Joseph, from the Old Testament, May Influence Your Dream Life… More than You Know
Or Need. Declutter that Today
Dream Influencer Joseph was a prophet who famously interpreted dreams. Let’s evaluate one of the very biggest influencers from religious history. Influencing Collective Consciousness… and maybe YOU, more than you know.
Together Let’s Explore the Most Famous Dream Prophet in History
Influencing us to this day, are Biblical prophets like Joseph. Especially Joseph. Even if you never actively studied about him.
Seriously, don’t kid yourself. No way have you avoided his influence.
And no, I don’t mean that Joseph has been invading your dreams. Insisting on teaching you his methods. ;-)
Rather, this hidden kind of influencing could be an important ongoing expectation for you. Fortunately, reading this article can help you to smash up that limiting influence on you and your dreams.
Did you know?
Collective Consciousness Subconsciously Grabs You. This kind of collective pressure didn’t always matter. But it has become seriously important ever since the Shift into the Age of Awakening, on Dec. 21, 2012.
To see what I mean, please open up the link just provided. Read (or maybe reread) that article on Collective Consciousness… as if it just might be relevant to YOU. Then come on back and continue to join all of us who are reading this blogpost.
On another practical note, feel free to COMMENT at any time. Go to the original version of this article, also published today, at my personal blog. Lively commenting happens there regularly.
My recommendation is that you don’t wait until you’ve finished the entire article before commenting. Go ahead and share your reactions now. Ask your questions. Boldly show us your “But-but-buts.”
Comment anonymously, if that frees you up. To do this, in the first line of your comment, tell me what you’d like me to call you. Nobody — and I mean nobody reading this blog — will be told the confidential info about your real name.
Yes, Collective Consciousness Does Subconsciously Influence What You Hope to Get from Dreams
Like the Saying, “The Rich Get Richer, the Poor Get Poorer.”
Long before the internet, human life included the principle of momentum. Momentum impacts physical life and also inner life. Certain beliefs gather momentum once they became popular. Then they continued to be passed down, snowballing their influence.
Momentum, for instance, is what drives today’s SEO. Surprisingly little discernment is involved.
- The ideas may not be true.
- Those ideas may be the opposite of helpful for you.
Yet influence begets influence. At least in terms of what influences you subconsciously through Collective Consciousness. Our best way of gauging this popularity is to google different terms. (Not perfect, but pretty darned helpful.)
In today’s blogpost, how about this? I’ll include links for googling some terms related to dream traditions. Expectations about dreams that originating from the Age of Faith. Obsolete now in terms of usefulness, yet still gathering momentum.
How many hits now for each one of these outdated terms? You may be surprised.
Leading that off, here’s my googling on “The Meaning of Dreams”… Think many people believe in that? Really believe in that?
Googling won’t tell us for sure, but at least we’ll get a comparative number. Regarding popularity!
- How many hits on my Google right now for “The Meaning of Dreams”? Right now means, on publication day for this Monday blogpost.
- 2 BILLION, 420 MILLION hits.
- Also, if you click on that previous search link, you’ll find out what your Google has to say.
- Even if you don’t consciously believe that “The Meaning of Dreams” is relevant to your life, hello! Subconsciously the impact on you can be strong. Even 1 MILLION hits represents a significant pull on your mind.
Soon We’ll Get to What Old Testament Prophet Joseph Learned from Dreams
But first, about you. This matters:
How Can You Overcome these Subconsciousness Influences?
Once your conscious mind considers each one of these big-deal dream traditions, hello! Your free will enters that inner conversation. Basically, it can free you up to just say no.
Say no out loud. Say no if you really don’t choose to believe in that version of Joseph’s life, as recorded in the Old Testament, being an aspiration for your personal life.
Even saying no one time… can start to declutter your subconscious mind.
- In order to say no, just say the following sentence out loud. (Say it. Don’t just think it.) “I do not believe in [your choice of idea for debunking], when it comes to the meaning of my dreams.”
- Then get rowdy. Tell other people, in person and on social media. Engage in conversations!
- For example, COMMENT at the version of this blogpost at my personal blog. Go on record saying that you don’t believe certain things related to the story of Joseph.
- Say no. Maybe also add why.
