Have You Noticed the Trump Hair Prison?

Free Yourself and Others

Rose Rosetree
9 min readDec 30, 2024
Oh yes, the Trump Hair Prison is a thing. You’ve seen it since 2016, even if you never had a name for it before reading today’s blog post.

The Trump Hair Prison — Free Yourself. Gals and guys, you can free yourself from ignoring this soul-squelching trend. Since lack of recognition increases this hairstyle’s pervasive influence on American society today.

That’s my goal, at least. Calling attention to this well groomed mess. As we social activists used to say in the early days of American feminism, back in the 1960’s: Let’s do some consciousness raising.

“Consciousness raising” bolsters our social consciousness, of course. Not helping us with spiritual consciousness, such as is involved in my work now as an Enlightenment Coach.

If today’s article works as planned, you can expect to finish this article with new clarity about The Trump Hair Prison. For instance:

  1. How to spot the Trump Hair Prison. (It’s portable.)
  2. Why it reduces women to sexual merchandise.
  3. Once your understanding dawns, you may agree with me that this hairstyle is offensive to self-respecting women.
  4. Best of all, what might it mean for America if large numbers of women began to rebel against incarcerating themselves in the Trump Hair Prison?

As always, readers, you are invited to COMMENT at the version of this article HERE, sharing your thoughts. Share your spontaneous spurts of indignation! Alternatively, sure. Stick up for the tremendous, soul-enhancing, perfection of The Trump Hairstyle.

Guys, This Blog Post Is Meant to Bring YOU Clarity Too

Recognizing Good Trump Hair may bring you an unexpected liberation.

And by “you,” I mean male persons who prefer strong women. American women who live in 2024, not the 1950’s. Or 1850’s. Or 1750’s. Nice obedient women, who know their place. Ideally being barefoot and pregnant.

Many women today are empowered and free. We know ourselves to be the equal of men. Living our lives as self-actualizing humans — that seems perfectly reasonable to us.

Nonetheless, like many women you know right now, guess what? Sadly, women who live in The Trump Hair Prison may be clueless about its political and social significance. Yet, to this social observer, The Trump Hair Prison evokes a Handmaid’s Tale-type ideal: what good, conforming women should look like. Keep on reading and make up your own mind.

Note: This is our second Monday blog post Making It Easy for You to Find Current Comments.

Near the bottom of this article, the version at the link just provided, you’ll find a list of reader comments published this week at the Energy Spirituality Blog.

Next, How about a Lighthearted Context for The Trump Hair Prison?

Have you ever heard this song? Prisoners of their Hairdos — this was written by the delightful Christine Lavin. I think her gentle satire prepares us for a blog post that is just a bit biting. Yes, if you click on the YouTube link just provided, you’ll have the treat of hearing Christine perform this song.

Of course, all you readers are invited to COMMENT with any thoughts, reactions, stories. Comment over at my main blog. Your contributions are the lifeblood of this Energy Spirituality® Blog.

And, specifically regarding today’s controversial article, I invite you to share-share-share this url on social media. Plus with any of your like-minded friends.

And Hey, I’m Curious about Your Hairdos, Female Readers

Faithful readers of this blog. Also, first-time vistors to my blog. Let us know:

Have YOU been wearing this hairstyle? Do think it flatters you? (Other than demonstrating that you fit in.)

Fit into what, exactly? Let’s discuss.

As for All You Readers, Female or Male . . .

Have YOU been judging female hair prisoners? Judging them without meaning to: Checking off a mental box, perhaps, whereby those with Good Trump Hair are the self-respecting females?

  • Important?
  • First rate?
  • Whereas others who can’t achieve that look are what our president-elect has called “losers”?

Now let’s get down to specifics about this socially demeaning hairdo.

