How Leadership Shows in the Aura of Claudia Sheinbaum

Now Mexico’s President Elect, She’s the First Woman and the First Jew to Become a National Mexican Leader.

Rose Rosetree
6 min readJun 24, 2024
Behold that force of nature, Claudia Sheinbaum. Her clarity reminds me of a cool waterfall.

President Claudia Sheinbaum is an environmental scientist. Also, she’s the former mayor of Mexico City.

When will she be sworn in? Enjoy this historic event on October 1, 2024.

Today We’ll Go into Detail on Her Leadership Chakra Databanks

First, Some Helpful Intros for Any Newbies Here

Here’s looking at you, President Sheinbaum! Via the same photograph that I’ll be using for today’s inspiring aura profile.

  1. If you’ve developed good skills of energetic literacy, you Readers can read her aura too. Using this very same photograph.
  2. What if, like me, you would like to learn more, specifically, about leadership? Yes, I’ve got another resource for you. Learn about our array of Leadership Chakra Databanks — just one click away.
  3. Meanwhile, what if you’d like to take a deeper dive into what I mean by “aura reading”? And by “Chakra Databank Arrays”? Our latest links can help you both ways.
  4. Finally, regarding Skilled Empath Merge… Since this is what I’ll do here, rather than regular research through reading auras. Learn more!
  5. Likewise, what if you’re interested in learning more about the system of Empath Empowerment® ? The video at this link can get you started.Now let’s get right to those fascinating chakra databanks of Mexico’s new presidente elect.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Leadership Chakra Databank #1.

Root Chakra Databank for Presence in the Room

First and foremost, how does Claudia Sheinbaum connect to people? How does she connect to her life experience in general? With a steely intelligence, that’s how.

  • Once she understands facts about objective reality
  • And after she decides what her approach will be
  • This woman moves forward with determination, resolve. Taking a clear direction.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Leadership Chakra Databank #2.

Root Chakra Databank for Saving Money

Seems to me, for Claudia, saving the money isn’t her priority. To her (at the subconscious and energetic level of this chakra databank — or any chakra databank) she views money as opportunity. As in, what will she DO with the money?

  1. What would be a good tradeoff for the money?

2. Or would it be better to simply save the money, for whatever reason(s).

I’m struck by Claudia’s knowledge-based way of relating to life. She’s exceptionally fact-strong.


Perhaps this scientist’s way of caring about the data… can protect her from Mexico’s traditional misogyny, machismo, etc.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Leadership Chakra Databank #3.

Root Chakra Databank for Spending Money

Claudia Sheinbaum asks lots of questions. Before spending money, this practical thinker insists on making informed decisions.

Quite a contrast to my way of living, and to most people I’ve known. For us spending money can be a very emotional experience. Where ideas or ideals or illusions can drive the choice to spend. Yet she reacts more like a scientist, through and through.

I keep noticing Claudia’s intellectual toughness, along with a remarkable lack of sentimentality.

Actually, compared to her, even many an unsentimental person — or politician — might be way more mushy-gushy than Sheinbaum.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Leadership Chakra Databank #4.

Belly Chakra Databank for Flow of Energy While Public Speaking

Claudia has learned to give political speeches in a way that moves her listener’s emotions. Within that emotional flow, she remains guided by her insightful intellect:

  1. What are the facts?
  2. Which are the tradeoffs?

Seems to me, Claudia’s intelligence is keen. Usually, she doesn’t explain her thought process. Many people would find it exhausting, trying to follow her, and most likely they still wouldn’t comprehend much. Rather than explaining, when public speaking… She finds the angle that would most strongly appeal to the listener’s emotions.

Because she USES emotions, more than personally FEELS those emotions, what an advantage she has!

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Leadership Chakra Databank #5.

Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Using Power

Does she ever have a will of iron! I’m also impressed with Claudia’s tenacity, which includes ingenuity to help support whichever strategies she favors.

