How Are You Doing in Your Consciousness?
This New Array of Chakra Databanks Can Help You to Thrive
Today I’m going to introduce you to a shiny new array of chakra databanks. It’s for HEALTHY CONSCIOUSNESS FLOW. Next Monday, you’ll see the first ever example of this amazingly useful kind of aura reading research.
Why amazingly useful? And, frankly, why bother?
I’m “Bothering” because of a new consciousness problem that I’ve been encountering lately. Right from the outset, know that this problem is entirely preventable.
For sure, my April 29 blogpost will go into an example that may shock you. Plus, you’ll learn specific ways that you can protect your consciousness. Meanwhile, for today…
First Things First
Unless you understand the following basics, it could be hard to appreciate the chakra databanks listed below. So let’s make sure to clarify what these 10 chakra databanks are. And why they matter, these HEALTHY CONSCIOUSNESS FLOW chakra databanks.
That is, inner awareness during your waking hours only. Although we’re aware something happens during dreams, how mysterious! Actually, we’ve begun a multi-part series on the mystery of your dreams. What can you do with your dreams?
Your Natural, Everyday Human Consciousness? It’s Beyond Precious
Much as you might love your pet dog or cat or gerbil, guess what? They don’t have human consciousness. Including the capacity to use free will. Readers, has anybody has told you things like this?
I like animals more than people.
Dogs are smarter than humans.
Having read chakra databanks belonging to some famous animal experts, guess what? Is the term “stinking mess” too technical? Seriously messed-up people! According to my aura research. At least, all such research that I’ve done so far. Maybe some day, you’ll add your own.
Below, I’ll add more useful background info. I’ll place that later in this post, in order for us to turn immediately to what’s exciting and new.
Here and Now…
I’ll Introduce You to Our HEALTHY CONSCIOUSNESS FLOW Array
Can you imagine yet how very useful and practical it can be? Together let’s go into specifics. That way you can start to envision the practical value of this kind of knowledge. Let’s look at one of these chakra databanks at a time. Then, a week from today, I’ll publish an intriguing example.
What makes this set of chakra databanks so special? They reveal much about how a person is using consciousness. At a time when, during our waking hours, our Consciousness Positioning Superpower is active.
Revealing a certain preventable problem… which you’ll learn more about at our April 29 blogpost. Note: For developing our latest array of chakra databanks it helps that I bring a couple of skill sets in addition to reading auras. Since I serve as a consciousness engineer and also bring the perspective of an Enlightenment Coach — aiming to help people like us… to use our full potential in life.
Therefore, at any given moment when photographed:
- A person might be positioning consciousness at a Human Vibrational Frequency.
- Or not.
- Regarding any essential aspect of living well humanly.
As you’ll see clearly next Monday, through this unusually sophisticated consciousness array. Is there room for either success or mess-up? Definitely!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile, let’s start seeing right now the way this particular array can start us seeing new essentials about an individual’s flow of consciousness.
For Connection to Objective Reality
All our human senses can tell us a great deal about life… from the perspective of noticing what happens. Here and now, in objective reality… what takes place?
Obvious though this may seem, let me warn you. Results of researching this chakra databank can be shocking. How come? Since we’re all living now in the Age of Awakening, hello! Objective reality is no longer the default positioning for an individual’s consciousness.
For example, clients often ask me to help them to find a new physician or dentist. To find an attorney or a psychotherapist. In recent years, facilitating aura research from photos, results are surprising.
Typically, for this type of consumer research, my client sends me an email on the day of the session. That email includes names and photos for many experts with good credentials. As a practical matter, I’ll typically include this chakra databank in my research.
What with one problem or another, many of the professionals I research are NOT well connected to objective reality. Quite likely, 9 out of 10 of the experts proposed… Become disqualified for my client’s trust. Whether due to burnout, lack of interest in human objective reality, or whatever.
