How LEADERSHIP Shows in Auras. (Or Not.)
Meet the chakra databank array I’ve developed to bring big discoveries about leadership.
What’s New in Researching How Leadership Shows
Researching auras in depth isn’t exactly old hat for me. However, it’s one of my favorite hats to wear. Despite having done it professionally for decades, that aura reading hat appears to grow cuter with each passing year.
Witness the recent-ish discovery of Leadership Chakra Databanks.
By all means, open up that link I just gave you. Since it can open up a world of understanding. Namely, which are the seven “chakra databanks” that reveal most about leadership? And what does each one mean?
Meanwhile, I’m going to give you highlights from some of the pioneering research. Because I’ve unboxed this treat — of great interest to anybody who wonders “What makes people tick?” Definitely, I’ve unboxed this array of chakra databanks. And begun using it. See for yourself how fascinating this kind of research can be.
Chiefly, these are highlights that I found, leadership-wise, in Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris.
From her Root Chakra Databank for SAVING Money
Senator Harris isn’t afraid to save political money. Quite simple.
Definitely what her aura says.
BTW. here’s something I learned after completing my research into all seven of her chakra databanks. Concerning how leadership shows!
As Attorney General, Harris did this: Somehow she found the courage to decline a $4 billion settlement from big banks. Eventually delivering a $26 billion settlement for California citizens.
From her Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Power Integrity
Integrity is sacred. Quite simply, for this attorney and former prosecutor: Doing what’s right is sacred.
No wonder this chakra databank reveals a comfort with holding integrity high. As if, untouchable.
Read more at this full-length article at my personal blogging about Kamala Harris.
How LEADERSHIP Shows in the Aura of Covid-19 Heroine, JACINDA ARDERN
Maybe Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, is already one of your heroes. Since she may be the most effective leader on the planet. At least when it comes to fighting Covid-19.
From her Root Chakra Databank for SAVING Money
Due to a sense of stewardship, this prime minister really emphasizes saving. However, “saving” doesn’t necessarily mean “not spending.” Rather, she takes a long view of what will save money.
Altogether shocking, her version of “saving” money to save jobs in her nation. Therefore… Oh heck, just check out this article.
From her Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Power Integrity
Seems to me, anybody who sees “just a woman” will find Ardern quite shocking. Since she’s about as dainty as a heavy-duty steel pillar.
Maybe some of you readers know if Prime Minister Ardern has a reputation for depending on polls. Then changing her position.
I sure doubt that.
Read more at this full-length article at my personal blogging about Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
How LEADERSHIP Shows in the Aura of Minnesota Governor TIM WALTZ
When I first researched Gov. Tim Waltz, I thought his job was big enough. Namely, Governor of Minnesota. To boot, leading his state during the coronavirus pandemic.
Innocently, I published my aura reading of his leadership chakra databanks on May 11, 2020. Little did (he or) I know that protests would begin on May 26. Exactly why would that be? Two words.
George Floyd. And the wake-up call his unspeakable death signaled for those who care about racial justice.
Anyway, from his Root Chakra Databank for SAVING Money
Evidently Walz values frugality and financial security. However, he doesn’t value saving money over helping people!
From his Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Power Integrity
How he tries to honor his commitments, make good on every promise! Nonetheless, Gov. Tim feels somewhat ripped apart. So many people make demands upon him, and many of these demands are not made in good faith. (This still puzzles him, just a bit, every time this bad-faith-gimme-gimme version of a deal comes from others.)
For Walz, at this chakra databank, at the time of this photograph… Doing what he set out to do feels impossibly complicated, harshly situational. Evidently, before winning public office, Walz didn’t think that serving as governor would be quite as hard.
Despite the struggle and, with it, a certain disillusionment, the governor persists. Gov. Walz accomplishes what he sets out to do; at least, he accomplishes it as best he can.
Read more at this full-length article at my personal blogging about Gov. Tim Waltz
In Conclusion
Auras don’t lie. And chakra databanks really do blab the truth very loudly.
I wish all politicians knew — and cared — — that… your aura is showing.
Photo credit to Clark Tibbs on Unsplash