In general, to her it comes naturally. Depending on the situation, Claudia Sheinbaum will:

  • Say things
  • Do things
  • Plan things… and then follow through.

All of which amount to a working definition of using power. To her, doing this is simple. Simply what any other person would do in her place.


As if! I’ve read this chakra databank on many, many clients. Plus, the folks in their lives they would like me to research.

In reality, it’s uncommon for people to do well at using their personal power.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Leadership Chakra Databank #6.

Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Power Integrity

Values matter to this politician. Helping her integrity along, in this chakra databank there happens to be a very strong presence of God.

Far as I know, President-Elect Sheinbaum hasn’t yet studied Energy Spirituality® skills for cocreating with the Divine. But she does it anyway.

Given what shows in this chakra databank, she does this very, very well. Moreover, using her power as a politician feels sacred to her. Yes, sacred.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Leadership Chakra Databank #7.

Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Giving

For this politician, emotional giving is not a source of her strength. In this photo op, outwardly Claudia executes a fine smile-and-wave. Evidently, at the time of this photograph, she’s just been elected. Appearing emotionally appreciative is the least she can do.

By contrast, what does this chakra databank show me about how Claudia Sheinbaum gives emotionally? Let’s remember, the data in chakra databanks is not conscious but subconscious. It happens energetically, not intentionally.

That said, here’s what I’ve just found in this particular chakra databank…

Assessing situations with the objectivity and creative know-how of an engineer: Her emotional-and-mental clarity remind me of a shining, flowing waterfall!

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Leadership Chakra Databank #8.

Throat Chakra Databank for Communication at Work

Direct communication is Sheinbaum’s specialty. Clarity, again, is the word that best describes what I experience here.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Leadership Chakra Databank #9.

Throat Chakra Databank for Verbal Integrity

Yes, to the integrity. However, I wouldn’t call Claudia’s version of this integrity… simple. More like, she’s thinks in complexities, preferring to entertain many points of view.

It will be interesting to see how people take to her nuanced thinking, pervaded by integrity. Because that is what, according to my Skilled Empath Merge right now, is what she delivers.


Of course, only a fool — or a demagogue — pretends that every problem has one simple answer. That’s my opinion, anyway.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Leadership Chakra Databank #10.

Third Eye Chakra Databank for Spiritual Self-Honesty

Again, this chakra databank reveals a rare Divine blessing:

  • Claudia’s ability to cocreate with God, whenever she wishes to do that.
  • A simple, glowing connection to what is true for her, in that moment.
  • And a willingness to amplify her self-honesty with learning more-more-more.


In Conclusion

Readers, what is your reaction to today’s Skilled Empath Merge?

COMMENT away! Since those who interact here do receive most. And just for fun, here come some ideas for comments from you.

With the following questions, you have two choices.

Two good choices, enlivening our comment conversations! Definitely, do your commenting at the version of this article at my personal blog. Here on Medium, I don’t take questions. But at my free blog I sure do.

5 Fun Questions to Broaden Your Knowledge

  1. Verbal integrity is simple, sometimes. Yet sometimes it’s not. Why do you think that is?
  2. On the topic of emotional giving, compare and contrast what you’ve just read about Claudia Sheinbaum here… Yes, compare that, please, to what you’ve learned at our blogpost about America’s Republican politician Nikki Haley. Do you think that emotional giving is a big selling point for any politician aiming to be elected? How so?
  3. To this Empath Coach, Claudia Sheinbaum has the aura of a Skilled Empath. Why do you think that is?
  4. As the author of “Empath Empowerment in 30 Days” — also offering other resources of Empath Empowerment®I’m pretty sure that she has not studied this system. Why do you think that is?
  5. Although Mexico is well known to be a Catholic country, voters have elected the country’s first Jewish president. Why could that be helpful for the Mexican people?

Finally, thanks to all of you who have joined me in this fiesta of learning about this magnificent Mexican leader, Claudia Sheinbaum.

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Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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