How to Spot The Trump Hair Prison

The woman has:

  1. LONG hair, as long as it can grow and still appear reasonably healthy.
  2. STRAIGHT hair. No waves allowed. Definitely no frizz, no curls or waves. Kinky won’t do, either.
  3. The hair frames the woman’s face, like a picture frame. (Her face is more likely to seem acceptable if she is wearing the Trump hairstyle.)
  4. If long enough, this hairdo frames the woman’s bust.
  5. And that’s really the point. Whatever else you might notice about that woman? None of it counts. Does she fit in or doesn’t she? That. Is. The. Point.

Seem simple? Seem easy?

Only if you fit the ideal demographics. Most of us have no idea how much work must go into achieving a pleasing approximation of the Trump Hairstyle. Keep reading . . . .

What Makes The Trump Hair Prison So Offensive?

Offensive, that is, to women with a strong sense of self.

In contrast to women who want nothing more than to be a nice wifey. A willing female who fits in socially. Perhaps a woman who agrees with trump that abortion is an issue that women no longer have to worry about.

The Trump Hair Prison may not seem offensive to you yet, but think about this. In order to meet the requirements for this look, it helps to:

  1. Be young and fertile. Preferably no more ancient than 35 years old. With each decade that follows, hair changes. Upkeep is going to cost you extra money and time.
  2. Be White-White-White. What a shock: You may not be a natural fit for this hairstyle if you’re a biracial woman. A Black woman. A Jewish woman. Any woman who doesn’t have naturally straight hair. Either you’re totally excluded from having Good Trump Hair. Or else your attempt to wear The Hairstyle will disqualify you from looking like an A Lister. And as with older women, upkeep is going to cost you more money and time than the “lucky” ones. A keratin hair treatment — or similar — can help women to achieve the look. (According to the article at our last link, how much does this cost? One keratin treatment runs anywhere from $350 to $600.)
  3. Naturally, if at all possible, you’ll do best with the Trump look if you’re blonde — like the Fox Broadcasters pictured at the top of this post. What, you didn’t know? Blondes in American earn more money.
  4. Ideally, a large bust is part of the look. Remember, the main point of this Trump-inspired hairstyle is to frame however large a bust the hairstyle wearer can display. Of course, cosmetic surgery can always help today’s females overcome the problem of “too-small” breasts.
  5. Assuming that she achieves Good Trump Hair, a woman demonstrates how much she cares about fitting in. That is, proving herself to be valuable female merchandise.
  6. One problem with the Trump Hair Prison is this: A woman’s value as a sexual commodity should matter more than having people actually notice her face. Besides, non-standard facial attributes can always be fixed with cosmetic surgery, right? (Unless you know about the Power of Face Reading — in which case you might appreciate the motto of Face Reading Secrets®: Your face, as it is right now, is a perfect expression of your soul.)
  7. Today’s ambitious American women urgently need to achieve The One and Only Acceptable Hairstyle. Otherwise, we risk social invisibility to MAGA men and women.

But Wait a Minute

What if a woman has the weird idea of wearing a hairstyle that flatters her face?

Tough luck. Sure, you’ll see cute hairdos in fashion magazines, on fashion blogs, etc. But how often do you see this in real life? So many women in corporate America wear Good Trump Hair.

Basically, The Trump Hair Prison boosts your worth as a desirable form of merchandise. Consider, this look means far more than a hairstyle. It’s a make-or-break test about whether any female rates a second look. Period.

By all means, COMMENT here with your reaction to this blogger’s bold statements. Including your reaction to the motto of my system of Face Reading Secrets®: Your face, as it is right now, is a perfect expression of your soul.

How to Set Yourself Free from The Trump Hair Prison

Like the hero in a famous story by Kafka, “In the Penal Colony,” you can choose to walk out of the prison. In real life, all you need do is get yourself a hairstyle that does your face some favors.

And in case you might be feeling slightly rebellious after Election 2024, you have an extra reason to liberate yourself from the trumpian prison. Let MAGA women spend time and money at winning this game. The rest of us can just say NO.

