How Much of Your Personal Freedom Do You Use?

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks Reveal So Much. About Each Individual, Not Just EXvangelicals.

Rose Rosetree
10 min readOct 28, 2024
EXvangelical Chakra Databanks are the newest array of chakra databanks in Energy Spirituality®. Learn about them here and now.

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks may be our boldest array of chakra databanks yet, not only the newest. Because we stand to gain a lot from learning about the inner consequences of outwardly fitting in. Such as believing along with all the other true believers.

In this article you’ll discover a set of 10 chakra databanks. Bringing perspective. Potentially revealing so much that matters about your personal freedom in life right now.

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks Reveal So Much about Using Personal Freedom.

This info is not just for EXvangelicals. Rather, you’ll learn about how free you are inwardly. If it turns out you are stuck, that’s your starting point for overcoming current limitations.

Also, reading further will put you in the know about our Choose One, Choose One: Flash Contest.

Religious Believers Pay a Price for Their Beliefs

Meaning What?

Look, I’m writing this article as the founder of Energy Spirituality®. This is not a religion. Actually, Energy Spirituality isn’t even a path. Rather, what I offer is meant to serve as a supplement to your personal path at this time.

Specifically, Energy Spirituality helps people like you with emotional growth and spiritual awakening. Using skills that work now, in the Age of Awakening. Which is a time period that began on Dec. 21, 2012. If my research is correct — and more on that kind of research later in this article . . .

The Age of Awakening is a second consciousness era on Earth. Contrasting with the first consciousness era on Earth, including all of recorded history and long before that even began. I call that earlier consciousness era “The Age of Faith.” Learn more about that at the link just provided.

Energy Spirituality has been cocreated with the Divine.

Are you curious about any of this. Ask any questions you like by COMMENTING at the version of this article at my personal blog. I spend a ridiculously large amount of time answering questions like yours. To this teacher, they matter.

Now that we have some context for today’s article, let’s return to the “Meaning What?” question.

Religious Believers Pay a Price for Their Beliefs

Following a Religion — Why Does That Cause Every Believer to Pay a Price?

  1. Proud believers pay a price for their confident beliefs.
  2. Proud scoffers do too.
  3. Likewise, everybody else.
  4. Whatever we choose related to religion, we receive some benefits.
  5. But we also are going to pay the price for that particular choice.

Hey, Readers. The same happens regarding whichever choices we make about our health. Our political choices, too. For every good thing in life, each of us must pay the price. Life on Earth is set up that way.

Such a deep topic! No wonder I’m providing you with a link to a TOP 10 article. Once there you can open up ten different blogposts, each one offering you more knowledge about this essential concept.

As for the research array being introduced for the very first time today, hello! You won’t only learn about the price people pay for living as blissful Evangelical. Or an anguished EXvangelical. This array of chakra databanks can help you in many contexts, Readers. Before we go into this further, let’s add some background for you newbies to this blog of mine.

What Is a Chakra Databank Array?

It’s a dedicated research protocol, designed to provide insight into a person’s consciousness. That is, a person’s spiritual awareness. Differently put, you learn what makes a person tick subconsciously and energetically.

For more background, which could prove pretty mind-blowing, check this out: “Chakra Databank Arrays for Precision Aura Reading.” Click on that latest link for an uncommonly useful education into this very Age of Awakening topic, which can prove so helpful for your personal development.

Indispensible for people who aim to grow, really grow. Although not necessarily widely acknowledged as indispensible. [Imagine a wry emoticon in this space.]

Become the First Person on Your Block to Know about This Resource

Just for fun, as part of our celebration-inauguration today of a new chakra databank array, I’ll google this: Chakra Databank Array.

How far has the recognition for this term been growing during the 2 years since the publication of our master list of chakra databank arrays? As of today, while drafting this blogpost, how many hits on my Google?

Ooh, 6 hits. So far.

Of course, when more people develop Stage 3 Energetic Literacy, hello! They’ll be able to read chakra databanks. Both in person and from photos.

How can you develop this skill? You might take this self-paced, online collection of aura reading workshops. Meanwhile . . .

Why Name this Array “EXvangelical Chakra Databanks”?

Consider this name my way of thanking Sarah McCammon. Author of “The Exvangelicals.”