HEALTHY CONSCIOUSNESS FLOW #2. Left Foot Chakra Databank
For Commitment to Living with Consciousness at HUMAN Vibrational Frequencies
Before the Shift, anything but this kind of commitment would have been unthinkable. Yet after the Shift, consciousness lifestyles emerged.
- Back in the day it was simple: People were normal or else “crazy.” Plus, one encountered the occasional alcoholic or drug addict.
- So simple, compared to all the consciousness lifestyles that people have now!
Today, Countless Millions are Playing Around with Their Consciousness
For instance, here’s a popular thing that might appeal. Only it turns out to be a spiritual side trip. Causing pretty messed-up consciousness lifestyles. What is that popular thing? I’ll use Hypothetical Sam for my upcoming examples.
Sam is what I call an energy enthusiast. Here’s what he does, during his waking hours:
- Noticing energies more than objective reality.
- Speaking in Energy Talk.
- Preferring to talk to folks like himself, so they have very “evolved” conversations about energy.
Sam translates every experience he can into energy. And why? Because Sam believes that is more spiritual than old-fashioned “calling a spade a spade.”
Even More Out There, in Terms of Dysfunction
Sam may even be among those who believe that Earth is Ascending. It is turning, supposedly, into a light world. Humans can help, supposedly, by surrendering to energy as much as they can.
Just today, my day of first-drafting this blogpost, I received an incoherent example of this. You can find it our blogpost on Fifth Dimension Nonsense. See Comment #401.
Other comments from fellow suffers are just as looney. Not evolved. In the opinion of this Enlightenment Teacher, these folks are taking a dead-end spiritual side trip. Losing touch with human reality.
What’s the Relevance to this Left Foot Chakra Databank?
This one involves taking steps in your personal life, taking steps literally and figuratively… Taking steps to support your goals in life.
Therefore, it’s useful to research the flow of consciousness at this chakra databank.
- Better to find a subconscious-and-energetic indication of “spiritual side trip” here.
- Better to catch the problem early, than to have a person’s life gradually slip into confusion.
Hopefully, researching this chakra databank will bring good news. If not? I repeat. Better to catch the problem early and encourage ending that spiritual side trip. Whatever it may be.
HEALTHY CONSCIOUSNESS FLOW #3. Belly Chakra Databank for
Flow of Consciousness at HUMAN Vibrational Frequencies
In general, your Belly Chakra Databanks impact your stamina:
- Mind-body-spirit liveliness versus fatigue.
- Perhaps struggling just to keep your eyes open.
- Or finding it nearly impossible to do what? To pay attention to what you’re “supposed” to be doing at your job, etc.
Researching this particular chakra databank reveals either flow or mess-up… concerning what is happening on the surface of everyday life. At HUMAN-type Vibrational Frequencies.
For Flow of Consciousness at ASTRAL Vibrational Frequencies
Researching this astral-experience-related chakra databank?
Guess what. This chakra databank can reveal a very correctible mess-up… concerning what is happening continually beneath the surface of everyday life. At ASTRAL-type Vibrational Frequencies.
Need this be any of your business, during your waking hours? Sometimes. Maybe.
Depends on how you are positioning your consciousness. Since, know it or not, you do have a Consciousness Positioning Superpower. Not because you received some sort of initiation or took a seminar. Simply as a kind of door prize, living now. You know, in the Age of Awakening.
Positioning Your Consciousness at an Astral Vibrational Frequency?
That’s totally effortless, now that we’re all living in the Age of Awakening. For instance, this chakra databank can become very active:
- If you’re living in the consciousness lifestyle of Spiritual Addiction.
- If you’re living in the consciousness lifestyle of Psychological Overwork.
- Whenever you’re being hotboxed… Or otherwise receiving secondhand smoke from weed.
And much more….
Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Using My Mind
As an adult, you have both a mind and an intellect. This chakra databank reveals how you are currently doing with that simple mental awareness known as your mind.
One need not be “Out of my mind” to underuse or overuse this particular chakra databank. Problems with this can occur quite often.
