FAME KARMA Aura Readings
Ben Affleck, Renée Zellweger, and Nicholas Cage
Yes, the FAME KARMA Aura Readings here are my way to thank those of you who do more than lurk at my personal blog. Thanks to you, my monitored, one-person blog has just passed 118,000 comments. And I’ll share this article here on Medium as well.
On the Occasion of Reaching 118 THOUSAND Comments, Yes!
At the corresponding version of this article at my blog… ask any questions you have about our Energy Spirituality specialties, including:
- Empath Empowerment® — SOCIAL Sensitivity Skills for HSPs and the Energy Spirituality Sensitivity Scale
- Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING, including Spiritually Sparkling Skills®
- Aura Reading with Stage 3 Energetic Literacy, reading Chakra Databanks
- Age of Awakening Enlightenment and what I offer as an Enlightenment Teacher
Now let’s get to the fun I promised you.
Background on FAME KARMA Aura Readings
Find this at our earlier article on “Fame Karma of Claire Danes. Aura Reading.” Supplemented by this shocking post on “Fame Karma But No Talent.” And this supplementary article as well.
Now let’s get started on today’s shiny research.
FAME KARMA Aura Readings of Ben Affleck
HORATIO, thanks for nominating Ben for our Flash Contest. That is, at our original Fame Karma blogpost.
Like other actors with meant-to-be Fame Karma, that often starts early: Affleck began his career as a child. Firstly, he starred in the PBS educational series The Voyage of the Mimi. Later Ben appeared in other films. Following that, Affleck gained wider recognition when he and Matt Damon won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for writing Good Will Hunting. Also starring in that.
First, Researching Ben Affleck as Himself
Let’s use this youthful photo of Ben. Clearly, he was posing. Yet he wasn’t officially acting.
Supposedly there’s a difference, right? Like the difference between modeling blue jeans in a photo shoot. Versus taking on the sense of self of a fully developed character. Then adjusting inwardly all the way through to the level of one’s chakra databanks.
Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality
5 inches. (Quite close to shutdown, at the time of this photo.)
Ben Affleck doesn’t know who he is. All he knows is that he wants people to love him. Ideally, as many people as possible.
Comment from Rose
This chakra databank, like all of the 1,000+ chakra databanks in a person’s aura, has a name. That name could be considered the purpose of that chakra databank: What it’s good for.
“Connection to Objective Reality” is designed to be about noticing and caring about, hello! About what happens in objective reality. Highly recommended is the blogpost at the link I just gave you.
Yes, it’s significant that, by this young age, Ben Affleck is so off kilter that, for him, ouchers! At the time of this publicity photo, he’s not living in reality. He’s living in the world of Ben the Aspiring Big Star.
Namely, for him, the quality of this chakra databank is only about people paying attention to him. Not those people themselves, nor what they say and do. Nor anything else that happens in objective reality. Uh-oh!
Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sense of Self
18 feet (Barely within normal range)
Ben is trying to figure out his brand, how he can stand out as an actor. “I’m supposed to be sexy, maybe that’s it.”
Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Growth
1/8 inch. (Currently, in total shutdown)
Maybe he’ll have time to grow after he’s established as an actor.
For Comparison, Researching Ben Affleck When Acting in “Pearl Harbor”
Let’s use this aura-researchable image of Ben, a fine action photo shot.
Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality
3 inches.
Ben is instructing himself in how to act:
Most important, he must convey urgency. Make his body show that.
Also very important: Ben must move his face as if he’s anxious. As if he doesn’t know everything that’s going to happen next. (Haha, his little joke, being an actor.)
Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sense of Self
2 inches. (Quite close to shutdown.)
Basically, Ben is reminding himself of his role:
- He is very athletic.
- Confident too, yes, he is extremely confident.
- Also he’s very, very sexy. That’s what viewers need to see about him.
Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Growth
1/8 inch. (Totally flatlining, at the time of this image.)(
Seems as though Ben has no room for feelings. He must concentrate! Acting is hard work.
Moving his face the right way is the hardest part. Turns out, controlling his face is a big part of acting!
FAME KARMA Aura Readings of Renée Zellweger
Born in 1969, Renée had to wait such a long time by Fame Karma standards. Waiting until the advanced age of 24 for her first movie role, in “Dazed and Confused.”
Ever since that Fame Karma landed, however, she’s lived The Fame Life. For instance, marrying the big Country Music star, Kenny Chesney.
Interesting? Seemingly a little incongruous? Except, have you noticed? Unlike others who eventually become famous celebrities, through their own efforts. Or just some karma for fame that arrives at some point in life… Examples would be:
- John Legend. The singer’s new documentary helps those with prison records… get a fresh start.
- Geena Davis. In 2004, the actress launched the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in the Media.
However, far as I can tell, folks with Fame Karma prefer to marry other famous folk. If possible, famous folks who have attained a similar degree of stardom.