- Another effective move could be this: Go onto one of your favorite big social media platforms, like Reddit. Perhaps you would like to share a link to this blogpost. Definitely, you can ask others if they believe in doing Joseph’s kind of dream interpretation. Could be educational!
Excellent! Readers, let’s proceed to explore the story of Joseph, so famous when it comes to interpreting dreams.
Dream Influencer Joseph #1.
Now for the Story of Joseph and His Prophetic Dreams
His story can be found in any Jewish or Christian Bible. Here I’ll refer to the King James Bible. Although I’d have preferred to read the “New JPS” translation. A Jewish translation of the Old Testament. Yet that’s pretty darned hard to find. Doesn’t help that Jews (like me) are only 2% of the world’s population.
In this lifetime, you may — or may not — have done much study of the Old Testament. But guess what? Ever since the first printing of the Gutenberg Bible in 1455, you’ve had incarnations in the Western world. During so many of these previous incarnations, you’ve likely heard the story of Joseph. Maybe even read the relevant Biblical verses for yourself.
In which case, by the time you were born, guess what? Most likely you’ve accumulated considerable reverence for this Jewish hero. Stories indelibly recorded in your own subconscious Storehouse of Impressions.
Readers, here’s a new idea. Quite likely, being human, in at least one of your lifetimes when you learned the story of Joseph, you had some thoughts like this:
God, I want to be special to you, like Joseph. Make me a prophet who can interpret dreams.
Pick me, me.
So What? Here’s Perspective from Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING
During all your previous Bible-reading lifetimes… not only have you likely had such thoughts about Joseph and other important people in scripture. Very likely you also wound up with many a Frozen Block of Stuck Energy with related desires. Desires to do important spiritual work by interpreting your dreams. Like the kind of work that made Joseph immortal.
As many of you know already, and someday the rest of you may understand in detail… Living now you have innumerable Frozen Blocks from all your previous lifetimes… unless they can be removed through a dedicated process that’s effective. (Such as you can learn from the Spiritually Sparkling® Online Workshops.)
Until and unless these bits of STUFF are gone for good, what happens with them? Unpredictably, at any time, you can replay “holy wishes” and other desires to be like Joseph. Encoded in Frozen Blocks. Long story short, none of this Frozen Block activity is usually the least bit conscious.
Yet this kind of longing, in particular, can cause us to carry over traditional expectations about interpreting dreams. Understandable illusions — yet these unrealistic values would detract from your effectiveness, living now. Such as:
- Interpreting dreams is holy. * 39.4 MILLION hits on my Google.
- God favors those who are willing to interpret dreams. * 127 MILLION hits on my Google.
- If you find favor with the Lord, you may have mystical dreams. * 20.5 MILLION hits on my Google.
- And just take a look, Readers, at some of the top hits that come up from these searches. From folks today who are still trying to excel at living as if we’re still in the days of Joseph. Ouch, high SEO yet seriously unhelpful!
Also, let’s keep this in mind. Prophets were among the most important people in Old Testament. Plenty of them are recognized in scripture, not only that famous dream interpreter Joseph. Entire books of the Bible are named after prophets. All the more likely that, subconsciously, you want to become spiritually blessed with dreams. (Just now, on my Google, that one turned up 56.1 MILLION hits.)
Furthermore, have you noticed? Many people today — whether religious or not — might feel that their way of being special like Joseph is to be given Spiritual Awakening. * 136 MILLION hits on my Google.
Now, back to Joseph’s story, as immortalized in scripture….
Dream Influencer Joseph #2.
How Does Joseph’s Story of Spiritual Specialness Begin?
Joseph’s story is recorded in Genesis Chapters 37–48. When the account begins, Joseph is the favored son among Jacob’s 12 sons. He has prophetic dreams that one day he will reign over his brothers.
These 11 brothers disliked him. Joseph was the youngest son… and also the one most loved by their father.
How NOT to get along with your 11 brothers: Joseph had a couple of prophetic dreams, which he insisted on telling thEM.
Bad move. This caused them to actively hate their little brother.
QUESTION FOR YOU, READERS: If you have a dream that means you are very-very special, is that necessarily a message from God?
Dream Influencer Joseph #3.
Joseph’s First Prophetic Dreams Concerned Himself
For instance, Joseph told his brothers how, in his dream the night before:
“There we were, binding sheaves in the field. Then behold, my sheaf arose and also stood upright; and indeed your sheaves stood all around and bowed down to my sheaf.”
