Enlightenment Validation for a Long-Time Spiritual Seeker
Learn about Lucy’s Long and Winding Road to Enlightenment
Enlightenment Validation for LUCY. Something unusual happened while I interviewed LUCY for this blogpost. What didn’t happen to her, this time? That was pretty inspiring for me. Maybe for you too.
Like any Enlightenment Validation post at this blog, what follows is a unique story. The story of one human individual moving into Spiritual Enlightenment.
May today’s interview serve as inspiration for all of you who are “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.” Also, this is a great article to read if you’re curious about any of the following:
- Improving your relationship with God.
- Using your full potential intellectually. Socially. Sexually. Emotionally. etc.
- Avoiding Spiritual Side Trips.
First of All, Today’s Interview Was Unique
Ordinarily, before I write an Enlightenment Validation article like this one, what happened first?
- In a personal session of Enlightenment Coaching, I originally validated Enlightenment.
- That news was more-or-less surprising. Never a huge shock.
- But LUCY was shocked, and for good reason.
You see, Readers, Lucy had worked hard for decades. Seeking Enlightenment through the teachers that she chose to follow.
Very likely, what these teachers advised . . . couldn’t lead to living in Age of Awakening Enlightenment. Are you curious why not?
You can learn more about LUCY’s nominees at a blogpost devoted to Quality Assessment for Enlightenment Teachers: “Enlightenment Teacher OR Coach OR Guide.”
Only 3 of the 32 teachers nominated there so far by our blog community — only three of them have actually been in Enlightenment. Consequently, LUCY has avidly pursued teachings with what I call “Low Truth Value.” By following teachings that made it harder — not easier — to attain Enlightenment, guess what?
LUCY worked hard. Only what she did amounted to taking Spiritual Side Trips.
What IS a Spiritual Side Trip?
A Spiritual Side Trip is a kind of sanctified busywork. Following one or more practices for personal development that are supposed to help the person who is doing all that hard work. Only the teaching doesn’t produce the intended result.
Personal development practices might include:
- Seeking Spiritual Enlightenment
- Psychological Development
- Religious Practices
- Yoga
- Meditation
- New Age Energy Healing
You get the idea, right? Readers, I have a name for people who offer teachings like these. It’s today’s Enlightenment Establishment.
Very Likely, Spiritual Side Trips Are Now More Common
For that, blame — or praise — — the Shift into the Age of Awakening, which occurred on Dec. 21, 2012. Ushering in a second consciousness era on Earth.
One how-to book, “The New Strong” can fast-track you, helping you to adapt rapidly to what has changed. Learn in detail about what doesn’t work well any more. Versus what works far better now.
Whereas traditional methods, taught by today’s Enlightenment Establishment, are now obsolete, which makes them seriously flawed. Nearly always, they lead to Spiritual Side Trips.
And bless LUCY’S magnificent heart . . . Used to be, she gave her all to many Spiritual Side Trips. In today’s article, you’ll see how her previous Enlightenment Validation session with me made a huge difference. Right then, during the session, she spontaneously started to get over some of these Spiritual Side Trips.
Incidentally, my belief is that the 11 trademarked systems of Energy Spirituality have made it relatively easy to identify Spiritual Side Trips.
Now, consider yourself well prepared, Readers. Here comes the unique intensity of what happened during my interview with LUCY. I’m so grateful to her for her honesty, her intellectual sophistication, her heart of a champion. Also I’m grateful that she gave me permission to publish this article. It’s unique among all the other articles I’ve published about Enlightenment Validation.
Enlightenment Validation for LUCY #1.
Enlightenment Validation Articles Are RARE
If you care about Enlightenment, isn’t it great to read accounts of how people are moving into that?
Yet how many blogs will feature such stories this Monday morning? Or most Monday mornings? Or ever?
Maybe, not. Mainly because . . . .
The Enlightenment Establishment Doesn’t Help Folks Gain Enlightenment
Probably you’ll find NO articles like this one from the “Enlightenment Establishment,” as it exists in these early years of the Age of Awakening. For example, googling just now, on “Enlightenment Validation” — hey, how many hits? Take a wild guess.
Growth practices that are both revered and obsolete!
Shockingly Unsubstantiated Claims for Growth. So Little to Validate!
Seriously, if all activities of the Enlightenment Establishment were effective, hello! Wouldn’t their related blogs be sparkling with success stories? You know, the equivalent of today’s article here on Enlightenment Validation! Hey, what do you think?
