Hilary Hahn’s Face Reading Can Amaze You
See How 5 Quirky Items of Face Data Add up to a Virtuoso
Face Reading Hilary Hahn. Just to begin, do yourself a favor, Readers. Open up this photograph — one of a couple I’ll be using today for today’s physiognomy treat: Hilary Hahn Getting Ready to Pick up Her Violin.
Go for a rating, on a scale from 1–10, where 1 is plain and 10 is gorgeous.
After you rate Hilary’s face, beauty-wise, hello! Let’s return to today’s rare Energy Spirituality® article with a face reading. That face-related activity is entirely different from what so many of us do so often: Treat that person’s face as if she was entered into a beauty contest. Speaking of which…
First, Sure, Let’s Consider Her Facial Gorgeousness
What, Ms. Hahn doesn’t look as gorgeous as you’d expect from an A-list performer these days? Especially a female performer, that is.
Did you know? Today’s female performers are often selected for their looks. Then they’re surgically enhanced. Skill and talent may well be a secondary consideration.
But not so when the performer is a classical musician. To be able to play as Hahn does? That’s enough of a draw.
Second, Introducing the System of Face Reading Secrets®
Face Reading for character? Many systems aim to do that well. Yet the results may remind you of the disclaimer at the end of ads for automobiles. Sure, you’re given a fuel mileage. Only afterward does the ad copy reveal the most important fact: Your actual mileage may vary.
Today I’ll be using Face Reading Secrets. That’s the system taught in “The NEW Power of Face Reading.”
Would you like more background on that? Hop over to my personal blog, with a version of this same article. In COMMENTS, I’ll fill in some background for you.
Third, Introducing You to Hilary & Her Quirky Face
What is a musical prodigy? Especially, what is a prodigy who goes on to have an unblemished career as an A-Lister? In my opinion, as an Enlightenment Teacher…
A prodigy has worked diligently, in obscurity, as a musician. Lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.
Finally, there’s an incarnation where — seemingly out of nowhere — that client plays music beautifully. Seeming like a living paradox: An ancient virtuoso… in a child’s body.
Here are a couple of my favorite recorded performances from Hilary.
- Brahms violin concerto
- Tschaikowsky violin concerto
- And here’s a fun video, just to show how game-and-playful Hahn is. Doing the Ling Ling Workout.
Also, I can’t resist giving you a link to this video. Maybe bring tissues before you click. Then, witness this violinist’s sound at age ten.
Any YouTube video of hers will include moments that I cherish. In addition to her virtuosic, soulful performance.that is. On occasion, the violin soloist will have some measures off. If you watch carefully, you’ll see her glance at the other musicians. Always, to this Hilary fan, she looks surprisingly normal… and also, deep down settled.
Akin to an Olympic athlete who just won some crazy-challenging competition. Yet for those brief interludes, while not playing, still on camera, how does she stand? You see Hilary Hahn looking at some of the other members of the orchestra. Displaying a friendly-and-respectful curiosity.
Hey, she’s not breathing hard. Apparently not even breaking a sweat. Instead she’s what I’d call silent-and-settled.
Incidentally, ask me nicely in COMMENTS at the version of this article at my blog… and I just might add some aura reading. Altogether maybe three of her chakra databanks. The first three choices will win. Please, only one choice per person. Let’s give at least three of you folks a chance to choose these chakra databanks.
Mainly, Though
Mainly, though, in this blogpost I really-really want to explore the extreme talents in Hilary Hahn’s face. She has so many unusual characteristics.
- And they are VERY strong.
- Automatically, in the system of Face Reading Secrets, VERY extreme physically means having a VERY strong version of the corresponding talent.
Feel free to COMMENT below, at any point in the following face reading. One question some of you might wish to ask is — beyond what I’ve written earlier in this post…
“How does a person become an exceptionally successful prodigy, like Hilary Hahn?”
Fourth and Fabulous, Hilary Photos
Since this is a face reading profile of the violin virtuoso, I’ll use two different photos of Hilary Hahn. Each one gives a good look at some of her most interesting face data.