I hold it high, her brilliant book that chronicles how she became an EXvangelical. And what happened afterward, both to her and to many other EXvangelicals. The common denominator is simple. EXvangelicals have:

  1. Questioned their beliefs.
  2. Ultimately broke from their faith communities.
  3. Negotiated uneasy truces with family members. Or were cut off completely by their supposedly loving family members.

This is a huge topic about spiritual courage. Regarding the purpose of this array of chakra datatabanks, it aims to reveal the inner consequences of religious beliefs. Or of changing those beliefs. Abandoning them, upon that individual’s personal altar of truth.

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks — Potential Insights for All

Insightful about Evangelicals. And Also for Everybody Else Leaving a Cult

For historical context, during the Age of Faith, when world religions were formed, what mattered most?

  1. Being counted among the faithful — regardless of which religion prevaled.
  2. Enjoying a grand feeling of community. Spiritual belonging.
  3. Feeling safe and secure.
  4. Maybe feeling just a bit spiritually superior.

All this happened during the Age of Faith. However . . . .

Did You Know? The Age of Faith is Over.

Yet cults offer the same four benefits, of course. Fortunately, in the Age of Awakening, these benefits may not seem so important. For example, we have more independence from our families. Divorce is legal too, at least in most countries. (To learn more, read chapters in “The New Strong” about Old Values from the Age of Faith, and New Values in the Age of Awakening.)

Maybe the most important difference about living now is this: We have the option of growing much faster than ever before: Growing emotionally and spiritually. Which just might impact your personal relationship with God.

What’s Different about Our Array of EXvangelical Chakra Databank?

Use this research tool for those who have left their cult: now sadder and wiser. And most likely, they’re now more spiritually evolved too.

Questions anyone? Comment away.

Now, let’s get to this promising new array of 10 chakra databanks.

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks #1.

Root Chakra Databank for Trusting People

This reveals insights into a person’s subconscious habits about trusting people. Like a default.

As you may know, Readers, Evangelicals and other cult members don’t fully trust anybody outside the cult.

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks #2.

Belly Chakra Databank for Sexual Self-Esteem

Here’s an essential irony about any cult. Although that “Movement” — usually cults call themselves a “Movement.”

Although that “Movement” makes big promises about offering ultimate goodness, salvation, etc., guess what?

Cults typically aim to control their members in many ways, including sexually. Wrecking sexual self-esteem, for instance. Making true believers feel guilty about having sexual desires.

With this second chakra databank of this array, we can learn assess what’s happening subconsciously and energetically. Specifically, after a person leaves or exits a cult, how well is that person doing around sexual self-esteem?

To this researcher, this chakra databank reveals a key aspect about exiting cult mind control. How successfully has the person has done at disentangling sense of self from all the limitations imposed by the cult?

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks #3.

Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Giving

Devotion is a certain kind of emotional giving that may be encouraged in religious cults. But that may not be an authentic form of giving, emotionally. Depending on so many factors.

Other kinds of emotional giving may be strongly encouraged or discouraged, depending on the particular cult.

However, what changes when a person truly exits the cult, or receives emotional support?

Sooner or later, that EXvangelical can authentically give love, or dislike, or any other emotion that’s appropriate to any given situation. What a triumph of reclaiming one’s humanity that might be!

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks #4.

Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Receiving

Recovery from cult mind control — this can also be tricky in the context of emotional receiving. For a true believer, dogma may dictate how to react. What to value, and so forth!

It can be an education to research this chakra databank, since you’ll glimpse what that particular person actually feels at the time.

Personal sessions of Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING help clients to permanently remove STUFF that blocks their emotional growth.

In the process of reclaiming personal authenticity, yes! This chakra databank may be one of the last ones to work normally. Why?

Seems to me, emotional receiving requires willingness to be vulnerable. And cult members have learned innumerable ways to protect themselves against the ever-changing emotions of an authentically human life.

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks #5.

High Heart Chakra Databank for Paying Attention to Myself Humanly

Cult involvement can seriously confuse or distort a person’s sense of self. Thanks to this chakra databank array, we can explore how well a person is doing with paying attention without an agenda. Such as “Simply paying attention to myself.”

