Is Energy Spirituality Like Life Coaching?

Rose Rosetree
7 min readFeb 13, 2023

Become a Wiser Consumer, a Better Friend

Seven surprising differences between Energy Spirituality and Life Coaching

Sure, let’s explore how they’re similar, how they’re different. (Mostly very different.) Because this founder of Energy Spirituality™ has encountered many folks who consider the two interchangeable.

Life Coaching Is UNLIKE Energy Spirituality, Really?

“Like, really, Energy Spirituality™ — isn’t that just some cute kind of branding? Isn’t this really life coaching?”


As consumers, you and your friends can benefit greatly from gaining clarity about this topic. For instance, I wonder:

How often do folks book a session of Life Coaching… expecting something more like Energy Spirituality?

And vice versa?

Today’s blogpost will answer nine important questions. Then we’ll go on to discuss any questions you like. After all, that’s the point of a Q&A article.

Energy Spirituality Versus Life Coaching, Q1.

What IS Energy Spirituality?

Specifically, Which Credentials Make Somebody an Energy Spirituality™ Practitioner?

That individual has applied for, and been accepted, into the Mentoring Program in Energy Spirituality. Thus, becoming an Energy Spirituality APPRENTICE.

After completing those requirements, and officially graduating from this program, one becomes an Energy Spirituality PRACTITIONER. Typically, training time takes several years.

Among the skills developed at this stage are the trademarked systems for:

  1. Spiritually Sparkling® Energy Healing
  2. And also 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment®
  3. Equally essential for any work in Energy Spirituality is Stage 3 Energetic Literacy
  4. Another unique specialty is Soul Thrill® Aura Research.
  5. Finally, Empath Empowerment® is a requirement (that is, if that aspiring Energy Spirituality expert is an empath).

Following graduation as an Energy Spirituality practitioner, additional skills can be learned, as appropriate.

Ongoing education is also essential. For instance, all members of the Energy Spirituality Experts community receive regular updates. Since Energy Spirituality is one fast-growing field!

Energy Spirituality Versus Life Coaching, Q2.

What IS Life Coaching?

In theory, according to, “Like a therapist, a life coach is someone who can help you identify strengths and weaknesses and overcome obstacles holding you back.”

In this article, Oprah quotes certified life coach Jane Scudder. (And I’m adding some punctuation.)

Coaching is about helping people identify the obstacles that keep getting in their way. Assisting them with finding motivation. And pinpointing any resistance to change. Life coach is a broad term. You can also find business coaches, executive coaches, leadership coaches, and health coaches.

But a life coach is typically most helpful when you’re thinking about your overall future.

Does that sound a lot like psychotherapy to you? Or even sound like pop psychology? Hmmmm.

To Clarify, Which Training Allows Somebody to Advertise and Take Client Payments as a Life Coach?

None. Fact of the matter is, anybody can say they’re a coach, using it as a title.

In order to become a member of the International Coach Federation, how much training? An Associate Certified Coach has completed 60+ training hours, 100+ coaching hours.

Suppose that you think about that in terms of a standard 40-hour work week. Training time takes four weeks.

Personally, I’ve Known Several Life Coaches

They’re practical people who wish to help others. They can be brilliant at solving problems and inspiring their clients.

For whatever reason, they don’t choose to go through training to become psychotherapists. Besides, their approach tends to be goal oriented and practical.

Energy Spirituality Versus Life Coaching, Q3.

What, If Anything, Do Both Fields Have in Common?

Both are attractive to those seeking improvement in life. For instance, both Life Coaching and Energy Spirituality offer an alternative to mainstream culture’s “big solutions.” (Namely, psychotherapy with a mental health practitioner, 12-Step Programs, and religion.)

Taking a Deeper Look…. Four Important Similarities

Both Energy Spirituality and Life Coaching have these professional standards:

  1. Confidentiality about sessions.
  2. No becoming physically intimate with clients.
  3. Based on what the clients wants as an outcome.
  4. When a client brings a topic, that’s becomes a direction for help from the Energy Spirituality expert, or life coach.

Energy Spirituality Versus Life Coaching, Q4.

How about Using Energy Talk?

Quite simply, Energy Spirituality experts avoid Energy Talk. (Read the link just provided to learn about “Energy Talk” as a term of art in this field.)

Also important, we never call ourselves “healers” or “energy healers.” Since we’re not.