For sure, you’ll find that super-inspiring kind of article coming right up. Here and now. :) Since this interview took an unusual turn, quite early on.
Enlightenment Validation for LUCY #2. Our Dialog Begins
Right Away, “A Big Shock” for Lucy’s and her Enlightenment Coach
ROSE: Is it true that when we had our last session together, you were NOT expecting to receive Enlightenment Validation?
LUCY: Of course.
After our session, I was pondering what had happened, I realized this was the first time I received a big shock and I DID NOT respond by going out of body.
Spiritual Side Trip #1. Detaching Awareness from Her Physical Body
What is involved in this kind of Spiritual Side trip? This one involves a causational kind of STUFF in the person’s aura. It’s a variation on Energetic Sub-Routines.
No Energetic Sub-Routines are volitional. So it’s especially important to know, they can be healed.
Whaaaaat? Rose Had Never Heard of Detaching Like This
An experience of detachment in response to Enlightenment Validation? An experience of going out of body???
And this kind of detachment has been happening to you routinely, when surprised? Can you say more about this?
LUCY: It used to be that when something surprised me, I would blank out. How do you describe going out of body? It’s like you pass out.
But this time I had thoughts like “This is ridiculous.”
“This is definitely the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me.”
Following that LUCY proceeded to “Do what I had to do for the rest of the day. “
Enlightenment Validation for LUCY #3.
Learning for LUCY (And Also for Her Enlightenment Coach)
Of course, it seemed important to me to follow up. So LUCY used to detach quite often, but this time, during Enlightenment Validation, she didn’t?
ROSE: Did you have any further thoughts about your unexpected news of Enlightenment Validation?
LUCY: Nonstop. I was trying not to do too much self-observation but I was still doing that nonstop.
Readers, this was the first time that even one of my clients for Enlightenment Validation brought up the idea of doing ANY self-observation. Let alone starting to do this nonstop!
Of course, I followed up on that, too.
Spiritual Side Trip #2. Self-Observation.
What is involved in this general kind of Spiritual Side trip? According to my current understanding, this is a common feature in old-fashioned Enlightenment Teaching. Not a bug. A feature, unfortunately.
ROSE: Would you please summarize what kind of process that self-observation was? What was it that you were doing?
Spiritual Side Trip #3. Examining Inner Process
Thoughts occur as spontaneous events. Including when a person lives in either Traditional Enlightenment or in Age of Awakening Enlightenment.
This spiritual side trip has been taught by a psychotherapist or Enlightenment Teacher. All too often that can become a habit, especially in the Age of Awakening.
This habit can keep a person busy, but won’t lead to either kind of Spiritual Enlightenment.
Spiritual Side Trip #4. Assessing One’s Personal History with Detachment
Reviewing past actions. Reflecting on them in a detached way, as though it’s helpful to critique one’s actions. As if the person had been authorized to become a clinician . . . employing this specific quality of detachment, including finding “patterns.”
LUCY: I was looking at my inner process and my actions. I realized that these were different from how they used to be.
Reflecting on my experience when you did that Enlightenment Validation, yes. I did notice certain things that were unusual:
- There is pain that I usually feel in my psyche but now it’s not there.
- Also, my automatic defensiveness and inner arguments with myself . . .
- And my ongoing inner arguments with anything I see or hear outside of myself that I don’t agree with . . .
- All that was gone.
Spiritual Side Trips #5–7
All of the following could count as further elaboration on Spiritual Side Trips #3 and 4.
As we go into problems like #5–8, I’ll repeat these quotations from LUCY in context. But, for now, consider that all three of these side trips spontaneously STOPPED during her previous session of Enlightenment Validation. Stopped and haven’t returned in weeks. Maybe, never to return!
Spiritual Side Trip #5: Elevating the Concept of “My Psyche” to High Status
Such as, My PSYCHE, Something Else about Myself to Perfect and Control
For example, monitoring your psyche to find out how IT feels.
Spiritual Side Trip #6: Psychologically Analyzing Your Thoughts
For example, interpreting your everday thoughts as demonstrating “defensiveness.” Would Sigmund Freud be proud?
Spiritual Side Trip #7: Treating Your Inner Experiences as Interesting Questions to Debate
Engaging in this kind of inquiry could strongly appeal to intellectually-oriented people, and also to folks who (as students) once trained as debaters.