Get yourself a different hairstyle and maybe society will begin to openly acknowledge the Trump Hair Prison. If one woman after another takes action, this unflattering look could lose its cachet as the gold standard for ambitious American females.

You see, even though you haven’t known about this before consciously, hello! Ever since the first trump presidency, Good Trump Hair has become an unofficial test of your attractiveness and worth. Ladies, conforming to this social requirement could be considered a test.

A test as in: Do you approve of The Trump Hair Prison or not? Are you going to live as a nice, attractive little female who knows the score? Is your main goal as a person to fit in socially?

Just for Laughs

Examples of this Unflattering, Face-Erasing Hairstyle

I’ll give you three. In COMMENTS here — not on Medium but at my personal blog — please supplement this short list with your own examples. Please add the url to a photo that confirms it: This high-status woman is living in The Trump Hair Prison.

Example 1. Melania Trump

Incidentally, we’re all used to seeing photos of Melania as a star prisoner at The Trump Hair Prison.

But she sure looked different before all of her Trump-attracting cosmetic surgery. Melania looked like a real person, with some life in her. Maybe see the photos in this linked-to video and weep?

Example 2. Cassidy Hutchinson

Avid watchers of the January 6th Committee Hearing have good reason to respect Cassidy. I’ve even read her memoir. (And scathingly reviewed it on Goodreads.)

Thank goodness for Cassidy’s moral integrity and standing up for the truth. I wonder what it will take for Ms. Hutchinson to get herself a new hairdo.

Example 3. Kellyanne Conway

“Counselor to the President “ Kellyanne Conway famously coined the phrase of “Alternative Facts.” Such a MAGA stalwart! Need I say more?

Except I will add this: Getting yourself Good Trump Hair may not be easy for a 57-year-old woman with hair that is so very blonde, so very processed. (Yes, you’ll see a photo in the link just provided.)

In Conclusion

Today you read about something that you can help to change in the coming year. Doing this won’t take an election; more like, some conversations and maybe some scissors.

Thank you for reading, everyone.

Finally, here come some questions you might wish to consider.

#1. Before reading this article could you spot Good Trump Hair? How about now?

#2. Do you agree with me that socially — whether they know it or not — women in the Trump Hair Prison are socially . . . reduced to sexual merchandise?

#3. When you see a woman on a YouTube video, do you habitually notice her prison uniform? That is, does she have all seven points listed above, under the heading “What Makes The Trump Hair Prison So Offensive?”

#4. Are you used to considering that Good Trump Hair is flattering? Maybe you can find some examples.

Flattering, really?

#5. Once your understanding dawns, can you see how offensive this hairstyle is to self-respecting women? Meaning, offensive to those of us who do not consider our highest calling to be . . . self-branded as sexual merchandise.

#6. What might it mean for America if women rebel against incarcerating themselves in the Trump Hair Prison?

#7. What might it mean for America if men were to admit that they prefer when a woman’s hairstyle expresses some creativity?

#8. Do you think that routinely seeing women with Good Trump Hair is helpful for empaths? Could getting a different hairdo help any empath to gain Empath Empowerment®?

#9. When you see a woman in the Trump Hair Prison, does that put STUFF in your aura? Might you need some Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING to help you to solve that particular problem?

#10. If you change your hairdo and break out of the Trump Hair Prison, will your aura improve? Will your chakra databanks grow stronger?

Looking forward to hearing from all you readers!

Rose Rosetree is the author of “Bigger than All the Night Sky,” 2nd edition. She has given over 1,000 media interviews. In addition, 44 authorized foreign editions of her books have been sold. Rose is the founder of Energy Spirituality®, a unique resource for personal growth and spiritual awakening.

The Founder of Energy Spirituality® adds this: “If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it. And consider FOLLOWING me here on Medium. I’d appreciate it.”



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at rose-rosetree.com. She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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