Have You “Failed” at Forgiveness?

Maybe that’s a blessing in disguise

Rose Rosetree
9 min readJun 21, 2021
Certain forgiveness ideals you’ve been taught… might be only as helpful to you… as eating junk food.

Today’s article is dedicated to you if you’re:

  1. Relationship-minded
  2. Growth-minded
  3. Spiritual (including spiritual-but-not-religious, OR religious-AND-spiritual OR you’re an ex-evangelical.
  4. An empath
  5. A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
  6. A writer
  7. An entrepreneur

Any of this sounding familiar?

Plus, You Might Be Learning How to NOT Hate Anyone

After all, that was the topic of our most recent blogpost: Hate Not. For sure, I’d recommend that you read through that counter-culture call to action. Especially since that can prepare you for today’s article, which might count as extra-counter-culture.

As always, bring along your spiritual self-authority.

That can guide you better than any spirit guide!

Incidentally, if you don’t know why I’d say that, COMMENT below and ask.

The whole time you’re reading what follows, when something jostles you, boingggg! Put that boingggy thing into words and COMMENT below. Because this is an Energy Spirituality blog. And an educational one at that.

Also, you never know when you’ll inspire an article here. Totally dedicated to responding to what you asked in your COMMENT. For example, Blog-Commenting-First-Timer KIM! Her Comments #12–17 over at “Hate Not” inspired today’s article.

Forgiveness UPGRADE. Why?

Most of us have already heard an earful about forgiveness. How spiritual and sacred it’s supposed to be.

Well, Blog-Buddies, fasten your seatbelt. Let’s take a ride on the Energy Spirituality Parkway of Knowledge. Moving into knowledge that works now, in the Age of Awakening. (Here’s your introduction, in case you’re unclear about what happened with the Shift on 12–21–12.)

Forgiveness Upgrade, What Were You Taught?

For starters, forgiveness is an emotion. Only think about this: Real emotions include variations on happy, sad, scared, and angry.

Mainly, forgiveness is a hypothetical emotion. Like it’s something we’re supposed to feel:

Neither happy nor sad nor scared nor angry. Might I suggest, this forgive-y thing is really more of a shoulding, a belief.

Consider, traditional forgiveness is a pretty-pretty ideal enriched with guilt. Like cheap white bread, “enriched” with some cheaper vitamins…

Or some other junk food in a shiny package. Not likely to bring much nourishment.

Supposedly, if you can feel forgiveness… that can become your antidote to hating people.


Straining to feel something you don’t. Commonly, that’s the result of forgiveness practices.

Yet another form of fake positivity that can really be counter-productive.

Granted, it seems beautiful to:

  • Enlist God’s help to erase your feelings or elevate them.
  • Or try heroically hard to see the other person’s point of view. Not just normal human consideration-and-understanding, but big enough to fix things.
  • Of course, folks can also enlist pop psychology or therapy for forgiveness. Sure, that can keep you busy for the rest of your life. But will it bring results?

So many teachings! Honestly, have they worked for you? (Definitely this is a good opportunity to COMMENT below. Comment anonymously if you like. In the first sentence, tell me what to call you. I’ll take care of the rest.)

In Truth, Forgiveness Is an Age of Faith Value

Namely, an outdated ideal. Why outdated? Because human life no longer involves living in the Age of Faith?

Since that era ended on Dec. 21, 2012, with the Shift into the Age of Awakening.

As things have happened, Energy Spirituality is taking a leadership role in helping folks learn how to live in the Age of Awakening. (As in “The New Strong.” Which could be considered must reading for folks who wish to do well, learning what works and what doesn’t. Now that we’re in the Age of Awakening. And no longer in the Age of Faith.)

What’s you’re practical takeaway? Religious and psychological ideals from the Age of Faith… Maybe they’re turning obsolete.

Akin to mainstream geography after Flat Earthers discovered, “Ygad, the world is round!”

Ever Ask Yourself This?

What does forgiveness mean, really, for all practical purposes?