An everyday example of elevating pointless debate to a prestigious art form would be guest interviews on CNN. Supposedly, it is virtuous for politically responsible viewers to think through every position, held by every random person being interviewed. Examining every point from every angle, in detail. (This Enlightenment Coach wonders: WHY?)
Back to Enlightenment Validation, LUCY’S words suggested that she was encouraging this spiritual side trip: Having “inner arguments” with herself.
Enlightenment Validation for LUCY #4.
Aha! A Teachable Moment
Having served as a Spiritual Teacher for 55 years . . .
Also, since I was cocreating with a Divine Being during this session (as always), I brought up some unusual ideas. (Very unusual for me, yet they made sense to LUCY.)
ROSE: Right now, would you say it is a good thing that somehow you lost a bunch of habitual emotional pain and distressing busywork that you have name-called to yourself “defensiveness”?
LUCY: Very much.
ROSE: Speaking just for myself, in my opinion, losing any of this habitual jazz? Could count as something of a miracle. Your thoughts?
LUCY: Yeah.
ROSE: Would you be interested in my interpretation of what had changed for you? I will be interested to find out if this resonates for you.
Enlightenment Validation for LUCY #5.
I Facilitated Research with Vibrational-Re-Positioning
The purpose of using this skill was to bring more clarity to that unusual thing that LUCY had experienced. Fortunately, she agreed to letting me do this, and to publishing the findings.
Here I won’t go into the detail about Vibrational Re-Positioning®. But the link just provided will do that for you. :)
All that you really need to know, for practical purposes, is this: In what follows, I facilitated this skill set for LUCY.
Enlightenment Validation for LUCY #6.
Highlight: Before I Originally Validated Enlightenment
That is, during her earlier session, but before I facilitated the process of Enlightenment Validation.
Rose researched LUCY’S Root Chakra Databank for Presence in the Room. Researching it during that first session of Enlightenment Validation, before she received the news.
Sparkling, shimmering, pulsating with the presence of God. This is integrated — finally — into your human personality for this incarnation.
Typical of what happens in Age of Awakening Enlightenment.
At this time, you are youself, LUCY. You’re also harmoniously connected to God in the background.
What Else Stands out Before Learning She’s in Enlightenment?
The presence of God in you, and all your chakra databanks, has become lively by now. However, you are mainly occupied — subconsciously and energetically — with jumping through all the intellectual hoops that you used to doing during your waking hours, whenever possible. (A.K.A. Spiritual Side Trips)
In this moment you’re jumping through your usual discernment excercises. As usual, you’re aiming to do the long, slow, nearly impossible work. As if this might help you to move eventually — if you were very lucky — move, eventually, toward Enlightenment.
Although you longed to reach this destination, hello! Consciously you despaired of ever reaching this goal.
ROSE: Any comment?
LUCY: Sounds true.
This kind of busywork was not helping LUCY. Not then. Probably not ever.
However, doing this had become a habit. Why? Due to diligently following instructions of Enlightenment Teachers who crippled themselves. Following their own paths which did not lead to Enlightenment but to suffering.
Now back to this interview session, everybody. I have wound up doing a second round of Vibrational Re-Positioning. This second time, the aim was to learn what was going on in LUCY’S same chakra databank after I told her the news: Now you are living in Age of Awakening Enlightenment.
Enlightenment Validation for LUCY #7.
Highlight: After Receiving Our Previous Enlightenment Validation
LUCY, after receiving the Enlightenment Validation, it’s quite a wakeup call to your conscious mind. After all, you are not used to being this fully present in objective reality. Being this freely present. Being so willing to live here on Earth as a human.
Spontaneously you’re living, fully present. No longer are you working on your life project of seeking Enlightenment. Spontaneously you’ve stopped doing all the old ways of working on yourself.
Granted, you still feel a bit dazed.
LUCY: Yes! “Working on your life project.” Funny, the difference between that and just being alive!
Enlightenment Validation for LUCY #8.
One Last Highlight. Also Right After that Previous Enlightenment Validation
From additional chakra databank research:
I’m beginning to fall in love here, with living on Earth and being human. For the very first time. I didn’t know I would ever feel like this.
I had flashes of this all-pervading love for being human and being here, but I figured it was one of those cruel illusions of ignorance. Any such love would keep me from ever reaching my heart’s desire of Enlightenment.
