Enter into Author’s Voices — Amazing How-to’s
Plus a Goodreads Giveaway for Bigger than All the Night Sky

Enter into Authors’ Voices. Today’s blogpost can help you to stretch yourself as a reader. Stretch yourself as an appreciator of any writer you choose. Including all four author voices you’ll meet here today. A reader’s thrill ride awaits you!
You see, Readers, originally when writing this blogpost — naturally — I aimed to help you to hear the cocreating voice of BIGGER than All the Night Sky. (Yes, my memoir of spiritual awakening comes to you in a cocreating voice. More on that to come, as you keep reading this Three Blogpost Series.)
Later I thought, what does it mean, hearing a book author’s voice? Then I realized I could teach you a systematic way to better hear ANY author’s voice. Today you can gain that skill through this blogpost. Step-by-step I’ll teach you skills to help you appreciate reading more than ever.
Yes! That’s what inspired me to develop what follows in this article. Aiming to help you to find your way in, to personally appreciate more than ever, the distinctive voice of any author. You see . . . .
Along the Way I’ve Learned Some Things about Authors’ Voices
Since the age of three, I’ve been reading. Including some reading adventures that you will learn about from the memoir that inspired my new Goodreads Giveaway. Reading discoveries intensified for me in college, where I majored in English and American Literature.
After becoming a published writer, my curiosity only intensified. How else could I growing my experience as a readers and writer. Educational experiences for me have included:
- Selling 44 sets of foreign rights.
- Receiving the honor of national book club selection — three times.
- Accepting invitations to give more than 1000 media interviews.
- Scoring a national bestseller for Random House Germany.
- And selling about half a million copies of my books to date.
Hey, by the time you’ve read this article, you may have already found ways to hear author’s voices very well indeed. Yet my purpose here is to help ALL of you to expand upon this skill. Upgrading your appreciation of any author’s voice. At least, the author of any genre of book you prefer.
Yes, I’ve developed a mini-class in the form of today’s blogpost. Just for you Readers. Absolutely free.
In this blogpost I’ll do my part to teach. If you do your part too, you stand to gain a lot. Step by step, following the instructions here, you can awaken your experience of how distinctive the voices of writers can be. Experiencing that more personally than you’ve done before.
For instance, what can a spiritually cocreating memoirist’s voice — like the author of Bigger than All the Night Sky — do for you? No coincidence, today’s learning adventure appears . . . .
Just in Time for a New Goodreads Giveaway
The official Goodreads Giveway for Bigger than All the Night Sky, 2nd Edition, begins today, Tuesday, November 26, at noon Pacific time. I hope you’ll enter. By all means, invite your friends, too.
All of you might win, since I’m giving away 100 Kindle copies of this particular memoir.
How easy can it be to enter this Giveaway? Maybe you’ve never done this before. Tomorrow I plan to supply that info in Part 2 of a 3-part series, all to be published this week.
Today, as you explore what follows, guess what? You’re always invited to share your thoughts and questions by COMMENTING at my personal blog, here. It’s easy. I’ll publish your words and respond personally. This is your opportunity, no strings attached, to have a conversation with a bestselling author. Incidentally, I’m now the #9 Best Reviewer on Goodreads. (Out of 124 million on the Goodreads platform.)
Meanwhile, today’s article may give you the equivalent of what a pencil sharpener does for a pencil. Only here, you’re going to be given a new skill set. Developed expressly for this article. Designed to sharpen up your understanding of any author’s voice.
Did you know? Your inner gifts as a reader can teach you a lot.
First of All, a Teaching Tale to Help You Enter into Authors’ Voices

Yes, a certain conversation related to “Writer’s Voice” happened when my son Matt was just three years old. (Older than the time of the photo, when he preferred eating in a high chair.)
Readers, even if you and I didn’t know each other back in 1994, a certain conversation then . . . has implications for you now. Implications for your enjoyment as a reader. Here goes.
Matt had come home from preschool. He liked his preschool. This afternoon, while we were talking, I asked him this:
When you’re at preschool, you get to meet so many kids. How can you tell which ones you LIKE? Which ones do you want to have for a friend?”
Trust a three-year old to give an uncomplicated answer. In his squeaky preschooler voice, Matt told me:
I will like the kid’s voice. If I like that kid’s voice, that’s how I know we can be friends.
Hmmm. That kid’s voice?
By Now I’m Convinced that Each Person’s Distinctive Voice Matters
It can matter so much. Voices are potentially so informative:
- The voice that you hear in person.
- The writer’s voice of every person who comments on Goodreads, on Facebook, or at my personal blog.
