Effective Enlightenment Coaching…
Now that We’re All Living in the Age of Awakening
Seems to me, today’s Spiritual Enlightenment Coaches need…
Old Credentials + New Ones.
Today you’ll learn about my qualifications as an Enlightenment teacher. Especially, you can discover… What’s in it for you?
Already does this make sense to you? New spiritual knowledge is available in the Age of Awakening: In fact, some of that new knowledge can prepare you to guide people toward Enlightenment. Simply put, what has prepared me to honorably do this kind of work?
First, What Are Rose Rosetree’s Credentials to Teach ANYTHING?
Anything, let alone all the leading-edge specialties of Energy Spirituality. Quite recently I developed a series of Friday blog posts to bring clarity.
- Thus far, we’ve shared personal insights on Founding Energy Spirituality Aura READING
- Followed by my story of Founding Energy Spirituality Energy HEALING
- And then an article about founding the third specialty of Energy Spirituality: Empath Empowerment®.
Now for today’s topic!
Founding Enlightenment Coaching #1.
Personal Study with Maharishi
Sitting at the feet of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for a year altogether… was superb preparation for me. Like listening to his recordings. Or poring over his books.
Even if I wouldn’t remain a true believer in Transcendental Meditation, the process mattered. (Just in case you’d like to get a sense of that extraordinary process, hey! I’ve got a book for you.)
Again and again, Maharishi would lead us in exploring “the mechanics” of how meditation worked. In addition, he lectured for hours about fine fabrics of consciousness.
Granted, Maharishi never understood what the Age of Awakening would be. Although he saw something coming, what he described? Politely put, he had no clue — other than to do what most folks have done.
Namely, my former guru saw the upcoming “Age of Enlightenment” as if it would be identical to the Age of Faith. Only more so. Most gurus have.
In fairness, nobody on earth could have predicted how this different time on earth would be. Until the psychic barrier was gone, we had no way of telling.
What’s in it for you?
Benefit from countless hours that I spent with the Rig Veda. Also the Sama Veda. On the other hand, Jaimini. (In-joke there about Jaimini.) In normal words, I learned about causation by reading his translated sutras.
More than anything, Maharishi taught us about Enlightenment. Specifically, he gave me a vast technical education in (what I now call) Traditional Enlightenment. Blog-Buddies, you benefit from that expertise.
Founding Enlightenment Coaching #2.
Actively Teaching TM for 16 Years
Millions of folks learned TM. Many thousands became instructors in Transcendental Meditation. However, that doesn’t mean folks necessarily took it seriously. I did, witness:
- Setting a National Precedent Teaching TM: In an American Public School
- Setting a National Precedent Teaching TM: Syndicating a Newspaper Column on Meditation
- Also, Setting a National Precedent Teaching TM: Teaching TM at an Agency of the Federal Government
Besides bringing some leadership chutzpah that has stood me in good stead as the founder of Energy Spirituality, there’s more background. Always I followed procedures rigorously. Yet what else went on with my personal experience?
- Clairaudiently hearing, while I was coaching meditation students, what happened to their consciousness. (Officially, this procedure was called “checking” meditation. For years, I thought everybody could hear what was happening when folks transcended.)
- Doing countless highly-informative (though Imported STUFF-producing) unskilled empath merges with numerous people in Enlightenment. Also Vedic pundits. Courtesy of many advanced TM courses.
- Plus, supplementary learning as a spiritual teacher. Beyond what I was supposed to learn as a TM teacher, ooh! In an analytical way, I followed every exchange during workshops with Maharishi: How did he listen? Which parts of a question did he respond to? When pulling together a sequence of teaching, why did he put which part when?
What’s in it for you?
Certain skills in life require apprenticeship. Seems to me, while serving my guru… I was also apprenticing with him.
Not because I would join his staff, etc. But so that I would apply what I learned to serving — very differently — as an Age of Awakening Enlightenment Coach.
In the background of every personal session, I’m doing that kind of coaching. Quietly at your service, alert how to help you to take your next step… if you want that.
Founding Enlightenment Coaching #3.