Look for the magenta links below, as I give you a chance to see each relevant photograph. As a professional face reader, of course I generally use photos or screenshots. These become the basis for any face reading. The exception is when I facilitate face reading sessions for clients. Usually these are over Skype video.
Face Reading Hilary Hahn #1.
Very Small Lipfulness
How to See this Face Data
In the system of Face Reading Secrets, “Lipfulness” refers to how full a person’s lips are.
Hilary Hahn has VERY Small Lipfulness. Sometimes people refer to this as “Thin Lips.” (Personally, I think this conjures up having a person’s lips go on a diet. No wonder I prefer “Small Lipfulness.)
Corresponding Talent
Communicates without necessarily making the communication about herself, personally.
If you’re a music lover, you know that top performers are usually very expressive. This would definitely apply to Hilary Hahn. But what is she expressing? The music! Not her love life, as if she needed to disclose everything… in the style of Taylor Swift.
There’s no schmaltz, no appeal to sexiness or emotionality. This virtuoso expresses what’s in the music. For her, that’s plenty. For her listener’s, that’s huge.
Potential Challenge
If you don’t like classical music, Hahn will not convert you. There’s nothing akin to Anne Hathaway’s should-be legendary performance in Les Mis. You may know, the extremely upsetting scene where she sings flawlessly… while crying.
Hilary Hahn doesn’t emphasize her own emotionality. Nor does she dress or act like a “sexy musician.”
What makes this way of playing music, potentially, a challenge? Some people insist on sexiness.
Not surprisingly, really, when you consider this perspective about spiritual evolution: The majority of human beings now alive… They’re baby souls. Less experienced souls (that is less evolved human beings) tend to overemphasize sex. Whereas more mature souls can LOVE sexual experiences, but they also find plenty more to enjoy in life.
Face Reading Violinist Hilary Hahn #2.
Priority Area I
Regarding the proportions of an adult’s face, there are three main areas. Traditionally, physiognomists explore have been exploring this ever since the development of siang mien. Namely, the ancient Chinese tradition of reading faces for character.
In cocreating the system of Face Reading Secrets, I chose to include this perspective. Using the distinctive interpretations of this system.
How to See this Face Data
Eyeball the proportions of the three priority areas on Hilary’s face.
- Priority Area I extends from the hairline — or where the hairline would be, depending… All the way to the top of the person’s eyebrows.
- Priority Area II extends from the top of the person’s eyebrows… All the way to the lowest part of her or his nose.
- Priority Area III extends from the lowest part of the person’s nose… To the bottom of that person’s chin. (In case you can see multiple chins, guess what? For the purpose of reading this face data, only the first chin counts.)
For Hilary Hahn, Priority Area I is VERY much longer than either of the other two priority areas.
Corresponding Talent
In Face Reading Secrets, all items of face data have value. Amounting to a special excellence. Priority Areas reveal how the person comes across socially, as a human personality.
- For Hilary Hahn, a big-huge-intense priority in life is learning.
Meaning, a priority compared to what? To valuing either:
- Personal accomplishment and ambition. (Corresponding to Priority Area II Largest)
- Down-to-earth appreciation of people, and life. (Corresponding to Priority Area III Largest)
Potential Challenge
Not everybody likes to think. Or understand. Or learn much.
For instance, according a Gallup survey in 2022, 17 percent of Americans have not read as much as one book in the past year.
Folks who don’t get the appeal of learning may well not get the appeal of musicianship from Hilary Hahn.
Face Reading Violinist Hilary Hahn #3.
Far-Set Eyes
How to See this Face Data
Of course, there’s going to be distance between a human being’s two eyes. A cyclops need not apply!
But how wide is that distance?
For Hilary Hahn, that distance could be wider. She has VERY Far-Set Eyes.
Corresponding Talent
Taking a broad perspective in life. About a piece of music. About understanding what kind thing a friend says.
You name the context, Blog-Buddy. A person with Far-Set Eyes may be imaginative and tolerant — even visionary. In some ways that other people are not.
Technical Note: Other items of face data may also be related to imagination, tolerance, creativity, long-term vision. However, the category of Eye Set applies to a person’s spontaneous outlook.
Potential Challenge
Sometimes folks with Far-Set Eyes can’t be bothered with all the details. Preferring big picture to the exclusion of all the pesky details.
However, if you’ve heard Hilary Hahn play music for even one minute, guess what? You can tell that she has NO PROBLEM with handling all of the musical details. For her, consider that potential challenge to be overcome!
Face Reading Violinist Hilary Hahn #4.
Far-Set Eyebrows
How to See this Face Data
See where each eyebrow starts. Then follow that shape all the way out to the end of each eyebrow.
For Hilary Hahn, these eyebrows grow even more far-set than her VERY Far-Set Eyes.
Corresponding Talent
For the owner of these eyebrows, expect a perspective that is VERY long-term. VERY comprehensive.
Seems to me, this extraordinarily broad conceptual perspective can serve the musician well. Allowing her to go back and forth between:
- Overarching themes in the music
- And details of small musical phrases, even the tiniest details.
Potential Challenge
The potential challenge here would involve spacing out over little details. So great the fascination might be regarding the big picture.
As with the virtuoso’s VERY Far-Set Eyes, I’m convinced that she has overcome the potential challenge of VERY Far-Set Eyebrows.
Face Reading Violinist Hilary Hahn #5.
Large Nose Padding
Maybe it’s more common to refer to noses as being either “broad” or “narrow.” To this founder of Face Reading Secrets, a lot of common terminology is either over-broad or over-narrow. And altogether missing the point.
What will you learn if you read the chapter on “Noses” in “The NEW Power of Face Reading”? Noses have 15 different categories of face data.
Long story short, it’s far more direct to consider the flesh that surrounds the central ridge of the nose. To consider that as “Nose Padding.”
Notably, Hilary Hahn’s nose has many VERY characteristics. Here we’ll simply consider that she has VERY Large Nose Padding.
How to See this Face Data
Look at Hilary’s face overall. Which feature on her face is the biggest?
Congratuations if you have noticed her nose.
And what makes her nose so big? Not the length. It’s the Nose Padding. Magnificently large!
Hilary Hahn’s Nose Padding is VERY pronounced, all the way from the bridge of her nose to right above her nose tip. (Which comprises where Nose Padding can be read by a physiognomist.)
Take a good look, Readers. To this face reader, this VERY ample Nose Padding is a thing of beauty.
Corresponding Talent
In general, Nose Padding informs us about personal style for working with others. Hilary Hahn’s Nose Padding suggests great enjoyment of working along with others.
- Collaboration, not antagonism.
- Connection to others, rather than aloofness.
- That’s Hilary Hahn… Uplifting any orchestra where I’ve seen video recordings of her performances. Opposite to what’s called “a diva.”
Potential Challenge
If she had to perform alone, with no fellow musicians and no audience? That might be tough for Hilary Hahn.
Never Underestimate the Power of Face Reading
Using the system of Face Reading Secrets is such an easy way to learn about people in your life. And reading the Secrets doesn’t even count as Technique Time.
Another excellence of your choice to read faces. Learning so much about an individual’s personal style, gifts of the soul, and potential challenges! This teacher would call it excellent that one simple resource is all you need. (Unless you wish to receive training in my Face Reading Secrets Mentoring Program. This can also be arranged.)
Here’s how to get copies for yourself, or as gifts for “the man who has everything.”
In Conclusion
Having learned about these five VERY significant items of face data for Hilary Hahn, here’s your invitation. Open up the first photo I asked you to rate earlier: Hilary Hahn Getting Ready to Pick up Her Violin.
Does she look different to you this time around?
Looking at people in a way that brings insight…
And also opens up your heart of compassion — to me, that’s one of the benefits of reading faces for character. To me, that’s the power of face reading.
Questions, anyone? Comments, anyone? Melodies, anyone? Hop on over to the version of this article at my blog. That’s where our lively interactions happen.
Recently we passed 136,000 comments over at the Energy Spirituality® Blog. Come and add your voice. Let’s share.