Energy Spirituality — What’s That?
And How Can It Help You?
Why Energy Spirituality? Does that seem like a goofy name to you?
Besides that, WHAT IS Energy Spirituality. And how can it help you?
(Don’t be surprised if this article is full of surprises.)
First of All, Why Write about…
WHY Energy Spirituality?
Now that’s an easy question to answer.
At a recent blogpost MELVIN asked: “What’s with the name Energy Spirituality? Is this a religion where you worship energy?”
Worship energy? Never before had I thought about that. On reflection, I can see how the term SPIRITUALITY can seem connected to religion and worship. As you’ll see, that’s far from the case.
One of the first things to understand about Energy Spirituality is what it ISN’T.
- Energy Spirituality is not a religion. Actually, it’s compatible with involvement in just about any religion you might follow.
- However, religious belief is optional.
- What if you’re spiritual but not religious?
- In fact, Energy Spirituality can fit your lifestyle fine. Unless you’re in a cult. In which case, I doubt you’re reading much outside of the cult.
- Even atheists have done great with Energy Spirituality sessions. (Although one proud atheist client lost her atheism after a couple of years. Following that, she even moved into Spiritual Enlightenment.)
Definition, Please
Energy Spirituality helps people like you with emotional growth and spiritual awakening.
Using energy skills that work now. Incidentally, now means living in the Age of Awakening.
Related to this definition? Quite possibly, what follows may be the most important thing you will find in this entire blogpost… answering a related question:
What IS the Age of Awakening, Anyway?
Unfortunately, some folks find this a wormy-squirmy topic. I sure don’t blame them. Given the unhelpful nonsense that is sometimes used to describe what happened on December 21, 2012!
Unless you know better than that, please-please-please click on the link just supplied. Then read that blogpost.
Because that Shift into the Age of Awakening really did happen. In my view, you have some important new potentials in life now. Related to something exceedingly subtle, though. Since the Shift set in motion subtle differences to how your awareness works now.
For example, did you know that you have a new vibrational freedom for positioning your consciousness?
Sure enough! Unless you know how to adapt, uh-oh. Chances are you won’t adapt well.
But WHY “Energy Spirituality”? Why Did I Choose that Name?
Undoubtedly I could have come up with a catchier name if I’d tried. Only I wasn’t trying.
For one thing, I come from a family of teachers and innovators. Click on that link just supplied to learn more about that.
Alternatively, you might find it interesting to take a look here: Read the family info at this online description of my life work so far.
For another thing, I never set out to “create a field.” Instead, I cocreated one innovation after another. Giving it my best.
In case you ever wondered this: How do all the specialties of Energy Spirituality fit together so perfectly?
Search me! I just was doing my job.
At What Point Did I Choose the Name “Energy Spirituality”?
Definitely not at the beginning. You see, Blog-Buddies, I started facilitating sessions for clients in 1985. By 1986, I turned pro.
For all I knew, I was just another New Age healer. (Actually, I wasn’t. Joke on me.)
Naming the work that I did was not a priority. Nor was any kind of branding. Heck, I didn’t even start blogging until September 2007.
WHY Energy Spirituality?
Here’s How & When & Why It Happened
During the New Age Years, that’s the when. Specifically, the years from 1980 until the Shift on 12/21/12.
This was such a friendly time for somebody like me. I had scads of friends who were (unlike me) psychics, mediums, and/or energy healers. Although I knew that what I did was different, I didn’t really understand that part yet.
One of my good friends was Donna Eden, founder of Energy Medicine. Originally, she sent me a fan letter about my first national bestseller. Actually, thus far it’s still my only bestseller. Besides, it’s a bestseller for Random House Germany. Literally unreadable to me, haha.
Donna had found one of my first books, “Aura Reading Through All Your Senses.” Thus far in my career, I’ve had three books selected by major book clubs. And this was one of those times.
Embarrassing but true: Receiving the beautiful fan letter from Donna, I thought:
- Who handwrites a two-page letter?
- Claiming that she’s in an airport?
- And she (like me actually, in retrospect) has such an outrageous name. Really, “Donna Eden”?
WHY Energy Spirituality?
The Continuing Saga of Whence That Name & Why
Over the years I became quite good friends with Donna. Also, I was friendly with her husband, David Feinstein.
Following Donna’s lead, he had become the founder of Energy Psychology. Basically, this was tapping, EFT-style. Except David is eloqent, had a Ph.D.; he could really give legs to his version of tapping.
Although I didn’t have a good name for all the work I was doing. Back then, in my enthusiasm I worked some 50 hours a week. (Since then, for decades, I’ve been working way more hours than that. Funny! But that’s my choice. Basically, this “work” is so much fun, plus it helps people.)
Imagine this scene, if you would. Since this is what literally happened.
I was hanging out with my buddies Donna and David. Back then — unlike now — I believed in the promise of mind-body-spirit.
Concluding the Energy Spirituality (Name) Origin Story
“David and Donna, I was thinking about the names you’re using. Energy Medicine is such a great name. So is Energy Psychology. What if I called the kind of work I’ve been doing Energy Spirituality?
“Would you give me your blessing?”
Sweetly, they did.
Full disclosure: Sadly, with enormous regret, I am no longer a fan of either Energy Medicine or Energy Psychology.
Long story short, I sure wish that my New Age friends from decades ago… Including Donna and David… Had learned good skills for energetic literacy. Or had listened to my direct warnings to many of them, concerning consciousness lifestyles.
- Granted, some New Agers have become spiritual rather than psychic.
- Mostly, they’ve stayed faithful to their paths that worked just great in 1980. Resulting in a prolonged grief howl from me, at one point.
Meanwhile, Turns out, the Name Works Perfectly
And why-why-why?
Because folks like you are energy sensitive, right?
Actually, in the Age of Awakening, everybody who wishes to be energy sensitive can be. (Regardless of whether they know a thing about the Shift, incidentally.
Unfortunately, being energy sensitive doesn’t mean the same thing as having smarts.
On the other hand, Energy Spirituality is all about developing smarts about working with energy.
Plus, using our new vibrational freedom for positioning consciousness.
And definitely cocreating with the Divine.
- Every day I learn more about Energy Spirituality Face Reading.
- And/or learning about Energy Spirituality Aura Reading.
- Professionally and personally, I’m awed by the results of Energy Spirituality Empath Empowerment®.
- Just about daily, I facilitate sessions of Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING.
- And then there’s the most humbling-and-fascinating specialty of them all, Energy Spirituality Enlightenment Teaching.
In Conclusion
Look, Blog-Buddies, this is hardly a short-and-snappy blogpost.
Yet I could add more. Describing in detail how the unique approach here can help you. Hey, I haven’t even touched on the 10 Trademarks of Energy Spirituality!
Already you’ve found some general answers about how these different specialties can help you. As well as ways their uniqueness matters.
In addition, some of you long-term clients know this amazing next part. Knowing this from direct experience:
All the specialties of Energy Spirituality really do work synergistically. Wherever you start, that will be perfect.