How Human Consciousness Changed in 200 Years
Chakra Databank Research on Dolley Madison
Human-shmuman you might usually think. When it comes to having your everyday awareness? Or how your consciousness works?
Probably you assume that people have always lived like that. More or less. Only the circumstances have changed.
Okay, also the fashions. ;-)
But nooooooo! Because consciousness works differently today.
Do you know why? (Either way, just keep reading.)
No Mere Theory, Either.
Using State-of-the-Art Skills for Aura Reading,
We’ll Explore How Human Consciousness Has Changed
Namely, deep into the previous era, the Age of Faith.
By contrast, you and I are living in the Age of Awakening. Like it or not. Know it or not.
Incidentally, that last link can bring you up to speed on that topic. Just in case “Age of Awakening” seems confusing or weird. And just so you know, for years I’ve been researching the Shift into this time on earth.
- Consciousness-wise, what can it mean to live in this Age of Awakening?
- How much has changed in the first near-decade? Since the Shift on 12/21/12!
- Also, some of you have read THE book on how to thrive now, “The New Strong.”
- And some of you have even taken the Online Collection of Workshops on The New Strong. In which case, you’ve explored leading-edge research into human consciousness now. Including our New Vibrational Freedom, which most folks take for granted.
- By contrast, what’s new here? Our first publicly-available blogpost to present this mind-blowing kind of aura research. Plus, Dolley was 100 years older than anybody I researched for The New Strong Online Workshop.
For this Chance to Learn about Human Consciousness, Thank Dolley.
Also thanks to Micalah, who nominated her for our recent Creativity Contest. Supplying a very old photo. (Strictly speaking, a daguerreotype. This one.)
Immediately upon opening the link, I realized this could be the oldest photo yet that I’ve been able to research. Showing a woman born in 1768!
Yes this wife of the fourth American president is the most long-ago human being whose photo I’ve ever read.
Perfect for doing today’s Age of Faith Aura Reading!
In addition, Dolley Madison was quite somebody, article-worthy on her own. Wife of President Madison, First Lady Dolley’s achievements were historic and remarkable. As you can read at the link just provided. And here’s another source of fascinating details about this leader’s achievements.
All in all, this historical figure makes a great pick for my first published blogpost with groundbreaking research into consciousness.
In Case This Kind of Research Is New to You
What does it mean to research chakra databanks? Sure, click on that link just provided for background.
Now let’s get started with researching Dolley Madison’s chakra databanks — and spiritual consciousness.
Her Very Age of Faith Aura and Consciousness
Remember, this photo was taken in 1804. Photographing somebody born 244 years before the Shift into the Age of Awakening!
Back then, physically, humans looked recognizably human. They said things and did things, just as you and I are doing now. Except that NOW means during a second era on earth. Long past the Age of Faith. Now our inner experience of consciousness is significantly different.
As you read today’s research, think about the limitations to Dolley’s inner life.
If you were living like that today, you’d feel wretched. As if something were terribly-terribly wrong.
As you’ll soon see, Blog-Buddies, even with all her personal greatness? Notice certain limitations, compared to how YOU are living right now. Simply due to this one simple difference. Unlike her, you are living in the Age of Awakening.
Because very likely it’s a bigger deal than you assume, having consciousness advantages that folks usually take for granted.
This Enlightenment teacher is here to remind you:
Why is this new era called the Age of Awakening?
Because, living now, it’s so much easier for us to experience spiritual awakening.
Millions of us can even move into Spiritual Enlightenment.
Age of Faith Aura Research #1. Dolley Madison’s
Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality
Symbolic Size
102 feet. Perhaps over-functioning.
Most notably, the gravitas of a major historical figure was in this chakra. One doesn’t often find that in today’s highest-level politicians, even in my hero House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Dolley is the wife of an American president. One who happened to be one of the great Founding Fathers, no less! As such, she has a solemn duty. She fulfills it, paying attention to what happens around her. Meticulously and broadly paying attention: That’s what fascinates me so about this Dolley Madison chakra databank.
Dolley Madison has a solemn duty. She fulfills it, paying attention to what happens around her. Paying attention meticulously and broadly — but without inner depth: That’s what fascinates me so about this Dolley Madison chakra databank.
In today’s language, I’d call it an uncanny wisdom. Based on being nobody’s fool. A leader who insisted on paying attention to a far wider sphere of influence than most of us can imagine. Among other reasons why?
Helping to lead her new country, Madison didn’t learn from polls but from people and facts. For sure I pity any fool who would try to pull the wool over Dolley Madison’s eyes.
Age of Faith Aura Research #2. Dolley Madison’s
Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Self-Awareness
Symbolic Size
1/8 inch. Completely shut down.
Very rarely I’ll research a person today who has never really developed the ability for honest emotional self-awareness. A recent example was former Governor Andrew Cuomo.
However, this is so rare as to count (in my experience) as way-way less than 1%. How can I put this? Even on the worst day you’ve had in your life, Blog-Buddies, this chakra databank was probably working on you to some degree.
By contrast, what I’m noticing here is altogether different. It’s as though what Dolley Madison has here is a triumph!
Why? Because this is a fairly new capacity for human beings, evolving on earth. Consider, this photo was taken about 218 years before the Shift into the Age of Awakening. The Psychic Barrier was thinning at the fastest pace yet.
Therefore, I’d call it a kind of consciousness leadership that Dolley Madison even had that chakra databank.