- And also the voice with which any author writes a memoir.
Learning about a person’s voice can reveal so much. Among other things, you can learn, “What can an author with that particular voice do for me?”
Next, did you know this?
You’ll Hear Distinctive Voices Best by Using Your Personal Gift Set
Granted, Readers, your sense of hearing is just one gift in your personal Gift Set.
Hold on. Is Gift Set a new thought for you? I’ll explain right away.
Deep within you is your lifelong Door of Perception. Meaning how you happen to be wired for deeper perception about people. About God. About your own human experiences.
Subtle hearing may be a big part of your Door. As it is for my son and me. Alternatively, hearing may be far less important than other gifts on your personal Door of Perception. When I teach the system of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses®, one of the life-changing discoveries involves learning about your personal Gift Set. That’s what folks today can use for excellent, effortless, energetic literacy. (That old “Seeing the colours” cliche is sooooo obsolete.)
Of course, you have your own personal Gift Set for deeper perception. And it’s not only for the very useful skill of reading auras. When reading books you automatically use your strongest gifts for deeper perception, whether you know it or not.
One thing’s for sure about your Gift Set. Yours includes Synesthesia — the one universal gift for deeper perception that every human has in abundance. Synesthesia means that, whenever you use deeper perception, every one of the gifts on your Door of Perception will works along with all your other gifts there. No matter which of those gifts you use first.
Thus, a reader might start by inwardly hearing, then shift to inwardly seeing, or inwardly feeling emotions, or inwardly engaging your analytical awareness, etc.
Once you learn to read fluently, any print book or audiobook can become the start of a rich experience, learning that stretches you as a person. Deeper perception that goes beyond surface-level information. And that can include gaining depth experience of that author’s voice.
Thus, an author’s voice can become a useful concept for truth-seeking readers. This holds true regardless of how important hearing is for you in general, as part of your personal Door of Perception. Every human alive has a complete door-ful of gifts. You have exactly the right Gift Set for you, and it’s going to last your whole lifetime.
Now for How-to Instructions to Stretch Yourself as a Reader
You Can Learn Skills that Help You Enter into Authors’ Voices
Look, there’s a world of difference between reading some copy generated by AI versus reading the work of a human author. These days there’s a dramatic encroachment of Artificial Intelligence online, and in books. Ouch! For instance, googling just about anything now leads off with a top hit . . . generated by AI. Writing that is not only inhuman but shallow, a kind of word salad. I recommend you never click on this. ALWAYS skip it.
Note: At the previous link I searched on Energy Spirituality, the name of this trademarked system. As the founder of Energy Spirituality®, I’m in a pretty good position to tell you that the bunch of cliches offered by AI is utter garbage.
Anyway, as a result of so much souless writing, some readers may stop caring. The depersonalization of authors has swung to the most extreme value I’ve ever seen. How about you?
How else can we counter the AI craze? By leveling up our skills for appreciating the voice of real-life human authors. Just what you’re about to learn here. :)
Yes, You Can Learn How to Enter into Authors’ Voices
Once you know how, you can do this whenever you wish. For instance, in order to:
- Give yourself an upgrade as a reader.
- Stretch your appreciation for any author’s voice.
- And to free up your enjoyment whenever you choose to read a book.
Today I’m going to give you a very specific sequence of instructions. Take a few minutes in this foundational section of today’s article, which comes next. You can benefit from an overview of how this skill set works, rather than scrolling down to the How-To’s.
Enter into Authors’ Voices #1
Step 1. Make a Conscious Choice to Meet the Author
Choose, for now, to meet the author you wish to meet.
Akin to how you can meet a stranger and either:
- Fall into stereotyping that person. Then move on.
- Alternatively, though, you can pay a bit of attention to that fellow human being. Prepare to open your heart a little wider. To notice something.
- Maybe even care about whether that person lives or dies or is ignored, in keeping with our society’s Collective Attention Deficit Disorder.
Enter into Authors’ Voices #2
Step 2. Read a Paragraph by that Author
In today’s blogpost, and the two that follow later this week, I’ll provide authors’ paragraphs to help you learn about specific writers’ who-you-be.
Important, don’t skim read these paragraphs. Read at a normal pace, so you can be informed by what you’re reading.
For best results, read that paragraph out loud. (Not reading to give a performance, but reading so that you can gently pay full attention.)
Enter into Authors’ Voices #3
Step 3. Walk a Short Distance. Then Return.
You’ll return to where you sat while reading. Hey, ideally you’ll be walking this same short distance for each of the four authors you’ll encounter in today’s post. Or any other time that, in the future, you make use of this skill set.
So choose one simple circuit. (For example, I walk out of my little pink office and go down a set of stairs. Reach a landing. Then I turn around and go back to my office.)
How long will your simple walk take? Less than one minute.
Notice how you feel while taking that walk. Un-self-consciously notice.
- Which physical objects do you notice?
- How do you feel emotionally?
- That’s right, your quality of experience has been subtly influenced by the author’s voice.
Enter into Authors’ Voices #4
Step 4. Notice Physical Sensations and More
First, choose one small part of your body. For example one of your fingers, not the entire arm. Maybe you’ll choose your right pointer finger.
Move that chosen body part so you’re not making contact with other surfaces, like banging your right pointer finger on your desk. Move that finger in the air.
Stop. How does that part of your body feel to you?
Whatever you notice about that part of your body, it could be a physical sensation. A stream of thoughts. One or more emotions.
When doing Step 4, allow this to count as relevant to the impact of the author’s voice.
Note: Every time you do this, choose a different body part. For instance, one body part for each of the four authors you’ll meet in today’s post.
Enter into Authors’ Voices #5
Step 5. Notice Colors and Shapes — and More
Point your eyes in a direction where you will see one smallish area, such as looking out the right side of a window in your room. Versus look at the middle of the right side of the window.
Or looking at one of the corners in the room. Now, in that area:
- Notice a color that looks pleasing to you
- Then notice a color that looks blah, or downright ugly.
- Notice a shape, and take a good look, as if touching it with your eyes.
Consider the possibility that this little bit of looking carries the influence of the author whose voice you are exploring. You really are learning how to enter into that author’s voice.
Like having a friend named Sam, and you’ve just enriched your life by spending time with him.
Following that you might spend time with your friend Gladys, and your life is enriched by that.
No need to compare. Don’t do this like an academic or a critic.
Open up to experience and allow yourself to start entering into that author’s distinctive voice.
Enter into Authors’ Voices #6
Essential for this Entire Set of Steps
Your goal is to stretch yourself as a reader. Use your imagination, and know that it counts as information about how YOU are hearing the author’s voice.
- How that person, who wrote that paragraph which you read aloud . . .
- How that person is still influencing you now, adding subtleties to your experience.
Imagination is what you get to do.
Allow yourself to have some gentle experience of being that author. Allow that innocent, impressionistic, experience be good enough.
Now I’ll Introduce You to the Four Different Voices, one at a time. Go play!
Enter into Authors’ Voices #7
1. Explore a Public Christian’s Voice
This author is C.S. Lewis. Decades ago I read everything he published that was not academic. Lewis may be unsurpassed as a religious writer who combined eloquence with High Truth Value, shaped by his Anglican tradition.
I’ll be quoting from his spiritual memoir “Surprised by Joy.” Remember, please, read this quotation aloud.
Never surrender your hopes and dreams to the fateful limitations others have placed on their own lives.
The vision of your true destiny does not reside within the blinkered outlook of the naysayers and the doom prophets. Judge not by their words, but accept advice based on the evidence of actual results.
Do not be surprised should you find a complete absence of anything mystical or miraculous in the manifested reality of those who are so eager to advise you. Friends and family who suffer the lack of abundance, joy, love, fulfillment and prosperity in their own lives really have no business imposing their self-limiting beliefs on your reality experience.
Now it’s your turn.
- Walk a Short Distance. Then Return.
- Notice Physical Sensations and More — as you’ve learned to do in Step 4.
- Notice Colors and Shapes and More — as you’ve learned to do in Step 5.
- And yes, all along you’re allowed to use your imagination.
Enter into Authors’ Voices #8
2. Meet a Rebellious Monk
The author is Thomas Merton. I’ll be quoting from his spiritual memoir, “The Seven Storey Mountain.”
This monk was a Trappist, already living like Catholic royalty. Only he felt restless, during the century before the Shift into the Age of Awakening. Age of Faith practices lost their appeal for him. Courageously he experimented with Buddhist meditation.
Remember, please, read this quotation aloud.
We live in a society whose whole policy is to excite every nerve in the human body and keep it at the highest pitch of artificial tension,
to strain every human desire to the limit
and to create as many new desires and synthetic passions as possible, in order to cater to them
with the products of our factories and printing presses and movie studios and all the rest.
Now it’s your turn.
- Walk a Short Distance. Then Return.
- Notice Physical Sensations and More — as you’ve learned to do in Step 4.
- Notice Colors and Shapes and More — as you’ve learned to do in Step 5.
- And yes, all along you’re allowed to use your imagination.
Enter into Authors’ Voices #9
3. An Enlightenment Teacher in Traditional Enlightenment
This author is Paramahansa Yogananda, author of “Autobiography of a Yogi.” If you’re aiming to learn from a poetic, eloquent, prolific Enlightenment Teacher of Traditional Enlightenment, this book is for you. Although I never felt drawn to pursue Yogananda’s Kriya Yoga, I have read-and-loved many of his books. Especially this autobiography — which I have read more often than I have read anyone else’s memoir.
Remember, please, read this quotation aloud.
[When meeting The Perfume Saint, names added for clarity in reading this dialog]
PERFUME SAINT: “I materialize perfumes, little friend . . . . My own purpose is to demonstrate the power of God.”
YOGANANDA: “Sir, is it necessary to prove God? Isn’t He perfrorming miracles in everything, everywhere?”
PERFUME SAINT: “Yes, but we too should manifest some of His infinite creative variety.”
YOGANANDA: “How long did it take to master your art?”
PERFUME SAINT: “Twelve years.”
YOGANANDA: “For manufacturing scents by astral means! It seems, my honored saint, you have been wasting a dozen years for fragrances which you can obtain with a few rupees from a florist’s shop.”
Now it’s your turn.
- Walk a Short Distance. Then Return.
- Notice Physical Sensations and More — as you’ve learned to do in Step 4.
- Notice Colors and Shapes and More — as you’ve learned to do in Step 5.
- And yes, all along you’re allowed to use your imagination.
What Matters Most for the Reader?
When a book is writen by a person in Spiritual Enlightenment, automatically it has been Divinely cocreated. As a result, the author’s teaching is built up in layers.
Return to a memoir like this one and you will be rewarded with new layers of knowledge. Every time. Not because you have strained and squinted and otherwise pushed yourself to learn more. But because that is the nature of any book cocreated with the Divine. It has more layers than the finest, freshly-baked, croissant. The truth in that book will keep up with your personal growth.
Enter into Authors’ Voices #10
4. An Enlightenment Teacher for the Age of Awakening
Yes, your friendly blogger has come a long way from the years up to 23, described in her first memoir: Bigger than All the Night Sky, 2nd Edition. Never would she have expected moving into Spiritual Enlightenment. Or moving into the new kind of Enlightenment, available during humanity’s second consciousness era on Earth. Namely, Age of Awakening Enlightenment.
Never, ever, would Rose Rosetree have thought she would become an Enlightenment Coach for the Age of Awakening.
Here’s your sample quotation from Bigger than All the Night Sky, 2nd Edition. This describes her enjoying life at five years old, much healthier than she has been for most of her childhood so far.
Remember, please, read this quotation aloud.
At school, we’re supposed to stand in size places but, to me, how tall we look isn’t the interesting part. Instead, standing in line makes my nose so happy, it feels like having a picnic. Standing in line reminds me of one of my favorite toys, a xylophone. You know how a xylophone has keys you can bang on? And each key is painted a different color, so shiny. And isn’t it amazing how well they are made? Because each note matches its shiny color just perfectly.
At school we’re supposed to be good children and always line up. Even while standing still and looking straight ahead, guess what? I can travel in my imagination, going up or down the row, pausing to smell each kid and also feel the boy’s or girl’s energy. It’s at least as much fun as any xylophone.
School is like that. Now that I’m a big girl, toys aren’t obvious, but you can find them wherever you go.
Now it’s your turn.
- Walk a Short Distance. Then Return.
- Notice Physical Sensations and More — as you’ve learned to do in Step 4.
- Notice Colors and Shapes and More — as you’ve learned to do in Step 5.
- And yes, all along you’re allowed to use your imagination.
In Conclusion
On a practical note, instructions will follow in tomorrow’s blogpost. Instructions for entering the Goodreads Giveaway for Bigger than All the Night Sky.
At any time, you can order the Kindle edition at Amazon in your country. Also, you can order the paperback edition as well. What a treat!
Finally, here are some questions for you to consider.
- What does it mean when the author of a book has a Cocreating Voice?
- How can you benefit when the author of a book has a Cocreating Voice?
- When an author has strong religious views, like a loyal churchgoer, how does that impact the author’s voice?
- When an author is Spiritual But Not Religious, or has become an EXvangelical, how does that impact the author’s voice?
- If the author is an unskilled empath, how does that impact the author’s voice?
- If the author is a Skilled Empath, how does that impact the author’s voice?
- Why might researching some of that author’s chakra databanks supplement how you otherwise learn about an author’s voice?

Rose is the author of “Bigger than All the Night Sky,” 2nd edition.
She adds, “If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it. And consider FOLLOWING me here on Medium. I’d appreciate it.”