Fake Positivity Shows in Auras

Rose Rosetree
5 min readSep 21, 2020
All that glitters is not gold.

Fake Positivity shows in a person’s aura. Such a head-slapper of an idea! It’s like, oh so obvious.

Except, hold on. Who thinks about that, really?

Who likes to admit that some of the hard, hard work people do… to always be positive… Might result in an aura-aroma akin to overcooked cabbage?

Only Good Vibes. Strive for Absolute Purity!

Uh, How, Exactly?

COMMENT below, please, with some of the ways you’ve tried to get pure.

  • Was it through purity of diet? (Or what novelist Tom Wolfe called making yourself “starved to near perfection”?)
  • Yoga asanas?
  • Meditation?
  • A very relevant article in the Washington Post brought out a brilliant concept on all this. Religion professor Alan Levinovitz has coined the phrase “consecrated consumption.” Meaning, for instance, how Gwyneth Paltrow’s company transforms the ritual of using expensive natural products… Turning it into a kind of (fake) spiritual sacrament.

Think with me here, Blog-Buddies. For example, did you ever use a “yoga teacher voice”? Or otherwise affect serenity, poise. Striving to be — or seem — all positive, all the time.

Or did you ever follow a hero who advocated that? If so, what caused you to question that very appealing attitude?

As a result, what changed for you?

Hello! When People Often Lie to Themselves, It Shows in Their Auras

Just one lie won’t mess up an entire aura. But patterns emerge over time. These patterns show quite unmistakably when you’ve got good aura reading skills.

Granted, this idea might seem overwhelming. Particularly if it’s new to you, about fakeness patterns showing. But you may as well adjust. Fakeness shows. Oh yes, it does. (And wouldn’t you like to be in the know? Rather than others in the know, finding unintentional fakeness in you?)

Of course, I’d like to help. Today I offer you a simple explanation about all this, with just 7 points. Might be fun to share them with some friends who are trying SO hard. But perhaps getting nowhere. Keep reading to see what I mean.

Fake Positivity Alert #1. A Rigid Definition Helps Nothing

What is your aura? It’s a set of energy bodies around your physical body, layered like an onion.

But what’s tricky here? Aura photos — or even this onion analogy — can give us the idea of rigid fixity.

  1. Like, right now, look at your left hand.
  2. And then look at it again five minutes from now.
  3. Then tomorrow, at mid-day.

Will that hand look visibly different? Probably not. (Unless you get a manicure. ;-) )

By contrast, the parts of your aura which we’ll discuss soon — your chakra databanks — they can have very different qualities.

  • Time 2 very different from Time 1.
  • And Time 3 very different from Time 2.
  • So patterns within an aura are ever-changing. Meaning, the subconscious and energetic truth about you is ever-changing.

Fake Positivity Alert #2. Info.

Not Colours, For Crying out Loud

Why does your aura matter? Because it’s full of information. (Downloading that information is called “aura reading” or “Energetic Literacy.”)

Back in the Age of Faith, sure. Few people were evolved enough to do more than “see the colours.” However, you and I have lived through the Shift into the Age of Awakening.

Standards for learning the truth about things like self-deception are much higher now. Today’s energetic literacy allows us to do the equivalent of look through an electron microscope. Not merely an old-fashioned magnifying glass.

Fake Positivity Alert #3. Lying Won’t Show…

At Stage 1 Energetic Literacy

With Stage 1 Energetic Literacy, people pick up a vibe, some colors, or maybe an overall sense of somebody’s aura. Like “This guy’s good.” Versus “That guy’s bad.” Or “Joe is sooooo positive.”

Although a promising start to aura reading, Stage 1 Energetic Literacy is notoriously unreliable.

Everybody can gain more skill than that Stage 1. Because aura reading definitely is a skill. Not just some mysterious kind of “gift” that only special people have.

One incentive to learn more? That nice talent, no skills version of aura reading… won’t reveal deception. Such as, when a person’s positivity is well meaning but utterly fake.

Fake Positivity Alert #4. Lying Won’t Even Show at Stage 2

With some training, people like you can reach Stage 2 Energetic Literacy. Consequently, they can do chakra readings. (Chakras are concentrated centers of information. Like the Third Eye Chakra in front of your forehead.)

Although more informative than Stage 1, Stage 2 Energetic Literacy involves a lot of generalities; even worse, it’s incomplete — like reading sentences without the verbs.

Does it reveal fakeness, or habits of lying? Of course not.

Maybe you’ll hear a generality like, “Gladys is a narcissist” or “Joe is a malignant narcissist.” Extreme labels that are usually unwarranted. But still might comfort people who feel like victims. Particularly if they’re trying to combat victim-type STUFF in their auras by acting totally positive!

Fake Positivity Alert #5. Bingo!

But here’s the good news. All of us can do far better than that. Aura-reading-wise. And also integrity-wise.

  • If you can function with normal mental health
  • And you’re willing to spend about 40 hours… learning at your own pace.
  • You can develop Stage 3 Energetic Literacy.

This allows you to accurately read chakra databanks. We can research them from somebody right in the room… and do this just as effectively from regular photographs.

Unheard of during the Age of Faith, sure. But now, in the Age of Awakening? Totally attainable, standard, normal.

Fake Positivity Alert #6. “Chakra Databanks”

Remember that Name

Chakra databanks are loaded with info. Not only lifelong gifts of your soul but also how you happen to be doing right now.

(Or, when the aura reader is using a photo, how you’re doing at the time of that particular photo being researched.)

Witness one of the useful new tools in Energy Spirituality! Our new gold standard for assessing the truth about being positive: Positivity Chakra Databanks. Designed to spill the beans about anyone’s real degree of “positivity.”

Fake Positivity Alert #7. Room for Improvement

Guess what? Most people don’t know about chakra databanks yet.

But search on chakra databanks and you’ll find something fascinating. Hey, I just did. And what’s really, truly amazing?

On the first page of hits at DuckDuckGo, all hits from 1 person actually knew how to read chakra databanks. (Wonder if you can guess who.)

No wonder, so many people strive for positivity and fail. Inadvertently deceiving themselves and others. They can’t yet use this simple literacy skill!

Let’s bring Stage 3 Energetic Literacy out into the open. Let’s make it an everyday skill, like the word literacy that you’ve been using to read this article.

In Conclusion

Isn’t it fascinating, the common disconnect between aura reading and practical info?

  • Such as human beings soooooo enamored of looking at pretty colors. Aura pix as close as they can get to reminding us of the astral-type colors angels see.
  • Even while these same human beings are striving to be sooooooo perfect. Like angels. Which we’ll all be soon enough. (When we’re dead.)
  • And almost none of the conversation online includes the fact that, once you’ve got good skills at reading auras, you can readily spot self-deception. Not just pretty-pretty.

Photo by Mink Mingle on Unsplash



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at rose-rosetree.com. She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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