speaking spiritual, why does it feel spiritual?
- How come so many people call this spiritual?
- What would have been different about noticing energies during the Age of Faith? Compared to now, in this still pretty-darned new Age of Awakening.
- In case you’re an empath, why is it critically important for you that you choose an Empath Teacher who knows that psychic is not spiritual?
- Why are your attitudes and habits toward dreams so relevant to your making authentic spiritual progress?
Energy Spirituality® on Dreams in the Age of Awakening
Summary of Our Series Thus Far
Article 1. What Can You Do with Your DREAMS?
Article 2. Analyzing Dreams Can Hurt You
Article 3. This article. Here. Now. For Smarter Dreaming.
And feel free to hop over to my personal blog where an article similar to this one… includes the interactive fun of Comment Conversations. Recently, at the Energy Spirituality® Blog, we passed 137,000 comments. Come join us!