Joe Rogan Aura Reading

Inspiring Communicator?

Rose Rosetree
8 min readSep 23, 2020
Just in case you’ve ever wondered how a talent for communicating RAGE can show in an aura.

Joe Rogan Aura Reading. Announcing — and delivering — the second prize in our Inspiring Communicator Contest.

Will Rogan inspire YOU? Or me?

Thus far, I’m not so sure.

But First, Why Did Joe (and Nominating Blog-Buddy EJ) WIN this Aura Reading?

Because I loved what EJ wrote in his nomination. Specifically, I loved the reasons he gave for nominating Joe Rogan.

As the host of his own popular podcast:

  • First of all, Rogan interviews a variety of guests.
  • Coupled with choosing intriguing topics.
  • Besides his range as a podcaster,
  • Rogan also makes a name for himself as a comedian.
  • To say nothing of serving as a commentator for the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship).
  • Likewise, for X-Factor.

Definitely, I was intrigued.

Although I know nothing about the UFC. And I have a hunch that the “X-Factor” is not in my wheelhouse.

In order to find an aura-readable photo, I went to YouTube. Pausing the video at 17 min. and 26 seconds… Just in case you’re curious.)

Back to how I reacted to this image of the popular Mr. Rogan?

Wow! And Ick!

That podcast has had 2,219,375 views. Evidently EJ isn’t Rogan’s only fan.

But for first impressions, before I go into reading auras at all? Let me get the following off my chest?

  1. I am so not enamored of Rogan’s designer stubble grown out. (Or whatever the name might be for that facial hair array. COMMENT below if you know.)
  2. Regarding the need to have — and display — all those tattoos? (Yes, I’ve blogged about the impact on auras of tattoos. Might be of interest to some of you.)
  3. Sure, all that body art can help him seem “real” to his fans. Just like how he’s wearing a tee-shirt that shows people fighting. To me, that’s not “real.” Just sayin’. Although each to his own, right?

Also, as a professional face reader I notice his VERY Angled Right Eyebrow. Quite likely, this goes with a love of confronting people, while at work.

And yet, EJ is a big fan; he’s a sweet person, with uncommon smarts and courage. As it happens, I am a big fan of EJ. Besides, maybe I’ll learn something from writing this blog post. Especially since, before reading auras about anyone, I leave my personal gripes at the door.

Okay, How Else Will I Approach Today’s Aura Reading?

With skills. Also, by co-creating with Divine help.

For starters, I sure hope you know that Energy Spirituality AURA READING is wholly unlike what psychics do. Or what you’ll find all over the internet. Why? These short videos can help you answer the question: What is an aura reading? At least, what can it be, using skills that work NOW.

  1. First of all, developing Stage 1 Energetic Literacy
  2. And then attaining Stage 2 Energetic Literacy
  3. Finally, Using Stage 3 Energetic Literacy

To be sure, I’ve learned to do that. And you can too.

Just in case you’re wondering, how accurate is all this? Maybe browse a bit among samples of my 1,000+ media interviews.

And now, let’s get going. In honor of contest winner EJ. And in honor of personal growth & spiritual awakening. (Which happen to be the main goals of Energy Spirituality.)

Joe Rogan Aura Reading #1. Root Chakra Databank for Presence in the Room

Symbolic Size

87 feet. Mildly over-functioning. But then he’s performing at the time of this podcast, which can cause over-functioning.


Immense charisma grabs your attention. Nothing about this chakra databank is subtle, btw.

Aiming to describe this particular kind of oomph, I’ll use an uncharacteristically graphic expression. Related to male anatomy. (An expression that I’ve never said out loud before. Nor written about, either.)

Joe Rogan’s aura grabs you by the b***s. Exactly that simple.

Already, this chakra databank reveals how fans can definitely get addicted to watching Joe Rogan.

Joe Rogan Aura Reading #2. Throat Chakra Databank for Communicating His Emotions

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. Totally flatlining.


Clearly part of Joe Rogan’s appeal is how he doesn’t coddle anybody emotionally.

How come? Because he doesn’t purposely, directly communicate emotions. (Incidentally, I’ve just briefly researched three of Rogan’s Heart Chakra databanks. No surprise, perhaps: Habitually they’re not working either. No more than this Throat Chakra databank.)

Lack of personal emotion doesn’t mean lack of passion as a communicator. Besides this might add Joe Rogan’s appeal for his fans. Such as?

  1. Sensitive guys (like contest winner EJ) can take a temporary vacay. Watching Joe’s podcasts, no need to delve into one’s own intensely personal-and-messy emotions!
  2. Highly INsensitive Persons will feel right at home.
  3. To some people, not having emotions is the essence of being a “real man.” Therefore, they’ll adore Mr. Rogan. Or at least come as close to adoration as they can without getting “too emotional.” ;-)

You know, Blog-Buddies, it takes all kinds to make a world. Beyond that different people, at different stages in life, can find it so restful to watch and listen to a man who’s exceptionally unemotional.

Maybe you’re wondering, though, can Joe Rogan move other people’s emotions? Hint: That’s a completely separate chakra databank, isn’t it? And it’s coming up next.

