FLASH CONTEST to Win a Skilled Empath Merge

Nominate Any Likeable Public Figure. Enter Today!

Rose Rosetree
7 min readJan 27, 2025
Aura photo of Rose Rosetree doing Skilled Empath Merge with a New Age Energy Healer. For a wild contrast, see another aura photo of Rose taken the same day, after a very different Skilled Empath Merge. Bottom of today’s article!

Skilled Empath Merge FLASH CONTEST — this is your rare opportunity to nominate anybody for a Skilled Empath Merge done by Rose. Specifics will follow. You’ll see. Besides that . . . .

Regular readers, lurkers, and newbies, guess what? I’ll be opening the door for you to post your own Skilled Empath Merges of any length. Turn each observation into a separate personal comment of your own.

Publishing your own Skilled Empath Merges is good for you.

Our 1st Skilled Empath Merge FLASH CONTEST

Inspired by BROOKE

At “Your Surprising Update on Empath Empowerment Books,” BROOKE commented:

I don’t have a favorite blogpost for empaths, but enjoy, learn from, and get inspired by the many Skilled Empath Merge blogposts.

BROOKE isn’t the only one who finds inspiration from this deepest kind of aura research. You may be in that number. Me too. So let’s bring it on . . .

Our 1st Skilled Empath Merge FLASH CONTEST #1.

Why Haven’t I Published Many Skilled Empath Merges?

Quite simply, it’s due to the relatively small number of comments at articles like these Skilled Empath Merges:

  1. America’s Extraordinary Journalist Eugene Robinson
  2. Also, Anthony Fauci, Skilled Empath Merge
  3. Also, Skilled Empath Merge with Albert Einstein.

Our 1st Skilled Empath Merge FLASH CONTEST #2.

BROOKE Inspired Me to Find a Solution

By now, many of you readers at my personal website have learned Skilled Empath Merge. Readers here at Medium — you can learn to do this too. If you’re among the 1 in 20 people born as an empath, you can definitely learn how.

Many of you, by now, have followed my recommended sequence for learning. Courtesy of this Empath Coach, you developed effortless skills, developed them one book at a time.

Empath Empowerment Book 1. Empath Empowerment in 30 Days

Empath Empowerment Book 2. The Empowered Empath — Quick & Easy

And Empath Empowerment Book 3. The Empowered Empath — Owning, Embracing and Managing Your Special Gifts — Expanded Edition

Plus, Empath Empowerment Book 4. The Master Empath

Our 1st Skilled Empath Merge FLASH CONTEST #3.

How Can You Benefit from this Flash Contest?

Of course, and as usual, you can gain a lot by reading any Monday Blogpost at this Energy Spirituality Blog. Plus, you can gain even more by reading all the comments. In weeks to come, you can even find whatever comments folks add to this particular article. Thanks to our Ongoing Comment Updates!

These are posted at the end of each weekly blog post — the version at my personal blog, such as this one for today’s article. All comments and their related articles are listed. The exception being comments during the first week in the life of any new article.

Like all contests from this blogger, this one will come with definite rules. Rules that allow you to nominate any public figure of your choice. Nominating that person as the subject of a Skilled Empath Merge. It’s a three-day Flash Contest, starting today.

If you like, when COMMENTING, your nomination can include a front-facing photo of your nominee. Choose one from a time in that person’s life of particular interest to you. Optional, though. This is not required for you to enter our Flash Contest!

Our 1st Skilled Empath Merge FLASH CONTEST #4.

How to Enter this Flash Contest

  1. For this Flash Contest, enter either this Monday, Jan. 27; or Tuesday, Jan. 28; or by midnight on Wednesday, Jan. 29th, 2025. That’s it.
  2. Only one nomination per blog reader.
  3. When you post a nominating COMMENT at the version of this article at my personal blog, use any name you like. If you’d like to be anonymous, no prob. In the first line of your comment write, “Call me Sam” (or whatever). Avoid cutesy variations on “anonymous.” Fair warning: I’ll substitute a normal American name.
  4. Nominate public figures only. Fame isn’t required though, right? Anybody with a website qualifies as a “public figure.”
  5. Nominate people over 21. That’s only fair.
  6. Choose somebody who is doing well in life, far as you can tell. Save morbid curiosity for somebody else’s blog. That means, don’t nominate anyone sleazy or wicked. For a Skilled Empath Merge, I’m going to have a direct-and-very-personal experience of that person. Consideration counts! So don’t waste your one nomination per reader.
  7. Regarding timing, I plan to publish all nominations by the end of this Flash Contest. Later, day by day, I’ll catch up with all the research on your nominatons.
  8. Why are you interested in receiving a Skilled Empath Merge on that person? Tell us. Probably the more you write (within reason), the fuller my response will be to your nomination.
  9. Have fun with this Flash Contest, for heaven’s sake. Ultimately… Energy Spirituality® is powered by joy.
  10. As usual, I’ll be aiming to bring more truth into this world. Your nominations can help with that.

Our 1st Skilled Empath Merge FLASH CONTEST #5.

Which Chakra Databanks Will I Research?

For each winning entry — and every nominee for this Flash Contest will be a winner, unless I can’t find a front-facing photo of your nominee — here’s what to expect.

Every time I will start by aura-researching Chakra Databank #1. Not yet doing a Skilled Empath Merge. Rather, protecting myself.

You see, for this first chakra databank only, I’ll be doing regular Aura Reading Though All Your Senses®. That’s far less personal. Perfect for screening before I do a Skilled Empath Merge.

#1. Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality

As you may have noticed, Readers, ouch! These days, not everybody does so well at connecting to objective reality. While some people do that very well indeed. Especially folks living in Spiritual Enlightenment.

With this first chakra databank of the set, you’ll learn about the reality connection of each Flash Contest nominee.

If I like what I find here — and you’ll see that in my related comment (at my personal blog) in response to yours— I’ll go ahead and do a Skilled Empath Merge on that nominee.

But what if I don’t care to have an up-close-and-personal experience of that individual? That’s it. The reading is complete. I won’t subject myself to the very personal experience of doing a Skilled Empath Merge with that nominee, at the time of the photo.

Assuming all goes well, though, what’s next?

Our 1st Skilled Empath Merge FLASH CONTEST #6.

The Skilled Empath Merge Will Start Here

#2. Throat Chakra Databank for Verbal Integrity

What is the quality of truth-telling for that person? At the time of that particular photo or screenshot, that is.

People do change. So their auras show different qualities in different pix over time. Have you ever heard of auras being the same over time? Like calling out a Red Aura or heaping scorn upon somebody with a Black Aura. This kind of gross oversimplification is the mark of a beginner, that’s all.

Here the aura info you’ll read . . . will be done with better quality skills.

#3. Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Self-Honesty

Currently, how willingly does our nominee accept one’s personal emotional truth? That is, inwardly acknowledge how he or she feels emotionally.

  • It’s lovely when a person routinely does this.
  • Not so lovely is when the person no longer does this. That person’s very humanity is being compromised.
  • A Skilled Empath Merge reveals more nuances than a straight-up aura reading.

#4. As a Special Treat, I’ll Choose One Additional Chakra Databank

In addition to the screening chakra databank (#1) and also the 3 chakra databanks summarized here, yes. I will also research a 4th chakra databank of interest, given what I’ve learned so far from the Skilled Empath Merge.

Like a wild card in a very enjoyable card game!

Our 1st Skilled Empath Merge FLASH CONTEST #5.

Enjoy, Everyone! I’m looking forward to your Flash Contest nomination.

Now for that contrasting aura photo I promised to show you today. Taken minutes before the photo at the top of this post. Hello, this time I’m doing Skilled Empath Merge with a ruby. Interesting contrast?

As always, COMMENT over at my personal blog. Share any observations or questions that you would like to share. Nominations, of course. Your COMMENTS are especially welcome if I’ve just given you one of the contest prizes.

Let the Energy Spirituality blog’s new Flash Contest begin!

Rose Rosetree currently. At the time of this photo, not doing a Skilled Empath Merge.

Rose Rosetree is the author of “Bigger than All the Night Sky,” 2nd edition. So far she has given over 1,000 media interviews. In addition, 44 authorized foreign editions of her books have been sold. Rose is the founder of Energy Spirituality®, a unique resource for personal growth and spiritual evolution. Offering knowledge that works now, in the Age of Awakening.

Thanks for reading, everyone. The Founder of Energy Spirituality® adds this: “If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it. And consider FOLLOWING me here on Medium. I’d appreciate it.”



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at rose-rosetree.com. She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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