Age of Faith Aura Research #3. Dolley Madison’s
Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Growth
Symbolic Size
3 inches. Admittedly, by today’s standards, terribly under-functioning.
Another triumph of Dolley Madison’s human spirit. Seems to me — when, in her spare time? President Madison’s wife was learning how to have some emotional growth, authentic emotional growth.
This was still so new for humans.
Religious obedience was supposed to matter back then. It was the Age of Faith, right?
But that didn’t mean much introspection of any kind. As for spiritual growth? We’ll be reading about Dolley’s related chakra databank soon enough.
Living now, Blog-Buddies, we may find it hard to imagine a time before Oprah Winfrey. Or Freud. And all the psychological self-consciousness that is now woven into everyday life.
However, there was such an era. It lasted for thousands of years. It was the Age of Faith.
Age of Faith Aura Research #4. Dolley Madison’s
High Heart Chakra Databank for Soul Thrill
Symbolic Size
1/4 inch. Almost completely shut down — at least by today’s standards.
One more triumph of the human spirit!
Dolley’s version of this chakra databank is like a small-and-tender flame within her High Heart Chakra.
Personally I wouldn’t be surprised if she was among the first people on earth to feel that yearning to express her soul.
Express what, exactly? To express Dolley’s human individuality.
Age of Faith Aura Research #5. Dolley Madison’s
Third Eye Chakra Databank for Connection to Psychic Guidance
Symbolic Size
40 feet. Probably huge functioning for somebody living back in the Age of Faith.
What Dolley had going here made her highly intuitive, compared to most people. Helping this presidential spouse to make wise choices. For instance, maybe her intuition prompted how she (famously) saved the classic portrait of George Washington. At a time when she might simply have run for her life.
Age of Faith Aura Research #6. Dolley Madison’s
Third Eye Chakra Databank for Connection to Spiritual Source
Symbolic Size
1/8 inch. Flat-lining.
Having that chakra databank was perhaps one of the ways that Dolley Madison helped as a spiritual leader. In the sense of embodying a more evolved aura than was typical for humans living up to that time in history.
Undoubtedly there were others, as well. Although I doubt that there were many.
Those of us living in the Age of Awakening can find it exceedingly hard to imagine how limited the quality of life has been in the past. Even for astoundingly evolved people like Dolley Madison!
What if you were living with chakra databanks like the ones I’ve been describing in today’s pioneering aura research?
Most likely you’d feel as though so much of your humanity had been stripped from you.
Age of Faith Aura Research #7. Dolley Madison’s
Third Eye Chakra Databank for Spiritual Growth
Symbolic Size
2 inches. Today this would be considered close to shutdown. But today?
Another breakthrough chakra databank, I suspect. Even though this chakra databank was undeveloped and quite numb in quality. (Probably this was Dolley’s usual experience. I doubt it was related to the numb-and-exhausting job of posing for a daguerreotype.)
In this chakra databank I find a huge source of frustration and pain in Dolley Madison’s aura. Not that it was necessarily her conscious experience at all.
- Remember, chakra databanks reveal info that is subconscious, from a psychological perspective.
- And info that is hidden and astral, from a metaphysical perspective.
- You know, some folks in spiritual addiction romanticize people from earlier times. As though they were in touch with God and in touch with spirits, with one exception that comes to mind. Otherwise I’m quite sure this is nonsense.
What do I mean, then, by pain? Tucked away into this little bit of a chakra databank I find a sweet-but-terrible spiritual acceptance. As though a very-very evolved soul — comparable to an Ascended Master — has agreed to this incarnation. Including how spiritually limited she would have to be throughout the entire lifetime.
To Some Degree, Being Human Has Always Involved Dumbing Down
In my view, all of us humans do the same thing, to this day. Many chapters in “The New Strong” attempt to describe the dumbing-down process that “ordinary people” go through as children. Simply in order to adjust to the low-slow Human Vibrational Frequencies with which Earth School has been designed. Ultimately for the purpose of that soul’s spiritual evolution!
This chakra databank, at the time of the picture, reveals how Dolley Madison has accepted the limitations of being a human life form. No doubt, this was previewed for her when she made her life contract.
But still. Spiritually her life is so limited. And them’s the rules. Regardless of how evolved that soul ordinarily is.
In order to get this idea, imagine a dull ache, chronic. Or maybe just think about wearing a corset.
In Conclusion
What an extraordinary life Dolley Madison was having! If I had to conjecture about her consciousness in general, I’d call her an ancient being. Although she incarnated at a time in human history when, hello! Almost nobody had access to experience at the Divine Vibrational Frequency.
Just one example of her way of fitting into that life contract of hers, designed for leadership at that time in American history:
Obviously, maybe, Dolley Madison was a woman. Given the time in which she lived, odds are she wore a corset!!!! Women wouldn’t have the vote in America until 1920. Just a bit more than 100 years ago, right? While Dolley lived more than 200 years ago.
Typically, in the Age of Faith — and sadly sometimes even now — women were widely believed to have diminished capacity in most respects:
- Not worth educating.
- Good for sex and bearing children.
- Erggg, you know the sad limitations imposed upon women then. And sometimes even now.
Nothing about Dolley’s chakra databanks told me “standard, obedient wife.”
And yet… despite her personal magnificence… Dolley Madison had consciousness limitations quite typical of human beings in the Age of Faith.