Most notably, the interpretation was the juicy part. Joeph didn’t think that this dream concerned grain in a field. Rather, he was seeing the future.
With this first dream, his brothers are recorded as being the ones who interpreted it:
“His brothers said to him, ‘Shall you indeed reign over us? Or shall you indeed have dominion over us?’”
QUESTION FOR YOU, READERS: If you have a dream about the future, does that count as Divine prophecy?
Dream Influencer Joseph #4.
After Joseph’s Brothers Sold Him into Slavery
Oboy, they sold him for 20 shekels of silver. Readers, you can find more juicy details in Genesis.
Next, Joseph was taken down to Egypt. Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, bought Joseph from the Ishmaelites. Joseph did such good work, he was made overseer of Potiphar’s house.
Potiphar’s wife tried repeatedly to seduce good-looking Joseph. Repeatedly he refused. Falsely, she accused him. That was how Joseph landed in prison, along with the Pharaoh’s other prisoners. Two new arrivals both had the same dream, on the very same night. They did not know the meaning of that dream.
Joseph offered to interpret it for them.
QUESTION FOR YOU, READERS: Do you kind of wish you could become so loved by God that you can volunteer to interpret the dreams of strangers?
Dream Influencer Joseph #5.
Joseph’s First Major Dream Interpretations
He told the two prisoners what their dream(s) meant. Although those dreams were identical, Joseph gave two very different interpretations. The butler got the good prophesy.
“Now within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your place, and you will put Pharaoh’s cup in his hand according to the former manner, when you were his butler. But remember me when it is well with you, and please show kindness to me; make mention of me to Pharaoh and get me out of this house.”
Meanwhile, the baker received a radically different prophesy for a dream that seemed identical. (Ooops, that prophesy came true also. Pharaoh killed him, right on schedule, according to Joseph’s prediction.
As predicted, the Pharaoh’s butler prospered. But he broke his word and didn’t credit Joseph for the dream interpretation.
QUESTION FOR YOU, READERS: Joseph could tell the future by interpreting dreams. Does that mean you’d be wise to do this too?
Dream Influencer Joseph #6.
Two Years Later, Joseph Got a New Chance
Pharaoh had a mysterious dream, the famous one. The butler remember his broken promise and recommended Joseph to be the interpreter. Joseph’s interpretation helped to save Egyptians from starvation. He rose to power.
As you may recall, from reading Genesis 37–48, as Joseph had predicted in his early dreams, he succeeded wildly. To quote part of the happy news:
“Joseph is still alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt.”
QUESTION FOR YOU, READERS: Think of all the chapters of the Bible you’ve NEVER read. Could there be innumerable stories that never have been included in scripture, never included because all those dream-based prophesies didn’t come true? Oops!
Biblical Interpretation of Dreams
Are You Really Living in the Days of the Old Testament?
Almost unbelievably, now lists 1,000+ books about biblical dream interpretation.
In an Age of Faith way, how beautiful!
Age of Faith-ly Beautiful, But Still…
Are you living then? Of course not. You happen to be one of the first humans, in the history of this world, to live since the Shift.
My invitation to you is this: Make use of what you’re now capable of doing. To further that goal…
Should You Believe in DREAMS as Messages from God, or Prophecy?
Please know that you can do better than that.
Declutter quasi-religious ideas that are now obsolete. You are not Joseph, the brilliant dream interpreter from Ancient Egypt.
Trying to emulate him now? Might seem more like old-time superstition, and less like wisdom-and-skills that could help you and, through your example, could help others as well.
Yeah-Yeah, Interpreting Dreams Worked for Joseph. But Why?
Quasi-mystical or quasi-religious dream interpretation was fine, thousands of years ago. People would also use dreams for prophecy.
Some of you may know that human consciousness then was very different from what we take for granted today. You and I, Readers, have consciousness for people in 2024. Among other things, our consciousness is almost unrecognizably more sophisticated… Compared to the consciousness of Israelites who lived contemporaneously with Joseph, from 1914 BCE to 1804 BCE. Approximately 4,000 years ago.
Whaaaat Consciousness?
Knowledge about human consciousness before the Shift — I’ve spent years developing that knowledge. And I continue to do so. Leading-edge knowledge about all this… began during the years I wrote and edited the how-to book, “The New Strong.”