Joe Rogan Aura Reading #3. Throat Chakra Databank for Communicating to Move Other People’s Emotions

Symbolic Size

In rare instances — and this is one — a chakra databank contains a range of sizes. How does that develop? As I best understand it, an extreme-and-also frequently happening process becomes a pattern within that particular chakra databank. However this got there, Joe Rogan certainly has that going.

Reporting on this unusual range, I’ll put it this way:

  • Currently this chakra databank goes out just 2 feet. Technically under-functioning.
  • Yet Joe’s aura has the built-in capacity, created through habit, of pushing out the size of this chakra databank to: Fills the room + 2 inches.


Seems to me that Joe Rogan has considerable talent for communicating to move other people’s emotions.

Noteworthy #1. Ever hear of drag racing? Namely, revving up your car to go from 0 to 60 mph. And doing that really, really fast. (Maybe some of you, like me, have lived in neighborhoods where you’d hear this at night. Unforgettable squeal-and-screech!)

Noteworthy #2. Joe lives for this verbal equivalent of drag racing. Clearly he knows that he’s got that kind of speech talent. Especially exciting to him is using it to gain fans, fame, and personal credit.

Imagine, Blog-Buddies, if you had that kind of talent? Wouldn’t you be tempted to build your life around it?

Perhaps you’d use it for service to others. Or else you’d wish to go into politics as an honorable public servant. Alternatively you’d seek political influence as a demagogue.

Otherwise you might wish to become a broadcasting personality like Rush Limbaugh. Or like Joe Rogan.

Joe Rogan Aura Reading #4. And Throat Chakra Databank for Communicating to Help Others

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. Completely shut down.


What’s the point of “helping others”? Not much. At least according to chakra databanks. Related to that, here are specifics of what I found. Put in the form of an energy quote, rather than a speech quote:

“Hell no! Helping people is a complete waste of time. Unless I can make them angry. That might do them some good.

“Or else I can make them laugh. Which they’ll love me for, so I can get extra fame.”

Joe Rogan Aura Reading #5. Throat Chakra Databank for Communication During Conflict

Symbolic Size

Fills the room + 2 inches. Namely, over-functioning


Joe loves to destroy. Especially he loves to let his hatred loose, inciting others to anger and hatred.

Always, doing this satisfies him enormously. Beyond that, by cleverly and uninhibitedly expressing himself, Joe Rogan knows that he “serves a purpose for fans.”

Why? Because “weak people” are too “chicken s**t to “tell the truth” the way he does. After hearing him let loose even once, they’ll develop a taste for his brand of expression. Fans can make a certain switch inside, and start letting him express their outrage. Which makes Joe like a hero to them.

Although anything that builds up his fan base… tends to please Mr. Rogan. Hello! He finds it most delightful to coarsen the taste of his listeners… As a way to build up his fame.

Joe Rogan Aura Reading #6. Throat Chakra Databank for Communicating to Use His Power

Symbolic Size

5,000 feet. Strongly over-functioning.


Far as this broadcaster is concerned, bulking up his fame? That’s like the purpose of his life. To that end, nothing beats using his power to make fans.

Actually, a close second is getting what he wants, one situation at a time. Fortunately, by communicating to use his power, Rogan often succeeds at getting his way. In fact, he may not have much use for people who don’t give him his way. Who needs those “useless, weak, disposable” non-fans?

Joe Rogan Aura Reading #7. High Heart Chakra Databank for Soul Thrill

Symbolic Size

1/8 inch. Totally flat-lining at this time.


Maybe you find it confusing, the size of this chakra databank compared to so many others in Joe’s aura that are over-functioning. But this particular chakra databank is about what, exactly? Expressing your soul, as it was installed for this lifetime.

Whatever Joe Rogan has done with his life so far, he’s wrecked this chakra databank. To the point where it’s is decidedly numb. As if hibernating through a long winter. (At best.)

In Conclusion

Although I don’t know everything… by a long shot… I do know some things. When it comes to soul expression, my knowledge comes chiefly from three Energy Spirituality specialties:

Long story short, each of us signs a Life Contract. Next, we incarnate into a particular lifetime.

Free will matters enormously, here at the place I call Earth School.

Evidently, from the quality of his Soul Thrill Chakra Databank, Joe Rogan has veered off in an “educational” direction. No doubt he’s learning a great deal from this lifetime. However, it bears little resemblance to what his life could have been.

As a consequence, Rogan doesn’t have a prayer of living a beautiful quality of human fulfillment. (One that happens to be available to each of you Blog-Buddies.) Hey, maybe the celeb could splurge on a prayer. Make that a lot of prayers!!!

Otherwise, here’s the deal. Joe Rogan can win a lot of life’s goodies. But spiritual evolution is not among them, not for the rest of this lifetime. Unless you count the considerable evolutionary value of what, in Life Reviews, is sometimes called “a failed experiment.”

COMMENT Away, Blog-Buddies

I’m curious what you have to say! For that go to the main version of this blog post, at my website. COMMENTING there is super-easy, btw.

And thanks for reading all the way to the end of this article.

Today’s photo is by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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