Detecting this particular kind of problem is one reason why researching this chakra databank can be so useful. With sessions of Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING, hello! Sometimes one particular kind of STUFF in a client’s aura is all that’s messing with that client’s (use of his or her) mind.
As with all the chakra databanks in this particular Healthy Consciousness Array of Chakra Databanks, ah! The purpose of using deeper perception is never an academic exercise. The point is to help people. Really help people.
Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Using My Intellect
Similarly to what you just read about the previous chakra databank in our array, yes! One need not be “Lacking intellect” to underuse or overuse this particular chakra databank. Problems with this can occur quite often. Once again, Energy Spirituality sessions can help.
Although my line of work doesn’t involve predictions, let me say this. Readers, once you see this chakra databank array in action, you just might be amazed at the practicality.
Most of us have a healthy respect for diagnostic tests carried out by a skilled medical expert. Especially if that physician or acupuncturist can go one step further to solve the medical problem.
What do few people today recognize about living in this still-new Age of Awakening? How common it is to have consciousness problems. Ones that may be quite solvable… if one uses:
- Good skills for today’s energetic literacy
- In conjunction with facilitating effective, systematic skills for energy healing.
Heart Chakra Databank for Feeling Inner Peace
Lordy, who doesn’t want to feel that? Especially on demand.
Yet countless spiritual seekers are going overboard, pushing themselves to feel peace through side trips. That is, techniques or ways of life that may produce peace. For instance:
- Mindfulness
- Slowing down, for spiritual reasons
- Meditation — now that we’re living in the Age of Awakening.
- Chilling with CBD products. Like dunking your consciousness into formaldehyde, Imo.
- Or gambling on the “wonderful” consequences of getting high with shrooms.
Yet the cost for any of these can be exorbitant. Resulting in short-term or long-term mess in that person’s chakra databanks. Including this #7 on our list.
HEALTHY CONSCIOUSNESS FLOW #8. High Heart Chakra Databank for
Flow of Consciousness at HUMAN Vibrational Frequencies
Being a High Heart Chakra Databank, what’s the context here? The health and welfare of your soul expression for this lifetime.
This 1 of your 50 chakra databanks involves your soul’s learning about HUMAN Vibrational Frequencies. For instance, currently, are you learning much in that way? Many folks, even consciously, know they are not. Regular human life is considered STOOPID, contemptible, etc. Just ask anybody who is taking the spiritual side trip called MAGA.
In the opinion of this Enlightenment Teacher, these folks are taking a dead-end spiritual side trip. Losing touch with human reality. Thereby, exploring an experiment doomed to failure. Not using the potential for this incarnation that was built into that individual’s Life Contract.
HEALTHY CONSCIOUSNESS FLOW #9. High Heart Chakra Databank for
Flow of Consciousness at ASTRAL Vibrational Frequencies
Being a High Heart Chakra Databank, the context here also pertains to your human soul’s health and welfare. This particular chakra databanks involves your soul’s learning about ASTRAL Vibrational Frequencies.
For a highly extreme, attention-getting example, check out this blogpost about an “Astral Ambassador.”
Then relax, most people will never have this kind of thing going on with their consciousness. Yet plenty of other problems can arise.
HEALTHY CONSCIOUSNESS FLOW #10. High Heart Chakra Databank
For Soul Thrill
Ah, this chakra databank may be doing gloriously.
But that ain’t necessarily SO. All the more reason to include it in this Healthy Consciousness Flow Array!
Now let’s go into some background. Plus, our monthly Newsletter Announcement.
You See, Depth Research into Consciousness Is Possible
And I don’t mean that only neurophysiologists and psychiatrists are qualified to do this kind of thing. Reading chakra databanks is a skill I’ve cocreated with Divine Help. I can do it and guess what?
It is totally possible for you to learn this, too. Let’s be clear. In order to gain good skills of energetic literacy:
- Zero clairvoyance is required.
- Just find a competent, ethical teacher who can show you how to develop Stage 3 Energetic Literacy.