Enlightenment Validation for LUCY #9. Enlightenment Coaching Here & Now
After All the Vibrational Re-Positioning in Our Second Session
ROSE: LUCY, sometimes we can have beautiful experiences of the Divine. Despite being beautiful, such experiences can terrify us, and why? Due to ingrained expectations and beliefs. Due to our deepest loyalties.
What you felt subconsciously and energetically during that earlier session — look! Exploring via Vibrational Re-Positioning, I experienced this along with you. And experienced it very personally.
To me, it felt as though you finally put on the brakes. Finally you stopped pushing yourself to take all those Spiritual Side Trips. How hard you’d been working for years!
So courageous of you, and such a contrast, stopping that habit of strain! During our interview together, while keyboarding this latest section in, I was almost crying.
What is your reaction now to what I just put into words for you?
LUCY: First, is that really me?
Second, I know that I’ve never wanted to be here. [Living on Earth.]
But I’ve always analyzed this, like, “Why don’t I want to be here? Is it family dysfunction, blah-blah?”
For whatever reason, then, I’ve always felt like that. “I just don’t like it here.” After all those years, trying to figure out what was going on, I was totally stuck. It never would have occurred to me, consciously, what you’ve just described. Still, now it makes perfect sense.
Enlightenment Validation for LUCY #10.
Rose Shares What Was, to Her, The Best Part
Although I’m not going to include all my research with LUCY — from a two-hour interview — how about a summary?
What happened was this. I did more research with Vibrational Re-Positioning, exploring the impact on LUCY of the Enlightenment Validation in our previous session. This was my favorite part:
LUCY, it’s as though the moving van has just moved you into your new home. Here on Earth!
So much of the hard part is done, although mostly you don’t realize that yet. An old kind of love is stirring within you. An old love, an ancient love, for enjoying a human life. A love, perhaps, like what you’ve felt in some other human incarnations, many lifetimes ago. But, LUCY, you have never-ever felt such a love in this lifetime.
Finally Adding Discernment as an Enlightenment Coach
LUCY, even when you came to your previous session with me, and technically you were already in Enlightenment, you received something important.
What made such a difference? Seems to me, these three things:
- Help from the Divine Being with whom I cocreated your session
- Also helpful was the High Truth Value of the knowledge that you would receive in that session.
- Although you didn’t anticipate learning that you were in Age of Awakening Enlightenment, the truth value resonated powerfully throughout your mind-body-spirit system.
During that previous session a subtle transformation occurred in much of your aura. This has allowed this ancient love for having a human life . . . to be born again in you.
Rose adds, writing this article: Like any human birth, or rebirth, it can take quite a bit of human time to get used to the newness. No need to rush, LUCY.
Enlightenment Validation for LUCY #10.
Becoming Detached from the Old Detachment
Because this is a real experience of a new consciousness lifestyle, you will not have to work hard to adjust to Enlightenment. Nor will you need to work hard in order to maintain it. Just do this thing called Livin’.
Although the newness of your experience may make it seem like detachment, really this is something new. According to my perception, you are in the process of becoming detached from your previous state of detachment.
Think, maybe, of the famous scene in “The Wizard of Oz” where the Wicked Witch gasps, “I’m meltiiiiing” and then turns to goop on the floor.
Not that you are, in any way, wicked. But this karmic illusion of seemingly hating life on Earth, hating your humanity, and desperately working hard to rid yourself of the hated lifetime . . . .
Hey, that’s over now, Kiddo.
In Conclusion for You, LUCY
Ending this second session on your Enlightenment Validation, we’ve gone into many nuances of your experiences of consciousness. Quite some contrast! All my other Enlightenment Validation interviews at this blog have emphasized results for my client, human-type results.
Yet Why Would that Surprise Either You Or Me?
So far, LUCY, you have emphasized inner life. Since my background is, in some respects, similar to yours . . . . I understand that pretty darned well. Writing up this blogpost I’ll conclude by paraphrasing a very favorite saying of my former guru, Maharishi:
All is well and wisely put.
As your Enlightenment Coach I invite you to consider how that traditional saying applies to you:
God is here. Everything will be alright for you… from now on, LUCY.
In Conclusion for You Readers
No two sessions of Enlightenment Validation are alike. Definitely, this applies to this interview, in contrast to LUCY’S earlier session with me for Enlightenment Validation. This one has been both unique and uniquely meaningful. It may speak to many of you Readers who also have a long history of spiritual seeking. That is, seeking in ways that were not informed by knowledge for this time in which we live, the Age of Awakening.