But how can you get a sense of how common Energy Talk is among life coaches? Clearly each individual coach is different. Yet when I googled “life coach and energy healer.” Hitting the jackpot with hits! 21,700,000 hits, to be precise.

Here are quotes from some of the life coaches I discovered through this search:

From Linda Armstong

As a Master Certified Law of Attraction Transformation Life Coach and Energy Healer, we will work together to re-energize your mojo, that magical power-with-in that is always guiding you, wanting to get your attention. With that deep connection to the very center of yourself, you will create a life you LOVE living!

And From Dr. Purushothaman

While many coaches are not certified in energy healing modalities, some are. And use manifestation and releasing energy work, such as Attraction Reiki, Abundance Flush and other healing modalities. To assist in releasing blocks and allowing positive energy to flow into any areas that need healing.

Releasing energy blockages in your aura, chakras, and meridians, along with the life coaching techniques and the tarot… Makes it much easier for you to shift your beliefs, attract your personal power, and ultimately your success.

Energy Spirituality Versus Life Coaching, Q5.

And How about Including Psychology Talk?

Quite simply, Energy Spirituality experts avoid Psychology Talk. Instead, hello! We help clients to solve problems by using the skills of Energy Spirituality™.

But how can you get a sense of how common Psychology Talk is among life coaches? Again, obviously, each individual coach is different. In order to find some specific samples, I opened up this blogpost about “Top 47 Life Coaches.” By all means, use your discernment on descriptions of their work:

Henry Raess

Holistic and somatic coach helping others to live more intentional, fulfilling lives. Get them on a sustainable path to healing trauma. And strengthen connections between body, mind, heart and spirit.

Stephanie Hilborn

Transformational life coach specializing in reducing anxiety and burnout. Activating purpose and connection with yourself and community. Wellness, Spirituality Inspiring career development.

Energy Spirituality Versus Life Coaching, Q6.

For Help with My Spiritual Journey, What’s Available?

Energy Spirituality includes Enlightenment Teaching. Including a bold how-to book with big impact: Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.

Life Coaching: Any “spiritual” practice whatsoever that a client wants to bring up? A life coach would allow that. In fact, a certified life coach can’t say, “My preference for helping you is xyz.”

Moreover, a life coach might teach meditation techniques to a client. Not standardized techniques but whatever that coach has picked up along the way. For instance, mindfulness meditation.

In personal sessions, by request, I can facilitate expert research into what? Delving into the impact of any technique that a client has done. These are Consiousness Positioning Consults®. Eye opening, to put it mildly.

As a result of even one of these, you’ll become wiser as a consumer. Indirectly, you’re likely to find this: Granular detail, at the level of chakra databanks, is altogether different from standard practice fo life coaches. Such as assuming that, supposedly, any life coach has the standing to teach any technique. (Or that the results will be as promised.)

Energy Spirituality Versus Life Coaching, Q7.

Maybe a Person Just Wants to Feel Good Afterward. How’s that as a Goal?

First, Goals for Energy Spirituality

Your intention for a session will never be to give you a feeling.

Results can be far more significant. Just yesterday, at one of our workshop forums, an Energy Spirituality student and client mentioned that he had:

  1. Gone back to school and graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science.
  2. Landed his first professional job.
  3. Has become more productive than I have ever been before.
  4. Completely stopped watching anime and reading manga.
  5. Removed several video games… “from his life.”

Instead, how is he spending his time these days?

  1. Learning how to draw
  2. Hiking in the great outdoors
  3. Completing some Energy Spirituality online workshops.

Also noteworthy: To fulfill a client’s goals for a session, how does the Energy Spirituality expert source any session? By cocreating with the client’s choice of Divine Being. Makes a difference.

Second, Goals for Life Coaching

Clients can definitely get results. Certainly, there are many superb life coaches. But what’s especially interesting, comparing this approach to Energy Spirituality?

Very noteworthy: In Life Coaching, the client does nearly all of the work. (No cocreating skills, or use of Energy Spirituality’s trademarked systems for systematically helping clients.)

The role of the life coach is to listen. Ask questions. Maybe coax the client to express more clearly what the client actually wants.

In Short, So Many Differences!

Energy Spirituality founder Rose Rosetree says, “Thanks for reading.” If you have any questions, feel free to comment at my main blog. That link just supplied will take you there.

You’ve learned a lot of discernment today. I hope this proves helpful to you.



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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