Incidentally, what if the person you’re researching is an empath? Whether a Skilled Empath or an unskilled empath, that has no bearing on how this particular chakra databank is doing. Take that from me as the founder of Empath Empowerment® — the real deal, not all the cheap imitations of my system for empowering empaths.

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks #6.

High Heart Chakra Databank for Believing in My Goodness

Just about every person has some belief in my wrongness, my badness, my original sin. However, nobody has a chakra databank based on these premises.

What do we have instead? In our auras, each of us has this Chakra Databank #8 in this array. Researching this, here and now, can bring helpful insights. Maybe even a sense of wonder.

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks #7.

High Heart Chakra Databank for Spiritual Self-Authority

Yes, each of us can care about what seems true to us, spiritually. Alternatively, we might not care about what’s true for us personally. Due to social pressure or teachings from “godly” authorities.

What if you’re still learning about spiritual self-authorityand many folks are beginners at this form of self-trust? Guess what. The link just provided can start you thinking about yourself. Afterward, reserching this particular chakra databank can help you more.

Keep in mind, researching this chakra databank reveals insights that are not available to your conscious mind, no matter how hard you try. And no matter how devoutly you pray.

Yet one more use for that effortless form of cocreating with the Divine, Aura Reading Through All Your Senses®.

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks #8.

Throat Chakra Databank for Spontaneous Communication

Sadly, cults discourage this vital form of self-honesty: Saying whatever you think, whenever you think it. Fortunately, folks who have regained their own lives . . . outside the influence of a former cult . . . do spontaneous communication just fine.

This chakra databank can unearth a form of insight about yourself that, ordinarily, would never be available to us humans. At least, we would not receive much accurate info about this until during our final Life Review after our incarnation.

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks #9.

Third Eye Chakra Databank for Spiritual Self-Trust

Imagine, your own personal spiritual self-trust. Not earned by carrying the correct scripture or wearing the perfect outfit for yoga at the gym!

EXvangelical Chakra Databanks #10.

Third Eye Chakra Databank for Connection to Spiritual Source

Readers, you were born with this connection. Potential for that most sacred relationship can keep this chakra databank working beautifully now. Wouldn’t it be interesting to learn what is really-truly-and-subconsciously going on now, regarding your connection to God?

Researching that isn’t the least bit difficult, not when you’ve developed good skills of energetic literacy. Browse at will, enjoying the sample aura research at that latest link. Maybe our Chakra Databank #10 will be included in that aura reading, maybe not. But you’re sure to find plenty of insight into how much we can learn with Stage 3 Energetic Literacy.

Speaking of which . . . .

Choose One, Choose One: Flash Contest

How to Enter

One entry per person, please. Provided you follow the rules below, every single person who enters will win. (If entries turn out to be duplicates, both of you will still win that prize of an aura reader. Published as comments at the version of this article at my personal blog.)

In order for your contest entry to be considered:

  1. Enter on either October 28 or 29, 2024.
  2. Please enter at this version of today’s blogpost — not other versions I publish on Medium or Goodreads or elsewhere.
  3. Click on the link for this EXvangelical Chakra Databanks Flash Contest. Then use a COMMENT box at the version of this article at my personal blog.
  4. No need to nominate Sarah McCammon. Author of “The Exvangelicals.” She’ll have an entire blogpost devoted to her Evangelical Chakra Databanks. Coming one of thse Mondays. :)
  5. Nominate any public figure who is religious, or demonstrates for political causes as a public Christian, etc. Whether currently a true believer or now an independent thinker. For example, EXvangelicals count, as well as public agnostics, atheists, and former believers.
  6. Please choose 1 — just ONE — of these 10 chakra databanks for your nomination. Name that specific chakra databank, of course. Don’t assume I know your choice. ;-)
  7. At this blog we have a civility policy, so use appropriate language if you’d like your contest entry to count. Same with any COMMENTS you ever submit to my personal blog.

That simple. Here’s to fun . . . and education.

Rose Rosetree says, “Congratulations on all you’ve learned today.”

“Thanks for reading, everyone. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it. And consider FOLLOWING me here on Medium. I’d appreciate it.”

You’ve just received a very full introduction to our latest chakra databank array. Share your thoughts, of course, here. Ask your questions, too.

Here’s to your freedom in life, your freedom of belief, and your potentially close-and-beautiful relationship with God!



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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