Many accolades for her acting have followed, including two Academy Awards, two British Academy Film Awards, and four Golden Globe Awards. Moreover, according to Wikipeda, Zellweger became one of the world’s highest-paid actresses by 2007.
First, Researching Renée Zellweger as Herself
EMMA, thanks for nominating Renée for our Flash Contest. (Back at our original Fame Karma blogpost.)
Let’s use this photo of her.
Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality
4 inches. (Extremely close to shut down, at the time of this picture.)
“Feed me.” Yet one more aspiring actress who knows the job she desires requires what? Attaining the Anorexic Ideal.
Beyond that, what else do I find in this chakra databank? Renée is trying to be a really good sex object. That is, effective.
Hey, Blog-Buddies, all of us know that “Sex sells.” So this young actress’s way of connecting to objective reality involves herself. Focusing on herself, as a way to walk through life.
Maybe reminiscent of how, if you position your thumb just right? Hey, you can cover up the entire moon!
Plus, if you really-really want fame… and you’ve got Fame Karma.
Additionally, if you’re as ambitious as Ms. Zellwegger, why notice mundane objects like the sidewalk, your front door, a homeless person in the street???
Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sense of Self
1/8 inch. (Totally shut down, at the time of this photograph)
“Love me.” That’s what she wants.
Basically, at the time of this photograph, that’s who she IS as a person. Subconsciously and energetically, Renee has a very strong need to be appealing to others. Not much else is going on, other than that glaringly big need.
Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Growth
1/8 inch. (Another chakra databank that’s totally shut down. At least, at the time of this photograph)
Emotionally Renée feels like a mess. She knows that about herself.
Only one thing will fix that: being an actress. A world famous actress!!!!!
For Comparison, Researching Renée Zellweger as Nurse Betty
Curious about her acting chops? Let’s use this photo from her starring role in “Nurse Betty.
Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality
18 feet. (Within normal range)
Renée is screaming out, aurically, for all she’s worth: “Love me everybody in the audience. Love me.”
Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sense of Self
1/8 inch. (Once again, a Renée chakra databank is flatlining.)
Coaching herself, Renée is trying really, really hard to “hold this expression. It’s going to make me so loveable to those who see me like this.”
She’s also encouraging herself. “I can do this. My face is ACTING!”
Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Growth
1/8 inch. (And once again, a Renée chakra databank is flatlining.)
Renée feels secure — and wise — in the knowledge that “Only love can help a person to grow. Love means good sex, and plenty of it.”
FAME KARMA Aura Readings of Nicholas Cage
Born Hollywood royalty (via the Coppola family), Cage has received the typical acting accolades for somebody with Fame Karma. Including an Academy Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and a Golden Globe Award.
By age 19, he began starring in a variety of films, such as Valley Girl.
Maybe you’re wondering. In our research here, will Nicholas turn out to be a really impressive actor? Let’s explore.
First, Researching Nicholas Cage as Himself
BRADLEY, thanks for nominating Nick Cage for our Flash Contest. Over at our original Fame Karma blogpost. Today, let’s use this photo of him, just being the young Nicholas Cage.
Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality
2 inches (Typically for him, comfortably, close to shutdown)
What matters to Nicholas is “How I look.”
Comment from Rose
Once again, this young man has apparently learned many lessons from his show biz family. As though all the meaning of life for him is crowd-sourced. As though “objective reality” means popularity, sales, views, awards, and accolades.
Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sense of Self
1/8 inch. (Totally flatlines.)
Mr. Cage is “an actor.” That’s his sense of self: A blank slate on which he can draw his performance, whatever performance.
Comment from Rose
Take a look at some of the better research for Movie Reviews. Not so. The best actors, the ones with talent, the ones who achieve strong performances? Inside they’re not empty. Far from it.
Besides being very alive, strong individuals, they have acting SKILLS. Moreover, they have-and-develop actual acting TALENT.
Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Growth
1/4 inch. (Nearly in complete shutdown.)
Seems as though, to Nicholas Cage, what matters with feelings is to not show them.
Interesting, Blog-Buddies?
For Comparison, Researching Nicholas Cage When Acting in “Moonstruck”
Let’s use this photo of him, from “Moonstruck.” Ooh, I’ve actually seen that movie. Back in the day I enjoyed it — not so much his performance but Cher’s.
Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality
1/8 inch. (Definitely shut down at the time of this screenshot.)
Trying hard to get the right expression on his face.
Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sense of Self
5 inches. (Extremely close to shutdown.)
Cage is giving himself a pep talk. He is important.
Also, he believes that the key to acting is confidence, confidence, confidence.
Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Growth
1/8 inch. (Totally shut down.)
Having no emotions. Supposedly, what’s the essence of being an actor?
First, feel nothing. Then pretend to feel whatever you’re supposed to be feeling.
In Conclusion
Together, Blog-Buddies, we’re growing our understanding.
In the process, we’re letting old illusions go.
Feel free to COMMENT over at my personal blog. Share your latest insights from these Fame Karma aura readings. I’ll respond!