In years that followed, while offering live workshops on “The New Strong,” I learned a great deal more. Incidentally, many participants in these weekend workshops moved into Spiritual Enlightenment. Such was the power of the truth value of this information, explored in depth. This Enlightenment Coach has never seen anything like that before… or since!
Basically, during the Age of Faith, human consciousness — for nearly everyone — was STUCK at Human Vibrational Frequencies. However, since the Shift into the Age of Awakening, consciousness is significantly more agile. Without trying, people are more spiritually awake… compared to pre-Shift.
Whyyyy? Human Consciousness Is Far More Developed Now
Only you can decide whether or not to believe me here. Before you leap to any conclusions, though, here are two resources that you can make use of, in order to learn more.
- Read the aura research I did at this blog: Chakra Databank Research on Dolley Madison. She was an extraordinary human being for her time. But check out what I learned about some big limitations in her chakra databanks.
- You can also do yourself a big favor and take The New Strong Collection of Online Workshops. By the time you graduate from the Level 103 New Strong Workshop, guess what?
Through your imagination, powered by a dedicated technique that you’ll learn, hello! You will have experienced quite directly how human beings used to be so limited inwardly. Compared with people like you, living now.
FWIW, developing this workshop seemed to me… an enormous breakthrough. Comparable to when I founded the field of Empath Coaching. This happened during an active period of cocreating with the Divine, over three years. Culminating in the publication of what’s now called, “Empath Empowerment® in 30 Days.”
In Conclusion
Might I suggest? Honor your favorite religious tradition. Keep whatever has relevance to your life as a person living now.
In reality, few human beings today are called to be prophets who brilliantly analyze dreams.
Nor do we live in Old Testament times. Here come a few examples to illustrate.
In the language of Genesis, where I was excerpting the story of Joseph, guess what? “The Lord spoke with a lot of people,” not only Joseph. The Lord actively directed people’s lives. For instance:
Wicked People Were Killed by God
Then Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, and her name was Tamar. But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord killed him.
QUESTION FOR YOU, READERS: How developed was medicine in Egypt, or elsewhere, some 4,000 years ago? Today, do many people die of wickedness?
People Who Did Good Work Never Received Personal Credit
In the Old Testament, when people did well, God always received full credit. Start reading at Page 310 in “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening,” Personhood wasn’t invented until relatively recently. Instead, before then, God received credit for all sorts of things. For instance:
The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. And his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand.
QUESTION FOR YOU, READERS: If you live now, don’t you have a sense of being a person, an individual? Not just somebody God either helped or didn’t help.
Joseph’s Relationship with the Lord Was Unusual
On multiple occasions, as quoted in Genesis, Joseph spoke of his interpretations as coming directly from the Lord. For instance, he told Pharaoh, “It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace.”
Joseph was great, as a person of his time. However, it would have been inconceivable to him — or Pharaoh, or anybody else — that ordinary people like me and my Energy Spirituality students… Could learn skills for cocreating with God. The human person + Divine help!
QUESTION FOR YOU, READERS: Did you now that folks living now can cocreate with God? There are systematic, effective skills for doing that. One way you can learn them is to study cocreation skills from Energy Spirituality®.
We certainly don’t have to wish and pray that God will pick us out from the crowd, as happened to Joseph. We can choose to learn those skills… and then follow up… and then succeed.
And Speaking of Questions
In COMMENTS at the version of this article at my blog, I’ll pose some questions to help you gain clarity about today’s mushy thinking about dreams. And wanting to kinda-sorta live in the times of Joseph. (Although not if that means you must ditch your mobile phone or never wear shoes.) Keep reading in the days to come.
My plan is to release a new one each day, starting today.
Summary of Our Series Thus Far
Energy Spirituality® on Dreams in the Age of Awakening
Article 1. What Can You Do with Your DREAMS?
Article 2. Analyzing Dreams Can Hurt You
Article 3. For Smarter Dreaming — Add Balance
Article 4. This article. Here. Now.
Painting credit for the image at the top of this post: Belgian artist, surrealist, René Magritte
And feel free to hop over to my personal blog where an article similar to this one… includes the interactive fun of Comment Conversations. Recently, at the Energy Spirituality® Blog, we passed 138,000 comments. Come join us!