- Personally, I recommend the method of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses®. (My book of the same name was a national bestseller for Random House Germany.)
- Most highly recommended is this Aura Reading Collection of Online Workshops. By all means, use the link just supplied. Follow up to your heart’s content.
- If you have normal mental health and you’re willing to put in a bit of time to learn properly? Then know this: You can gain excellent everyday skills that help you to learn a ton about anybody you like. Simply by reading that person’s chakra databanks.
After you establish those skills, it’s like how you own word literacy… for life. Just like reading any book or article you choose. That’s the amazing versatility you gain from having developed word literacy.
At least as cool, at least as amazing… You can read the aura, in detail, of anybody who has a front-facing photo available. Whether from a YouTube video screenshot. Or some dopey picture on Facebook. Or an oh-so-serious headshot on Linked-In.
Look, every adult with normal mental health has over 1,000 chakra databanks. So you’ll never run out of info to research as an aura reader. Even better….
Different Chakra Databank Arrays Are So Useful
Since they can answer different questions about people. Such as:
- Reality Check: Has this person been trying too hard to “Be Postive”? What’s a way out of that version of taking a spiritual side trip?
- Innoculate yourself against charm. Because “Be charming” ought to come with a warning label.
- Identify the true cause of a person’s so-called “Imposter Syndrome.” Identify that cause, then remove it!
How to learn more of the basics about any chakra databank array? Simply click on the link just provided. As you read, you become part of a growing community of people who are aura-smart and getting ever smarter.
Incidentally, Using Your Smarts Is the Theme
What can you stand to gain from our upcoming issue of the Energy Spirituality Newsletter? Lots!
Using your smarts is, surely, one of the most important uses of your free will.
Amazing or Not, This Newsletter Is FREE
Your only catch? Unless you sign up, you won’t find it in your inbox this coming Thursday.
So, you just might wish to sign up.
Signup Is Easy. And No Strings Attached.
Here’s how it works.
- Simply go to my website’s Home Page. For a shortcut, just scroll up to the Energy Spirituality logo at the top of this page. Click on it.
- Scroll all the way down. And there you’ll find the signup box. Awaiting you, no special Healthy Consciousness Checkup required. ;-)
- Incidentally, what if you ever wish to unsubscribe? Hey, that’s easy too.
- Also worth knowing: If you should you change your email address, it would be great if you’d unsubscribe out the old. Then subscribe in the new.
- Of course, your confidential email address will be handled honorably. No renting. No selling. You kidding?
- Did you know that this newsletter has an unusually high “click-through rate”? I think it’s because readers find knowledge with High Truth Value, thought-provoking articles at the leading edge of the Age of Awakening.
- With the April 2024 issue of the Energy Spirituality newsletter, my goal is to send it to your inbox on Thursday, April 25th. Sign up right away — that’s my advice.
In Conclusion: Yay, We’ve Done a Lot!
COMMENT at the version of this article at my personal website. Come share with your Aha!s from that April issue of that Newsletter: Deeper Perception Made Practical.
As well as using our COMMENT boxes about what you learn here: Introducing you to this fascinating new array of chakra databanks.
Go ahead, rate your enthusiasm so far about this newest Chakra Databank Array: HEALTHY CONSCIOUSNESS FLOW.
On a scale from 1–10, what would you give this collection of chakra databanks? Even if you score it pretty low… for now… just wait until you’ve read our Monday Blogpost for April 22.
If you’re brave, go ahead and COMMENT now with your rating.
Then, after you’ve read our rather shocking *yet helpful* blogpost next week, come on back. Rate it again.
Finally, regardless of whether you COMMENT or not, thank you. Because you’re joining me at the leading edge of Energy Spirituality®. Some day your children and grandchildren may thank you.
And feel free to hop over to my personal blog where an article similar to this one… includes the interactive fun of Comment Conversations. Recently, at the Energy Spirituality® Blog, we passed 134,000 comments. Come join us!