Mostly we seek forgiveness when we feel angry, sad, scared. Or hatred is even starting to develop.

Alternatively, we can’t let something go. We keep replaying a particular incident or wrongdoing.

According to Age of Faith credo, forgiveness is your only solution. Allegedly, how does this magical forgiveness thing work?

  1. Ask God to fix the prob for you. Alternatively, ask you therapist to help you to “resolve” your authentic emotions.
  2. Instead of spontaneous, human emotions??? Oooh, so unsightly! (Supposedly.)
  3. Forgiveness means you’ve succeeded in removing those ugly emotions. the religion.

Decide for yourself, is that kind of “forgiveness” really a noble ideal? Or is forgiveness mostly what society tells us is our only escape.
That is, escape from what? Escape from the squirmy-wormy predicament of having emotions that you’d prefer not to have.

Golly, from now on when you hear folks get all pious and belief-ey about forgiveness? You might start saying this substitute version out loud: Escaping reality. As in, “Oh, that person’s describing his favorite way of escaping from reality.”

Takes some of the sugar out of the conversation.

Your Forgiveness Upgrade Could Start Here

Instead of reaching for forgiveness, do some reality talk.

For an example of religious forgiveness:

“God has made forgiveness available to any who call upon Him.”

Substitute: “When Joe says that, he prefers to check out of reality and make it God’s job to fix him.”

And for an example of psychological forgiveness:

Forgiveness can be challenging…. However, it’s often the healthiest path forward.

Substitute: “When Gladys says that, she prefers to check out of reality and make her mental health her biggest project in life.”

Beyond this preliminary step, here’s what else you can do, Blog-Buddies.

Forgiveness Upgrade #1. Hatred Is a Unique Emotion

Recognize that, Blog-Buddies. Whatever your native language, isn’t there a distinctive word for hatred? Contrasting with other emotions like anger, disgust, annoyance, feeling helpless, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Hatred is the big no-no. It’s aura poison.

That’s why you can help yourself greatly by gaining clarity that hatred is optional.

If you feel other negative emotions, that’s human. The following upgrade ideas can apply. But the #1 priority is simply to make hatred off limits. You decide and then you follow though.

For example, you might have a personal standard that you will not steal things.

On occasion, you may yearn to stuff those diamonds or designer sneakers into your pocket. Hoping nobody will notice.

Only if you choose “I don’t steal”? Then no exceptions.

Hating can be the same way. “I don’t hate.” No exceptions.

Because hatred is a uniquely terrible poison to our auras. You’d be wise to give yourself that standard. Some choices are just plain wrong.

Forgiveness Upgrade #2. What Happened in Objective Reality?

If you feel like you’re starting to hate somebody, to begin say out loud what actually happened.

For instance, House Minority Leader Mitch McConnell just did what? He rejected a compromise proposal on voting rights legislation. Claiming it had a “rotten core.”

Yes, that’s what he did and said.

  1. Neither exaggerate and make a fulltime job of trying to understand why the person did that naughty thing.
  2. Don’t stifle your feelings. But don’t pay close attention to them either.
  3. Nor lie to yourself. Don’t pretty things up.
  4. You’re allowed to have your feelings. Have them.
  5. Have your own point of view, sure. But maybe restate in reality what kind of thing the person did or said.

Forgiveness Upgrade #3. What Are Your Practical Options?

Energy Spirituality skills aim to help you to live better in reality. Rather than giving yourself a series of endless projects that aren’t really about human objective reality.

Regarding this action from McConnell:

  1. What can you do?
  2. What can you say?

Decide and then follow through. For example:

  • Contact your senator.
  • Volunteer for some real political activism. (Grumbling on Twitter or posting your opinions on Facebook, etc., can be fun. But let’s not fool ourselves. That doesn’t count as activism.)
  • Stop watching the news, at least for the foreseeable future. Read news from a newspaper of record. Skip over articles concerning McConnell.

But-But-But, What If the Relationship Is Happening in Real Life?

Don’t “love to hate” anyone. Surely there are far better ways to spice up your life. To keep yourself going… without having to resort to hatred:

  1. Ask those same Questions 1 and 2, above.
  2. Answer them.
  3. Evaluate those answers, deciding what, if anything, to do or say. Then follow through.
  4. If you can’t solve the problem, figure out how to work around it.

Sometimes Energy Spirituality sessions can help with that. Seriously, I’ve helped a lot of clients keep their horrible jobs until they could get a better job elsewhere. A better job with more status and a higher salary, thank you very much. And all of that without becoming a hater.

Meanwhile, back to what you may be able to do on your own…

Forgiveness Upgrade #3. Consider Effective Energy Healing

Of course, this being my blog, I’m writing here about Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING.

With these techniques, God is involved, but not as your rescuer. All 10 trademarked skills of Energy Spirituality involve cocreating with the Divine. Using your Power of Command, plus tested procedures that work to remove different kinds of “STUFF” that can get stuck your aura.

Some Skills You Can Co as an Amateur.

“Use Your Power of Command for Spiritual Cleansing and Protection.” This book can help you develop a range of effective energy healing skills.

And every single one of these energy healing skills can help you. Since all the kinds of STUFF you learn how to remove… otherwise becomes a vulnerability for hatred to fester within you.

Want Even Better Energetic Self-Healing?

For additional Energy Spirituality self-healing skills… Take the on-demand, online workshops to become Spiritual Sparkling. That link just supplied will take you to the Free Intro. In addition, you can browse every single one of the follow-up workshops. Built into my website!

My readers and students have told me about magnificent results, using these resources. But what if you still could use more help with your emotional growth and spiritual awakening? Such as banishing hatred.

Professional-Level Sessions of Energy Spirituality Can Fast-Track You

From your side, all you do is book an Energy Spirituality session of Energy Healing.

Bring an idea to our appointment. Just don’t expect that will necessarily become the official intention for our session. We’ll come to an agreement about that intention. And that will be where to look for results.

As a professional in this field, I’ll select the appropriate Healing Centerpiece for you. Since your situation, aura-wise, is unique. Among the skills that I might use to help you, at my discretion, are:

  • Soul Retrieval and Validation
  • Causational Beliefs Transformation
  • Causational Agreement Transformation

Read about them at this webpage about session Healing Centerpieces. Read even more at this resource for appreciating some of the other ways I might be able to help you. Depending what I find when cocreating a Skilled Empath Merge, toward the start of your session. Thus learning a whole lot about your consciousness patterns in just one minute.

Even if hatred is what prompts you to make your appointment, guess what? And even though the energy healing that’s facilitated will help-and-protect your aura. Along the way I might wind up helping you to solve some very human problems.

Last But Not Least Department…

Empaths and HSPs May Have Special Vulnerability to Hatred

Calling all empaths. Also, calling all you HSPs.

All that traditional emphasis on forgiveness: Depending on your degree of sensitivity, hello!

The more sensitive you are, the more you’ve likely taken all this forgiveness pressure to heart.

Some of you sensitive persons might have inwardly piled on. Like, “My sensitivity is magical. How I feel is so powerful. So it’s super-important for me to forgive everybody. Otherwise I might hurt them.”

To help yourself most, develop Empath Empowerment®. That link I’ve just supplied? It could really-really help you empaths.

Highly Sensitive Persons, in personal sessions I can help you to learn effective Sensitivity Skills. So far I haven’t put them into books or online workshops. Aside from the occasional article. If you want you can wait 10 years while I catch up with other publications already in my queue. Or you could receive custom help NOW, help that fits you like gloves made expressly for your unique hands.

In Conclusion

Today’s your fresh chance to find YOUR best way to forgiveness. Your best way to avoid the aura-level poison of hatred.

I’ve given you ideas, but they’re not the only ideas. Surely what matters is that you pursue what’s right for you right now.

Rose Rosetree, Energy Spirituality teacher at your service! Thanks for reading.



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at rose-rosetree.com. She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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