Surprise Leadership with TIC
Among the sweetest experiences of my life was studying with two different TIC Ministers. They taught “conscious channeling.” Plus some magnificent energy healings. Origins of the Spiritually Sparkling® Collection of Online Workshops, to be sure.
Obviously this study contributed toward the development of Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING skills. More to the point, though, was the dawning recognition that I didn’t have to do any kind of channeling. Not when I could cocreate with the Divine.
My second TIC teacher, Rev. AlixSandra Parness, astounded me by asking me to become a “lay minister.” She wanted me to start teaching the skills she’d taught me and others in my class. Evidently, from her perspective my understanding of the TIC skills was exceptional. From my perspective this was a great honor, which helped me to move forward independently.
What’s in it for you?
Probably you’ll never know directly what it was like to found Energy Spirituality in the first decades. Such a mysterious combo of inspiration, grace, and insecurity!
What matters to you more… is that I didn’t chicken out. In addition, I developed scar tissue in my aura, plus hard-won auric modeling, to help support YOU on your unique Enlightenment path.
Founding Enlightenment Coaching #4.
Innovation, Cocreating with God
Once I began doing Energy Spirituality sessions and workshops, in 1986, guess what? You could say I lucked out.
After all the years of advanced TM practice + all the years of apprenticing and teaching + learning TIC skills Somehow I found my way to a clear understanding of Cocreating with the Divine, beyond what I learned from TIC.
All the 10 trademarks of Energy Spirituality flowed from that. So did the Enlightenment Coaching.
What’s in it for you?
Learning good skills for cocreating with God are essential for Enlightenment Coaching. That simple.
For example, with each client I’ve helped move into Enlightenment, cocreating our sessions, I’ve simply known: Next step is this. Or next step is that. And not known as a psychic, getting info from spirits. (Sadly, they don’t really have the standing to help ANYBODY gain Enlightenment. I sure hope all of you know that. If not, ask by commenting here, at my personal blog.)
Instead, known through one tender experience of cocreation after another. As part of a relationship of love and trust.
Founding Enlightenment Coaching #5.
The Innocent Power of Energy Spirituality
After a while, I’ve gotten used to service as the founder of Energy Spirituality. Kind of like riding a two-wheeler bicycle. Balancing doesn’t frighten me any more, which means I can be of the greatest service to each of you during sessions, classes, workshops.
What’s in it for you?
Unlike many a spiritual teacher, I’m not afraid to be innocent. Unlike others, I’m not afraid to innovate: Such as discovering Age of Awakening Enlightenment… and daring to teach this knowledge.
Founding Enlightenment Coaching #6.
Consciousness Engineer “Marbles”
Elsewhere I’ve written about having some circuits that could be called “Consciousness Engineer.” This helps me to design Energy Spirituality Online Workshops, as well as developing new skills that help with Enlightenment Coaching.
What’s in it for you?
Well-designed techniques for personal development are a rarity. However, you’ll find them here, at Energy Spirituality workshops and books.
Founding Enlightenment Coaching #7.
Discovering AGE of AWAKENING Enlightenment
Quite baffling to me, Blog-Buddies! Just click on results of a Google search on “Age of Awakening Enlightenment.”
Look, it’s an honor to be the only Enlightenment teacher there. Only how many Spiritual Enlightenment Teachers show up at a second Google search? Well over 7 MILLION hits, which must translate into a lot of nonduality teachers and others.
Personally I don’t know a single Enlightenment teacher who believes there is such a thing as Age of Awakening Enlightenment. Two, former friends, tolerated my work for a while. Sadly, in recent years they’ve removed references to me and my work from their websites.
Time will tell. At least this particular Enlightenment Coach can serve you now, in the Age of Awakening. Including the ability to guide you on your path.
What’s in it for you?
Did you know? Your soul will have the final say over which kind of Enlightenment you’ve moved into.
Most of my clients who moved into Spiritual Enlightenment? You guessed it — Age of Awakening Enlightenment. Although others moved into Traditional Enlightenment.
Meanwhile, other Spiritual Enlightenment Teachers might give you some pretty bad advice. On the other hand, as Jaimini might say, there’s Energy Spirituality Enlightenment Coaching… keeping up with the times in which we live.
Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash