Farewell Hooey, Hello Real HELP

Today My Blog Passed 115,000 Comments. How Can It Help YOU?

Rose Rosetree
4 min readMar 14, 2023
Farewell Hooey, Hello Real HELP. You could call that the mission of Energy Spirituality™.

115,000 comments as of today — that’s what we’ve got, here at the Energy Spirituality Blog. That’s our latest milestone. Maybe not so bad from a monitored blog, run by one person. So let’s celebrate a little.

Lately, what have our most popular Comment Conversations been about?

Solving Problems, Helping People to Grow

That’s the purpose of Energy Spirituality™. Learn more at the link just provided. Since that’s an article about “10 Common Problems I Help Clients Solve.”

Turns out, innovative research-and-discoveries make a big difference. As in 10 trademarked systems, completely different from what’s in the mainstream.

Most important, all the trademarked systems in this field are designed to work NOW.

Farewell Hooey, Hello Real HELP. Example 1.

The Mindfulness Craze Doesn’t Work as Promised


Thank you Rose and commentators for this insight on the reality of practising mindfulness.

With the extension to children, I was curious about whether this so called practice was extended to pets and it has been with mindfulness for dogs classes being run in the UK.


In my experience, over the past decade mindfulness has become a persistent part of both government and corporate training programs and HR advice. These aren’t workplaces that I thought of as particularly interested in spirituality!!

After reading this article, I was struck by just how common it has become. Even more prevalent than I thought.
There’s a steady stream of content around:

- Being present
- Centering ourselves
- Being aware of what we’re doing
- Bringing attention to our breath or body
- Encouragement to start a mindfulness practice

For all the reasons you’ve outlined here, I think this is a load of garbage, unhelpful and dangerous.

And Here’s More from KENDRA

Furthermore, I think one of the reasons [mindfulness] has gained such momentum so quickly in workplaces is that it puts the onus of responsibility back on the individual and their actions.

Larger, systemic workplace problems such as long hours, heavy workloads, low pay, harsh or indifferent management can be more easily excused or ignored.

Such an Easy Way for Managers to Exploit Workers

If someone is having a hard time at work, it’s probably due to how they need to learn to deal with stress better, right?!?

Problems can be dealt with by sending a link to an article, entreating the individual to improve their response to whatever difficulties they are facing.

It’s much cheaper than fixing a situation!

Sneaky, Too

It’s a veneer of supposedly good intentions that can be hard to argue with. The concepts are slippery and sound vaguely spiritual, with even some scientific case studies thrown in for good measure.

Read More about Today’s Slow Down Propaganda

It’s just one click away.

Farewell Hooey, Hello Real HELP. One More Example

Astoundingly Ignorant Advice for Empaths

Check out “7 Goofy Ideas about Empaths.” Because mainstream teaching for empaths is often unhelpful.

As you can tell from these next video links, for many reasons I have earned the standing to teach empaths. No wonder Empath Empowerment books like this one help readers to become Skilled Empaths. As a result, they can greatly improve their quality of life.

Yes, I recommend “Empath Empowerment in 30 Days.” Because it’s never too late for an empath to learn about real-deal Empath Empowerment®.

Moreover, advice given from an expert who probably isn’t an empath herself? Sure, that brings results too. Results like confusion and, even, developing the consciousness lifestyle of Spiritual Addiction.


The results of your Aura Reading research are quite interesting. I’m not at all surprised, and at the same time I’m sad and angry knowing that her followers are being misled by her.

Your Comments #109–112 about Scar Tissue are fascinating.

Even though Brooke [an empath “expert” who isn’t actually an empath] tries to present herself in a particular way, effective aura reading skills (Stage 3 Energetic Literacy) are tremendously helpful here to distinguish what’s really going on with her.


Thanks for the article. I recently had an acquaintance tell me he was an empath out of the blue.

I recommended one of your great empath books to him. Later, he said he skimmed it, and it was too “basic” for him. I found that shocking. I concluded later that he is likely not an empath, and he was just calling himself an “empath” more along the lines of the mainstream, “I’m special but also feel like a victim” trope.

To be clear, in my experience, this foolishness has nothing to do with being born with lifelong empath gifts. So much confusion and stupidity out there these days regarding what an empath really is, or how to gain empath skills that really work!

Happy 115,000 Comments Day!

Rose Rosetree says, “If you aim to use more of your potential in life, come join us at my personal blog, where we DO publish your comments. Meanwhile, thanks for reading. And thanks for sharing with any friends you feel might benefit.”



Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at rose-rosetree.com. She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.